The Foreign Exchange Student

By eshane101

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Two different people, two different lives, with thousands of miles in between. How could they ever meet? The... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

690 14 8
By eshane101

Chapter 1


 -Tokyo, Japan

Idiot. I am an absolute idiot. If there’s one thing I should have learned by now, it’s that you don’t tell an international arms dealer ‘no.’ Obviously, I hadn’t learned that yet.

That is how I came to find myself staring down the barrel of said international arms dealer’s shotgun. This particular arms dealer’s name was Kichida-san, or at least that’s what he told me to call him. I'm not even sure if that's his real name.

I was standing in his large apartment, where I had been called for a meeting. I hadn’t been expecting this though.

“I’m going to give you a chance to reconsider your decision.” Kichida said with a smirk. “Will you or will you not complete the mission?” Although he gave the order in the form of a question, we both knew that it was still an order. I really had no choice in the matter.

“I’ll do it.” I said quietly, and Kichida lowered his gun. He smiled victoriously, as if he had defeated me. Then he handed the gun to me.

“You have twenty-four hours. If I find out that it your father is not dead by this time tomorrow, you’ll be the one with a bullet through your skull.”

I nodded shakily and took the gun from his outstretched hand. Even as I slid the gun into my belt, a plan was forming in my head. A plan that would free me from this life, at least temporarily.


That night, I walked into my father’s study, the shotgun hidden beneath my jacket.

“I’m a little busy, Naoko-kun,” my father said, not even looking up from his computer screen. “Can we talk later?” My father was the chairman of Tanaka Inc., a technology company that he started long before I was born. He and his workers manufactured everything from computers to MP3 players, and he made great money. In fact, he was a millionaire.

One downside of having such a successful father is the fact that he is always busy. My mom left when I was little, for this very reason. She couldn’t deal with the fact that he paid no attention to her. I’ve been dealing with him all my life, so I got used to it.

“No.” I with a sigh. “This can’t wait.” I made up my mind right then, and slowly reached into my jacket and pulled out the gun. When my father finally looked up, I aimed it right between his eyes.

“Guards!” My father yelled frantically. Before I could pull the trigger, two of my father’s bodyguards rushed in and tackled me to the floor and ripped the gun from my hand. Oh yeah, another downside. My father always has several bodyguards around to protect him from his “enemies.” I never understood why a technology company chairman would have enemies,  but he assured me that the more money you have, the more enemies you have.

Believe it or not, this was what I wanted. I wasn’t really going to shoot my father. Going to prison for attempted murder would be nothing compared to dealing with the wrath of a very ticked off arms dealer, and it would definitely be better than killing my father. Since I was still a minor, I could probably get out soon anyway.

Actually, even if I didn’t go to prison, any punishment would be better than what Kichida would have in store for me.

I waited quietly for the police to arrive, one guard on either side of me, pinnnig my arms behind my back, and preventing me from moving even an inch. I turned my head slightly in an attempt to see my father, but all I caught was a glimpse of his face, and the emotions on it were indescribable. Before I could see more, my head was turned back by one of the guards so it was facing front again.

I took this time to think a little. Kichida had never explained to me why he hated my father so much, but it was obvious that there was some beef between them. It’s not like my father was a bad guy - he tried to make all of his products eco-friendly, and he donated a lot of the money and products he made to charity.

Still, for some reason, Kichida wanted my father dead.

Finally the police showed up. I didn’t put up a fight as I was arrested and handcuffed, and shoved into the back of a cruiser.

When we arrived at the  police station, I was un-cuffed and escorted into a small room where the police chief was already waiting for me. He was a friend of my dad’s, and I had known him since I was little.

“Naoko Tanaka. This is the fourth time you’ve been arrested in the past two years. The other times were for smuggling weapons, though, and we let you off easy then. This time you attempted to kill your own father. I know that you’re not a bad kid- you get good grades, you were never a bully or a vandal, you even seem to be a decently mannered person.” I rolled my eyes. I got this same lecture every time I was brought in here.

“I just think you’re associated with the wrong people. That is why I’ve taken the liberty of enrolling you in one of the world’s finest boarding schools.” When I just stared at him blankly, the chief elaborated. “It’s in America.”

And that is how I came to find myself on my way to America with a guard named Masaaki, who was told to keep an eye on me.

Well, this can’t be any worse than facing Kichida again.



 - Baltimore, Maryland

He saw me. I ran for cover behind a dumpster, but it was too late. He had seen me. My breathing was coming raggedly  as I began to think of what was inevitable. I had nothing but the dumpster for cover, and I knew that he'd be here within seconds.

I heard the light pounding of footsteps to my right, and I looked up slowly, dreading what I was about to see. There he was, standing right over me, gun pointed at my chest.

“Hey Sage.” He said casually, an arrogant smirk on his face.

“Please don’t.” I said quietly, but I knew it was useless.

“Sorry.” He said with a chuckle, and then he pulled the trigger.

A bright orange paint ball hit me in the shoulder and exploded all over my padded vest.

“I hate you, Shane.” I said, and Shane just smirked.

“I’m just playing the game.” He held out a hand, and I took it. He pulled me to my feet and grinned at me. “Looks like I win again.”

“That’s only because I lost my gun.” I walked across the alley to where my gun had been dropped. I picked it up and hooked it onto my belt.

“Sure. You can think whatever you want, but both of us will know it’s because I’m just so much better than you.”

“You wish. Everyone knows I am the paintball champion of the east coast.” I smiled proudly, and Shane rolled his eyes. “Hey,” I said, realizing that we were the only two people around. “Where are Aaron and Taylor?”

Aaron is my older brother, and Taylor Quinn is his girlfriend. During the two years that Taylor had been dating Aaron, we had become as close as sisters. Aaron was a senior, and Taylor and I were both juniors. The three of us, along with Shane, go to Baltimore Academy, one of the best boarding schools in the world.

“I don’t know where they went off to,” Shane replied. “They’ll show up sooner or later.”

Shane was Aaron’s best friend, and he was also a senior. He and Aaron had been friends for as long as I can remember, and Shane was as much of a brother to me as Aaron was.

Shane and I were standing in the forgotten apartment complex where we have our frequent paintball fights. We headed back to Aaron’s four-door pickup truck that was parked on the street nearby. Shane and I hopped into the back, only to find Aaron and Taylor already sitting in the front, kissing.

“Get a room!” I yelled, and Aaron and Taylor both jumped. They separated quickly, and Shane and I laughed.

“So,” Aaron said casually, trying to change the subject. “Who won?”

“Shane….” I mumbled quietly, hoping Aaron wouldn’t hear me.

“What was that? I don’t think Aaron heard you.” Shane smirked, and I punched him in the arm.

“I said Shane won, okay?!?!” I shrunk back into my seat, pouting.

“I see.” Aaron replied, and I could tell he was smiling just by the tone of his voice.

“It was only because I dropped my gun! I was unarmed, so Shane didn’t actually beat me.”

“You two get way too intense with your paintball-ing.” Aaron slung one arm around Taylor’s shoulder, and used the other to steer the truck as he drove down the road. We lived only a few minutes away, and Taylor and Shane would probably just stay at our house for the day. That was how we spent our weekends - the four of us getting into any trouble we could.


Back at the house, we got some lunch then sat around watching whatever came on TV. It was rather boring, to say the least. Eventually Shane went home, but Taylor stayed longer.

Our parents still weren’t home. They travel a lot on business, even more now since Aaron and I are old enough to take care of ourselves. They’re ‘entrepreneurs,’ or at least that’s what they call themselves. They’re professional photographers, and they constantly have to travel whenever someone hires them. I’m not complaining, though, because they make good money. I just wish sometimes that they were home more often.

I know that there are people who are a lot less fortunate and they don't have parents who provide for them, but that doesn't mean I'm spoiled for being upset that I don't see them much. Trust me, I've heard the 'you should be grateful for what you have' speech at least a dozen times.

Aaron and I aren’t at home a lot either, since we can only leave the school on the weekends, but there’s always the bright side to look at - when we are home, Aaron and I are usually home alone. Being the two typical teenagers that we are, being at home alone has its perks.

So that was how I found myself on Saturday night, watching late night TV and trying not to gag as Aaron and Taylor ‘cuddled.’ I ate my microwaveable mac-and-cheese in silence.

It was then that I made a personal vow to never, ever find myself in that kind of mushy relationship. Of course, that was assuming that I actually found a guy to be in a relationship with.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not ugly or mean or anything. I’ve just kind of realized over the years that guys are intimidated by me. I get straight As - I always have - I won the state championships in pole vaulting, and I like to think that I’m a fairly attractive person. I have also trained with Aaron and Shane in martial arts since I was six. It has occurred to me that the guys at my school don’t like girls who are independent and can think for themselves.

Enough about my love life. I really don’t like to think about it that much.

I continued flipping through the channels until I decided to go to bed. It’s not like I had anything better to do. For most people, weekends are the best part of the week, but for me, the highlight of my weekend is our paintball fight. After that, I usually start looking forward to Monday.


Sunday sort of passed in a blur. I finished up a projecct that was due soon, did some laundry and cleaning, and went out to lunch with Aaron, Taylor, and Shane.

Finally, it was Monday. I got up at 6:30 and took a shower, following my usual morning routine. Then I put on some dark denim capris and a burgundy scoop-neck top. I let my long, dark-blonde-almost-brown, slightly wavy hair hang loose. I grabbed my weekend bags to bring back to the school, picked up my backpack, slipped on my silver flip-flops, and headed out the door.

Then, after hearing my stomach growl, I ran back inside and grabbed a granola bar. Then I ran back outside and stood by the pickup truck in the driveway and waited for Aaron to come out.

Finally, he emerged from the house carrying his weekend bags and school bag, like I was.

“Ready?” He asked, unlocking the truck and throwing his bags in the back.

“That’s why I’m standing out here,” I said as I also threw my bags into the truck.

Aaron ignored my comment, went around to the driver’s side, and started the ignition. I climbed into the passenger’s side and barely had my seatbelt buckled before Aaron sped out of the driveway.

When we got to the school, Aaron jumped out of the truck, grabbed his bags, and ran toward his dorm. He probably wanted to get unpacked and still have time to talk to Taylor before school started. One of the nice things about our school is that since we can go home on the weekends,  school starts an hour later on Mondays so we can all get re-situated.

I got my bags out of the truck and headed toward my dorm, taking advantage of my extra time by walking slowly and taking in the scenery.

Baltimore Academy was beautiful, inside and out. Trees and flowers and shrubs surrounded the main courtyard, as well as the rest of the campus. There were a few fountains scattered around the major buildings, and the buildings were all pretty old and made out of brick. In my opinion, the bricks just gave the whole place a nice look. Baltimore Academy was exclusive, and I don’t mean to brag, but it was only for the smartest and most talented.

I, as I said before, get perfect grades, and I’m a pole vaulter. Aaron is the same way, only he plays lacrosse. Shane is the star soccer player for our school, and he doesn’t get bad grades, but he doesn’t always get straight As. Taylor, on the other hand, gets even better grades than I do - which is only possible because she is taking every AP course she can, so her GPA is higher than mine. She doesn’t play sports, but she is on the Debate Team, Academic Challenge Team, and pretty much every other academic club out there. Thankfully, though, she's not the know-it-all type. In fact, she even seems shy about her intelligence.

And that is how all four of us ended up at this school.

I finally made it to my dorm, and I said hello to everyone as I walked inside. I reached my room, dug through my bag until I found my key, then went inside.

My best friend and roommate, Amber, was already inside and unpacking her things.

“Hey!” She shouted when she finally saw me.

“Hey, yourself,” I replied as I made my way over to my side of the room. I began moving my clothes from my weekend bag into the set of drawers next to my bed. I put my favorite pillow back on my bed, then moved to the bathroom that Amber and I shared so I could put my toothbrush, toothpaste, and things like that back where they belong.

Amber and I had finished unpacking in silence, and when we were done, we both sat down on our beds, facing each other.

“So…” I began, trying to lead into a conversation.

“So are you ready for another week?” Amber asked, perky as ever.

“Of course.” I replied with a smile.

“Do you think that maybe this week is the week that you find Mr. Perfect?” I sighed and rolled my eyes. I had explained to Amber all of my thoughts and theories as to why none of the guys here liked me, and since then she has made it her mission to find me a guy. She asked me the same question at the start of every week.

“Can you just give up on that?” I whined.

“Never,” Amber responded with a smirk.

“Come on,” I said, standing up. Amber did the same. “We should get to first period.” We grabbed our book bags and headed out the door.

I had French 3 first period, and I was thankful for that, since it was my favorite class, and in my opinion, the easiest.

“Bonjour, Dame Arlette.” I said as I walked into the classroom. Our French teacher let us call her by her first name, as long as we made it formal by saying ‘lady’ or ‘miss’ in front of it.

“Bonjour, Sage.” She replied with a smile. Then she continued in English, though her heavy accent was unmistakable “Headmaster Harlow would like to see you in his office.”

My eyes widened slightly. I had only been in Mr. Harlow’s office a few times, and I was only ever there for a few minutes to accept an award. I couldn’t help but wonder if I had won an award that I didn’t know I was nominated for.

“Should I go now?” I asked, and Dame Arlette nodded.

I exited the room, not even bothering to set my bag down at my desk.

I walked quickly to Mr. Harlow’s office, my anticipation getting the better of me.

About two minutes later I skidded to a halt inside his office, a little out of breath.

Mr. Harlow was waiting or me, standing in the center of his office with some Asian guy, probably Japanese by the shape of his facial features, who was about my age and who looked bored to death. There was another, bigger Japanese man standing just behind the young one, and he looked to be in his late twenties.

“Sage Ryker!” Mr. Harlow shouted a little too loudly and a little too excitedly. He then turned to the older Japanese man. “This is Sage - she’s one of the top students here, not just with her grades, but with her personality and her involvement in the activities here. She was the first person that came to mind when I was asked to find a guide for young Mr. Tanaka here.” Mr. Harlow motioned to the younger guy.

I raised my eyebrows slightly. So I was a guide? How interesting.

Mr. Harlow turned back to me. “Ms. Ryker? It seems as though we have an exchange student who will be attending here, starting today. He is from Tokyo, Japan, and his name is Naoko Tanaka.”

I nodded, then smiled politely and held my hand out. “Pleased to meet you, Nay-oh-koh,” I pronounced each syllable carefully, making sure I said it right.

Naoko took my hand and nodded, confirming that I had pronounced his name correctly. He still looked bored, though.

I also noticed that neither Naoko nor the older man had spoken yet. It made me wonder if they could speak English or not. They seemed to understand it, so I guessed they could at least speak it a little.

“Sage, I was wondering if you would be willing to help Mr. Tanaka get settled here - show him to his classes, help him find his way around and make some friends?”

“Of course,” I said, the polite smile still plastered on my face. “I’m always willing to help.”

“That’s fantastic,” Mr. Harlow said, then quickly reached for a piece of folded paper on his desk, and held it out to me. “Sage, this is a pass to get you out of your classes for the next few days, as needed. Don’t abuse it.”

I smirked a little. “Never.” I took the paper from his hand.

“Okay,” Mr. Harlow said, rubbing his hands together, “I’ll let you two kids do what you need to do. Have a nice day.” I took that as a dismissal, and I turned and headed out the door. Once I was clear of the office, I turned around to find that Naoko had also taken the opportunity to leave.

“So,” I said cheerily, “where’s your first class?”

Naoko didn’t reply, but handed me his schedule instead. I didn’t look at it right away, because I seemed to be noticing what Naoko actually looked like for the first time. He had long hair, and it was dark brown - maybe even black - the same color hair that every Japanese person had. He was wearing dark, form-fitting jeans that weren’t tight, but they weren’t baggy either. He had on a plain grey t-shirt with an unzipped black jacket over it. He was, in fact, tall, dark, and handsome.

I pulled my eyes away from him before he could notice me staring, and glanced at his schedule. “Pre-calculus. Great. I don’t have that until third period, but I guess we could go there now.”

I pointed in the direction we were headed, and then started walking. Naoko matched my stride perfectly. I was growing increasingly worried about his language skills, though.

We walked in silence, but I stopped before we got to the classroom. “Okay, I have to know something.” I said firmly. “You seem to understand me perfectly, but can you speak English?”

Naoko’s face remained blank. Maybe I had assumed wrong - maybe he hadn’t understood everything I’d said.

“Uh…” I wasn’t exactly sure what to say. I nervously cracked my knuckles and shifted from one foot to the other.

Naoko’s expression didnt change. “Of course I speak English.” His accent was just noticeable, but his English was perfect. “What? Did you think that just because I'm from Japan that I don't speak English? You learn foreign languages at your high school, and so do we.” He sounded slightly angry, and that bothered me. I wasn't stereotyping him or anything - I honestly thought he just didn't know English.

I felt a twinge of annoyance inside of me, but I tried my best to ignore it. This was Naoko's first day, and he was probably just nervous and on edge, so I cut him some slack.

"Look, I know it's your first day and you're probably overwhelmed - "

"No, actually, I'm not." Naoko interrupted me mid-entence. "I just get annoyed easily by quirky American girls who think they're better than everyone else." Even though his voice was angry, Naoko's expression remained emotionless.

I scoffed and placed my hands on my hips. This boy was really starting to aggravate me. New or not, he didn't have the right to talk to me like that. "I do not think I'm better than everyone else!"

"Save it." He said simply, then took his schedule from my hand. "I'll find my class on my own."

I stared after Naoko, not exactly sure what had just happened. I can't believe he was so rude! Again, I get that he's probably nervous about being in a new country and all, but his behavior was uncalled for. He doesn't even know me - he has no right to make harsh judgments about me!

Well, I just hoped that he would be able to find someone else to help him find his way around theschool, because I sure wasn't going to do anything for him ever again.


After a long day of classes, I went back to my dorm, flung the door open, and plopped down onto my bed. I threw my bag against the wall and let out a sigh.

It was then that I noticed that something was off. I looked over to Amber's side of the room, and gasped at what I saw.

There were no hot pink sheets on her bed, no boy band posters littering the walls. There were, in fact, several suitcases and duffel bags sitting on the ground.

Amber emerged from the bathroom carrying a bag of toiletries and looking particularly glum.

"Um, what's going on?" I asked slowly, not sure what else I could ask.

"I am, uh, moving out." Amber said, meeting my gaze with a sad look in her eyes.

"What?!?! Why?" I couldn't believe it. Amber and I had been roommates for nearly three years!

"Don't get me wrong - it wasn't my choice." That only made me feel worse. Who could force Amber to leave? As if reading my mind, she continued. "Headmaster asked me to move out for a while. He said it's not a punishment, and it probably won't be permanent."

"Did he say why?" I was still having a hard time comprehending all of this.

"Yeah," Amber replied, a confused expression crassing her face. "He said you're getting a new roommate."

It was silent for a minute as I let all of this sink in. A new roommate? In the middle of the year? That was odd.

I pushed the questions out of my head for a moment as I stood up and made my way over to Amber, enveloping her in a tight hug. "We're still going to hang out. And call each other, and text each other. And we'll see each other in some classes." I said all of these things for my benefit as much as Amber's.

"See ya." Amber said as she pulled away, picked up her bags, and headed out the door.

Once she was gone, I vowed to myself that whoever had stolen Amber's spot as my roommate was going to regret it every minute they're in this dorm.

*A/N: Hey everyone! Okay, this is only my second story, so don't judge me too harshly. If you have any comments of constructive criticism or any suggestions about the story, don't be afraid to comment!

Also, I doubt that taking two seconds to vote will kill you either. ;]

Thanks!!! :D

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