Don't Ever Tell ( A Justin Bi...

By basrav98

28.7K 795 65

What happens when Erin goes to camp as punishment for her bad grades. She was never actually bad but her pare... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
If you have ideas for story share them
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 12

890 25 1
By basrav98

Erin POV

I layed in Justin's arms for a while just taking in the moment. Two weeks had passed since our ghost prank. Of course Tina found out it was fake but she hadened attacked. I knew I should have been relieved but instead I was worried out of my mind. Or at least until now. Justin had fixed all of that.

"Hey Erin can I tell you something?"

"Of course."

He took a deep breath and my head went up and down with his chest. "I've never felt this way about any of my fwb's and well I think I love you."

Did he really just say that?


"Look I know but you said give you time and I did."

"I know and I......."

Say it you baby.

"I ........ love you too."

His chest stopped and I thought he died.

If this was what love felt like then I don't think I wanted to experience it again.


His chest started to move again and a smile broke out on his face. Unfortunately the dinner bell rang and it quickly faded. "As soon as you're done eating come back here. I'm going to show you what it feels to love someone."

I smiled to where I was surprised my face didn't rip. 

I walked into the cafeteria and spotted Tina staring at me. A shiver ran down my spine. That girl was all kinds of crazy. Then to make it worse she smiled at me. I quickly grabbed my lunch and nearly ran over to Justin's table.

About 10 minutes into the meal the head counselor walked in." Where is Ms. Erin?"

Nooooo what did I do. I didn't do anything.

He walked over to me and his face was anything but happy.

The cafeteria went silent. I felt every pair of eyes on me.

"Would you like to explain this?" He held up the rat cage that sat in the animal observation center of the camp.

"Their all dead."

"Exactly. What makes you think this was going to go unpunished?"

Wait did he think I did this? Why?

"But sir I...."

"Now we've tolerated your pranks but now you've crossed the line. Not only these but you've killed 2 cats and 3 guinea pigs."

"No I...."

"Follow counselor Mcknight for your punishment."

I got up but not without glancing at Tina. Her face had the widest smirk. Then I felt something in me. 

All the good left. All I wanted was that bitch to feel cold and hard karma.

Justin's POV

I paced the cabin. Tina that bitch. I knew Erin didn't do this she was with me every free period of the day.

When was she going to be back? I sat on the bed trying to stay awake. To no luck I fell asleep in seconds.

'Bang' 'Bang' ' Bang'

I lethargically awoke. It was dark and I could't clearly see. Then a lantern was lit and the cabin was filled with light. I saw a figure appear and my first thought was Erin.

"Hello Justin."

No that was not Erin."What?"

"Oh I've missed you baby."

"Huuh Tina what are you doing here." I felt the bed slightly dip indicating someone had sat down.

"I know it's been hard but I'm here. You don't have to be stuck with Erin anymore."

"Get out."

"How about I get comfortable." 

My vision was blurry but I could make out her taking off her shirt."Stop!"

'Crack' 'Crack"

I heard someone approaching. Counselors didn't come out at this time it had to be Erin.

"Tina get out now!"

"But Justin?"

I flung off the covers to get up just as the door opened. As I leaned to get up I came close to Tina's face. 

It didn't take long for Erin to see us and take off.

Erin's POV

I walked into the cabin and saw Justin leaning into a shirtless Tina. 

How could he? He said he loved me. He said he wanted me. He was suppose to be showing me love but I walk in on him with her.

"Erin! Erin please wait!"

I didn't want to stop but I did. Although it wasn't to listen to him. "How could you? You dirty, stinking, dumbass liar!"

"Erin please let me...."

"But no wait I'm the dumbass because I actually thought you cared. Damn was I stupid."

"Just let me.."

"No I don't want to ever talk to you again." I stormed off after that leaving him there to watch. 


Justin's POV

Another week had gone by and Erin still wouldn't talk to me or even look at me. She came in and out of the cabin not long enough for me to strike up a conversation. On top of that she was on community service for the camp so that didn't give her much spare time.

I walked around thinking of a way that I could corner her. Force her to listen. I reached my cabin and found Tina waiting for me. "Get the fuck out."

"Oh c'mon Justin calm down. I'm only here to give you what you want."

"If that's you getting your ass kicked by Erin then lets get started."

"Very funny but both you and I know that you haven't had sex in a while and I'm sure that's bothering you."

She was right. I was very in need of it bad. With all of the stress and drama it would be the perfect reliever. I was so caught up in my thoughts I hadn't noticed Tina walk up to me.

"Here baby have a drink."

I was about to reach for it when reality hit me. "Get out now!"

"It's just one and you know you nee it."

I considered her words. She wasn't going to leave and the only way I was going to tolerate her was by being drunk.One drink wasn't going to do that. I walked over and grabbed the bottle. The liquid was like fire going down my throat but it was better than being stuck with Tina.

I finished the bottle in record timing and my mind fuzzed up twice as fast. I was going to be fucked up in the morning. I made my way to the bed hitting the floor twice considering I saw three of them. 

"Now don't you feel better?"

Nooo I actually thought she left. ''Ge ge get away."

"Oh Justin trust me you don't want Erin."

"Yes I do."

"Justin I didn't want to be the one to tell you but she's with someone you were simply her go to fuck buddy."

I knew I was messed up but I couldn't listen to her. "You're a liar." As I said that my mind was slipping by the second.

"Justin trust me I mean why do you think she always leaves the cabin so fast?"

I started to feel angry but still a part of my mind knew this was Tina. "She has to do serrrrvice."

"Justin I checked her service schedule. All I want is for you to be happy and she's lying to you."

"No you're lying to me." My mind was almost a cloud and I felt a mixture of emotions take over all in Tina's favor.

"Justin she only has service one hour after each meal."

What? No. I tried to think straight but at this point my mind plummeted. Why would Erin lie to me? 

"I'm sorry Justin but it's true."

That bitch. I didn't want to believe Tina but at this point and in my state it made since. What cleaning was she doing when the cafeteria was done? 

None that's what. How could I be so stupid.

I felt Tina rub on my leg close to my groin. Her mouth touching my ear."Let me fix what she did."

What she did felt so right and if Erin was going to hurt me I deserved to giver her a taste of her own medicine. I smashed my lips on to hers and the rest was a black out.

I was panting hard and Tina was finishing me off with a blowjob. Not as good as Erin's but it was good.

Just as she was about to finish the door flew open. 

"What is going on in here?"

Okay yes I was drunk but I still hated that question. You can see what's going on yet you still ask.

We rushed to get dressed and I only managed to get on my pants.

We were now being dragged away but that didn't stop Tina. "Those are for you. I wouldn't want you to forget this little arrangement." She slipped her hand in my pocket then back out. 

I was exausted when I was finally told I could leave the head counselor's office. I now had community service but to my luck Erin was my partner. Hopefully she wouldn't hear about this and I would be able to talk to her. 

As I left out I felt a body slam into mine then lips touch mine. 

"Thanks for a fun time." Then Tina walked away.

Just as I started to head back to the cabin I saw Erin. She was watching me and hurt reflected off of her face.


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