Dream and you will achieve...

By Forever_A_Fangirlxx

760 23 5

Ebony-Jayde and her best friend Karlee have just moved to Sydney and live in an apartment together. They have... More

Chapter one - Six eventful hours
Chapter two - Best Friends finally meet
Chapter three - Thinking about her...
Chapter four - Is this fate?
Chapter five - Recalling the perfect day
Chapter six - Date preparations
Chapter eight - The long awaited date
Chapter nine - Birthday preparations
On hold!!

Chapter seven - Catch up

35 2 0
By Forever_A_Fangirlxx

Ebony's POV

It is seven o'clock I was just awoken by my alarm, Tainesha and I are going shopping today for her date with Will I wonder if Karlee would like to come aswell? I walk down stairs to make pancakes for breakfast but it looks like Karlee bet me to it. "Morning Karls, have a good sleep?" She turned around and tiredly replied "Hey Eb, yeah it was alright how about you?" I opened the fridge and poured us a each a cup or orange juice. "Yeah, ok I guess I had one if those weird dreams again... I was wondering would you like to come shopping with Tainesha and I for her and Will's date?", "Really Eb what do you think it's telling you? I would love to but Jayden is coming over when he and the boys are finished at the studio, sorry!", "That's okay I was just wondering, you two love birds have fun, no funny business." I said and winked at her, she just rolled her eyes and said I have nothing to worry about they are only hanging out.

Karlee's POV

I woke up and the house was quiet Eb must still be asleep not that she is loud she just sings a lot not that in complaining she has a really good voice! Nobody knows about it though she doesn't believe she is good. I walked in the kitchen and decided I will start making pancakes. "Morning Karls, have a good sleep?" I turned around and tiredly replied "Hey Eb, yeah it was alright how about you?", "Yeah, ok I guess I had one if those weird dreams again... I was wondering would you like to come shopping with Tainesha and I for her and Will's date?", "Really Eb what do you think it's telling you? I would love to but Jayden is coming over when he and the boys are finished at the studio, sorry!", "That's okay I was just wondering, you two love birds have fun, no funny business." she winked at me, I knew what she was hinting, I just rolled my eyes and said she have nothing to worry about they are only hanging out.

Tainesha's POV

Today is going to be the best day of my life, I got up at six o'clock as I was so excited! Later this morning I was going shopping with my friend Ebony who I haven't seen for a while, we are going shopping to buy my outfit for my date with the one and only William Singe. I always dreamed of going in a date with Will and I can't believe Ebony helped make that dream come true! (A/N linking with the title 'Dream and you will achieve!') I am going to have a shower and get organised then drive to Ebony's apartment. Ebony always told me that she was going to get Will and I together but I always thought she was joking and said it just to make me happy! I got out of the shower, got dressed then blow dried and straitened my hair. Once I had finished getting ready I texted Ebony letting her know in just about to leave.

Will's POV

Today is the day, my date with the beautiful Tainesha, I am actually really excited! I have to thank Ebony later without her help tonight wouldn't be happening, she has helped me with organising tonight and helped communicate with Tainesha so she can get the details. Trent spotting Ebony the other day has changed our lives, Trent found now likes Ebony but thinks it is to soon to ask her to be his girlfriend, Jayden and Ebony's friend Karlee are practically dating, she helped me found the love of my life but the most important is that we have two more loving friends!

Ebony's POV

I got ready for Tainesha and my shopping trip, I left my hair as it was as it is naturally wavy and grabbed a cute shirt and shorts then put on my vanz. I am now waiting for Tainesha to come over so we can go to the shops. Today will be the first time I have seen Tainesha three months, it will be good to catch up! So Tainesha has just arrived I invited her in, she said hello to Karlee and they had a quick conversation while I got drinks. After Tainesha finished her drink we said good bye to Karlee and left for our shopping adventure. In the car ride we spoke about what has happened in the past three months. We arrived at the shops and begun the look for Tainesha's outfit.

Tainesha's POV

I just arrived at Ebony's apartment, I knocked on the door and she invited me in. I met her friend Karlee, we sat in the long taking while Ebony got us drinks. After I finished my drink Ebony and I said goodbye to Karlee and left. On the car ride to the shops Ebony and I spoke about what had happened in our life since we last saw each other. I found out more information on Ebony meeting The Collective, that her and Trent were becoming more than friends and that Karlee and Jayden are hitting it off really well thy is actually why Karlee isn't coming with us tidy because her and Jayden are hanging out. Ebony and I walked in and out of shops trying to find a cute outfit for my date with Will tonight. We walked into top shop looking at all these outfits we finally found the perfect dress! It is a peach coloured dress that lands just above my knees, we also found these cute sandals, a clutch, pearl earrings and a matching pearl bracelet. We had finally finished our shop and I had the cutest outfit. Ebony and I drove back to her and Karlee's apartment. Ebony helped me get ready, she curled my hair and and put on a minimal amount of makeup. I was very pleased with how I look now all I have to do is what for my Prince Charming to arrive!

Hi everyone,

I am so sorry for not updated earlier, I have had writers block, family problem have come in the way and more recently I lost a fellow student to suicide. I have been an emotional wreck the last two weeks but I am getting there! :) I don't exactly know when chapter eight will be up but I will try to make it soon!

~ Ebony-Jayde xo

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