A Caged Bird - Chasing Normal...

By kirylin

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After Melinda's party, Travis found herself in the very unusual position of being grounded. Not everyone agre... More

Scene 25: Locked Up
Scene 26: New Glory's Cyber Layer
Scene 28: The Virtual World
Scene 29: Exploring the Virtual World
Scene 30: Freedom

Scene 27: Boring Girl

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By kirylin

Travis' mind was still on the virtual world when she got to work Monday morning. Gloria and Rose promised to come over the following weekend and help her get set up, and Travis was ready to get exploring.

By lunch, it was all Travis could think about. "Do you two hang out in the virtual world?"

Noel muttered, "Everyone has a character in the virtual world."

Nigel wrinkled his nose. "Nearly everyone experiments with the virtual world at some point. But it gets lame after a while."

"Oh?" After watching Gloria and Rose play for an entire afternoon, Travis couldn't imagine how anyone could get bored in the virtual world. It was like a giant game where many of the characters were other real people, and there were so many places to explore.

"Yeah, you just wander around and get roughed up by more experienced players."

"Only when you're too lame to pick up any fighting skills, bro." Noel snickered. "It's not that bad, but there really isn't anything to do on there after a while. We'd rather spend our time making things in the real world."

"Oh," Travis made a mental note to find out how long the girls had been playing.

"Anyway," Nigel reached over and stole a carrot off Travis' plate, "want to come out with us Friday night?"

"I can't. I'm grounded."

"What? You've never sneaked out before?" Noel stole a carrot off his brother's tray.

No, I haven't. I've imagined sneaking out so many times over the last few years, but I could never actually do it. What if I got caught? Mom would never let me out of the apartment ever again. Travis shook her head.

"Really?" Nigel's eyes were wide. "I'd've figured you snuck out all the time the way you talk about your mom."

"We rarely live somewhere I could sneak out of easily. I have no idea how I would get out of our current apartment."

"Well, figure it out. We want you to come out with us."

"O...Okay?" Travis sifted through her salad.


She didn't give Nigel's request another thought until the next morning when he ambushed her on her way into the studio. "So?"


"Yeah. Are you coming or not?"

"I don't know, Nigel. It really is difficult to sneak out of my apartment. I'm twelve stories up with no balcony or ledges." Travis adjusted her bag on her hip. "Plus, Mom's gotten really weird about keeping tabs on me lately. Why not just wait until the end of the month when I'm not grounded any more?"

Nigel huffed. "Because. You need to take charge of your life. You're an apprentice now."

Travis stopped, "You sound just like Melinda."

Nigel froze just a few steps ahead of Travis. "Whatever." He quickened his pace and slipped through the door.

When Travis got to the door, Nigel had already crossed the lobby and made it through the secured door.

"Mornin, sugar!" Lorraine called out.

Travis waved her off as she strode into the studio proper.


When Nigel sat down at lunch, he seemed to be in a better mood. "Look, I'm sorry about what I said to you this morning."

"Why do you care if I go out with you guys this weekend? What are you doing?"

"We were just going to hang out. It's not important."

"It was pretty important to you this morning."

"It's just... You're so...," Nigel's voice trailed off, and he sipped at his drink.

"I'm so what?" Travis felt her blood start to boil.

"You're boring, Travis. You...like...never do anything."

Travis blinked as a desperate need to explode raged right under the surface. "I do things. I draw. I help my grandparents. I've been to..." She caught herself before she revealed the underground.

"You've been where, Travis? To the town center?"

Actually, no. "I've been through a seam street."

Nigel took another sip. "I'm impressed."

"You're kidding." Travis could feel herself losing patience with the conversation.

"Nope. That's the first time I've heard you actually doing anything interesting."

Travis tried to come up something else, but she really hadn't taken the time to explore the city since she arrived. "Well, I guess you don't know me as well as you thought you did."

"RIght." Nigel finished his drink and stood up. "Bye, Travis."

"Whatever," she muttered.

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