Pumpkin Patch Princess

By juliecdao

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A fairy godmother internship is just what Noelle needs to escape her family's pumpkin business . . . until sh... More

Author's Notes and Copyright
Cast of Characters
CHAPTER ONE: The (Very Secret) Job Hunt
CHAPTER TWO: Visiting Valentine
CHAPTER THREE: Pumpkins and Parental Units
CHAPTER FOUR: Sneaks and Goodbyes
CHAPTER FIVE: From Irisia With Love
CHAPTER SIX: What The Cat Dragged In
CHAPTER SEVEN: Tests and Trainers
CHAPTER EIGHT: A Diet of Salad and Jealousy
CHAPTER NINE: Overachieving Underdogs
CHAPTER TEN: Frog On the Lam
CHAPTER ELEVEN: Excuse Me... HOW Many Dancing Princesses?!
CHAPTER TWELVE: Did He Just Call Us Boulders?
CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Fire Torches and Thrown Out Shoes
CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Keeping Cool and Keeping Records
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Pumpkin Patch Princess
CHAPTER NINETEEN: Singed Hair Is So Unattractive
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: The Glass Slipper Charm
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: Old Habits Die Really Hard
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE: Excited, Yet Nauseated
CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR: The Pumpkin Carriage
CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE: So Close, and Still So Far
CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX: Olive Branches and New Beginnings
CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN: Back to the Pumpkin Patch

CHAPTER FIFTEEN: The Pumpkin Pie Guy

9.9K 822 187
By juliecdao

I spun around to find Kit smiling at me. Immediately I was aware of how ridiculous I probably looked with a frog on one shoulder and a cat draped over the other. "You again," was all I could think to say.

His hazel eyes twinkled. "Nice to see you, too. All of you," he said, his grin widening as he looked at Muffet and Alfonso. Yes, he was definitely laughing at me.

It reminded me of how he had called me a tourist in that annoying, self-assured way and I drew myself up to my full, not-very-impressive height. I still barely came up to his chin. "Sorry, I can't chat. I've got important errands to do."

"Your friend Maud's not with you today," he observed, crossing his arms in front of his chest. I noticed how toned they were – probably from lifting pumpkins – and cleared my throat. He was still grinning like he knew everything I was thinking.

"She's working." I paused. "Wait a minute. How do you know her name? I didn't introduce you last time."

"Everyone here knows Maud," he said quickly. "She's pretty famous. She's in the tabloids all the time."

My jaw dropped. "What's Maud been doing to get into the tabloids?"

Kit laughed. "Keep your frog on, princess. They're all in there every now and then, whenever there's some big wedding. Don't worry, you don't need to be ashamed of your fairy godmother."

"Anyway, shouldn't you be working?" I asked. "I've been in here twice but I've never seen you at the pumpkin stall."

Kit tilted his head, grinning. "Oh, were you looking for me?"

"No!" I said, feeling my face heat up. "I'm just interested in the cart because my dad grows pumpkins. Anyway, I gotta run. Nice chatting with you."

"Wait, I'm going the same way! My lunch break's over soon. Maybe I can help you find what you're looking for." He fell into step beside me, which I found that I didn't mind. Only because it was easier to navigate the crowds with his broad shoulders clearing the way, of course.

"You said your dad grows pumpkins?" Kit said.

"Yeah. Good pumpkins, too," I replied. "I saw the ones at your stall. They're okay."

He laughed. "My boss Mallory would have a fit if she heard you say that. She's proud as punch about them. She was so depressed when some pompous bighead got first place at the Finale fair."

I froze. "Excuse me? Some pompous bighead?"

"Yeah." Kit stared at me. "Her words, not mine."

"Your boss is a sore loser and I would seriously rethink working for her if I were you," I said, disgusted. "There's the pumpkin stall. Good day."

"Noelle, come on, wait. Don't be mad," he said, grabbing my arm. "I'm sure Mallory didn't mean what she said. She was just upset about losing. Please don't be mad, okay?" His hand felt warm and reassuring on my elbow.

"Fine," I said, but my voice didn't sound as grudging as I wanted it to. A little flustered by my own outburst, I looked around for a distraction and spotted the glass charm cart. "Let's go over there for a second. I want to check something out."

"Looking for a souvenir to take home to Indigo?" Kit asked mischievously, watching as I made a beeline for the little glass shoe I had admired.

I looked at him, impressed that he had remembered where I lived, but didn't have a chance to respond before the elegant vendor swept over with a ruby smile.

"That shoe is one of my favorite charms. It would be lovely on a chain, wouldn't it?"

I nodded. "How much is it?" When she named her price, I took a step back, shocked. "Why is it so expensive?"

"Well, you see, none of them are just pretty charms. They all give different kinds of luck to the bearer." She touched two glass charms nearest her. "This horse, for example, ensures safe travels. And this thimble is for domestic fortune. But I can tell that you have discriminating taste, because the shoe represents the most valuable luck of all."

"Valuable only because you want it. Tourist trap," Kit said under his breath.

The woman must have heard the comment, but she ignored it. "The shoe is a symbol of protection. This charm ensures that you will get to where you want to go in life."

I really liked that, and I told her so, pretending not to see Kit's grimace. "Maybe I'll come back for it," I said.

She gave me a knowing smile. "It will be here."

Her words stuck with me as we turned to leave. "Doesn't she think someone will buy it?"

Kit laughed. "Does it look like they were doing good business to you? And it's no wonder, with prices like that. Just buy some cheap blue sand from Marina like everyone else."

I shook my head. "Why do you even work here? You have such a condescending attitude about everything related to the market."

"Do I? I wasn't aware." The laugh in his voice told me he was fully aware. "It's something to do."

"How nice for you," I said sarcastically. "Other people work because they like what they do or they need money. But I don't think either one applies to you."

His bemused hazel eyes studied my face. "Don't you feel the need to do something once in a while? Keep busy?"

I shrugged. "I've been busy every single day of my life."

He was still watching me with his head tipped to one side. "Yes, I can believe that. So why are you always in Irisia if you come from Indigo?"

"It's something to do," I echoed, smiling. I hadn't realized we had stopped in our tracks, just looking at each other, until Muffet meowed loudly in my ear. I jumped, scowling at him before realizing that we had arrived at Janice's hut. "I've got some things to buy here."

We crowded inside and the already stuffy room felt even smaller with Kit filling up the space.

"I need some essence of pepperwood, please," I told Janice, trying to meet her creepy, milk-white stare directly. "And fifteen grams of boarhound powder."

The crone looked from me to Kit and then back, cackling. "Making a love potion, are we? I don't blame you one bit. He's a handsome one."

"What?" I asked, flustered. "I don't know what you're talking about. Maud wants the powder, obviously."

Beside me, Kit snickered.

Janice got up, grinning at us with crooked yellow teeth. "Boarhound makes them want to stay with you," she said, as she reached for a jar of white powder on a high shelf. She measured it out on some paper and winked at Kit. "Mind what you drink from now on, young man."

"I surely will, ma'am," Kit said, grinning back.

"Next time you go out with your girl, you'd better clean up a bit more," Janice said, not done lecturing him. She actually reached out and brushed off some crumbs from his shirt. "Lots of other young men about, you know."

"He's just a pie-maker who has nothing better to do than follow me around," I said loudly. "No one's getting any love potions any time soon."

"Not even that frog on your shoulder?" the crone asked, twitching an eyebrow.

Annoyed, I looked at Alfonso, who stared back blankly. "I don't see any lady frogs around here, do you? Now, if you'll please get my pepperwood, I'll be on my way."

"All right, no need to get uppity," she said. She did as I asked, but looked from me to Kit the whole time with maddening amusement.

When the transaction was complete, I led the way out with relief.

The first words out of Kit's mouth were: "Why didn't you tell me you were making a love potion for me?"

"Shut up," I muttered, my face burning.

"Oh, lighten up, Noelle, she was just joking around." He paused. "And side note, you're the first person who has ever told me to shut up."

"Well, people should do it more often." I glanced at Muffet. "Would you mind walking for a bit? My shoulder's killing me."

Before he could respond, Kit reached over with one hand and swooped him onto his own shoulder. "It's all right, I got him," he said with a smile. The cat looked astonished but didn't put up a fight. "Where are we going next?"

"I am leaving. And don't you have to go back to work?"

He shrugged. "Mallory's not too strict. Why don't you come have a slice of pie? It's on the house."

The smell of butter and cinnamon wafting over from the stall was pretty tempting. "All right, just one slice," I agreed.

"Don't sound too excited." He turned to lead the way and I caught sight of the cat winking at me from his shoulder.

"Muffet, is there something in your eye?"

The cat gave me an exasperated look and then meowed innocently when Kit peered at him, concerned.

"Does he eat pumpkin pie?" Kit scratched him behind the ears. "Nice little fella."

I wondered if Mallory Parker would remember me and my allusion to Dad, but she didn't show it if she did. "Don't you worry, my boy. I don't need any help here just now," she said, beaming at her employee with a knowing look at me. "Are you from these parts, dear?"

"No, actually. I'm a tourist." I stole a glance at Kit, whose hazel eyes shone down at me. It gave me a strange, bubbling feeling in my stomach and I looked away.

"You must be dress shopping for the King's Festival," Mallory went on, scooping a huge dollop of whipped cream onto a slice of pie. "That's why all the young ladies come to Irisia, be they daughters of the butcher, baker, or candlestick maker."

"I thought only royals were allowed to attend," I said.

"Well, the commoners like to dress up for fun and watch all the fancy people arriving. They place bets on which princess will nab Prince Christopher."

"I still haven't seen him," I admitted. "I missed him driving back to the castle just now."

"Oh, he's something to behold," Mallory assured me. She wagged a finger at Kit. "So you had better take care. Even this pretty girl of yours will have eyes for no one but the prince."

I blushed furiously. Was everyone determined to think us a couple today?

"So are you here to buy a dress?" Kit asked, when we managed to escape to find a table.

"Of course not. I don't even know if I'm going to the King's Festival." I looked at Muffet, who had hopped onto the table to sit pointedly by my plate. I got the hint and fed him a piece of pie, which made Alfonso ribbit in indignation. "You too?" I gave him a smaller piece, wondering what pumpkin might do to a frog's digestive system.

Kit toyed with his fork, avoiding my eyes. "Don't you want to win the prize like everyone else? Marry a prince without even knowing him?"

"I'd never marry anyone without even knowing him," I said. Muffet appeared to be pointing at the cream with his front paw, so I loaded a dollop onto a piece of pie for him.

"Whoever you marry will have to answer all of your prying questions first," Kit said with a smirk, studying me over the last crumbs of pie. He probably stared at me as much as Janice did, but, strangely enough, somehow I didn't mind when he did it.

I felt my traitorous face turning pink again. "That's right. He would," I said lightly. "Anyway, I should probably go. Maud will be wondering where I am."

"Oh," he said, disappointment flickering across his face. "Will you be in Irisia for long?"

"I think I'll be traveling," I said, wondering if that was hope I heard in his question. I got up with the frog and cat on my shoulders again, feeling a little awkward. "Thanks for the pie."

"Don't mention it," he said with a half-smile. "And don't forget the powder for that love potion of yours."

"I'm not making a . . ." I began indignantly, then rolled my eyes when he burst into laughter. "All right, I'm really leaving now."

He was still laughing as I walked away. I decided that he was the most annoying, puzzling, and interesting boy I had ever met. Maybe a little bit too interesting.

Muffet was peering at me with a distinct smirk.

"What?" I demanded.

"Oh, nothing," he said slyly.

"Shut up, you," I said.

"You know, you're the first person to ever tell me to shut up," he said in an uncanny imitation of Kit.

Alfonso ribbited on my other shoulder, looking amused.

"I'll rephrase that. Shut up, both of you," I said.

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