Hetalia Boyfriend Scenarios

By SuperDolphin_

14.8K 215 188

Pretty Self-explanatory. Hetalia boyfriend scenarios! This features America, England, China, France, Russia... More

How you met
What you do for fun
First Kiss

Your First Date ^w^

2.8K 50 44
By SuperDolphin_

Yeah. People. First dates. .3. Oh, and this is AFTER you found out he was a country. (haha lol we're lazy to put the real namess)
Also. If you feel like it. There are some points where we put words in different languages. So yeah. Google Translate is your friend.


It had been about three weeks since you met America, and yesterday, he asked you out on a date. You actually had a crush on him for a bit, so of course you said yes. You thought back to the moment you met him as you stared at yourself in the mirror. Ah, Big mac's had been your favorite food since then. Your doorbell rang, signaling that America had arrived. You ran downstairs and opened the door to reveal America wearing a nice black suit (YES. HE'S WEARING A SUIT).
"Hi America!" you smiled happily at him.
"Hey dudette! Nice dress." he said, grinning back. You blushed at his compliment as he lead you to his car (It twas a Ford .o.). He started the car and began to drive you someplace.
"Don't tell me this is going to be a McDonald's." you chuckled.
"What? No, not this time." America responded, turning a corner.
When you got there, it was some fancy restaurant called (enter fancy restaurant name here). America opened your door, letting you out of the car. America had reserved you two seats and as you sat down it got sort of quiet.
"So I, uh, like the suit you're wearing." you blushed, looking at America.
"Well thanks dudette." he said, his blue eyes glistening in the candlelight. You were practically a blushing mess and he noticed. "Hey, I won't bite."
You looked down and grinned.
"Do you think they serve burgers here?" he asked.
"Probably not" you smiled, reaching for a menu. "Nothing even close to a burger. They don't serve soda."
America put on a fake grimace and said "We'll just have to live with it. I am the hero, of course!"
That night, you shared laughter with your best friend, and date. You smiled all throughout the night. He ended it by walking you home.
He kissed your cheek and said, "I had a lot of fun, (Y/N)! We should do this more often! Though, maybe next time, a place that serves burgers." He waved and turned. "Bye, dudette!"
"Bye, America!"


You knew how... "inexperienced" a chef Iggy was, so, you guessed he would be taking you out. Knowing this, you put on your favorite dress and met England at his place. You knocked on his door, and before you knew it you were staring at Iggy.
"We're going out for tea and scones, if you don't mind, love." He smiled at you, wearing a suit, of course, and took your hand in his. England guided you around London (as you weren't familiar with the area), and soon found yourselves in the shop, or, café, that England had mentioned earlier.
The two of you entered the cafe and sat down after getting some food. He sipped his tea and said, "Isn't this delightful, love?" You nodded and nibbled a scone.
It was soon that you had finished your tea and scones. You left and when you thought the night was over, it turns out Iggy had one more thing to show you.
You walked the streets until England led you to a large Ferris wheel. From past knowledge, you remember being told it was the London Eye. As you boarded, you realized you had one of the rooms that you rode in (Look it up ._.) to yourselves.
"You know, Iggy, you really are great." you said as the two of you sat down on the seat in the middle of the rooms (whatever they're called. We couldn't really research it.).
As the area rose up into the sky, and you rested your head on Iggy's shoulder. You watched as the moon rose above the clouds in the distance, illuminating parts of London.
"It's beautiful..." you whispered, warmly smiling up at England.
England held his arm around you and sighed. "It's not as beautiful as you are, love."
You blushed as you approached the top of the London Eye, where you could pretty much see the whole city of London. You tore your eyes away from the breathtaking sight to stare at England. Stars were glittering behind him, making this night even more magical.
The ride ended and he walked you home, the moon and stars continuing to light up the night sky. You glanced at his face once again. He was staring at you as well. You were at your front door before you knew it. "Goodnight, love." England sighed, kissing your hand.
"Goodnight, England."


It hadn't been that long since you had met France and he had already asked you out on a date. It didn't really surprise you, since you liked him and he was quite the romantic type. You excitedly slipped on one of your many dresses and opened your door to find France standing there with a rose bouquet,
"Bonjour, ma chérie." he handed you the rose bouquet. "You look absolutely astounding. Ready for a night on the town? Ohonhonhon."
You shyly took the rose bouquet with a blush and a smile, wondering where he was going to take you. You took his hand as he led you off your doorstep and out onto the sidewalk. Soon enough you were walking in the beloved city of Paris.
"So where are we headed, France?" you asked him, looking around at where you were.
"Oh, you'll see, ma chérie." France replied, grinning at you.
France started leading you to many places around Paris until he stopped in front of a fancy French restaurant that wasn't too far from the Eiffel Tower. You both entered, your facial expression turning into a "Wooooow." There were what seemed to be golden chandeliers, fancy paintings, and wonderful music.
"France, you didn't have to go all out like this!" you blushed.
"Well yes I did, for you, ma chérie." he said, leading you up the stairs to your reserved table. You sat next to a balcony, giving a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower.
"France, this is amazing..." you said, staring around the room.
You had finished eating quickly, not know you had such an appetite. You had never known French food could be such a delicacy, and now France was leading you up the stairs of the Eiffel Tower. You reached the second floor right as the moon was about to rise, and stood there staring at the glowing city lights of Paris. You blushed madly.
"France...This is...You are...You're amazing!"
France chuckled, but not before you quickly pulled him into a tight embrace. He was sort of taken aback but quickly hugged you too as he realized what had happened.
After the descent down the Eiffel Tower, you quickly found yourself hand in hand with France, who was walking you home. You wished it could've lasted forever, but you were soon at your doorstep, where France had to depart.
"Tonight was great, France." you said, kissing him on the cheek. "I hope we can have more nights like this."
France handed you a rose and smiled. "And I wish for many more as well, ma chérie." he said. "Bonne Nuit, goodnight, (Y/N)"
"Goodnight to you too, France!" you waved as he walked away into the night.


You stared at yourself in the mirror wearing your favorite dress. China had asked you out on a date the night previous, and since you had no idea where you were going, you just put on something nice. He knocked on you door, and as you ran downstairs to come greet him you heard him call your name.
"Coming, China!" you said, walking across your living room. With a swift opening of the door, you saw China standing on your doorstep. He was wearing some fancy Chinese men's outfit, and as you stepped out of your doorway, he bowed.
"Nín hǎo, (Y/N)." he greeted with a smile.
"Hey, China."
He presented you with a bouquet of orchids as you stepped off the doormat and onto the driveway. You took his hand and the two of you started walking the sidewalks, heading towards the city.
"Your hair is delightful tonight, aru." He grinned. You blushed as the two of you stepped into the urban parts of town. There were beautiful lights everywhere, brightening up the area very well. China led you around, showing some of his favorite parts of the place, which soon became your favorite too. At last, he had led you to a Chinese restaurant, the logo being a panda. You walked inside, and your fingers intertwined with his. You were welcomed with amazing Chinese music and the smell of fresh food being cooked. The waiters (lol i guess) sat you down at a nice table in the middle of everything. Soon, after ordering, a large feast of Chinese foods rolled out on shiny metal carts that revealed your reflection.
"Wow, how much food is this?" you asked, watching each cart pull out of the kitchen one by one.
"Well, aru, I ordered the 'Almost Buffet' meal." China scratched the back of his head sheepishly.
You giggled as the eighth cart appeared, lining up with the other seven. You stared at the delectable food with a hungry expression as it was laid onto your table.
The rows and rows of food on the table made your stomach growl loudly, and as soon as the waiters said "Dig in" you pretty much attacked the Chinese egg rolls in front of you.
The food was astounding and fabulous. It filled your stomach and as China paid you happily sighed.
"China, how is your culture's food so delicious?"
China laughed. "I don't know, aru. Really great recipes?"
With another chuckle, the two of you joyfully walked out onto the streets of Beijing.
After a while, the two of you found yourselves sitting on a park bench, watching as the strangers walked by. China wrapped his arm around you as the sky became a navy blue, and one of the first bright stars glistened above you.
You rested your head against his shoulder. He tore his gaze away from the sky and looked down at you, grinning. He looked purely ecstatic.
Soon after, you both realized how late it was getting. You looked away from your tight stare at China, and the two of you got up.
China had walked you home that night, and as the bright lights of the city faded, you neared your home. Before you knew it, you were at your doorstep, staring into China's eyes. You pecked him on the forehead. "Tonight was really fun. I never knew your food was so good!" you said, pausing as he laughed. "Well, Goodbye, China."
"Zàijiàn, aru!"
You watched as China walked off, the wind waving hair onto his face.


So, Canada had asked you out on a date, but he's sort of awkward. So you're spending time with him during the day. You slipped on a nice looking summer outfit and checked your phone, waiting for Canada to show up at your door. The casual ding-dong! you heard every time a guest arrived suddenly played, and you leaped off the couch, opening the door to see the smiling face of Canada.
"Hi, (Y/N)." he grinned. You looked over at his polar bear, Kuma, which he questionably brought everywhere.
"Hi, Canada!" you said, closing your door and stepping out next to him. "So, where are we going?"
"Well, there was this place I'd like to show you..." he said, grabbing your hand. "Come on, I'll lead the way."
And so he did. You walked along the sidewalk of the neighborhood, watching as the birds flew above you and random people mowed their lawns. It was quite a long walk, but eventually the neighborhood came to an end, and right in front of you was a flowery meadow.
"Whoa, Canada, this is beautiful!" you said, staring around at wide open space.
He suddenly let go of your hand and ran into the meadow, his curl waving in the wind. You quickly followed him.
You found him at a small wooden table in the middle of the meadow. He grinned and simply said, "Pancakes!" He motioned to the center of the table, which had two plates, stocked with towers of pancakes. You sat down quietly, in a state of astonishment.
"Wow... thanks, Canada! This is awesome!" A cool, yet gentle breeze swept your hair behind your shoulders. You slowly dragged one of the two plates towards you, smiling.
"It wasn't a problem, (Y/N)!"
As you ate the pancakes, you saw Kuma messing with butterflies in the corner of your eye. Canada took a seat in front of you, warmly smiling as you both ate pancakes.
The grass swayed silently as you finished your pancakes and examined the scenery.
You stood up and pushed in your chair. "Well, what are we gonna do now?" Canada asked, the question more towards himself. An idea quickly popped into your head. You grinned tapped his shoulder, a bit of a shove.
"Tag. You're it." You couldn't think of anything else to do, and, besides, it happened in all the sappy romance novels you read. He glanced at you, grinning again. You ran further into the meadow, not long after, Canada started chasing you playfully.
You giggled and chimed, "Bet you can't catch me!" You took a glance back at him, and he wore a determined beam. He was at a casual pace, a bit heavier than a jog. You ran a bit faster, considering, you didn't know how fast he could go.
You looked back ahead. You were getting near a small patch of maple trees, and you decided to climb one of them to evade being tagged by Canada, who was slightly sprinting now. Sadly, though, when he got to the foot of the tree, you found out he could climb. Fast. And he immediately tagged you. "Caught you!"
"Ha, ha. You did!" you chuckled, scooting over a bit so Canada to climb up and sit next to you. He quickly climber onto the branch and took a seat next to you, adjusting his posture so he wouldn't fall. The branch you sat on gave you the perfect view of pretty much all of the meadow. The two of you silently watched as the sky turned to a hazy salmon-pink, shot with gold and lavender. Canada wrapped his arm around you and you moved closer to him, happily smiling as the day began to fade.


You shivered violently, walking through the streets of Moscow with Russia. He had asked you out the previous night, so of course, you gladly accepted. But now you were regretting not wearing a heavier coat. Russia looked down at the freezing you.
"Are you cold, (Y/N)?"
You quickly looked up from your feet and at Russia's smiling face. Your slight frown turned into a teeth chattering grin. With a slight nod, you sighed. "Yeah, I wish I wore a warmer coat..."
Suddenly you felt warmer as Russia hugged you closer as you both walked in the snow. Your face turned a light pink as you snuggled your head into Russia's trench coat. This is one thing you loved about him. How easy it was to cuddle, since he was so tall.
You glanced up at his beaming face once again, to see that his violet orbs were determined and set forward. "Where are we going?" you asked curiously, your heated face now resembling a rose.
"You'll see," he answered plainly.
You let out a small sigh, which was barely noticeable (considering it was pretty windy), but Russia seemed to have noticed. "Is something wrong, sunflower?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow at you.
"Oh, it's really nothing..." you replied. "It's just my feet are starting to hurt a little..."
Russia frowned a bit, but soon continued grinning. "It's alright, though, we're here."
Russia motioned forward for you to look at a beautiful white gazebo in the middle of a small town square. It wasn't too busy, which gave you privacy. You stared in awe at the marvelous red and white flowers growing on green vines, which fell from the very roof of the gazebo. Inside was a table for two and a couple of sunflowers. As the light snow of Moscow fell around it, you blushed, pulling Russia in for a small hug. "Thank you, Russia... This is beautiful!"
His soft smile widened, and he brushed your (H/C) hair away from your eyes. "My sunflower only deserves the best."

(A/N - Sorry, Russia's was a little short. One of us had to leave soon when writing so we rushed n' stuff :P)


"Goal!" Italy chimed happily as you watched his ball fly into your net. "I love-a Football!"
Somehow Italy had convinced you to play Soccer with him instead of eat somewhere nice for a date, but you didn't mind. He was cute either way.
"Italy, you're really good at this game!" you chuckled, grinning as Italy cheerfully ran in small circles. You grabbed the ball out of your net, careful not to tangle yourself in the strings. You kicked it over to Italy who stopped it with the heel of his foot, his smile widening.
"I know-a, bella! Even Germany says-a that sometimes!" Italy said, preparing to kick the ball.
"Okay, well, ready to shoo-" You were cut off abruptly by Italy kicking the ball and it hitting, well, your face. You stumbled backwards, falling onto the ground. "Ouch," you said, rubbing your nose. You didn't realize how hard he kicked, and the more you thought about it, the more it hurt.
"Oh no-a, bella! Are you-a okay!?" Italy scrambled over, grabbing your hand and watching you rub your nose.
"Y-yeah I think I'm fine... Ehe." you chuckled.
Italy hugged you tightly, saying, "I have to-a make it-a feel better!" He pecked your nose, causing you to giggle and blush.
"Really, Feli, I'm fine!"
"Are you-a sure, (Y/N)?" Italy said, his eyes opening with concern. You stared into Italy's golden brown eyes, smiling warmly at his compassionate expression.
"Yes, I'm really sure." you laughed, taking the hand he let out to help you up. You stood up and brushed dirt off your shorts. You rubbed your nose once more, watching as Italy picked up the ball.
The sudden deep voice startled the both of you, and not too far away you saw Germany.
"Oh, uh yea!" Italy seemed a little nervous. He grabbed your hand. "I forgot to-a tell you that I was-a skipping out on a morning-a run to play football with-a you!"
"Oh, I see." you chuckled. "Well then, let's run from Germany!"
The two of you sped off the field, retreating from the angry German chasing after you. It wasn't long before you swerved into the local Italian town, where both of you managed to outrun Germany.
"Wow..." you panted, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. "When you're running for a purpose, you sure seem to run faster."
"Yea, bella!" Italy grinned, letting you stop to catch your breath. Your stomach growled as you stopped panting. Italy was the first one to jump on that topic. "There's a restaurant nearby-a! I think they have-a pasta! Want to eat-a there, bella?"
"Sure, Italy!" you said, letting Italy take your hand as you walked down the sidewalk.


"Betcha can't beat me!" you yelled, starting to run faster. It was one of those morning run days, but it was also the day Germany said he'd take you on a date.
"You vish!" Germany grinned, the sun casting a shadow over his face. His pace sped up to match yours, and you looked over at him.
"Oh I can go faster than this, you know..." you grinned. "But it's only if you're up to that challenge..."
"Let's see vhat you can do zhen." Germany smirked.
You suddenly started dashing down the path you two were running, attempting to run as fast as your legs could take you. Taking a quick glance back, you saw how close Germany actually was. You sped up the tiniest bit, which failed, because moments later you saw the blonde German match your pace next to you.
"Well, it seems that I stand corrected from my first statement..." you said, sheepishly grinning. You slowed down and stopped so you could take a drink of water.
"Vant to head home? You look worn out." Germany said. It was kind of strange for him to stop early, but you went with it. You weren't really feeling like running anymore anyway.
You both lightly sprinted to your house, occasionally yawning. Taking a quick stare at your watch you walked up to your door and stretched. Germany followed you about halfway up your driveway. You touched the doorknob, suddenly noticing the small bouquet of flowers leaning against your door. You picked it up and smiled, turning around to look at Germany.
"So, uh..." he said, trying to keep himself from blushing. "How about zhat date?"
Quickly you nodded, disappearing into your house to change. After stepping back out, you walked over to Germany and took his hand, giggling. "Where to, mister fancy German man?"
"Vell, zhere is just a casual lunch place in town. It has good food. How about zhere?" he suggested.
"I love casual lunch places!" you laughed. "And whatever floats your boat, Germany."
It wasn't long before you found yourselves seated at a nice lunch place, eating all kinds of German foods.
"Man, this is good!" you smiled. "What was this called again?"
"Potato salad." Germany looked up from his food. "I vould've zhought you had it before. It's a quite known food."
"Well I haven't!" you said, eating more food. "I never knew lunch place could be this delicious!"
Germany slightly chuckled as you cheerfully ate.
Soon after you devoured everything on your plate, Germany left a small tip and payed the bill. You stood up and happily left, feeling full.
"That hit the spot!" you chimed.
"I vould hope so. I vouldn't vant a girl to be disappointed at a first date." Germany grinned, allowing you to hold his hand. Germany never realized you were passing the bar as you walked.
"Hey, Vest! (West, if you didn't know.)"
Germany paused as Prussia walked out of the bar sipping his beer. "Vho's vith you?"
Germany sighed. "Prussia, go avay. I'm busy."
"Vhat, is she your new girlfriend?" Prussia swallowed his drink and laughed. "Ahahaha! Germany's got girlfriend!"
"Prussia, just leave me alone..." Germany was trying to hide his blush as Prussia laughed.
"Let's hope you don't fail, Vest!" Prussia snickered. All you could do was playfully chuckle as Germany was teased by his older brother. You grabbed Germany's hand and pulled him away from Prussia, holding back laughter.
"You sure do have an interesting brother."
"Ja, sometimes he gets..." Germany paused. "Very, very, annoying."

Japan: (Just know how Japan's accent works, K? :3 All the "L"s are now "R"s.)

You silently watched anime on TV, waiting for the familiar ring of your doorbell. Glancing at the clock, you sighed. Japan said he'd be here a half an hour ago, and you weren't very patient yourself. You clicked off the TV seconds before the doorbell rang through the house. You leaped to your feet and swung open the door.
"Eh, Kon'nichiwa, (Y/N). Sorry I'm rate." Japan quickly said. His nervousness looked like it was getting to him as he frantically stared at his feet. You stepped outside and closed the door behind you. "I found a nice anime festivar going on at the moment. I thought it wourd be nice to go."
"Sure thing, Japan." you said, smiling. "Let's go then!"
The two of you exited your neighborhood fast, considering it was very small and you lived near the exit. As you walked the sidewalk, it was pretty clear there was a festival. Cars lined the streets as traffic and people roamed the area. As you neared town, the busier it got. Japan was quite silent, but you really didn't care much. He was a nice guy.
Soon, after walking a couple blocks, you made it to the heart of all the cars and people. The anime festival. As soon as you got there, your eyes nearly lit with joy.
"Wow, Japan! I've heard of these festivals, but I never knew how pretty they were!" you said, admiring the pretty Japanese lanterns and anime booths spread across town.
"Do you rike it here?" Japan glanced over at you, his eyes looking happy.
"Of course, it's so pretty!" you smiled, checking your pockets. Soon that smile faded. "Dang, I forgot to bring money..."
"Oh, it's okay, (Y/N)-chan. It's arr on me." he said, slightly grinning.
"Really, Japan? Thank you!" You wanted to jump with joy as you explored the festival. Many games were set up, along with plush toys, figurines, charms, jewelry, shirts, hats, posters, and lots more at the booths. Japan followed you happily, occasionally buying things for himself, but not too much. It was clear to you he didn't want to seem selfish, but you didn't mind that he bought stuff.
You walked along through the crowd, sensing that Japan was next to you. You suddenly felt him slightly tug on your shirt. "(Y/N), rook. Over there."
Japan pointed to a large booth, with many bookshelves connected to it. You new exactly what was tightly packed in those shelves. Mangas.
Without another word, you grabbed Japan's wrist and pulled him through the crowd. Mangas, so many mangas! You wished you could buy them all, but there's always a budget in shopping sprees. You stared at the book's rims, wondering to yourself which ones to buy. You looked over at Japan who seemed surprisingly happy as he looked at each manga. Suddenly, he pulled one out.
"(Y/N)-chan, rook! It's the one that you've been searching for- arong with the four issues!" Japan said, his face lighting up as your smile widened.
"Yes, I've been looking for these!" you yelled, happily grabbing the books. "Thank you so much, Japan!"
Japan slightly grinned as you walked over to the counter. He purchased the books and you walked off, both your hands filled with anime related merchandise. Before heading home, you stopped at a small Japanese restaurant which served astounding food, and enjoyed yourself with one of the desserts. As you both headed out of the city, the lights and music faded, allowing the crickets' chirps to be heard. The stars twinkled, and you happily sighed as you walked up the driveway of your house.
"Japan, tonight was great! Thanks so much for all the stuff you bought!" you squeaked happily.
"It was rearry nothing, (Y/N)-chan." Japan said, staring off to the side with a blush.
"Bye, Japan!" you said as you unlocked your door. "I really hope we can do this again sometime!"
Japan silently waved bye as you entered your house.

Hey guysss! So yea. We really apologize for how long it's been since we've updated. We usually write this together, and we don't always have the time to work on it. Plus, we've got school, and we can't always talk to each other. It's sort of a difficult process, but it works. So, we hope you enjoyed! :P

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