What you do for fun

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So ye ppls.
Yea. Another Canada.
Y-yea just read the thingie.
Ahem. ._.


It was the middle of the night, and of course, you and America were up playing video games. You heard the faint sound of the crickets chirping away outside as you reached for a french fry from your bag of McDonald's. America sat next to you, intensely staring at the TV as his thumbs mashed the buttons on his controller. The entire living room was dark, and you were simply playing Crackdown (Believe me. It's a real game. I've played it -w-) to have fun.
"Dang, Dudette, this guy's hard to beat!" America continued mashing buttons as you paused your side of the TV (you were playing le split-screen).
"Are you just supposed to use that one attack?" you questioned, watching him try killing a giant monster with a simple gun. "Like, that one power-up combo you get after collecting the bonus in the corner?"
He ran away from the giant monster and searched in the corner that was covered in boxes. Watching closely, you were pretty much just eating all of the fries from the McDonald's bag. America destroyed the boxes by hitting them with a knife, and in the corner was a shiny glowing ball.
"Go on," you said, eating another french fry. "Collect it. It increases aiming range and allows you to buy that weird 'Super Special' grenade thing."
And of course, he quickly stepped forward and got the weird bonus. It automatically unlocked the 'Super Special' grenade, and he threw it. It exploded in the monster's face, and he quickly took the time to shoot it through the head. The level ended, and he set down his controller.
"Well, that's the end of that guy!" he said, grinning and reaching for a french fry. "Aw come on, Dudette! You ate all the french fries again!"
You giggled, eating the last french fry from out of the bag and not giving it up for anything.


The kind of fun you two had... Wasn't always what you would call fun.
Your eyes popped open from a nap at the smell of smoke. Yep, definitely coming from the kitchen.
"Oh my God, Arthur, what did you do this time?" you sighed, getting up and trudging down the stairs and into the kitchen. You were met with the sight of a embarrassed looking England standing in front of an oven emitting smoke. He soon noticed you standing in the doorway to the kitchen and sheepishly grinned.
"G-good afternoon, love..." he said. You didn't actually realize how long you slept.
"Good afternoon to you, too, England." you said, darting your eyes to the oven. "It seems that, uh, you've been cooking...recently..."
"Eheh, yes, you're quite correct..." he chuckled nervously, considering the fact that it was your oven. You smiled at his nervous expression, walking over to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"You don't have to be embarrassed, Iggy, I can clean it up. What were you trying to make, anyway?"
He sighed, obviously relieved that you weren't upset at him. "I tried to make you lunch..."


You and France... Well, France had a very... affectionate way of having fun. He'd kiss your hands, going up and down your arms, and literally enjoyed doing anything romantic with you. "France, is this really that enjoyable to you?"
He responded with, "Why wouldn't I enjoy being with ma Cherie? Ohonhon..." And with that, he continued kissing you. Oh well, you weren't complaining.
It usually ended after a while, when Francis gets up and you end up eating something. Occasionally he makes you something to eat, as his food is absolutely delicious, but other times you just have some cheese or something like that. His house always seems to have cheese, anyway.
Nibbling on some brie, you peered into France's office as he did some random paperwork.
"Is there something you need?" France simply stated, signing one of his papers. It was pretty clear you were chewing too loud, so you set down your cheese on a small side table and entered his office, peeking over his shoulder at his paperwork. It was a slight mistake, because soon he whirled around in his chair and caught you in his lap.

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