[EXO and you] My EXOtic Cybor...

By janeelleeyy

567K 12K 2.1K

[ YOU and EXO-K fanfiction ] Go Min Jae (you) -Nerd, very friendly but everyone hates her at school because o... More

Chapter 1: life
Chapter 2:Worst day EVER
Chapter 3: The meeting
Chapter 4: EXOtic day
Chapter 5:EXOtic Cleaners
Chapter 7: i felt something..
Chapter 8: EXORPRISE!
Chapter 9:here comes trouble~!
Chapter 10 : to the more beautiful you
Chapter 11: Getting even more Closer..
Chapter 12: Popular NOW..
Chapter 13: New co-workers
Chapter 14:SAVED!
Chapter 15: Dates and EXAMS
Chapter 16:What?!
Chapter 17:Now.
Chapter 18 :Lucky
Chapter 19: thank you
Chapter 20:Moonlight
Chapter 21: OMO..
Chapter 22: all yours
Chapter 23: You..
Chapter 24: Promise
Chapter 25: the letter
Chapter 26: 5 signs
Chapter 27: GOTCHAAA
Chapter 28:Plushieeeeee
Chapter 29: one HOT sunny day ~(^3^)~
Chapter 30: 1st sign
Chapter 31: What's your name?
Chapter 32:WOW
Chapter 33: Fun Fun and What?
Chapter 34: I was wrong kekeke
Chapter 35
Chapter 36:Well well well
chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: Awesome way to start the day :)
Chapter 40: E-X-O
Chapter 41: Memories..
Chapter 42: First 6 dates [PART 1]
Chapter 43: First 6 dates [PART 2]
Chapter 44:First 6 dates [PART 3]
Chapter 45: This is it
Chapter 46: Tears

Chapter 6:Darkness

13.3K 287 13
By janeelleeyy


You almost fell but Chanyeol catches you this time,then he gave you your glasses

"Thanks Yeol"you smiled at him

"Good morning Minnie!"

6 smiling faces greeted you..

"You're up early?"Baekhyun said sitting at the edge of your bed

"I have to cook breakfast for Madam and Hee Jin...we have class"

"why do you have to wake up this early and cook? Can't your step mom cook for her daughter?"Kai said angry

"Oh I wish she could but she just..Sucks at cooking -__-"

"I'll help you cook Minnie~"Kyungsoo offered

"Since their still asleep OK ^^ I could use some help since I still have to iron my uniform"

"Soo You guys PLEASE-STAY-HERE."Then you looked at Suho and he understood..

--at the kitchen with D.O.--

"What are we making Minnie?"

"Hmm..we'll make Pancakes ^^"

"Okies let's start cooking D.O.!"


"Hahaha you sure like missions don't you?"

"Hehehe I don't know I just like to say things like that"
Then you grabbed the box of pancakes in one of the cabinets..

"We're just gonna add water to make things faster"

You placed the mix in the bowl while Kyungsoo went to get water..

"Umm..Minnie~"He Said holding his laughter..


"Umm you have something Under your nose kekeke"

"What? Ohh"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you look cute Minnie~!! Don't take it off HAHAHA"
He looks really cute when he laughs then you notice that his mouth looks like a heart LOL

"Oh? You think this is funny eh?"Then you wiped a little powder mix in his cheeks

"Ha! Ha! How's that feel?"

"Oh no you didn't!"

Then you two started chasing each other in the kitchen,Then he grabbed your waist which made you face him.. You're faces were only a couple centimeters away then..He wiped some powder in your nose...

"Hehehe gotcha!"

Then the two of you laughed and wiped powders to each other..
after that you cleaned up the mess and started cooking,You two looked silly because you haven't erased the powders in your faces..


After cooking you went straight to your room and 5 D.O Like eyes stared at you and D.O

"What happened to your faces."Sehun asked with wide eyes too

"We just had a little fun while cooking kekeke"Kyungsoo said looking at you

"Tadaaaaa!"Suho showed you your uniform all ironed up and your shoes were sparkly clean And your bag was already fixed with the things you needed

"Waah! You did this?

"actually all of us left here did ^^"He smiled

"Awwwww thanks guys!"

"Group hug!!!"Baekhyun Screamed but not too loud
Then they all surrounded you for a hug..

"HAHAHAHA I'll just go wash up ok?"then you went to the bathroom

"hyung! She's seem to smile often now a days ! I think she already comfortable with us"Kai stating the fact again

"she's a friendly girl and an open minded one I think she's used to us now I'm so happy"Suho said with a smile

"I hope she'll have a great day"Chanyeol looked at the bathroom door

after washing you wore your uniform and said your goodbyes and they promised to stay..Sehun though wanted to go with you but the guys held him back you told the, not to get caught and they nodded
you went downstairs for your breakfast,you got one piece of pancake, JinSeo was already there

"Good Morning Madame" you greeted her

"what are you doing?"she said looking at the piece of pancake at your plate

"umm..breakfast"you answered

"Put that back" she said


"I said PUT-THAT-BACK" she was glaring at you

you had no choice but to put that delicious pancake back..now you'll go to school with an empty stomach..


--At school--

You arrived at school early thanks to EXOk but you were still hungry because you didn't ate breakfast

"*sigh* today is a new day.."You went to your locker to get some of your stiff for school but when you opened it..


All sorts of garbage flooded out your locker then you saw Hyunseong and his group laughing at the side..

"WOW you remembered to pull a prank to me thanks!"You smiled at him full of sarcasm..

He was shocked when he heard you fight back(?) you would usually bow your head and walk but not this time..
Then suddenly he grabbed your shoulder

"Heh you think your strong now that you can fight back!?"He tightened his grip

"Let me go! Your hurting me!!"


"Shut up Youngmin!"

Then the rest of his group started running..

"EHEM"you both saw Mr.Park

(A/N: Park Yoochun? LOL just imagine he's your teacher XD)

"what do you think you're doing Mr.Shim? Hurting a girl? Are you gay? Tsk tsk tsk"

Then he let go of you..

"You're in big trouble mister and also Hee Jin, Mr.Lee told me everything that happened"

"Good Day Ms.Go"Mr.Park greeted then he grabbed Hyuseong and dragged him to his office..

Then Hyunseong faced your way and mouthed..



"saved by Mr.Park *sigh*"
Then you saw the janitor pass and he offered to clean your locker..you thanked him and walked to class

at your classroom...

"Whohoah! Guess who's here?"

"Oh the girl who took Hee Jin's lipgloss?"

"Quick! Hide your personal belongings guys! The thief is here!"

These were the conversations you hear when you walked inside your classroom..
But you just bowed down and went straight to your seat
Then they all started laughing..

*are they going crazy? Do I really look like a clown to them?*

Then..Mr.Park entered the room

"Good morning students! I'll be your teacher starting now cause Mr.Lee had something going on.."

*Mr.Lee he gave me EXO k what happened? Is he working on something?*

Some girls squealed at the sight of Mr.Park he was tall and handsome and still sorta looked young

"Ummm...Good Morning Mr.Park~" Your classmate Hanna greeted him in a flirty way


"Ok! class lets start our class"You had Statistics first

"Median of ungroup data,the formula is..median equals the sum of N plus one divided into two the score,this is the location of the median..So if we have 16,25,14,28,22,23,30,35 where is the median?"Mr.park said while writing professionally at the board

You raised your hand..

"Yes Min Jae?"

You were about to stand but you were glued to your seat I mean literally glued!

"please stand Ms.Go"

And all your classmates bursted laughing

"Umm Sir I'm literally glued to my seat"

"OK! Who did this?"

Then your classmates looked side by side and none admitted..

"Oh? No one will admit who did this?"

"NO LUNCH! Excluding Min Jae!"Then they all glared at you if only glares could kill you were dead along time ago..

After class Mr.Park left all of you still couldn't stand because of the glue and the rest of your classmates can't even go out because of Mr.Park's orders

Then you heard Hyunseong and Hee Jin talking outside the door..

"Arghh! She's really gonna get this!"it was a female's voice so it was probably Hee Jin

"but babe one more wrong move and we'll be in deep trouble"

"I don't care!"
Then They both entered the room..

"YOU!!! GO MIN JAE!!"Hee Jin charged towards you...

here it comes


Your cheeks were red and tears blurred your vision
The boys would guard the door if any teacher would come..
Then the rest of the girls started slapping you too and pulling your hair
And you couldn't fight back because you were glued to your chair and you don't have enough strength to beat 7 girls in your mind right now was..EXO k
Then you fell in your chair your skirt was slightly ripped at the back..

"Try telling this to the teachers and I'll tell mom to kick you out the house!"

"Yah! Nerd! If you'll tell about us well make sure you won't live the next day!"

They threatened you..

When they had enough Hee Jin Kicked you in the stomach which made you more weak..you cried then exited the room..

You went to the CR you look at yourself

You hair was ruined..Baekhyun brushed this for you..your cheeks were super duper red and you had a bruises all over
Then you started crying.. you saw the hole at the back of your skirt..

Then you took of your blazer and tied it at your waist so that the hole won't be seen then you straightened your self and went back to the room..You still couldn't walk properly though

*can this day get any worse?*

Next period was P.E. *great*
you were about to change to your PE but you saw that your shirt and pants were ripped with a note

"Good luck cleaning the gym!

Love lots,

Hee Jin"

"Arrggh!!!!"Here was a rule that if you didn't attend PE you will have to clean the whole gym..after PE you clean the whole gym!

"*sigh* I'm still young but my body is old"your whole body was aching but you still managed to clean the whole gym..and you didn't even had breakfast..

Classes were already done All Teachers had a meeting..
And all students were out of sight..

Then suddenly someone tipped you,grabbed your glasses and ran

"Wait!" You ran towards his direction you could See that it was a boy because in your blurred vision he was wearing pants then you reached the school garden and according to your blurry vision there were a lot of people then you heard a familiar voice..*Hee Jin*


Then all of them started throwing eggs at you

"S-st-op please"You were getting weaker...
And anytime you would fall..

"Min Jae!!!!!"you heard another familiar voice..




who do you think its was?

kekeke please wait for the next chapter ^^

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