
By Ash02ley1

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Jason is a lonely 11 year old boy whose parents died just 2 years ago. He lives at an orphanage where he is b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thanks + Announcement

Chapter 9

39 3 0
By Ash02ley1

I paced back and forth under the night sky, claws raking through my hair.

I can't just abandon him, I thought, he's the only person who's ever talked to me like I wasn't just some experiment! But what if they do catch up to me and find me with Jason? What would they do to him?

I shook the horrible thought off before it went any farther. It seems as if the howls get louder and louder every night I stay here. I can't have Jason with me when they catch up with me, he'd get hurt...or worse.

Again, I shook myself to stop these horrible thoughts. There's only one way to keep him safe.

Then, I heard the sound of Jason's running footsteps! I quickly merged with the shadows and bounded away.


I froze. I was many yards away, but I could hear Jason clearly.

"Dark? Where are you?"

I could hear the desperation in his voice, and it was killing me! He kept calling my name over and over! I started trembling, fighting the urge to turn back.

"Y-you said we'd leave t-together!"

A single drop ran down my cheek. I brushed my face and looked down at my hand, I was crying. I've never cried before, I thought as more tears followed.

"You promised, Dark!"

Those words, said with so much hurt, seemed to stab me in my heart. I could hear that he was crying as well, and held back a sob. I wanted nothing more than to run back to Jason and comfort him!

"I'm sorry, Jason." I whispered before I started running as fast as I could.

The forest was a blur as I bounded through the shadows. My tears were flying behind me, sparkling in the faint moonlight. I have to get as far away as possible.

You promised...

I could imagine the betrayed expression he must have had on his face as he said those words. I started to get lost in my thoughts and didn't pay attention to were I was going.


I smacked face first into a huge oak tree. The tree shook greatly with the force of the impact, and all the colored leaves fell to the ground until the tree was bare.

I groaned in pain and slowly turned so my back was to the tree. I flopped onto the ground and leaned agianst the tree, looking up at the half moon in silence.

You promised...

Tears flowed endlessly down my cheeks. Not because of my physical pain though. No, I was all too accustumed to physical pain. I kept hearing him calling my name over and over! It made me want to cover my ears and scream for him to stop! For the sake of what sanity I still have, PLEASE STOP!

I covered my face with my hands and sobbed for the first time.

My only friend in this cruel world, I thought, and I couldn't face him! I couldn't tell him that he can't follow me because they will never stop chasing me. That cruel man who created me, who would do anything to get his way! I shouldn't even exist!

Suddenly, a cold breeze blew past me and chilled me to the bone. The breeze turned into a gust and a long low howl followed it.

I scrambled to my feet, my eyes wide. Oh god, I ran right to them!

Out of the shadows, appeared two creatures. They growled lowly at me, showing jagged teeth. They had glowing white eyes and long black claws, similar to mine. Unlike me, they walked on all fours and one had a large tail while the other had three.

They stalked closer, obeying the orders of thier absent master. They both had a metal collar clamped tightly around thier necks, engraved with the name of thier master. Steros.

Besides the shine of silver, the dogs were mostly black. This made them look as if they were not really part of the physical world, but rather the shadow of a little human's nightmare.

I suppose, at times, you could say the same about me.

Okay, well I just spent the last hour re-writing this chapter since Wattpad decided to erase it from the face of the Earth the first time I wrote this!
Always have a back up, people.
Anyways, I really like this chapter although I wish I could have drawn the shadow dogs better. Updates are gonna be slower from now on since school is starting up again soon. But please Comment, Vote, and Share!

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