Uniquely Three - Larry Stylin...

By LarryWriting

1.7M 46.9K 47K

Harry and Louis have been together nine months when Harry develops a strange illness. Much to everyone's surp... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Mature, read authors note!)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (mature)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (mature)

Chapter 1

217K 1.9K 1.8K
By LarryWriting

[A/N]: WEELL... this happened faster than I thought it would xD I'm actually typing this at school on my iPod... So like... If this sucks I'm sorry! But it's time for de THREEQUEL. I... I don't know okay. This chapter is dedicated to Sexyrinaaa for making me the adorable pic in the multimedia! Ready for more?!

[Louis' P.O.V]

"Niall," the Kitten eared boy curled on the couch hissed. "I am not feeling good. Do not touch me."

I'd been with my Kitten hybrid Harry for nearly nine months, and the boy had come so far. He now read at a fourth grade level, which was fantastic because he'd only been reading for about seven months. He no longer stumbled over words or spoke in third person... although, I was still Harry's Louis.

Niall was poking at Harry's stomach, "You don't eat as much as I do, how are you getting pudgy?"

"Niall Horan I swear-" I walked out from where I'd been getting Harry some crackers and water in the kitchen.

"No, no," Niall held up his hand. "It's Niall Payne, thank you very much."

"A pain in my ass, dog boy," I grumbled, sitting next to Harry and handing him his water and crackers. The boy wasn't getting pudgy. He just had developed a bit of a tummy in the place of a seemingly endless flat torso. It wasn't bad, and in fact, I found it adorable. Plus, if I nuzzled my nose against it as I slipped under the sheets in our bed, Harry would squirm and make a surprised squeaking sound.

As for Harry's patience for Niall, they generally ran a bit longer, but Harry hadn't been feeling the best lately. About a month after Liam and Niall had returned from their honeymoon, Harry had been feeling ill at random points through out the day. It was generally worse in the morning, and the only breakfast the boy could keep down were crackers. Liam said it was probably just stress from the past few months' events, but Harry seemed like his normal happy self.

"Thank you," Harry leaned against me and nibbled on a cracker.

"See Lucca or something," Niall sighed, his ears and tail falling. "You're boring now."

"I am okay though," Harry shrugged. "My tummy sometimes has a hurt spot but it goes away."

"He's got a point though, love," I kissed the side of his head. "Maybe Lucca could give you some medicine."

At that moment, Liam came bounding into the room, planting a kiss on a surprised Niall's mouth, "Finished my second book! I just have to send it in to be edited."

"Ooh," Niall grinned. "Celebratory sex?"

Liam face-palmed, "Oh Nialler..."

Maisy, the sixty pound Golden Retriever barrelled into the room, and Niall laughed as the sixth month old puppy leaped upon me to kiss Harry.

"What did you all feed her in Paris?" I gasped, moving her paw off my stomach and pulled her away from Harry who was trying to save his crackers. "She weighs so much!"

"C'mere, puppy," Niall crooned, and Maisy raced toward Niall, flinging herself onto his feet so he'd rub her belly. Both of their tails were wagging, and Liam chuckled at his husband. Harry resumed munching on his crackers, but he made a pitiful sound, shaking his head as he held them back to me, "Do not feel good..."

"My poor Kitten," I whispered, patting my lap so he'd lay his head down.

He curled his knees towards his chest, wiggling so that he could turn and press his face into my stomach. My fingers carded gently through his hair, and Niall frowned at the younger boy before he took Maisy out to use the restroom. Liam crossed his arms and examined Harry, "Maybe he should go see Dr. Shell."

The younger boy squirmed over, sitting up, "I am-"

However, he stiffened, clutching his stomach suddenly before leaping up and dashing into the kitchen. Liam and I remained in the front room, staring after the younger boy in confusion. From the kitchen their was a hacking sound. Instantly I scrambled up and hurried after my Kitten, finding him hunched over the trashcan as he was sick inside. I slipped up behind the younger boy and gently pulled his hair away from his face as I stroked at his back. Eventually, he whimpered and set the trashcan down, his lower lip trembling.

"Shh," I soothed. "I'll get you some water."

Liam leaned against the doorway, "Good thing you've got the day off."

Harry still stayed at Liam's when I had to work, because one of the things he hated most was being alone, but if he was feeling sad or under the weather for some reason all he wanted was me. And he'd been feeling under the weather for nearly two months. Needless to say, Harry had been extremely clingy to me. But it wasn't like I minded.

I filled the boy up a glass of water and held it to his lips so he'd sip a bit of it, and then I set the glass on the table and led him back into the living room, "I think I'm going to have to call Lucca."

"But I do not like it when he is a doctor," Harry frowned. "Usually it is because of shrimp that I need a doctor."

"Not this time, baby," I sat him down on the couch, stroking his hair. "Not ever again."

Niall and Maisy came back into the flat, and Maisy came over and placed her head in Harry's lap. Harry patted the dog's furry head, "Hello, Maisy."

"Feel any better?" Niall asked, plopping down next to the boy.

"I throwed up," Harry announced.

"Oh," Niall's face scrunched.

"Threw up, Harry," Liam corrected.

I shot the man a glare, considering he was always correcting, but Harry simply nodded groggily, "Threw... now I am tired? And Niall, you smell!"

"Hey," he whined, sniffing his arm. "What do I smell like?"

"Food," Harry whimpered. "I do not like it."

"Your sense of smell is probably just heightened because you're sick," Liam chuckled. "Louis, make the poor boy an appointment with Dr. Shell."

I nodded, "Harry and I will head home so my Kitten can sleep, and I'll call Lucca."

It was early October, and it had just started growing chilly. I stood, retrieving Harry's TOMS and the wooly jacket I'd bought him, helping the younger boy into it. Harry stood taking my hand quietly in his own and waving at Liam and Niall as we walked towards the front door.

"See you guys either tomorrow or the next day," I told them. "It depends on when I can make Harry's appointment. Hopefully Lucca has time today."

"Bye!" Liam chuckled as Niall stood next to him, suggestively grabbing a hold of him and wrapping his leg around Liam's waist. "Feel better soon, Harry!"

"Thank you," Harry said softly, and I led the younger boy out into the cold.

I felt horrible that we had to walk back, even though it was a short distance, but Harry still wasn't a huge fan of cars so we walked everywhere we could. To the best of my ability I tried to shield my Kitten from the cold wind. His lanky frame was tucked under my arm and he was snuggled against my side. I walked as quickly as I dared to walk the sickly boy, and ushered him inside the flat once I'd unlocked it. He slipped off his jacket and beanie, walking silently to the couch where Lucy was so he could curl up with her.

"I'll get you a blanket, lovely," I told him.

"Then we will cuddle?" he called hopefully to me as I went to the hall closet to find a fluffy blanket.

I hurried back to him, "When would I decline the opportunity to snuggle you?"

"Wait," he held up a finger, sitting up and releasing the black fluffy cat. "I need to brush my teeth."

"I'll brush my teeth with you," I grinned at him, tossing the blanket onto the couch and following the boy to the bathroom. We brushed our teeth side by side, and once we were finished, Harry ducked down to kiss me.

"Why did I never stand straight.... before?" he asked me. "I like taller kissing!"

I stuck my lips out in a pout, "You're still my Kitten, don't get any ideas."

"I will always be your, Kitten," he giggled. "I know. I like it."

We retreated back the living room, where Harry tucked himself against the back of the couch and patted the empty space for me to crawl up next to him. Of course I obliged, snuggling the boy close, "Just tell me if you feel sick again and I'll let you out."

"I am feeling better now," he assured. "Kind of hungry, I think?"

"Oh yeah?" I asked, kissing his forehead. "Want me to make you some dinner?"

"Um," Harry frowned, his hand moving to his stomach. "I do not know..."

"Don't you feel better?" I asked in confusion.

"What is pudgy?" Harry spoke up suddenly.

"It means you've got a little bit of a tummy, usually," I said. "Which you don't. Your tummy is a normal tummy. I love your tummy."

Harry's hand slid down my side, "I like your bottom... and your legs. Your legs have muscles."

"All of our legs have muscles," I laughed. "Your legs have muscles."

"But your leg muscles are better at making me feel good," he shrugged nonchalantly. He may have changed when it came to speaking, but his mind was still incredibly innocent. "They are good to push against things to... go further inside me!"

"Well then," I shifted my hips, trying not to be aroused. "Let's change the subject of this conversation since you're feeling ill and we shouldn't really... do anything right now."

Harry frowned, once again poking at his stomach, "I am pudgy?"

"You're not pudgy," I whispered. "I should hurt Niall for saying that. I don't think he was saying it to hurt your feelings, though. He was just being Niall."

"Okay," Harry sighed. "You do not have to call Dr. Shell anymore, though. I am better."

"Baby," I sighed, remembering that I had to phone the doctor. I dug in my pocket for my mobile as I spoke. "Recently you've been sick an awful lot. Maybe it's stress, maybe it's a weird flu or something. I don't know, but I just want to make sure you're okay, you know?"

"I am not broken," Harry frowned. "I am okay..."

"Just checking to assure that it's not something bad," I patted at him. "You know how much I need you with me."

"Louis loves Harry more than jelly beans?" he giggled.

"So much more than jelly beans," I grinned, nuzzling our noses together.

"I love Louis more than pizza," he grinned, remembering our old game of discovering what we loved less than what we loved one another. "Harry's Louis."

The boy snuggled under my chin as I dialed Dr. Shell's number and brought the phone to my ear. After several rings, the creator of my Kitten finally answered, "Louis Tomlinson, it's been ages. I hope we're calling under good circumstances?"

"They're fair circumstances," I chuckled. "Harry's been feeling a bit under the weather though... and I was wondering if you could take a look?"

"Well maybe I won't have to," Dr. Shell said. "What's wrong with him."

"Well for the past two months... he's been sickly on and off. We have good days and bad days. Some days he's just really tired, and sometimes he's fine. But for the past few weeks he's been sick if he eats certain foods... and in the mornings it's all foods that he can't eat. He can usually keep crackers down but today he even threw those up."

"Two months, huh?" Dr. Shell murmured. "Odd. No matter what type of flu strand it is, it wouldn't last two months... strange."

"What could it be then?" I asked.

"I'm not sure," he said thoughtfully. "I suppose I will have to run some tests... but I can't do it today. I've recently sold a lot of my equipment so I'll have to steal- er... borrow... some new stuff? If I call the right people I can more than likely take a look at the boy tomorrow morning."

"I can call in to work for the morning," I agreed.

Harry sighed, wrapping an arm around me to try and pull me closer. I snuggled towards him more and listened as Dr. Shell continued, "I'll probably just run multiple tests. I'll take a bit of blood, I'll do a urine test..."

"Why are you telling me these things?" I laughed.

He paused, "I'm just giving you a run by. Then we can use an Ultrasound to take a look at his stomach. I have a feeling it might be something with the lining of his stomach, if he's feeling sick. Maybe he just needs some medicine to strengthen it. However, that doesn't really explain his fatigue..."

"English, please," I mumbled.

"We're going to use a machine to look at his stomach to see if we can find out what's making him tired and ill," Dr. Shell huffed.

"Okay," I laughed. "Fair enough..."

"Tomorrow, then," he nodded. "Sonogram's are relatively easy to... borrow... so come to my lab tomorrow morning."

"We can do that. See you tomorrow."

"Goodbye, Louis."

And with that, Dr. Shell was hanging up. I quickly dialed my boss Brian's number, informing him of what was going on. Brian was always incredibly nice to both Harry and I, and he was perfectly alright with me missing work for what seemed like the hundredth time. Then again, he kind of had to be nice to us considering he'd brained me with a horse encyclopedia and scared the life out of Harry. Next, I shot a text to Zayn.

Hey mate, I'll be in late to work tomorrow. I already told Brian. You and Chris have fun, cause I'm figuring you're together. Make sure you can walk tomorrow... that is... assuming you bottom, I texted the raven haired boy, smirking as I did so. Moments later he texted back

Fuck you, Tomlinson! At least my ass isn't lazy!

Easy, easy, there tiger. I'm only missing work cause I'm taking him to the doctor. Since he's been sick lately, you know?

Oh. Well now I feel bad. But I'm still gonna hurt you for the bottoming crack! See you tomorrow, mate. Be prepared for my wrath. Oh, and tell your Kitten I said good luck and to get well soon xx

Will do xx

The kisses are for Harry. You're just an arse.

I love you Zayniepoo.

Fine. Whatever. Love you too, Tomlinson. Bye, mate.

Buhbyeee! xx

 Once I slipped my phone back into my pocket, I found Harry examining me sleepily.

"Hello, Kitten," I poked his nose softly. "Why are your eyes open?"

"You are nice to look at," he smirked.

"Close your eyes, baby," I crooned, caressing his face repeatedly. The boy usually always fell asleep if I petted at his face and hair. "My baby Kitten..."

"Lucca's tomorrow?" he sighed, but closed his eyes and pressed his face against my hand.

"Yeah," I admitted. "He's going to make sure you're okay. Can you be okay, for me? Will you do that?"

"Yes," he murmured, but I knew he was half asleep and slightly unaware of what was happening.

"Do you like crickets?" an evil grin slipped onto my face.


"Am I Niall's?" I asked.

"No!" his arms slipped around. "Mine, mine, mine, just mine."

"I know, baby," I laughed. "I'm teasing. You nap, and then when you wake up we'll have dinner and we can watch the telly."

"Okay," he sighed.

I stretched out stroking at the boys head until he drifted off to sleep. My own eyes didn't want to close, cause I wasn't at all tired yet, but I was perfectly content with watching Harry's pale face as he slept. My brow furrowed and I patted at Harry's pudged stomach. It was strange that he had a tummy even though he'd been sickly and not eating much. You think he'd be skin and bones, and everywhere else he seemed like he usually did, and his stomach just seemed to poke out in the slightest. It wasn't even noticeable from the front. But he seemed perfectly fine, and I wouldn't allow my mind to come to the conclusion that he wasn't. We'd get him some medicine tomorrow, and then he'd get better just like that, I was sure of it.

2015 Update: THANKS TO ALL WHO STILL READ THIS! I'VE GOT SOMETHING I WANT YOU TO CHECK OUT. It's much different from this fic, it's bottom Louis rather than bottom Harry. But its an rp blog of my friends. It's daddy!kink mpreg. They're super close to goal so you should follow them?? got to http://askdaddykink.tumblr.com I'll make a hyperlink, but yes, the blog url is askdaddykink so check it out please! Follow maybe? :)

[A/N2]: Hiiii! Sorry this is... lacking in activity. BUT ITS THE FIRST CHAPTER, YO. OBVIOUSLY NOT MUCH CAN HAPPEN. Speaking of first chapters, go check out my frieeeend @cumformelarry 's new fic! Go, go, go!

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