Home: An Arrow Fanfic

By ladyofglencairn

177K 3.4K 584

There's been a new killing and someone is trying to frame the Hood. Oliver and his team have to track down th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20

Chapter 19

6.9K 131 10
By ladyofglencairn

Oliver found Thea sitting in the kitchen munching on an apple, a glass of water on the counter before her. "Hey, have you heard the news?"

He sat down beside her. "It's been pretty hard to miss."

She took another bite, the sound of crunching apple amplified in the quiet area. "I always thought Malcolm was kinda creepy. That slick smile coupled with the egotistical streak... He totally never fooled me."

"Of course he didn't."

She made a face at him. "Mock me all you want. Remember that time I thought Mom was having an affair with him and I freaked out?" He nodded. "That's because I knew he was a whack job." She slammed a hand down on the counter for emphasis.

Oliver looked at her sceptically. "You told me that you were merely concerned that she was cheating on Walter?"

She shrugged. "Semantics, brother dear." She drained her water glass. "Bottom line, I knew Malcolm had a dark side."

Oliver shook his head at her. Thea was something else. "Where is our Mother?"

"In her room. I don't think she's taking the news very well. I mean think about it – imagine knowing someone practically all your life and never once suspecting that he was a sadistic killing machine?" She shuddered. "In her shoes, I'd probably be a basket case."

The irony of her statement wasn't lost on Oliver. Although he was a far cry from a sadistic killing machine.

He heard footsteps approaching. Turning towards the door he saw Tommy enter. He looked awful; haggard and tired, like he'd been through the worst day of his life. The reality was, he probably had been.

Thea was the first one out of her seat. She rushed over and hugged him. "I'm so sorry, Tommy." Her tone was sympathetic and compassionate.

Oliver marvelled at her ability to be flippant one moment and caring the next. Despite all her protestations to the contrary, his sister had a heart of gold.

He watched as Tommy returned her embrace. "Thanks, Speedy." They drew apart. "Mind if I talk to Ollie in private?"

"No, of course not." She grabbed what was left of her apple. "I'll be with Mom," she said to Oliver as she walked out.

The silence following her departure was awkward and fraught with tension. "Oliver-"


Both spoke at the same time. The action seemed to relieve some of the strain. Tommy walked over and sat down in the seat Thea had just vacated. "I have a lot to say and I'd appreciate it if you'd just listen." He glanced sideways at Oliver.


Tommy took a deep breath. "First off, I need to apologise to you. The past few months I've behaved like a complete jackass and it's actually a miracle that you're still talking to me. I guess when I finally found out about you I was angry – not so much that you didn't tell me, but that you never had any intention of telling me at all." He kept his eyes focussed on the granite counter. "It made me feel as though you had no faith in our friendship – no faith in me – and that hurt more than anything else. It was only after I talked with Felicity this morning-"

"Wait. What? You talked with Felicity before she was kidnapped?" Oliver was confused.

"She didn't tell you?" At Oliver's negative response, he continued. "I ran into her at Big Belly. I-uh-I was trying to convince her to stay away from you." He glanced at Oliver, clearly embarrassed. "Anyway, she gave me an earful and told me some hard truths: Namely that as your supposed best friend, you deserved my loyalty and I owed you an opportunity to explain things. She was right."

Oliver couldn't believe that Felicity had stood up for him, defending him in response to Tommy's accusations. The knowledge just made him love her more. How did I get so lucky?

"After everything that's happened today, I know now, more than ever, that you've always had my best interests at heart. You could have killed him, Ollie, and no one would have blamed you. But because of me you didn't, and I can never repay you for that. Despite what he's done," Tommy's voice broke, "he's still my father."

Oliver placed a comforting hand on his friend's back. "You don't owe me anything and I don't regret my choice." He felt his friend shiver beneath his palm. "Have you spoken to him?"

Tommy shook his head. "No. He's at the in-house prison hospital facility. I had the option to see him, but I chose not to. While I don't wish him dead, I can't pretend that I'm not sickened by his actions. He abandoned me as a child so that he could go off and learn to be a killer. Who does that?"

Oliver hated seeing Tommy in so much pain, but it was better that he knew what his father truly was than to live in ignorance. "I wish things were different. I hope you know that I mean that."

Tommy smiled sadly. "I do."

"You'll get through this. It won't happen overnight, but I'm here for you and so is my family. Whatever you need, okay? I'm not going anywhere."

Oliver felt a lump in his throat as Tommy broke down. He knew the feeling of having the scales ripped from your eyes when you realised that someone you loved wasn't what they seemed to be. He'd felt the exact same way after his father had killed himself. It had taken a long time, but he'd made great strides toward forgiving his father and learning to move past his disappointment. Tommy would get there too.

Tommy ran an arm across his eyes to mop up his tears. "Thanks." He sat still for an instant. "I'm ready to listen now. If it's not too late."

It was in that moment that Oliver knew that they'd be okay, that their friendship would make it past this hurdle, perhaps even bringing them closer.

Sitting in the stillness of the kitchen, Oliver told Tommy why he'd become The Hood. He told him about his father, the list and the promise he'd made. There were lots more he could have told him, but he wasn't ready to share it with anyone other than Felicity. She was the only person who made him feel safe enough to bare his soul.

An hour later Tommy left to go home and he went in search of his mother.

He knocked on the door to her bedroom. "Come in, Oliver."

Moira was sitting on the edge of her bed watching the news. "You should stop watching that," he said as he sat down beside her.

She put a hand over his and squeezed. "I know. I can't seem to help myself though. It's so shocking. All those people they're saying he's killed…"

Oliver switched the TV off. "The important thing is that he's been apprehended and he can't hurt anyone else. To dwell on the details won't serve any purpose."

She nodded. "You're right. I'm sorry if I ruined your evening. You probably had plans." The smile she gave him didn't reach her eyes.

"Don't worry about it. I'm happy to be here." He put his arm around her and she leaned into him, her head resting on his shoulder.

"Poor Tommy. What will he do?"

"In time he'll figure it out. He's a mess right now, but he's going to be fine."

Moira lifted her head and looked at him, tears in her eyes. "I'm so happy you're back with us, Oliver. Your and Thea's happiness if the most important thing to me. I want you to know that."

Oliver smiled. "I never doubted it."


For a long time Oliver just sat there comforting his mother.

The following day.

"So, you and Felicity huh?" Diggle sniggered.

"Is it just me or does that question sound familiar?" Oliver and Diggle were at the foundry, having just watched Detective Lance clear The Hood of all charges pertaining to the murder of Jeremy Croft and the attempted murder of Sean Grayson.

Diggle switched the volume down on the screen. "That's because I wasn't satisfied with the answer the last time I asked the question."

Oliver rolled his eyes, amused. "I recall telling you that it was none of your business."

"Please!" Diggle scoffed. "You declared your feelings to me, remember? Now quit beating around the bush and tell me where you two are at."

Oliver knew that Diggle wouldn't let it go. "We're having dinner tonight."

"But you've told her how you feel, right?"

Oliver shifted uncomfortably. "Not exactly."

Diggle gaped at him. "Then what the hell were you doing there last night?"

At Oliver's silence Diggle hooted with laughter. "I see. Satisfying your baser needs?"

"You're behaving like Thea, an eighteen year old. Which is not a compliment by the way," Oliver retorted.

Clearing his throat, Diggle attempted to get his laughter under control. "Okay. Sorry. But when exactly are you telling her?"

"Hopefully tonight," Oliver replied.

Diggle made a sound akin to approval. "Any idea where you're taking her?"

"Yeah. I've already got it all planned."

Diggle grinned and clapped him on the shoulder. "Best of luck, man."

Felicity had a feeling of déjà vu as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her stomach was a pit of butterflies. Oliver had called her at work and asked her to meet him at Verdant by seven-thirty. She wasn't sure what to expect since he'd refused to tell her where they were going or what he'd been planning. When she'd asked him about the dress code, he'd told her to wear whatever she felt comfortable in.

She'd smiled at that. He honestly seemed to like her as she was, eccentric tastes and all. But she'd decided against her usual skirts and shirts. Tonight was going to be special – well, it would be for her anyway. She was going to tell him how she felt about him. The very thought made her stomach turn over, but she was determined to do it. After what happened with Malcolm, she'd realised that life was too short to hold back. It was all or nothing.

She exhaled nervously as she looked at her reflection. She'd chosen a simple black dress, one she'd only worn once, to the Queen Consolidated Christmas party the year before. Afterwards she'd thrown it in the back of her closet because of all the unwanted attention it had attracted. An impulse purchase after the sales woman had convinced her that she'd looked amazing in it, she'd regretted it the second after bringing it home. Tonight though, she wanted Oliver's attention and she wasn't above using a dress to do so.

Round at the neck, it was sleeveless and short, the fabric stretchy and comfortable. Skimming her curves in all the right places, it ended at mid thigh, its only embellishment a double row of gold beads around the neckline. On her feet were a pair of stiletto booties she'd purchased on the same day as the dress and like the latter, had only worn once.

She'd tied her hair up in a messy bun and wore the diamond and gold studs she'd received as a twenty-first gift from her parents.

Deciding that she'd have to do, she took a final look in the mirror before grabbing her coat and purse and heading out to meet Oliver.

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