You Told Me Think About It (P...

By EllNattila

76.5K 862 85

Warped Tour. The place where it can break up couples from bands, long time apart hurts. Lucky for me I was si... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Forty

Chapter Thirty-Nine

721 20 2
By EllNattila

Ellie’s POV

Sliding my phone out for what seemed like the millionth time tonight, I dialled Vic. My mind raced, making me dizzy. I fumbled trying to get the phone to my ear. Once again Vic picked up on the second ring.

“Vic call an ambulance to the club. It’s Jaime. We are in the alley.” I hung up, running to Jaime’s body, throwing my bags somewhere. His chest was moving up and down. That was a relief. My body calmed only slightly. Jaime’s eyes were open, but they had that ‘dead’ look to them. Oh god. What have I done? This is all my doing…

“Jaime? Jaime stay here with me please?” I shook his limp body. A small moan came from his mouth. I looked to his wrists. It was deep, real deep. My hands were covered in his blood within seconds. This can’t be happening. It can’t be. I sat Jaime up, trying to be careful not to do anymore damage. He moaned again. I can’t believe I did this. My eyes filled with tears. I’m a monster.

“Hey Ellie…” Jaime slurred. He was in the worst state I have ever seen and it hurts to know all of it was my fault. I laid his head on my shoulder, holding his arms delicately in my lap.  I rested my head on top of his. Man, I don’t like who I have become.

“Don’t try and speak. Ok?” I stroked his face, trying to stay strong. But the tears just kept on coming, falling down my face and on to Jaime’s arms. Pretty sure that would sting. A small nod was all Jaime gave before shuffling slightly. “Try not to move either.” With every movement I could see the pain he was in. My eyes were practically useless now, I couldn’t see a thing.

“Ellie?...” Jaime mumbled to my shoulder. How do I comfort him? How can I make this better? I want to make this better. I feel useless and hopeless. Bringing my hand to his face, I stroked his cheek lightly, feeling his face tug into a tiny smile. “Ellie, tell me a story.” Jaime whispered, almost inaudible. Now of all times, he asks for a story. I remember when late at night, when I couldn’t sleep, Jaime would tell me a short story he made up on the spot. All those nights, I passed out with a small smile planted on my face.

“Ok. What kinda story do you want?” I question as if I am talking to a small child. Never did I think that this of all things happen to one of the happiest people in the world. I knew I shouldn’t have left.  I should have stayed and at least tried to sort it out. But no I ran from my problems just like I always do.

“A happy story. Which involves us...” Jaime moaned again. Us. My heart hurt. My stomach was in knots. More and more tears flowed from my eyes. Looking up at the dark sky, I take a deep breath in. All our memories are still fresh in my head. The first till last ones.

“Ok. How about I start with, when the two people meet?” I asked Jaime, not that he was able to reply. Somehow just sitting here until the ambulance came was calming. Just sitting here with the man I love makes me feel better. But not better about the fact that this is my fault. “There was a girl named Ellie and she lived in Beverly Hills. And a guy Jaime was at a club when he first saw her. His best friend Vic introduced him to her after her accident. Do you know what Jaime said to Ellie?” Jaime gave a vague shake of his head. I smiled at how cheesy the next part was. But it was perfect to me. “Jaime said ‘did it hurt when you fell from heaven?’ Even though Ellie was thinking about how weird this guy in front of her was. She also thought about how she was already really enjoying his company.”

 In the distance I could hear sirens coming closer by the second. I don’t want this moment to end. Jaime went limper on me and I could see that his chest was not rising anymore. My throat started to close as I cradled his body close to my chest. This can’t be the end. Bring him back to me, it’s not his time! Somehow even more tears fell into Jaime’s hair. Two men ran round the corner, a stretcher in one of their hands, a medical kit in another’s. One of the men took Jaime’s body away from me, laying it on the ground. I whimpered out of shear pain of what was happening. Everything slowed to a near halt. A defib was taken out the kit on place on Jaime’s chest, sending causing his body to jump. Please. Please. Please wake up!

~Please don't hurt me... The next chapter will most probaby be the final one. But if you would like i could do a small short book about Jet and Austin and Izzy and those peopel if oyu would like? But do not worry my sexicans! Eveything i hope will end well. i Want it to.

Keep commenting and voting! And fanning! And more voting and yeha... good bye...

Natty out ;; ~

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