Our Eternal Ruin (Auslly)

By JoanneRauraAuslly

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You don't want to fall in love but you just do . Love's just unexpected. Especially when the girl you love's... More

2. The beginning
3. Lamb
4. What If
5. My Life
6. Blow the Whistle
7. Sacrifice ? I'd rather not
8. Frat Party
9. The Note
10. Let me Save You
11. Stay
12. That's my girl
13. To-Do List
14. Be my Saviour, Not my Ruin
16. Kiss a hot guy ? Check
17. Something's wrong with Austin
18. Will you be my Girlfriend ?
19. Dez knows
20. What could go wrong ?
21. Meet the parent
22. Three Weeks
23. Friendly Sleeping
24. Learn how to swim, Check
25. Skinny Dipping, Check
26. Everything's going to be fine
27. I'm sick, Ally. Really sick !
28. Face your Fears
30. Ruin
31. You're my favourite
32. Don't be dead
33. The beginning of forever
34. The ring on her hand
35. We're Fearless
36. She held my heart
37. A brand new start
38. The wedding
39. The blindfold
40. A story that would never end
41. Our night

15. Getting Ready

151 8 0
By JoanneRauraAuslly

 I'm not freaking out — not yet. Why hasn't she called back?


I knew I was being ridiculous when, during class, I kept checking my phone for any missed texts or phone calls.

Ally hadn't responded to me. And I hated that my mind was absolute crap, while I made excuses for why she wouldn't talk to me.

Was it because of my dad?

Or did I push her too far too fast?


My phone vibrated in my hand. Finally!

I looked down at the text.

We still on for tonight?

I was barely able to hide my excitement. As it was, I had such a giant-assed grin on my face, that I'm sure my professor assumed I was high, or looking at dirty pictures or something.

"Something you want to share with the rest of the class, Mr. Moon?" Crap, so he had noticed.

I cleared my throat and nodded. "I have a date."

A few people whispered around me.

And then I received a slap or two on the back from teammates.

My professor, however, seemed less than amused. He rolled his eyes and returned to his lecture.

But I couldn't concentrate. Instead, I texted her back.

Counting down the minutes.

So I'd lost every ounce of game I'd carefully pieced together throughout my existence.

I didn't want to play the cool and aloof guy. The one that had all the time in the world, because I knew I didn't. And I wanted to capture every damn moment until it was too late.

My hands shook.

I checked my phone again.

I'd need to do another batch of meds before I saw her tonight. If I skipped my next class, took them about an hour early, and lay down, I'd probably be fine for the date.

At least, fine enough not to puke all over her pretty face...

Yeah ok I realise how gross that sounds now.

Ten minutes later, I strolled out of the room and made a beeline for the dorms.


Why hadn't I realized until now that I'd never been on a date? What do I wear? Are we eating? Holy crap! I'm think I'm going to be sick...


"Does it look okay? Really?" I asked for the twentieth time.

Dez smacked his hand against his forehead and cursed. "Just chill out! Geez, I have half a mind to give you alcohol right now. Sit. It's almost ready."

I smirked.

Another deadpan expression from Dez as he ran the iron over the white shirt. "I take this to my grave you know."

"What? The white shirt?" I asked innocently.

"No." He rolled his eyes and unplugged the iron. "My Martha Stewart skills."

"He can sew too," Cassidy announced as she walked into the room and dangled a necklace in front of my face. "In fact, I'm pretty sure if you asked him to knit you a sweater you'd have one by Christmas."

"Thanks, cousin." Dez flipped her off and threw the shirt at me.

"Hey!" I caught it midair. "We don't want all your hard work going to waste."

"I need more guy friends," Dez mumbled as he took a seat on the couch and sighed into his hands.

Cassidy gasped. "I'm offended! You know I'm your favorite."

His eyes narrowed. "You know you're a loser when your best friend is your cousin."

"Aw, Dez." Cassidy pressed her hand to her chest. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

"Right." He folded his arms and groaned, leaning his head back on the couch. "I need a smoke."

"You quit," Cassidy sang.

"Fine, then I need to go film something, anything.""Then film Ally, a documentary on her struggles with being a regular teenager."

I laughed when Dez gave me an exasperated look. He pushed to his feet and walked over to the kitchen. I heard water running and then cursing.

"Don't mind him." Cassidy waved in Dez' direction. "He really isn't as annoyed as he seems. Promise."

"Lies," he yelled from the kitchen.

"Now..." Cassidy pointed to my t-shirt. "Strip. He worked hard on this and I want to make sure it looks good with the skirt."

"Uh..." I shook my head no. "Dez is in the kitchen, like right there. I'll change in my room."

"It's like he's gay. I promise he won't notice." Cassidy nodded emphatically. Another curse was heard from the kitchen. Poor Dez.

"Fine." I quickly took off my T-shirt and reached for the one she held out to me. I

I slowly did the buttons and then stood for her to examine me. I had a cute miniskirt with tan and white stripes that hugged every curve and a white button up blouse that hung loosely over my hips. In my mind I thought it would look awfu,l but by the large smile on Cassidy's face I could tell I was the one in the wrong.

"Looking good," Dez said from behind me.

I jerked around And have a shriek.

He was holding a camera up to my face.

He grinned. "Oh, and by the way, not gay and most definitely watched." He said watched with such a predatory snap of his teeth that I took a step back.

"Dez, stop scaring her," Cassidy scolded. "And put the damn camera away! Now, Ally, put on the necklace and heels and you'll be ready."

I did as she said and then stood in front of both of them and did a quick turn.

Dez leaned forward, his forearms flexing against his legs as he put pressure on his legs to stand. "Nope. Change."

"What? Why?" I felt my face fall . "Doesn't it look good?"

"Cassidy, do you want her to be taken advantage of?" He shook his head and walked around me like a tiger stalking its prey.

"The top isn't even low! She has it buttoned for crying out loud!" Cassidy argued.

"Right," Dez snarled.

Before I knew what was happening he'd reached around me and put two of his fingers directly on my chest at the last button. "And every damn minute of the night he's going to wonder how many seconds it will take to strip every last button on her shirt."

"The skirt's fine." Cassidy stood her ground.

"Right." Dez' hand moved to my skirt and gave it a little tug. "It may as well be a second skin the way it hugs every single curve, and you know what guys think."

Cassidy rolled her eyes. I, however, stood frozen in place.

"He's going to want to touch her legs. He's going to want to—"

"Dez!" Cassidy stood to her feet and marched over to us. "Is this about him? Or you taking on the older brother role?"

"Its not my fault she's dressed like predictor bate!" he yelled.

"Um, I'm standing right here," I said in a quiet voice.

Dez paced around the room in front of me. "It's about him. What if he touches her? What if she can't find her whistle, and—"

"You're going to be such a great dad," Cassidy announced. "Now, it's time to cut the apron strings. Tell her she looks pretty and let it go."

Dez crossed his arms and pouted.

I waited with Cassidy.

Finally, he looked me in the eyes. "You look really pretty."

"Thank you!" I slowly walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "That means a lot."

"Cassidy," Dez said with gravel in his voice. "Give us a minute."


"I said give us a minute."

"Fine." She stomped off into her room leaving me alone with Dez.

"Do you know how to hit a guy?" he asked, grabbing my hands. "If I pull you close to my body, do you know how to knee me, where to knee me?"

I lifted my knee quickly, causing Dez to stumble back and smile.

"Well done."

"Anything else, Dad?" I laughed.

He pulled me close again. "If he tries to touch you, if he does anything that you don't want, you blow the damn whistle and call me. I don't care what time of night it is, okay?"

I sighed and nodded.

Dez released me.

"Why are you so protective of me? You don't even know me." I went to sit on the couch, waiting for Austin to come pick me up.

"No freaking clue." Dez took a seat next to me and put his arm around the back of the couch. "I just can't stand the idea of something happening to you. And even though I keep saying this until I'm blue in the face, it's not because I'm jealous. I just... I have a really bad feeling about him."

"You gotta let the baby birds fly, Dez." I smacked his knee. "And you have to trust my judgment. He's been a complete gentleman with me."

"I know that." Dez pinched the bridge of his nose. "But don't you think it's weird? His entourage? The fact that he's an RA? I mean, why is he an RA? I even asked a few of the other upperclassmen. It was never supposed to be him, and nobody's talking. And then the whole football thing. One of my friends on the team said he collapsed at practice. What if he's on drugs or something?"

"I highly doubt that." I shook my head, refusing to believe it. "I think he's probably just overwhelmed. I mean, wouldn't you be?"

After a while Dez answered. "Probably. Just be careful."

"And for the twentieth time," I sang out. "I will."

At the sound of the knock on the door, my heart began thumping against my chest as if it was going to beat its way out and land on the floor.

Cassidy ran from her room, nearly tripping over the table blocking her way, and stopped in front of the door, fixed her hair, and swung open the door.


And there behind the door stood...Her prince Charming ;) 

I cannot wait to describe the date :D

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