Dance is my life

By KairaSchwengler

326K 10K 1K

My school is bursting with huge egotistical dancers. Not all dancers have huge egos but I swear everyone here... More

Semi Finals
New year, New Book


6.7K 203 41
By KairaSchwengler

Today is my date with Justin he said to wear something I can dance in so I listen and Brianna of course said that it had to be cute yet functional. Little did I know that she was going to give me what looks like an old costume.

"I can't go on a date looking like this?"

"Why not? You look gorgeous and you can dance in it. In my books its a win win. Now get going he's going to think you stood him up." She lastly helps me put on the wig before I exit the room. I walk with a jacket on and a hood up. I stop at the public bathrooms and put my cover clothes in a baggy before placing them behind a brick in the wall. I walk out of the bathroom to see Justin standing in the park looking around awkwardly. I smile and walk over to him.

"Hey!" He smiles in relief. "Let's go."

"Where are we going?"

"To dance." He smiles leading me back to the little place where he dances. I notice he is wearing jeans and a tee shirt nothing too special were as I look crazy overdressed standing beside him. Av nods at us as we walk in.

"Barbie, Ken welcome back. I'm actually teaching today want to learn something?"

"Sure." I smile at her. Everyone is partnered off. It's a hip hop number. Justin and I dance for fun this time. She teaches very well making sure everyone has everything before she moves on. By the time Justin and I have the dance down we have already been there for an hour and a half.

"Thanks Av for teaching us."

"No problem rift raft is always welcome here." I smile at her as Justin gives her a man hug.

"So what now?"

"Now we go for supper." He smiles at me. "But first we have to stop at my car." He hops into his car and grabs out some clothes. He changes in the bathroom. He is wearing dress pants and a nice white button up top. He looks amazing. We go to Fired Up Grill again for supper and it is good as well. After that he takes me to a movie. We walk into the theater and its almost packed. We quickly find seats before Sisters staring Tina Fey and Amy Poehler trailer lights up the screen. It's crazy funny and I have a really good time. After that Justin walks me over to the park. I kiss him goodbye and he leaves as I walk to the public bathroom.

As I grab my clothes out of the public bathroom I think back about the date. Not going to lie it was pretty standard. I loved the dancing but the food and movie was so main stream. Now I'm not saying that it was a horrible date and I didn't have fun I just wish her would have done something special.

I walk back into my dorm to see Brianna still awake. "How was it?" She turns off the TV giving me her full attention. I tell her about the date and how much fun I had dancing with him. I told her about supper and the movie and she crinkled her nose a little.

"That's all he did?"


"Wow that's so-" She stops to think of the word.

"Main stream?"

"Yea. It's like he didn't put in any effort. I swear if Wilson does as bad as a job as Justin did there will be no hope for the male race!"

"Brianna." I roll my eyes.

"What? You want something special not blah."

"I know but he did something really special for our first date."

"But he has to keep trying. It's all about the chase."

"Oh boy." I shake my head at her nonsense.

"I'm serious."

"I think it's time for bed." I walk over to my room. I take a quick shower before finally going to bed secretly hoping that Brianna is right and that Wilson's date is ten times better than Justin's.


"Mae! Lets go shopping!" Jayna's voice shouts out. I jump awake seeing all three of my girl friends in my room.

"What's going on?"

"You have your date with Wilson today." Lucy smiles at me. I look at them in shock.

"Brianna told us." Jayna sells her out as she looks at me shocked.

"In my defense they like begged me to tell them. I thought you wouldn't mind."

"No it's all cool." I smile at my best friend happy that she didn't lie to me. Lucy goes straight into my closet and starts rummaging though it. We just went shopping not to long ago so I don't think that I need to go shopping again.

"We need to find the perfect outfit." Lucy says from inside my closet.

"I don't even know what to wear." Jayna smiles at me as I tell them my thoughts. I honestly don't know what Wilson likes so its a little hard to pick something to wear.

"It's okay that's why we are going shopping. To find something no one has seen before!" Lucy suggests. I shrug as Brianna rolls her eyes playfully.

"Sure why not?" I jump out of bed trying to get dressed into something that wont be too much of a hassle to change in and out of a couple times. I walk out the door with all the girls by my side. We drive in Lucy's car to the closest mall. When we get there Lucy takes me to her favorite shop. We search in there for what seems like hours with no luck. We move on to Jayna's favorite shop. Again we search but we come up with nothing. Lastly Brianna takes us to her step mothers favorite shop.

"Okay so this is cute." Lucy pulls out some jeans.

"You had said more casual?" Jayna asks me going through the racks.

"Casual yet cute" Brianna tells them.

"Hello ladies is there anyway that I can help?" The sales associate asks us.

"I think we are-" Brianna starts but I cut her off.

"I am looking for a date outfit. Something casual yet cute and functional. Not that I don't think my friends wont find something but its nice to have someone who knows the store."

"Of course and may I ask what sizes you are?"

"Small in shirts, 3 in pants and small in skirts."

"Awesome." She walks away. We keep looking as Lucy drags me to a changing room. The first outfit that we find was jeans and a business like top. It just made me look all boxy with no curves. The one Jayna threw at me was jeans and this top that tied around my neck but it just didn't feel right. Losing hope Brianna brought me her outfit. Shorts and a top with a cardigan. I liked it but not for a date.

"What now?" I ask them just as the sales associate comes rushing over.

"Okay so here are some of my finds. There is a total of two outfits in there. The skirts goes with the black tank and the jeans go with the sweater. Let me know if you need any size changes." I nod at her. She walks away as I head into the change room. I try on the jeans and sweater first. I walk out to see the girls.

"Well?" I ask.

"I like that." Lucy smiles.

"Me too but its missing something." Brianna agrees.

"It's cute for a night in date." Jayna says as we all agree with her.

"Alright so maybe?" The all nod. I smile as I walk back into the change room. I look at the bright pink skirt with the bright pink belt. The skirt has more of an Aztec design and the plain black tank top I don't know if it'll work together. I put them on and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. The tank top catches all my curves as the skirt stops mid-thigh. The simplicity of this out makes it look amazing. As I walk out the sales associate is talking with the girls.

"Amazing." Lucy's jaw drops.

"That's it." Brianna smiles at me.

"Beautiful!" Jayna smirks at me. "Wilson is going to have a hard time keeping his hands off of you." She smiles.

"Does everything fit right? Do you need a size up or down?" The associate asks.

"It's perfect." She smiles at me thankful.

"It was my pleasure. I would go over to Paulettes and grab some black wedges to go with it and here" She rushes away. I look at them.

"She's sort of amazing at this!" Lucy states.

"Right." We laugh.

"Here." She hands me a necklace. It's coral to match the skirt and looks perfect.

"That's it!" Jayna laughs. "Your a life saver. We have her hair and makeup appointment at 1 and still haven't eaten."

"It's my pleasure. Here I'll check out girls out." I nod. I change into my regular clothing. I grab the sweater as well since it was so comfy. It'll be used. I head to the check out and pay for everything. I thank the girl as we head to Paulettes to find some wedges. I try them on and Lucy states them make my legs look flawless. Since I can walk in them I decide to buy them. Then we take a break for lunch. My date with Wilson is at four so we have four hours and so until he will pick me up from my dorm.

"Okay so I booked you at my aunt's salon." Lucy smiles at me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes come on!" She drags me into the salon. "Hi is my aunt here?"

"In the back room Lucy." The lady at the desk tells her. We walk through the salon as people say hi to Lucy. She waves but she leads me on her mission.

"I brought her!" Lucy states as she enters the back room.

"Alright." Her aunt smiles at me. "So which one has the date?" They all point at me. "Perfect."

"So what first?" Lucy asks.

"I'm going to need all of your girls help." Lucy's aunt tells the other three girls.

"Of course." Jayna smiles.

"Okay so we have four hours to do Hair, Makeup, Nails for manicure and pedicure, Waxing and jewelry." She tells them.

"Okay." Brianna smirks at me.

"We will do hair and makeup last so first lets do waxing." She takes me into another room. They wax my legs and my face. It hurts like crazy but after it's done they let me feel my legs and it makes everything worth it. Next they do my nails. They have one girl doing my hands and another doing my feet. Lucy, Jayna and Brianna run around trying to find things for Lucy's aunt. They pull out my outfit to show the nail technicians. They paint my nails coral pink with one Aztec looking accent nail on my fingers.

"Ok we have two hours left ladies." Lucy's aunt yells as she rushes me over to her chair. She does my makeup first more of the neutral colors like I asked and then she starts on my hair. When she is finished I have an half an hour until Wilson picks me up. I go and change into my date outfit. As I walk out Lucy's aunt has a smirk on her face that matches Lucy's. Brianna is smiling at me as Jayna shakes her head in disbelief.

"I didn't think I could get any more jealous of you but you look gorgeous!" Jayna states.

"Thanks." I blush a little.

"Wilson is one lucky dude." Zac states as he and Trevor walk into the salon. I rush over to hug them.

"What are you two doing here?"

"The girls invited us to see what we think." Trevor smirks at me.

"You clean up good Perrin." Zac winks.

"She looks perfect. Job well done ladies." Lucy's aunt smiles and goes back to work. We chat with the guys for a little before Lucy drives us back to the school.

The girls drop me off with ten minutes to spare. I wait around for what seems like the longest ten minutes of my life. I go into my room and put on some spandex shorts under the skirt because I feel more comfortable like that. Luckily the skirt is long enough that you can't see them. At four o'clock on the dot there is a knock on my door. I breath in as I open the door.

"Whoa." Wilson's jaw drops. He cleaned up good in some dress pants and a black button up top. His hair is messed up in a cute Wilson like way. "You look so amazing, I mean beautiful and um gorgeous and um I'm rambling."

"Thank you." I smile at him as he smirks back at me making me blush a little as I look to the floor more nervous than I have ever been in my entire life!

"I got you these." Wilson holds out a bouquet of daisy's. I smile at him.

"Thank you they are beautiful, how did you know they were my favorite?"

"Just a guess." His smiles is wide as I invite him in. I find a vase to put them in as I place them on the island.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask him.

"Okay so you have to not judge me." He looks into my eyes.

"Okay." I nod a little confused as he smirks.

"After you." We leave my dorm and walk towards the doors.

"What are the plans?"

"Now I can't tell you that! It would ruin the surprise." We walk down the halls. I see Justin and feel bad for a moment before he rolls his eyes. I look at him confused when Wilson starts talking to me and my attention is brought back to Wilson and away from Justin. "Okay so we have a little time to kill before my plans is there anything you wanted to do?"

"Just whatever." I smile unsure of what will happen. I wonder if it will be anything like Justin's dates.

"All right I want you to come with me. We can go a little early" We get into his car and he drives. We drive for about 45 minutes out of town into this beautiful yard. I look at Wilson.

"You can't trespass!"

"It's my house. This is where I grew up and where I go on the weekends." He smiles at me.

"Am I meeting your family?"

"No." He smiles at me. "They will be gone." He says as a dog runs in front of us a little ways up the road. "Or they should be." He starts to get worried.

"It's okay, I don't mind." I say aloud but I'm actually freaking out inside. What if they don't like me? What if I'm not good enough for them?

"Are you sure?" He looks at me knowingly.

"Yea its all cool." I smile forcefully. He nods and continues down the road we pull up to the house and my insides are jumping and I feel like I'm going to throw up. Wilson and I get out of the car and the fresh air helps a little.

"Wilson is that you?" A lady that looks like the same age as my mother steps out of the house. Wilson walks over to my side and holds out his arm. I take it as we come into his mothers view.

"Hi momma I have someone I'd like to introduce to you." He smiles at her as I get a good look at her. Her long soft blond hair is half pulled up, her face is fare and her skin is porcelain. Her beautiful deep brown eyes which Wilson obviously got from her shine in the light as we get closer. Her apron is mint green and it has some stains on it, while her shorts are ripped and stained as well.

"Oh was that today." She looks shocked and there is another emotion on her face that I can't understand. "I'm so sorry Wilson I forgot that-" She looks at me and smiles. "Hi I'm Chandra, Wilson's mother."

"I'm- Mae." I stumble a little almost saying my real name.

"What a beautiful name."

"Thank you." I hear some bickering in the house.

"Boys." She rushes into the house. Wilson turns to me.

"That wasn't so bad." I laugh a little to myself as we follow his mother into the house. Inside the house is beautiful. It's beige walls run all throughout the entry way and living room. It doesn't look crazy fancy but it looks country in an elegant cosy way.

"Please excuse the mess the boy were supposed to be cleaning the living room." She gives the two little boys a look as they nod and move about the living room cleaning it. I smile at the sight.

"Chandra have you seen my gloves I can't seem to find them- oh Wilson who's this?"

"Dad I would like you to meet Mae." I shake his hand with a firm grip. He smiles at me and now I know where Wilson gets his looks. His father is like his replica except his eyes are green and his hair has some gray in it.

"Names Jason." He smiles at me again and then turns to his wife.

"Jason we were supposed to be out of the house remember?"

"That's today!! Okay just let me get the boys!" She nods as her husband runs up stairs.

"Just let me clean up the kitchen a little and we will be out of your hair." She rushes away as Wilson and I stand in the living room. Jason comes down the stairs with two identical boys behind him then stops to look at the boys cleaning the living room.

"Come on boys lets go find your sister." They rush off with their dad moving to a new room.

"How many siblings-"

"My parents had me first, two sets of twin boys and my little sister after that."


"Yea there is Wade and Walker, they are fourteen and then Warren and Wyatt are ten then lastly Willa is six."

"You parents like those W's."

"Yea I don't know why but it is what it is." He smiles at me. "Would you like a seat?"

"Sure." I sit down on the sofa looking at the house. It looks amazing on the inside, I never expected it to look this good.

"Momma?" A little girl which must be Willa comes into the room. She looks like her mother with her fathers eyes. She has tears in her eyes as she looks at me.

"Willa come here."

"Willy?" She rushes over to him as he holds her close whispering in her ear. She nods and her tears dry up. She looks over at me and smiles. "Yea she is pretty." I blush a little looking away from them as Wilson talks louder.

"I think Mom is in the kitchen." She rushes off his lap and towards what I'm guessing is the kitchen. We sit in the living room a little awkwardly.

"Alright." Chandra emerges from the kitchen with Willa, Jason and the four other boys. "We will get out of your hair, What time again?" She asks Wilson.

"Eight." He smiles at her.

"Alright. Have a good night!" Jason takes his wife's hand and they rush out of the house and into an older truck. They drive on their way as I look at Wilson.

"Follow me." He smiles at me.

"What are we doing?" We enter the kitchen and it is beautiful. Dark wooden cabinets with marble counters and up to date appliances. "Wow."

"I am going to cook for you."

"Oh really? What are you making?"

"Whatever you want."

"Oh Um I have no idea." I laugh a little to myself.

"Here I had something planned if you didn't know."

"Okay make that." He nods and starts moving around the kitchen. He pulls out some home made noodles and a whole bunch of other ingredients. We chat back and forth as he cooks, learning more about each other. I find out his favorite color is red, he is allergic to mushrooms, which is okay because I don't really like them anyways, he grew up in the country because his mom is actually from Texas, and he is a Denver Broncos fan which made no sense to me but it is what it is.

"Now we just wait!" He smirks at me. "Come here I want to show you something!" He grabs my hand as we walk upstairs. We enter this big room. It's open and perfect for practicing dance.

"What is this?" I ask.

"This is what my parents made me so I could dance." He tells me. "But believe it or not I barley use it."


"Because I have a better place."  He smiles at me.

"I wish I had a place like this. I had to go back to the studio to dance."

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Why did you quit? I can tell it was something you loved." I think about my answer. Should I tell him? "I didn't mean to pry but I think that secretly you love dance more than anything. And when you dance your whole face lights up and you look so-" he stops.

"So what?" I ask him looking into his eyes.

"At peace and joyous and perfect." I think about his words as my head spins.

"What about you? You look so amazing when you dance, your the happiest person I've ever seen."

"That's because you haven't seen how beautiful and happy you look when you dance." He whispers but it sounds like he's yelling we are standing so close.


"I know." He clears his throat and steps away. "Maybe I can show you my place after supper."

"Sure." I laugh as we walk down the stairs and the timer goes off.

I'm so crazy sorry I haven't updated in what feels like forever! I'm working 9-6 on the week days, then on the weekends I have school 9-4 for my ECE level 1. And I just need to focus more on that then writing right now. I'm sorry but it's more important to me.

What did you think about Justin's date? What about the beginning of Wilsons date? Are you team Jace or team Grason?

Next update will be when ever I finish writing it. I hope this long update makes up for my lack of updating lately.




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