Analexa Hype vs. The Teenage...

By Draco_Lana

321 6 6

Analexa Hype is on a mission. Her mission is to decipher all types of teenage emotions. Why do teenagers care... More

Analexa Hype vs. The Teenage Mind
Make-up, Makeup, Make up...
Crushing On The Uncrushable

Stupid Me For Becoming a Victim of Peer Pressure

43 1 0
By Draco_Lana

#653 on What's Hot list for Spiritual!!!!!!

Ok, so at first, this story was pretty PG. But, this chapter does mention drugs, and I don't want some 11 year olds reading this and trying to get high. So, I made the rating PG-13. So PLEASE if you are 12 years of age or under GET AWAY FROM MY STORY! it's for your own good.

This is all true, but some stuff is exaggerated. If you want to know what has been exaggerated, just ask me. Now, my real name isn't Analexa, it's Lana. So obviously this girl isn't really me. The description of Analexa in the first chapter is me and Analexa. So really, this whole story is based on 2 people. Me (Lana) and my ex-best friend, Analexa. The first 2 chapters were about both of us. Except, I have naturally black hair, while Anna was a natural blonde.

Now, you guys may be thinking that I am revealing too much personal info online, but I know when I have crossed the line, and I haven't crossed the line. The appearances are exaggerated a bit, for privacy. (b/c I don't want some creepy stalker messaging me :o )

And the names Blake, Harvey, and Lorsella were made up. Although, the people real.


    Every sane teenager falls for peer pressure. No matter how strong you are, you will always commit at least one stupid act that you would normally wouldn't due. I have been faced with peer pressure before, and let me tell you, it's not fun. I wanted to be cool. So, I decided to give drugs a try. I did get somewhat high, but before I my sanity was suspended, I stopped. I'm not going to say how I took the drug. (some people may try to do what I did, and trust me when I say DRUGS ARE DANGEROUS, so I won't say how I took the drug.)

    Sure, I felt cool, but let's face the truth. I was stupid and wanted to be accepted into the 'cool' crowd. The weird thing is, we try so hard to impress others. When will we ever learn that it is better to just be ourselves? In the past two chapters, I have tried to show you all the perfect, smart, mature side of me. But truth be told, I have flaws. (don't we all?) I wanted to be looked at more than the 'good-looking nerd who likes to read and is taking AP classes' I wanted to be looked as someone who did something bold and daring.

So, let's go back to a few weeks back, when this whole ordeal started.......

Analexa's Pov

    Beep! Beep! Beep! I groggily slammed my alarm clock until it shut up. Then, I dragged myself out of bed and washed my face. After that, I brushed my teeth, used the bathroom, and took a quick body shower. (I like to wash my hair before I go to bed and not when I wake up.) I applied moose to my hair (moose quickly curls your hair) and put it up in a high ponytail.

    After that, I wore a long-sleeved plain black shirt with black shorts and pink leggings underneath. Black combat boot, clear lip gloss, and a pink statement necklace completed my look.

    I made my way downstairs trying to avoid my moody older sister. I went into the kitchen and ate a fruit salad, then made my way to school. I don't have too many friends. I am the type of person who sits with different people at lunch. I sort of belong to different cliques, but I guess you could say that I was a loner.

    I made my way over to my favorite clique, and greeted them. "Hi guys. Mind if I hang with you guys for today?"

    "Sure." said Blake. Blake was a yummy junior who I had been crushing on my whole freshman year. Now that I was a sophomore, I finally had a chance at being his girlfriend. Sorta. Blake's group of friends consisted of two other guys besides Blake and two girls. They were one of the few 'emo' or 'goth' groups of the school. They did drugs, but that didn't change the fact that I still wanted to be a part of their group.  (A/N: stupid me, huh?)

    "Um, you know what Anna? We're kinda busy today, but you can hang with us after school at the cemetary. We'll meet you there." said Lorsella.

    "Oh, ok." I sadly replied.

They then bid their farewells and left me standing alone like an idiot. Were they going to stand me up? Was she lying? Would I ever get a chance at being Blake's girlfriend?

    I sadly attended my classes for the day, taking careful notes and completing my homework during lunch. After the final bell signaled my escape for freedom, I made my way over to the cemetery. I automatically knew where they liked to hang out in the cemetery. There was an abandoned shed all the way at the end of the cemetery, near the woods. They had added a few sofas and drinks to make it a normal hang out spot for them. Weird huh? You'd never expect anyone to actually enjoy being at the cemetary.

    I walked over to the abanded shed and saw them all smoking. I had been with them when they smoked, and they did offer me a "blow" (I guess that's what they called it. The "blow" was the actual drug.) I kindly declined and they didn't talk to me much after that. I used to have asthma when I was younger, and so I find it very hard to breathe around smoke. But, when you are as desperate as I am, you suck it up!

    "Hey!" I greeted.

    "Hey!" They all replied, except they sounded.....high. (I'm sorry, I can't really explain how they sounded.) 


One hour later, we were all joking around, until Harvey (female) offered me a "blow." I looked around the circle, and they all had pleading eyes begging me to try it.

    "You know, if you don't want to, you don't have to." said Blake.

    "No, no, no. It's okay." I replied.

    My hand took the drug, even though my brain told me not to. I took a deep breathe, and took a shot at the drug. They then high-five me and cheered me on for smoking.Then, something in my head clicked.I didn't have to get high to be their friend! I stomped on the drug, bid my farewell, and left.


Cover from:

I do NOT own this pic..

I am simply borrowing it.

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