Dark At It's Brightest

By lachuks99

885 33 1

What is it like to live dangerously? Does the title "living dangerously" mean everyone around you i... More

Chapter - 1 - I. R. Irritatingly Ravishing
Chapter - 2 - Enjoy your cofee!
Chapter - 3 - No Ken... Sorry, Zorro!
Chapter - 4 - Nothing particular
Chapter - 5 - She could be a murderer!
Chapter - 6 - I've got the moves like... Jagger?
Chapter - 7 - I have a complicated life.
Chapter - 8 - You've got Lucy on DVD?
Chapter - 9 - Can't you ever let the poor girl sleep?
Chapter - 10 - I thought you were dead.
Chapter - 11 - Why you gotta be so rude?
Chapter - 12 - We all are freaks.
Chapter - 13 - What color socks am I wearing?
Chapter - 14 - Cat betrayeal
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16 - You have pet piranhas?
Chapter - 17 - Kelly's paradise.
Chapter - 18 - We won't get caught, Zarah!
Chapter - 19 - I didn't send you that...
Chapter - 20 - Stay awake!
Chapter - 21 - Family reunion.
Chapter - 23 - Promises, promises.
Chapter - 24 - Ed Dersil?
Chapter - 25 - Hunting for Michael.
Chapter - 26 - How hard could it be?
Chapter - 27 - You don't give up, do you?
Chapter - 28 - I sleep just fine.
Chapter - 29 - Stop! You're starting to sound like a nun.

Chapter - 22 - Prince Charming, eh?

14 1 0
By lachuks99

The thought of both of my parents dead wasn't exactly great. It was mind blowing - and not in the good way. All I had left was my twelwe-year-old brother. There were so many rude and unbelivable thoughts of ways of revenge on my mind.

Are my family the only ones who has been hurt by his hand?

Am I the only one who has been in this situation?

There is gotta be a good side in this mess somewhere...

The more I thought about it the deeper sunk in the thought of everything going more wrong than it already was. I was always trying to see the good side in every situation, but it was getting more harder and harder to do it. I knew questioning myself with a billion questions about, what was I thinking when everything went wrong, wasn't going to help me. I was replaying it all in my head and thinking, what would have changed, if I haven't gone upstairs and had been kidnapped with the rest of my family. Would my brother be in my place right now? My mother? My father? Or we would be all dead by now?

My depresing thoughts took over me and I couldn't think straight anymore.

After, what it felt, hours of throwing up, I sat up not feeling my shoulder. My shoulder was numb again. This time it was from the pain not from the medication.

I looked at Michael and he brought me a glass of water. He had been sitting here all this time, patting my shoulder and making awkward atempts to soothe me. I was angry at him. Part of me felt discusted sitting next to him. He betrayed me and threw me into a cell. The other part was just tired. This part didn't care what he did before he freed me, it was just glad and relieved I was free. 

I took the glass of water out of his hands and placed it on the table next to me. I wanted to drink it, but the fear of it all coming back up again stoped me.

"How?" I managed to get out of my dry throat. I wasn't ready for the answer, but the question was inescapable. I hoped he'd stay silent, but he didn't.

"He somehow got to know that you were kidnapped and tried to escape. The guard tried to catch him and..." There was a brief moment of silence when he spoke again. "...shot him."

Michael looked at his hands and then his gaze traveled to my eyes. I saw myself in the reflection of his eyes. I looked pale, fragile and afraid. I looked away.

He was waiting for an answer.

The silence didn't end. My emoyions were haotic. I was ready to break at any moment from now. The problem was that there would be no way back once I break.

I avoided his searching eyes afraid from my own reflection.

"I want to be alone." I tried keep my voice as calm as I could, but it wasn't working.

"I'm not leaving you alone... especialy in this case."

Prince Charming, eh? Not working right now.

There was no chance with me winning in this argument. I just gave up and tried to lay down on the bed again.

"What are we doing now? Do we live our lives forward and forget this all happened? Forget about my brother and go away? Forget about what you did? I can't... No matter how much time passes, I will always remember that this happened. There is no way back. We are already mixed up in this mess and we can't just undo everything that happened. Oh God I wish I could undo atleast something!" I brought my healthy hand to my face. Tears burned my eyes. "But I can't." He looked at me and I finally had the courage enaugh to look into his eyes. I avoided my reflection. "We have to deal with that if you want it o r not. This is my life and you are part responsible for how it is now. "

"I know." He answered after a long moment of silence.

"We have to save my brother from them. I won't allow them to kill him too." I felt the sudden wave of adrenaling flowing through my veins. I jumped out of the bed not minding the familiar pain and my pulsing head.

"What are you doing?" Michael looked shocked.

"Saving my brother."

"You can't do that in your condition."

"I'm not chatting with you and waiting until he's dead..." I maneuvered through Michael and threw the room door open. The hospitals tiled floor felt freezing against my bare feet.

I drifted through hallways looking for something. Looking for an exit. I heard the familiar voice shouting my name and footsteps running after me. Once I looked back I saw Michael.

My feet caried me away from him.

"Elsa! You can't just run away from here with an injury like that... besides where are you going to go?" He griped me by my not-hurting shoulder.

"Do you expect me to sit and practically watch, how my brother is murdered? I told you I'm not doing that..." Not waiting for an answer from him I walked away. But he didn't let go of my arm.

"Where are you going to go?" He spoke.

"I don't know..." I replied honestly. A realization hit me. I honestly couldn't go back at the building. Do I know where my brother is? No, I don't. The only chance I have here is Michael and I was ready to run away from him. I was emberassed of myself. I had to keep calm and come up with a plan, instead I was throwing tantrums and shouting in his face...

We stayed silent. It was weird that silence was our best way of comunication.

"I'm need to save him Michael. He's the only one left." His gaze felt heavy against my skin.

He took a step closer. "I know it's hard for you... You try to bee this strong person, but in the end it is just too much for you. Too much for one person. I would have broken down into ashes by now. Look at you..." Michael took another step closer to me. "I know you are stronger than you look, but this is just ridiculous... You shouldn't have to deal with this alone." Now he was so close to me that I could feel his breath on my forehead. He took my hands and held them in the middle of us.

"Well thank you for your not-wanted thoughts." I took a step back bringing my hands back to myself. "And that is coming from that person who lied to me, practically threw me into a cell and got my father killed. Why do you think I can't hold it together? Why do you think I have to save my brother? Why do you think I have to save the last member of my family? And now your stoping me from doing it?" I started to lose my control. I was making hand gestures and freaking out. I walked back and forth on the freezing floor. "What would you do in my place if your sister was kidnapped? If your parents were murdered?"

The big lump in my throat wasn't getting smaller nor did it dissapear.

"I'm not stopping you from saving him. I'm just suggesting coming up with a plan first..." Michael looked at me and our eyes met. I stopped walking and stared at him.. We stared each other in the eyes until my breathing came back to normal.

"Ok. What do you have planned?" I asked still looking him in the eyes. He was getting a great amount of trust from me and I wasn't sure if he was worth it.

He didn't snswer and I knew he didn't have a plan. Atleast at this moment.

His eyes were now almost neon green and they were boring into mine, shining with compassion and pain. It felt like I was standing naked in front of him instead of wearing a hospital "dress".

The next thing I knew I was pulled close to him and his lips pressed against mine hard. I was shocked but I didn't resist. I had no strenght. My feet were glued to the ground and my arms were pinned down to my sides. I didn't move a muscle, just stood there until he pulled away.

That certainly wasn't in my plan.

* * *
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