Secrets Can Get You Killed (S...

By Crzy1DPatterson

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Avan Jones won a contest to meet her favorite band 2 months ago. Little did she know that they were Vampires... More

Secrets Can Get You Killed (Sequel to Their Secret)
Chapter 1: Letters
Chapter 2: 2 Month's and Counting...
Chapter 3: 5 Minute Head Start
Chapter 4: Hospital's, Hotel's, and Airplane's
Chapter 5: Mother and Father Reunited :)
Chapter 6: Eventful Evenings
Chapter 7: In Sickness and in Health..............
Chapter 8: The Family and Wedding Plans
Chapter 9: Left Behind...........
Chapter 10: Alone....
Chapter 11: Merry Christmas :)
Chapter 12: The Love of a Father...
Chapter 13:The Love of a Mother...
Chapter 14: Shopping and Meetings
Chapter 15: Party's and Disasters
Chapter 16: School, Secret's, and Lies?
Chapter 17: There's been an Accident....
Chapter 18: Pain... Pain... and More Pain...
Chapter 19: Awakening...
Chapter 20: Starting Over....

Chapter 21: The Wedding and Goodbye's :"(

801 30 19
By Crzy1DPatterson

AWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE GUYS I'M GOING TO CRY THIS IS THE VERY LAST CHAPTER OF HAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;'( I HOPE YOU GUYS HAVE ENJOYED YOURSELVES AS MUCH AS I HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you guys for always being so supportive and lifting my spirits in the time I needed it most! :))


Crzy1DPatterson XxX


Avan's P.O.V.

I stood there looking in the mirror at my long flowing white gown. I could see Gracie in the mirror a few feet behind me playing with toys on her tiny pallet I had made before I began to get ready. I put my hand on my stomach remembering my little boy. Which turned out to not be my son at all.

After Harry had gotten set free from the ropes Jefferson decided to enlighten us on everything.  How he just needed the strongest human to be a surrogate for a short period of time. He knew that no human no matter how strong could survive the birth of a fallen angel's son.  That's why he had Justin turn me.

Jefferson wasn't a vampire at all. Turn's out he was a Fallen Angel banished from heaven for sinning numerous times defying the laws of God.  But before he was banished his wife and himself decided to find a surrogate for their child. Even though his wife was an Angel she still could not bear another  child so they only had one son his name was Jeremy.

He promised her before he was banished that he would give her a son if it killed him.  He kept his promise. But, he also took away what I thought was my son. So we made a compromise, on the eighteenth birthday of Lucas Jeremy Kingston (Kingston is Jefferson's last name) He shall be returned to me. Seeing that Jefferson's sentence of banishment would end on that date and he could not take Luke with him since Luke wasn't dead, he was just part Angel.

So I would get to see my little Lucas again one day. Jefferson promised me I would for helping him. But for now I'm only worrying about my Harry and my Gracie. Anne, Gemma, Jay, Ruth, Nicola, Danielle, Perrie, and Elenor helped me get ready and walked me into the doors of the church they all gave me hugs and kisses before taking Gracie and taking their seats. I linked my arm in my fathers as he looked at me with tear filled eyes. 

"I'm so proud of you pumpkin." he said as I gave him a hug.

"I know." I said playfully as the organ began playing the march.

The church doors opened to a beautifully decorated church and at the end of is was my Harold in a stunning black tux along with my brother standing behind him followed by Niall, Zayn, and Liam. I never took my eyes of Harry as my father took my hand in his and placed my hand in Harry's. I gave my father a kiss on the cheek as I took my place on the stage.

"You look absolutely amazing. I love you so much." He said looking into my eyes.

"Harold I couldn't have asked for anyone better in my life than you and the beautiful daughter that you have given to me and I love you with all my heart and I can't wait to officially start my life as Mrs. Harry Styles." I said as I squeezed his hand nervously. The preacher cleared his throat and began the prayer as he finished he looked into the audience to begin our vows.

"Friends, we have gathered here today to join this couple in holy matrimony. This couple has written there own vows and now would ask for your undivided attention as they read them aloud to one another."

"Avan, my beautiful, sweetheart, I promise to love you with my heart and soul. In sickness, and in heath. I will always love you. I promise to come to you in my time of need and despair I promise I will give you my all as long as we both shall live." Harry spoke looking straight into my eyes.

"Harry, I promise that I will love you forever. I will care for you in your time of need and will always be there when you need me. I will give you every ounce of love and affection inside my body. I will love you in sickness and in health. I will love you and care for you for as long as we both shall live." I spoke staring straight into his eyes.

"Does the best man have the rings?" the preacher asked looking at Louis.

"Of course!" Louis shouted through the church earning laugh from everyone as we watched him pat all his pockets. "Um.." he chuckled nervously. "I'm sorry Avan!" Louis yelled getting on his knees. "Have we passed the part where he has asked for objections?! Because I cannot let you marry Harry! He's too cheeky that lad is!"  Louis shouted as we all gasped. My face was redder than a tomato I was so mad.

"Louis William Tomlinson!!!!-" I began to shout before he started laughing getting off his knees.

"I was just kidding sissy. Here you go mate, I don't give my full blessing, but you are my best mate and I trust you will love my sister Harold. If not-" he said pausing slapping the rings into Harry's hand "I'll cut your nuts off mate." Louis said slapping Harry's shoulder as Harry stood there smiling.

"Oh your mum got that on camera she did, Avan! That made a lovely wedding video." Niall laughed out his face red as I tried to shush him as I slid the ring on Harry's finger before he slid one on mine.

Everything went deadly silent as they awaited the preachers last line.

"I know pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss your bride." the preacher said as I affectionately  pressed my lips to Harry's as everyone including Gracie and Directioners outside of the church screamed with delight as we parted.

I pulled away from Harry and looked around the church at my sobbing, cheering family as I smiled. Gracie stood up clapping her hands.

"I love you Harry." I said.

"I love you too." as I looked over to see Zayn and Liam locked in an embrace as they sobbed into each others shoulders.

"We promised ourselves we wouldn't cry!" they chanted.


"Okay is everyone ready?" I asked as I stood backwards holding the bouquet ready in my hands.

I heard a chanting of yes's before tossing it into the air over my head turning around just in time to see Niall catch it as his face went tomato red.

"I don't even have a girlfriend!" he chanted embarrassed as my lips found Harry's again as he held Gracie in his arms.

"Happy after?" she asked as we laughed.

"Yes, Gracie." Harry said as we both looked at her.

"We all live happily ever after." I said as I kissed Harry one last time.......................

                                                                     THE END.......




Crzy1DPatterson XxX...

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