A Puppy's Tale

By XxLucySavannahxX

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A puppy is new to everything in the world, meeting new obstacles on the way. This is a funny story based on a... More

Chapter 1- Yippee, A Home!
Chapter 3- A Day In The Doghouse
Chapter 4- Defiant Dog Training Courses

Chapter 2- Well It's Not My Fault!

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By XxLucySavannahxX

CHAPTER 2- Well It’s Not My Fault!

After the initial shock of being dragged around his own front lawn by a crazy puppy, the man stood up, wiped his stained clothed with his hands and proceeded to go inside. Trying to avoid further problems I trotted after him. The inside of the house was lovely, just as I had dreamed. It had laminate flooring, and the walls were painted a beige colour, to match the rug. When the man opened the living room door I just looked inside. From where I was stood I could see a red leather settee and a plasma screen TV, which looked very posh. I didn’t move, for the fear of breaking something in this kind man’s house.

I felt a gentle push on my back, and when I turned around the man was pointing into the living room motioning for me to go in. In there was another red settee pressed up against the opposite wall where some pictures of a happy family hung. There was a girl and two boys, all quite young with the man and a woman who looked very joyful, the wind blowing her hair into her face. I continued into the room and what lay next to the settee was a matching red leather bed on the floor... for me! On top of it sat a tennis ball and a rope toy. All uncertainties forgotten, I ran over to the bed and immediately lay down. The man noticed this and smiled.

  ‘Wait here Beauty, there’s a good girl. I’ll be back soon, then you can meet my children! There’s Oscar, Ben and Jessica and be nice to them otherwise I will have to take you back to that shop where you came from.’ The man said.

   I listened intently, because I really didn’t want to be taken back to that shop and I wanted to stay in this house forever. If I could have answered the man I would have assured him that I would have been the best pet he could have chosen and that I wouldn’t only be nice to his children, but protect them as well. The man stood up and I also stood up to lick his hand, hopefully telling him that I understood. Smiling, the man walked out of the front door and I watched him pull out of the driveway.

I was now happy and I curled up with my new toys for company. After a small chew of the rope I closed my eyes and drifted off into a peaceful, dreamless sleep. What seemed like only a few minutes later I woke up to the sound of crunching pebbles, which only meant one thing- the car was back. I heard one car door shutting, followed by three more and footsteps, not to mention the sound of the children. I couldn’t wait to meet them and suddenly the front door opened and only the man walked in.

   ‘I want you to stay really quiet, the kids don’t know you are here and I want them to guess,’ the man whispered.

   I knew what he meant so I licked his hand and gave a small wag of my tail. When the man walked off I stood up on my bed and prepared for the loud voices of the small children. In they came with their hands over their eyes and one finally guessed- I think is was Jessica, seeing as she was a girl- that I was a puppy. The man said they could take their hands away and the excitement and joy on their faces when they did was priceless. I couldn’t help but wag my tail and lick all of their hands, I didn’t know where to put myself!

The children didn’t calm down until they were made to sit at the table to eat their tea, and for that moment I was shut out of the room with what I thought was no good reason. Why did I have to be shut out of the room when the scrumptious aroma of chilli con carne drifted under the dining room door? It wasn’t fair so I tried crying my way into the room, to no avail. So when I finally admitted defeat and went to lie down on my bed once again the dining room door opened and the children came running out once again. Boy was I hungry, I hadn’t ate since early morning so when I heard my name being called out I eagerly rushed to investigate.

There, on the floor lay my very own bowl with what looked like my name written on the side. Without hesitation I tucked into the succulent juicy meat and crunchy biscuits. Powered by hunger I polished off the dish in two minutes and returned to the warmth and relaxing atmosphere of the living room. From the looks of things, the children were trying their best to restrain themselves and give me peace while eating, because they were immediately fighting for me to sit with them. Confused with shouts coming from three separate directions I simply sat down and cocked my head to the side.

A split second later the room erupted in laughter- which confused me much more, as there seemed to be nothing to laugh at. Just when I cocked my head as far as it would possibly go without breaking my neck, just when I thought the laughter couldn’t get any louder, fresh bouts of laughter issued from their mouths. That’s when I realised they were laughing at me. My head snapped up straight, quicker than a lightning bolt and I stalked off to my bed. Wonderful. Just wonderful.

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