Chapter 3- A Day In The Doghouse

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CHAPTER 3- A Day In The Doghouse

The next morning I woke up to an empty house, so I took this as my chance to have a look around and familiarise myself with my surroundings. I got up and had a long stretch with my front legs first and then my back legs. I finished with a top to tail shake and I was ready for the day. I don’t know why, but every day since the day I was born (or at least as far back as I can remember) I have done this- as if some ritual I was born with... or something along those lines.

Without even thinking where to go first I trotted off to the kitchen to see if there was any water out for me. Surprisingly there was, as well as some food. I tucked in, barely coming up for air. After polishing off the remaining specks of food I had left on the floor I got my exploring head on and went off on my adventure. The most logical starting place was the kitchen, seeing as I was already in there. I soon established the back door was shut when I couldn’t get through the bottom glass window. Three times. With a sore nose and a banging headache I carried on.

In the living room the long carpet tickled my toes, it was a large contrast to the cold stone floor of the kitchen. Under the table I spotted an object that looked different than what was there yesterday. I crawled under the table and pulled the object out. It was food- I knew that much, but it was like a bone, a chew toy of some sort. Momentarily distracted from my adventure, I chewed my bone and chased it around the floor trying to get a grip on it. As soon as I discovered that I could put it between my paws I was ripping through it like a tornado in a village. Content with how much I had eaten, I picked the bone up and placed it in the middle of my bed so I could carry on eating it later.

I was continuously being amazed with the things that my family owned. There was an object that when you pressed it the TV came on and something else which I don’t know what it was, but it was scaring me so I left it and walked away. At intervals during the day, I occasionally found a treat or two hidden in different places, to keep me occupied I think...

Then for the biggest treat of all, in plain view of me, I saw a slipper on its own, it was like my dreams had come true! The whole while that I was chewing it, I couldn’t help the feeling that I was doing something wrong, you know like the feeling when you have forgot something? Well anyway, it wasn’t until the slipper was completely ripped to shreds before I saw its pair hidden under the settee.

I tried to hide the evidence as much as possible, failing miserably as my teeth weren’t skilled enough to pick up the shreds of cotton entwined into the carpet. It was clearly visible- blue against cream so I decided I would just lie on top of it until my owners got home. Step one of my evil plan failed miserably seeing as I was mooching around the kitchen once again when the man got home... stupid hunger of mine!

The man walked straight into the kitchen to greet me and I wagged my tail happily, knowing that I was safe when he was around. It took him about ten minutes to notice that I had chewed up his slipper and to my surprise I didn’t get told off for it! The man just picked it up and threw it in the bin, because apparently it was for me anyway! Just as I thought the day couldn’t get any better, the man pulled out a packet of treats and opened it to give me a few. At that moment I was content and nothing else mattered.

I woke up in the middle of the night to find that I had been asleep and I hadn’t had any tea so I decided to sniff around for something tasty. That’s when, bingo, there was a plate of food on the table, well half a plate of food. With my mouth, I pulled the chair out so I could jump on to it and progress onto the table then I jumped up. Finally I was on the table and it felt amazing, I could see things I never would dreamed of, such as meat on the side left to defrost, and a brand new chew toy with the price tag left on. Then I remembered what I had jumped on the table to do and proceeded to eat the plate of snacks.

Once I had finished off every last crumb I jumped down off the table, bringing the plate with me. With a crash there was fragments of porcelain all over the floor, however I had another job to accomplish before I could think about the damage I had done. I had to get that chew toy. The worktop was way too high for me to jump up, and in the darkness of the night I couldn’t see what I was doing properly. I had to think hard to what I could do. Suddenly, the thought struck me, if I just put my front two paws up there I would be able to reach with my mouth.

I carried out my master plan with success and dragged the chew toy down to the kitchen floor. I happily carried it to my bed where my bone still lay from the day before and started my journey to destruction. A minute later I heard footsteps on the landing slowly descending to the room I lay in and the only thought that was going through my head was ‘oh no...’

Let’s just say that that night was the first time I had been locked in my cage. The torment carried on through until the next day when I wasn’t allowed out of my cage until my walk, which was only being let out into the garden, and even then I had to go back into my cage. The door was only opened to give me food and water and throughout that day I wasn’t allowed any of my toys. I waqs feeling very sorry for myself indeed.

******Late update, I know, sorry but ive not really been able to do my writing recently :'( but I'm up and running again, yay! so hope you enjoyed!!****** 

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