Chasing Happiness: Volume 2:...

By MGGStories

110K 2.9K 239

*Carried on from Chasing Happiness* Spencer and Alannah have never has it easy. From the moment they met ther... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35

Part 16

3K 82 5
By MGGStories

"You sure you're ready to do this?" Spencer asks me as he helps me to put a top over my head. The gunshot wound still causing me pain if I move too much.

"I have to. I have to see him. See if he will admit what he has done." I admit.

"If you're sure, but if it gets too much for you then you have to tell me. You're still healing, too much stress isn't good for you or our little peanut." An adorable smile grows on Spencer's face as he raises a hand to my stomach. He kneels down so that he is facing my stomach and holds my hips, "Ok Peanut, you make sure to tell mummy if the bad man is stressing you both out too much and daddy will take care of you both ok?" He kisses my stomach giving me butterflies.

"You're gonna make a great dad." I smile as I watch him smile at our baby, I run my hand through his hair, enjoying the moment we are sharing.

"You think?" He asks as he stands up to face me again, the smile still painted across his face.

"Yeah, you're loving, caring and protective; although we might need to toughen you up a little so the Peanut doesn't run rings around you to get her own way." I laugh as Spencer stands up to look deep into my eyes.

"You still think it's a girl?"

"Yeah, I don't know why; it's just a feeling I have." I smile.

"Well then I better start looking for a house. One with a big room that we can paint soft pink, it's proven to be calming for babies, and we can buy everything out little princess needs and wants."

"I like that idea." I lean up and kiss Spencer gently, our fingers knit together as we kiss, it's almost as if I can feel the love surrounding us as we kiss.

The door to my room swings open making us jump apart. "We need to get you to safety now!" Hotch orders as he grabs my bag and hands it to Spencer before grabbing the wheelchair that Alan had left in my room.

"What? Why? What happened?" I ask confused by Hotch's franticness.

"Get her to the BAU now Reid, be sure to stay with her." Hotch orders.

"It's Alan isn't it? What happened Hotch?" I beg.

"He attacked Morgan in the car park." Hotch says as he looks around the door to see if there was any sign of him on the ward.

"Oh my God. Is Morgan alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, a slight concussion but he should be alright. We think he might have seen you two. He took Morgan's gun and the knife he held you two up with."

Hotch's words catches us both by surprise. "What do you mean?" Spencer asks, the panic can be heard in his voice.

"One of the guards said he spotted him here just after JJ and I left." Hotch informs us.

"But why didn't he come in? It's not like Alan to sulk off." I try to come to terms with what was happening as panicked tears start to roll down my cheeks. It was all working out, I was getting better, we were all safe and Alan was arrested. How could so much change in ten minutes?

"I don't know, and I'm not sure I want to stick around to find out. You just need to get out of here. You and Reid are going to go back to the BAU, we have the agents there checking everyone that comes into the building. You will be safe there." Hotch promises. "I'm going to take you to the car then head back to Morgan and JJ, we're searching the hospital and surrounding areas to see if he's still in the area. Rossi and Kate are back at the office helping Garcia search for Alan and making sure that all agents are checking everyone in the building. We will find him don't worry, but we have to get you to safety."

"Come on let's get you out of here." Spencer says as he takes control of the wheelchair.

I get into the wheelchair and take my bag from Spencer. Allowing him to help Hotch if the need arises. Hotch checks around every corner before allowing us to move on. What would normally take about five minutes took us almost twenty. Hotch even got us access to use the service elevator in the hope that it was a little safer than the public one.

We finally make it to the car safely. Hotch and Spencer help me into the car, "Keep her safe." Hotch orders Spencer as he gets into the driver's seat.

"Don't worry, I will." Spencer says as he starts the car. He blasts the sirens and runs through every red light in order to get us back to the office that little bit faster. "Hotch really cares for you." Spencer breaks the silence that had engulfed the car.

"Yeah well he's kinda like a father figure for me. He let me stay with him and Hayley for a while so I could sort myself out." I open up.


"Yeah about a year and a half before Jack was born. I stayed in touch with them after I left, little Jack has become like a baby brother to me over the years. I was so upset when I heard that Hayley had died, I wish I could have been at the funeral but I was out of state at the time. I hated not being there for Hotch after everything he did for me but I was starting my first teaching job in a college in Florida and didn't find out until a month after she died. I visited Hotch for a week when I found out but had to head back to work. If it wasn't for Hotch I would probably be dead now."

"Thank God he found you then." Spencer smiles as he drives.

"Yeah I guess he feels sort of responsible for me, he got me cleaned up, he wiped my record and got me a place at college and then eventually got me into the FBI academy. I owe him everything." A tear rolls down my face at the thought of anything bad happening to him or any one on the team because of me.

"Hey, everything is going to be ok, we won't let him hurt either of you."

"Yeah I know that, but I've spent all this time trying to protect you guys and now you and Morgan have both been hurt by Alan because of me."

"And I told you that I would do it a thousand times over if it meant keeping you and our baby safe."

"Can we stop off somewhere?" I ask as I realise that this could be the end of my plan and there was something I wanted to do a little different.

"We should be getting to the office." Spencer protests.

"Please, it will only take five minutes." I beg.

"Fine but I'm not leaving your side."

"I'll probably need you to lean on anyways." I give a weak smile to try and reassure him.

"So where do you want to stop off?"

"My bank, I have to get something from my safety deposit box." I didn't want to tell Spencer what I was getting, but I knew how Alan thought, he was in some dark hole planning his revenge against me. He knew the best way to hurt me would be to hurt the team. I have to get to him before he has the chance. But I want the team to know how much they mean to me before I go after him. So I was stopping to get the files I kept on Alan and the letters that I wrote to the team. I also wanted to add something to Spencer's letter, so much has changed since I wrote the letter, there are a few things I want him to know if the worst should happen.

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