A Shooters Crush

Por Lonely_Writer_

50.1K 1K 74

After the Tobias incident the group comes across an compound who's only occupies are male except for the myst... Más

chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

2.8K 57 5
Por Lonely_Writer_

We we're currently walking up the hills of South Dakota as Murphy complained. The truck had finally given up on life, so we ditched it and headed through the forest on foot,
"Is this entire state uphill," Murphy complained, "where are we," I stood next to 10k my bat in my hands as I tried not to whack Murphy with it.
"I miss the truck," Cas said as we continued walking, 10k kept glancing at me before looking away with a blush, "yeah well at least we're out of that damn horde," Warren said.
"There's nothing to kill," 10k now started complaining, I giggled at how cute and childish he was acting, "that's fine by me," Warren said.
"We need to find a place to make camp," I said out loud to everyone, "i know, there's supposed to be a little town called Edgemont I'll check the map," Warren said.
"Oh my god, look at that," Cassandra said as we all stared across the ridge to a spray painted Mount Rushmore, "this is why we can't have nice things," Murphy mumbled, "I think its awesome," 10k said earning a punch in the arm from Doc, "I think it's cool," I mumbled which earned me a pat on the head from Warren, "how come she doesn't get hit," he asked shocked, "because she's a girl, now lets go," Warren said leading the way as I stuck my tongue out playfully. He laughed lightly before throwing an arm over me as we continued on our way, Murphy and Warren were fighting about being lost while the rest of us just hung around, "hey check that out," 10k said as he pointed to a bunch of white buildings. We went through the gates and walked around with caution as we thought we could rest here, "Doc get that door," Warren said he forced it open with a tire iron and we all went inside, I felt one of those feeling beginning to start, "guys I'm getting one of those feelings," I said as a glowing Z came around the corner,
"Take cover, and be quiet," Warren whispered as I kneeled by 10k, suddenly Murphy farted as we all looked at him, "sorry it got away from me," he whispered. I buried my nose in 10ks shoulder as we had our melee weapons drawn, "if I die because you farted I'm taking you down with me," Doc spoke as Warren shushed them. The Z came to us as I smashed his head in, more came as Warren shot one, the door was kicked open as two people came in and began firing, one of the zs caught me as I screamed,holding it away with my bat, 10k was about to knock it off of me, "don't touch it," a girls voice yelled as she shot it, I quickly rushed into 10ks arms before they lead us outside.
"What the hell was up with those Z's," Doc said, "their radioactive," the man told us, "come I'll show you what I mean," he said as we followed him with 10k keeping me protectively by his side. He lead us through the woods until we came to an nuclear reactor, "well that's not good," I said as the others nodded in agreement, "its going to be one of those days isn't it," Doc mumbled. The father and daughter led us through the town and to where they had been held up, "if you don't mind me asking, what were you folks doing up by the reactor," he asked us, "we were lost," Murphy mumbled," "we weren't lost, our truck ran out of gas 20 miles from here, we thought we could avoid the zs.," Warren answered him. The man nodded as we continued through Edgemont, "its nice meeting you all my name's Wilber Graty, this is my daughter Amelia," Wilber told us, "nice to meet you, im Raberta Warren. That's Murphy, Doc, Cassandra and 10k and Aly in the back," Warren introduced us all. Wilber began to have a coughing fit as we all eyed him, "is he ok," I asked concerned, "no," Amelia answered, "radiation poisoning," we all looked at him as his coughing ceasted. They lead us to an small airplane hanger where they checked our radiation levels and gave us iodine pills, "Ok question, shouldn't we be in one of these suits too," Murphy asked worried, "no the radiation levels aren't to bad out here," Wilber said, "what we should be worrying about is the reactor core melting down." We all gave each other worried glances, "if we don't fix it soon, everything in a 300 mile radius will be glowing," Amelia said, "well on that note we have places to be, you know about 300 miles away from here," Murphy said getting his bag, Wilber chuckled, "good luck with that, every vehicle is either gone or doesnt work," "Well then I guess we better start walking," Murphy retorted. "You won't make it, we have less than 48 hours before it explodes," Wilber said, "then why are you still here," Cas asked them, "There's still a chance we can shut it down and say a huge chunk of America for the next 10,000 years," Amelia told us as I nudged 10k at the mention of his name. After explaining why his daughter was still him and that he had enough bullets for us so we wouldn't try anything funny, Warren explained the mission in hopes of getting Amelia to take Murphy to California.
*time skip*
Wilber led us to the reactor and explained that we needed to clear the zs so that he could get inside and do his thing, "killing zs my favorite thing to do lately," I said as I loaded my rifle up, Wilber told us about the Zs and not to get to close, "Don't hug the zombies," Doc said piking one, "got it." "Ok Doc, Cassandra and I will go in, Amelia stay here with Murphy. 10k and Aly cover us from there, if anything happens you get Murphy to Cali," Warren told us, 10k and I raced to our spot and took position, "10k, Aly," Warren called as we opened fire, "2304," 10k said to me. The three of them covered Wilber as 10k and I kept them covered, once they rounded a corner 10k and I relaxed, I placed my hand on his shoulder as his hand held mine. I hadn't spoken to him about that night because I didn't know how to bring it up in a conversation, finally I took a deep breath and was about to ask him about that night while he killed another z, when Warren and the others rounded the corner. I knew now wasn't the best time to talk as we ran towards the others, "I'm almost to the control room," we heard Wilber say over the radio, "what do we do now," Murphy asked, "now we wait," Amelia said as I subconsciously held 10ks hand. Finally after alittle while Wilber came stumbled to us before falling to the ground, Amelia began to cry as I almost relived the moment with my own father. Once Wilber changed I screamed and clung onto 10k as Warren piked him and we buried him, Amelia sat heart broken on a rock as we tried to come up with our next plan. I went over and sat by her as the others talked about our next plan of action, "Amelia?," I asked carefully as she wiped her eyes, she didn't acknowledge me, "I know what it's like to watch your father become one of them," I began as she looked over at me, "mine died and turned three years ago and just recently I saw what was left of him and had to give him mercy," I told her as I wiped at my own eyes. I felt her rub my back as she shed her own tears, "he was my everything, was always there for me and now....I just..just can't believe he's gone," she told me, "its gonna be hard but its gets easier with time," I told her as we smiled. Cas came over and sat by us, "he was so close," Amelia said, "your day gave it a good try, sometimes that's the best we can do," Cas said as she rubbed her shoulder, "it wasn't dying he was afraid of, he just didn't wanna become a Z," she admitted. Warren came over with Doc and spoke to Amelia as I got up and stood with 10k, he put an arm around me as I leaned into him, "are you ok," he asked as I nodded my head, Murphy stood by watching us, "hate to ruin y'all little moment but I gotta ask, what are you too," he questions as both 10k and I blushed. In all honesty we didn't know what we were to each other, because 10k had been the only one to truly confess his feelings when he thought I was asleep. Luckly Amelia saved us from having to answer by telling us about this guy she knew of that might be able to fix the reactor, "Here, in Edgemont," Doc questioned, she nodded, "yea um Homer Stubbins was his name I think. He was the chief engineer at the plant for like 20 years," Amelia told us. "How do we find Homer," Warren asked, she shook her head "he won't talk to you, has been held up in the woods since the start besides he's armed and dangerous," she said, "well he isn't the only one who's armed," I said rifle in my hands. She shook her head, "you people are crazy, but follow me I'll take you to him," she said standing up and leading the way,
*time skip*
We came to a property surrounded by a makeshift fence, we stopped a good fifty feet away. 10k crouched down and examined it, he explained how it was built to keep out Z's not a team, Warren told Murphy, Doc, Cassandra and I to wait 40 seconds before coming after them and to watch for mines and tripwires. "Be careful," 10k said as they started forward, "I'm suppose to say that to you," I mumbled as I began to count the seconds, finally Doc moved away a post as I went in first followed by the others as we crept up to the wooden house. We pressed up against the wall as I counted to three before turning the corner,rifle ready, only to have a boot come in contact with my chest making me fly backwards, at the same time I had a gun pointed at my face. 'Woah déjà vu,' I thought as Cas was kneeling by me, I watched as 10k pressed his knife to Mr. Stubbins, "go on do me a solid, just don't leave me a Z," he told 10k, "I wouldn't do that Mr. Stubbins, sir. We just need your help," 10k said as he pulled the knife away, "nice to meet you," I said through gritted teeth, 10k came over and helped Cassandra pull me up as I placed my rifle on my shoulder and wrapped an arm around my midsection. He led us inside as 10k helped me sit down, "sorry about kicking you," he said as I shook my head, "don't worry I've been through much worse," I said as Cassandra caught my meaning, "besides its not like I was shot." "Grady was a good man, if anyone could SCRAM that reactor its was him," he told us as he patted Amelia on the back, "SCRAM," 10k asked from where he was sitting by me, "Safety Control Rod Axe Man, goes back to the first reactors. The only safety system they had was litterly a man with an axe, whose whole job in the event of a meltdown, was to cut the ropes holding the cooling rods " he told us, "that's what dad was trying to do," Amelia said, "how much time we got," Homer asked, as he and Murphy started arguing. "LOOK!," I shouted, "we have less than 48 hours now are you gonna help us or not," I said wincing from the pain in my ribs, Homer sighed before agreeing to help us, "I'll have to show y'all but first well need some weapons," he told us as he unzipped a bag and pulled out handguns, Homer and 10k began to talk about something as I called Doc over. "Yo Doc, you think you can take a look and make sure my ribs aren't broken," I asked as Cas helped me up, Doc began feeling around and pressing lightly in places, "nothing feels broken I say maybe just bruised but if their hurting you can put them in gauze," he told me reaching into his bag and pulling some out, I grabbed it and went out of the room to wrap my ribs. *Homers pov(quick)*
I didn't realize she had left the room till I walked out and saw her with her regular shirt off and tank top pulled up wrapping up her rub area, I felt bad and was gonna apologize again till I saw her back was cover in bruises and scars and in the very center what looked like a brand. I frowned and grabbed the bag I needed before returning to the others as she walked back in and headed over to the young man, 10k I think he said, and smiled as he asked if everything was ok.
*normal pov*
We went back to the reactor as Homer saw a Z that he once knew, he talked for a bit and kinda just stared at her before 10k left my side and piked her with his knife. "Ok back to business, do we have suits," he asked, Amelia nodded, "good that leaves one for me and the other for my back up," he said glancing at 10k, we all looked at 10k as realization hit me. "No," I said quickly as everyone looked at me surprised, "no you can't go in there," I said raising my voice slightly, 10k gave me a sad smile, "Aly I have-," he began but I shook my head and walked away with him following me. I had tears in my eyes as he grabbed hold of my hand, "why does it have to be you," I whispered, "because if Warren went and something happens who else would get Murphy to California," he told me making me turn to him, "well if your his back up then who's gonna be yours," I asked as a few tears slipped, "I've lost so much 10 I can't lose you to," I told him as he wiped away away my tears and held me. "I hate to ruin the moment but we need to get a move on," Homer said, I tightened my grip on him, "you aren't going to lose me I promise to come back to you," he told me as I felt him kiss my hair. He walked away as he and Homer put on the suits and went inside the reactor leaving me with the others.
They had be in there a while as I kept my eyes out for Z's, 'don't worry he can take care of himself,' I kept thinking, "so what now," Murphy asked out loud, "plan c,d,e,f,..."he just kept going as I began to think of the worst case scenario on why they're taking a long time, Warren noticed my worried face and silenced Murphy, " not helping, " she told him pointing over at me as Cas gave me a side hug, at the same time Homer and 10k came back to us, I ran over and threw my arms around him as soon as the suits were off. Homer told us about 'Robbie' failing and how we needed to get heavier suits; we made the plan for Amelia to take Murphy and get him to California if all else fails. Her, Warren and Murphy went to try and get fuel for the plane as the rest of us stayed and helped Homer, lucky when we found the heavier suits there was a third which I could where. "Fashion statement of the year," I mumbled as I took out two Z's with my rifle. The alarms was louder than ever, "that's not good we have 30 minutes till everything goes boom," Homer said as we began to walk faster, Doc radiod Warren and let her know where we were in case we needed back up. 10k and I kept takibg out the Z's when Warren radiod us telling us she was back and that Murphy was gone, we all had mixed feeling about that news, a lone Z came running at me as I hit it with my gun and 10k merced it. We continued walking as I got one of my feelings, I placed my hand on my heart, "Aly," 10k asked, "something happened I can feel it," I mumbled as we kept going. Finally we got there as Homer check the levels, "how you feeling," Cassandra asked 10k, "like a baked potato," he answered causing me to giggle, "ok the rods are this way," he said as he walked that way, only to be stopped by 10k auguring that he needed back up. "You aren't gonna stop him," Cassandra asked as I shook my head, "it didn't work last time besides i know he'll make it," I said with a sad smile; Doc handed him the radio as Cas gave him a brother/sister hug, I knew it was now or never as I hugged him tightly, "the other night when I was sick and you stayed with me, I heard every word you said," I began as I felt him tense up, "and," he whispered i pulled away and looked up at him, "if you come out alive I'll tell you how I feel also," I said with a smirk as more tears slid down, he looked disappointed but sighed and smiled, "I guess I better make it out alive," he told me as I smiled and took off with Doc and Cassandra as a few tears slipped and I prayed he would make it out.
*10ks pov*
Homers suit had been breached and their was nothing I could do. He told me I was like his son in which I said he was like my dad, he told me I needed to live for all of them, "and that girl out there I want you to take good care of that one, I can tell she's been through alot and needs you. Cherish every moment you have with her do you hear me," he said as I nodded and we kept on going.
*Aly's pov*
We made it outside as we removed our suits, we went down to the river and began to wash off our face and what not while Doc listened in on 10k and Homer talking, once I was done I walked back to Doc as I heard Homer say, " once this is down, shoot me and get out," my hands flew to my mouth when I heard that as we all looked at each other.
Finally after what felt like hours, which was really only a few minutes, 10k came running down alone and upset that he couldn't do anything, I was watching from my place by the river as Doc and Cas comforted him. "10k," I called out as I walked to him, he turned and looked at me as he seemed to somewhat relaxed when he say me. He held open his arms as I broke into a run and crashed into him as we both cried, "I'm sorry about Homer, you did all you could but I'm so happy your safe," I told him as I buried my face in his chest. He pulled away as a few tears fell down his own face but he smiled, "I believe you owe me an answer," he said as I smiled as Doc and Cassandra had smirks on their own face, I nodded and leaned closer to him, "10,000," I paused, "I li- I love you," I confessed as he broke out into a bigger grin and leaned in all the way and pressed his lips softly onto my own as Cas and Doc were cheering. Warren pulled up right as 10k and I pulled apart, "man you remind me of my ex wife at Costco," Doc said, "who would want to marry you," she asked with a smile as she noticed 10k and I hand in hand, "several women I'll have you know," he commented as we all laughed. "So what now we've lost patient zero," 10k said as I looked over and saw him coming up a hill, "no we haven't," I said with a smile as I noticed a zombified Amelia behind him, "and he's not alone." He told us what happened and refused to let us give Amelia mercy before we climbed onto the cart with 10ks arm around my waist as we leaned into each other, I waved goodbye to the zd Amelia as we headed to hopefully meet with Mack and Addy.

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