When There Was Me and You

By xxJulietxx

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|:| COMPLETED |:| Everyone has their own story; their amazing adventures and terrible experiences. When peopl... More



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By xxJulietxx

C H A P T E R  T W E L V E  |:|  M Y   H  A P P Y   P L A C E

a month after and a year before  

December 25, 2004

"This is my daughter, Massie. She's currently nine years old."

Everybody looks at me with happiness as they tell my mother how cute I am. I smile politely and thank each one of them.

"Thank you, Mister and Mrs. Hind. Thank you, Miss Levil. Thank you, Miss Yanny," I say as I curl my hands behind my back. Afterwards, I give them my famous shy smile.

"She even knows our names already!" Mister Hind laughs, making my mother smile and nod at me.

I pull my mom's hand so we are now holding hands. I tug her hand down, wanting her to lean down so I can whisper to her.

My mom already knows what my question is since I always ask the same one whenever she introduces me to new people. 

"Mom, how did you meet them?" I whisper as lowly as I can, making sure no voice comes out from my hands as they securely cover my mom's left ear.

"They are my high school friends. Mister Hind was very popular at our class for being naughty, always messing around with us. Miss Levil was a very great writer, she writes all the time!" my mom whispers back. I giggle at how childish we look.

"How about Miss Yanny?" I whisper a bit too loud because Mom is already standing up and ready to talk to her friends.

"What about me?" The woman wearing business attire with bright red hair looks at me with eyes of amusement. She's swirling a glass filled with red liquid in her hand. At first, I was worried that she was drinking blood, but my mom assured me that she's not.

"Massie was just asking how we met," my mother says and looks at me with eyes that I always adore.

"Well, I was quite a bully back then. I did pull a lot of pranks to your mother because we were both arguing on who was the best at being creative," Miss Yanny says out loud. She didn't bend her knees so we can be on the same level like my mother did, but she looks me in the eyes as I listen her talk.

My attention was half listening on what she was saying, and the other half was busy looking at the red curls bouncing her shoulders.

"And we all know who won on that one." The music was a bit too loud, so I couldn't hear what my mom said to Mr. Lind's response.

I look around the bright room and notice that it was already dark outside. I want to go to the kiddies' room before we leave. I always anticipate their swings and games because I get to play with other kids in here.

I also notice that there are a lot of tall thin tables surrounded by business-attired people who look very important. Like Miss Yanny, they each hold a tall glass filled with blood-colored liquids.

I slowly tug my hand away from my mother's hand when Miss Yanny suddenly squeals, "Christian!"

"Mom," answers the boy of nearly my age.

I really want to go to the kiddies' room so I tug my mom's hand once more, slowly letting go of the hard grip she is holding me.

"Everyone, this is my son, Christian. He is now eleven," Miss Yanny introduces and has her hands on the boy's shoulders. I look at the brown-haired boy with a small smile. I turn to my mom, wanting to go and play.

Finally, my mom looks at me but with the eyes of telling me to be patient. I sigh in defeat and look at the scene in front of me.

"... lovely to meet everyone." Christian smiles politely at everyone, including me, and I can't help but give an emotionless face, still not over with Mom not letting me go.

"Honey, why don't you go with Christian to the kiddies' room so you can play with him?" That was a rhetorical question and I couldn't help but squeal as I am finally released and into the kiddies' room. I grab Christian's hand right away, not caring that he is an opposite gender and two years older than me.

We make our way through the crowd, saying a few 'excuse me's along the way. When we are almost in the room, I quickly drop Christian's hands and look at him properly.

"Okay. So my name is Massie Fox, and this is the room where all happiness begins," I say and give him my famous smile, my head tilting upwards because of his taller figure.

"Christian Anderson," he says. I notice that his blue eyes didn't look that happy. But I guess this is the purpose of the games that we are going to play; we are going to have fun.

"Nice to meet you. Now, if you don't mind, let's go inside and play!" I answer back, not wanting to give a bad impression of being impolite.

Because you are the representation of how your parents raised you.

"No thanks, I'll just sit right here," he mumbles and walks toward one of the bean bags that look like M&Ms.

"Okay, suit yourself. Merry Christmas!" I look back at him for a short moment before continuing to run towards the trampoline section.


A U T H O R ' S N O T E : 

And it is officially finished! :) Yey! And also I feel kind of sad because I really miss Massie and Christian already. I won't rant on any longer because it would probably take more than three hours of sobbing and eating lots of ice cream.

Thank you for sticking out with me on this journey of Massie Fox and Christian Anderson. I know it's not 25th of December, but it is my favorite holiday and I always play Christmas songs all the time. If you happen to read this on Christmas, then I shall greet you with a MERRY CHRISTMASE! :)

Feel free to donate me some votes and drop some comments below, I would appreciate them a lot!  

Questions of the Chapter: (feel free to answer one or all of them) 

1. So, what's your thoughts on the first time Massie and Christian met each other?

2. First impression on Christian, anyone? How about Miss Yanny?

3. What's your favorite thing to do when you're being dragged by your parents to attend an event?


P.s. this can be the last chapter of the story or the first chapter if you'd like to read it backwards.

This chapter is dedicated to julixtta because her story "therapy" is filled with metaphors that will change your perspective in life .

This is it. 

Thank you so much XXsweetrevengeX for this lovely cover <3

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