Missing Something

By nickie_thg

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Sequel to Love and High School are Just Games. Follow Katniss, Peeta, Cato, Clove, Finnick, Annie, Johanna, G... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Epilogue (Part 1)
Epilogue (Part 2)

Chapter 9

869 17 8
By nickie_thg

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~one week later/the funerals~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Johanna POV:

Today is the day of Marvel's parents, Glimmer's, and Marvel's funerals. I'm currently getting ready in Madge's and I's bathroom. I do my makeup and make it darker than normal. I put on a black lace shirt, a short black skirt, and black flats. I put in hot pink earrings because all of the girls agreed to wear hot pink somewhere in our outfits because it is--was Glimmer's favorite color. The guys are wearing something about Marvel comics because that was Marvel's favorite thing. Clove and Cato decided to wear both because they were both their best friends. Cato actually got a small tattoo of Thor's hammer and Captain America's shield on the small of his back because they were Marvel's favorite superheroes and Clove got Glimmer's name on her left shoulder with a bow dotting the "I". I'll be the first to admit that I hate Clove and Cato, but I feel really bad for them. They lost both of their best friends in a matter of hours.
"Where are you going so dark?" Madge asks sitting on her bed.
"The funerals are today," I say. Madge makes a "o" shape with her mouth. There's a knock at our door. I go to answer it. It's Gale. "Hey, you ready to go?" I ask. He nods. Neither of us were close to Glimmer or Marvel, but they were our friends. We get in Gale's car and drive in silence to the church where the funerals are being held. We see we're the first ones to arrive--well Cato and Clove were the only ones who came to Mr. and Mrs. Sanford's funeral. Cato and Clove are waiting by his car. He has his arms around her. We walk over to them. "Hey, guys."
"Hey," they mumble. We stand there until everyone else comes. We all go into the church. First is Glimmer's funeral. We all sit in the front pews. Clove sits next to Mrs. Carner. I hear Clove taking deep breaths so she doesn't start to cry because she has to speak. If I were her, I'd be doing the same thing. They've been best friends since preschool. The priest starts the funeral. Eventually people start to go up and talk. Clove goes up there.
"Ok. I'm Clove and Glimmer is--was my best friend. She was an all around amazing girl. She would always share her opinion even if it would hurt your feelings. Even if you said something nasty to her she would still be there for you." Clove stops to take a breath she starts to cry. "She...she..she," she say before letting out a sob. She can't continue. Cato runs up to her. They whisper something to each other. He goes to the mic and wraps his arm around Clove.
"Hi, I'm Cato and I'm gonna finish what Clove was gonna say. Glimmer was super smart, sweet, and beautiful. It's such a shame her life was taken from her this early, but everything happens for a reason. We all know Glimmer will be here with us wherever we go. With that, Glimmer, we'll miss you." Cato practically drags Clove back to her seat. They continue the funeral and then we start Marvel's. The same priest does this one. People start to talk. This time, it's Cato's turn to talk.

Cato POV:

"Hi, I'm still Cato. Marvel and I became best friends almost instantly. He was shy but hilarious once you got to know him. He had a rough start to adjusting here, but he really seemed to enjoyed it. I don't think any of us expected Marvel to take his own life, but it's just a bump in the road. Marvel will be in this world with us and the next," I say. I turn away from the mic for a second. If I keep talking I'll break down. "Marvel, you'll be dearly missed." I walk back to my seat. Clove starts to cry in my chest. I rub her back soothingly.
The funeral ends and we all go back to Peeta, Gale, and Finnick's room. We all just start to talk--well no one's really talking to me and Clove, I just keep thinking about how the hell I'm gonna go on without my best friend. If only I'd gone after Marvel when he was upset. If only if I'd realized how upset he had been. "I've gotta go," I say getting up quickly.
"Ooooookkkkkkk," Peeta says confused.
I go to my room which right next door. I throw my suit jacket onto the floor. I go to Marvel's bed and find his journal. Apparently all of my friends keep journals. I flip to the day Glimmer left. He had started to write about how he was feeling depressed. How the hell did I not figure this out? He also wrote about he was on anti-depressants. He must've overdosed on those. How did I not notice that he was depressed? Why didn't I just follow him to make sure he was ok? I also read that he started cutting. I saw some weird scars on his wrists, but didn't say anything. Why didn't I? God, I'm so stupid! I can't believe I was so naive thinking nothing was wrong. I used to be suicidal! How did I not pick up on anything? If I only had asked one question or paid a little more attention, I could've completely prevented it. It's my fault. I could've stopped him. I could've been there for him. I was so selfish and caught up in my own problems to notice something was wrong. I throw his journal across the room. I let a scream of anger. I knock over his dresser. I throw stuff around the room. I see a picture he had on his nightstand of him and Glimmer. I chuck it at the door. I hear the glass shatter. I slump down against my bed frame. I start to cry. How could've been so blind?
Someone knocks on my door. "Go away!" I yell still crying. The door opens. Damn, I forgot to lock the door. It's Clove. "What do you want?" I ask looking down.
She walks over right in front of me so I can see her feet. "You looked really upset when you left the guys room. Plus we could here you next door having one of your tantrums. It was also really awkward for because no one was talking to me. What's the matter?"
"I don't wanna talk right now," I mumble.
"You need to talk to someone, Cato," Clove says. I shake my head. "Fine then. I'm staying here with you." She sits down next to me. We sit there in silence. I continue to cry. "Come here, sweetie." Clove opens her arms for me. I gladly take her offer and cry in her arms. God, that's sounds so girly. She's one of the only people I feel comfortable enough to cry in front off. "I know it hurts. It's gonna be ok," she whispers in my ear. I start to calm down. I break away from her embrace and look at her. She wipes away a tear that rolls down my cheek. Again, why to girly sounding. I lean in and smash my lips to her. She kisses me back. She climbs on top of me. I start to mess with her shirt and she pulls it off. She does the same to me. We get up--not breaking the kiss--and get in my bed. She starts to get my pants on buttoned and I take her skirt off. We both take our shoes off. I unhook her bra and we both get each other's underwear off. (You can imagine the rest) Clove and I both lay in my bed next to each other.
"We finally did it," I say. She nods. "You are probably the only person I would ever cry in front of and then have sex two minutes later." She laughs. "I love you."
She looks at me sorta shocked. "I love you too. Does this mean we're back together?" I nod. "Yay!" We both lay there talking for the rest of the night. I finally got the one girl I've ever been in love with back. Ick, way too girly.

Hey, guys! I had some free time an decided to update. I hope you enjoyed it! This chapter was the funerals and something with clato. So district13gal  and I both need ideas with this story. Please comment or private message me any ideas you have. I will give you a shoutout if I use it. So yeah. Imma go eat cookies. Peace out Girl Scout!

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