The Boy Next Door (A Harry St...

By _kimleal1D

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Prologue: Sam Henderson. A girl living in the town, Falling Skies. She's a popular girl in school and all of... More

Chapter 1: Sunday
Chapter 2: That Night
Chapter 3: Closer
Chapter 4: Fresh Meats and Popular Girls Don't Fit.
Chapter 5: School
Chapter 6: History Class (NEW POVS)
Chapter 7: Friends
Chapter 8: Lunch
Chapter 9: Stumble In Your Arms
Chapter 10: Kiss Me.
Chapter 11: Sweet Moments
Chapter 12: Harry's House (NEW POV)
Chapter 13: You're Making It Hard To.
Chapter 14: The Bitch Is Back
Chapter 15: Where's Sam?
Chapter 16: Until Harry Comes Here
Chapter 18: Psychos
Chapter 19: I'm The Reason Why
Chapter 20: Illusions
Chapter 21: Nothing Happened
Chapter 22: Just Leave Me Alone
Author's Note
Chapter 23: Save Her, Harry

Chapter 17: I Agreed To Come

306 6 0
By _kimleal1D

Sam's POV

"10 more minutes." A voice says. I open my eyes, to find that I am blindfolded. "I'm guessing

you're awake, Ms. Henderson. " Another voice says. "You've been sleeping for 48 hours."

A feminine voice says. "Whatever you injected in me..that was strong. Now..where are we?"

I ask. "Remove." The feminine voice says. I feel someone untangle my blindfold. As soon

as it was off, I am blinded by a very bright light. I look around. "Where are we?" I ask.

"Welcome to France, Sam." Hilary says. "FRANCE?!" I scream. I look around. 

I am in France, without Harry knowing. "Don't worry, Harry's just sleeping." Murray says.

I look at my side and see Harry tied up. "Let him go." I say. "Don't worry, once we are off

this truck, I'll let him go." An unknown voice says. "This is West, Sam." Tucker says.

Oh great, another member. "And who's West?" I ask as a man steps up.

My eyes widens. "DAD?!"

Harry's POV

My eyes slowly start opening. I agreed to tag with Hilary, just to see Sam. "DAD?!"

A voice says. My eyes swiftly opened. I look at the man in front of Sam. Holy shit.

"Mr. Henderson?!" I say, as all heads turn to me. "I can't believe you guys thought my last name

was West." He says. I try to break free of my rope, and then it hit me. I am chained.

"We're almost there." Hilary says.  "Hey Harry." Sam says, weakly smiling as I spot

her multiple burn marks. "Are you okay?" I ask. She nods.

"As long you're here Harry. I'm okay." She says. Sam smiles weakly. I feel my jaw being

forced to look at someone. I stare staight at Hilary. She puts her lips on mine.

"Get off me." I sternly say. Hilary furrows her eyebrows as her eyes turn into blue.

Hilary walks away. "Was she your..?" Sam asks. "Ex." I say. "We're here." Stevens says.

"Remove the foot chains." Hilary says as Tucker and Murray takes our foot chains out.

While they were leading us to the building, I look at Sam. She looks at me too.

"Why are you here?" She mouths. "I agreed to tag with Hilary, just to see you." I mouth back.

"Thank you." Sam mouths. I nod. "I love you." She mouths. I shake my head.

"Don't say your good byes yet, okay?" I mouth back. She nods. As I blink, I turn my head to

Sam's way. She wasn't there. I turn my head to the way where Murray was leading me.

I look at Sam's direction, I see her being lead (A/N led) to the other building. She looks back

at me. "I love you, okay?" She mouths. I nod, on the verge of tears. "I love you too," I managed

to mouth.


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