"I love you!" (A Chandler Bin...

By Matthew_Perry

1.2K 12 9

Chandler is running to his work and accidentally bumps into a women. The moment he looks at her and she looks... More

Chapter 2: Pahes 1 and the coffee
Chapter 3: Ross' girlfriend

Chapter 1: The green/blue eyes

612 6 6
By Matthew_Perry

Chandler's POV

I ran through the streets of NY. Late again. My boss would be so angry if I would be late again. I ran and ran. I didn't even know I could run so fast. I glanced at my watch and saw that I still had five minutes. Maby I could make it. I ran just a little bit faster and turned the last corner. BAM! Before I even knew it, I lay on the ground  and papers flew everywhere. Some people laughed but most of them didn't even look.  I stood up and looked around. The papers weren't mine. Outside of the papers there was a woman on the ground. We had crashed, that was obvious.  I knelt before the women. "Are u okay?" I asked. The women looked up right into my eyes . Also I  looked at the eyes of the women. She had beautiful deep green eyes. I started smiling even I didn't know why. For a long time we looked at each other. "Yeah, I'm fine." The women said eventually. I stood up and held out my hand. The women grabbed the hand and stood up. Immediately she began to muster her papers. I helped her to get her papers. I was still a little overwhelmed by the beauty of her.  When we had collected all the papers, I gave the part that I picked up to her. Our fingers touched for just a second but it gave me a strange but good feeling. "Thanks." The woman said smiling. I melt for her smile. We looked at each other for just a moment but then the beautiful woman left. I watched her walking away but then I realized something very important. I started to run after the women. "Wait!" I shouted. "I don't know your name!" But I saw nothing but a large group of people. She was gone.

Maby it was her smile or her deep green eyes but that day I couldn't concentrate on my work. The whole day she was on my mind. During a meeting they had to say my name 10 times before I finaly answered. She was just everywhere.
I wasn't doing well. My boss had become furious because I was late again. Actually, I didn't care if he was angry. "What's wrong with you today, Chandler?" A colleague asked. I didn't notice him for a few seconds but after the colleague signaled me again I answered.  "Nothing." I mumbled. "You can go home. Work is over. Get some rest." The colleague left the office. I  picked up my bag and left the office.

Hopeful I looked around the streets. I hoped I will see her again. Then I could ask her out or ask her number or her name. But unfortunately I didn't see her. I walked into my apartment and opened the door. Joey was sitting in his seat while he was watching Baywatch. I threw my back on the ground and threw my jacket on a chair. Joey turned his head. "Hey, mate. How was your day?" He asked friendly. I mumbled something and sat down in my own chair. Joey looked at me suspiciously. "Is there something wrong?" He asked. I shrugged. "Come on! Tell me!" Joey turned off the tv. I sighed. "I have seen the most beautiful  women ever, today.  She had the most beautiful smile I have ever seen in my life. And her eyes... I sighed happily. "So deep green. So special. It was like there was magic inside it. Joey smiled. "That's good, right? I don't understand. Why are you so mad?" I  sighed again. "I didn't ask her number. I even don't know her name. I put my hands on my face and screamed. "That sucks, mate." Joey said. "I'm such an idiot!" I said angrily into my hands. "That's true." Joey agreed while he laughed. I looked up and looked angry at my friend. "Come on, Chandler. There are more fish in the sea." I nodded. "But what if you find THE fish and it just slips through your fingers?  Joey started to think. "Never mind." I said and I went to my room.

Ella's POV

I didn't have a good day. First I was to late on my work and now I missed my taxi, again. I sighed when I saw the yellow car riding away from me. I decided to walk home because I didn't want to call a taxi again. It was not that I lived so far away. I started walking and ofcourse it starts to rain. I knew I should brought my umbrella with me but I left it home this morning because I thought it would't rain. I sighed again while the raindrops fell down on me. The sun had only shine in the morning, today. I started to smile with the thought of this morning. It was stupid that I fell because I was already so late. But if I never had fallen  I would never had seen him. A smile came up on my face. He was so cute how he helped me getting off the ground and how he helped getting my papers back. And his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes. I never had seen something like that. I don't know what it was with his eyes but I could't get them out of my head. Everytime when I closed my eyes their were right in front of me. I saw him and heard him. "Are you okay?" He asked. I openend my eyes again. What was I thinking? I would probably never see him again. I sighed and walked further in the rain.

Author's note!

Hey! This is my first story on Wattpad and I'm sorry for my bad English! I hope you liked it and if you did let me know! 💘

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