
By saladasandvegemite

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Kaia Sawyer needs help, but is too stubborn to look for it. Jacob Beck needs help, something he doesn't want... More

Authors Note
Two // Boys, Princes and Ex's
Three // Fights Never Leave You Unscathed
Four // Mental Health Days and Ex Girlfriends
Five // Nothing Good Ever Comes Out of a Family Dinner
Six // Coincidences
Seven // Please and Thank You
Eight // I Call Truce
Nine // Party Like It's 1999
Ten // Partied Like It Was 1999 With A Part To Play
Eleven // Don't Take Me To Church
Twelve // The First Meeting
Thirteen // Big News
Fourteen // What the Hell Just Happened?
Fifteen // Jacob Beck to the Principal's Office
Sixteen // Surprise
Seventeen // Pull The Lever, Kronk
Eighteen // Surviving
Nineteen // Don't Interrupt Beauty Sleep
Twenty // No Drawbridges, No Dragons
Twenty One // Expensive Boredom
Twenty Two // Whiplash
Twenty Three // Jacob Forst
Twenty Four // Convincing
Twenty Five // Unexpected
Twenty Six // Drink, Drank, Drunk
Twenty Seven // Two Birds With One Stone
Twenty Eight // Call It Off
Twenty Nine // The Ghost of Christmas Past
Thirty // Drumrolls
Thirty One // The Normal Possibility of the Impossible Becoming Probable
Thirty Two // "Just Friends"
Thirty Three // Love and Dreams and Something in Between
Thirty Four // Truce
Author's Note

One // Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

9.3K 224 14
By saladasandvegemite



The first thought I had as I stepped foot inside my old school was why the fuck am I here? It had been six long years since I'd attended school at Tempest High, where the school was wealthy and the students were even wealthier. Nothing had changed. The gates were still rusted and creaky, making everyone scared to walk through them. The trees were still tall and gloomy, hovering over everyone's heads as they walked to beneath them to get to the building. The old fixtures of the rich brick structure were still crumbling into nothing. Nothing had changed, but everything had.

With my little sister by my side I strode towards the entrance, my chin held high as I ignored the looks everyone was giving me. I could feel the judgment burning through the back of my head but I couldn't let it get to me. I had to see out my final year of secondary education so I might as well have gotten used to it.

"Where are your friends?" Ada asked, her hands grasped tightly around the straps of her backpack. It was a different experience for her, because she was still in primary school when we were here last. She was fourteen turning fifteen now, meaning she was about to enter into year eight. She should have been in year nine but she was held back because of the shitty Celti schooling.

"Hayden said they'd meet me at break. We have to do paperwork first," I told her, referring to my best friend. I was smart enough to keep close contact with Hayden and the other two idiots I called best friends. They would make the transition easier.

"Yay, paperwork," Ada drawled with sarcasm she got from spending far too much time with me.

I laughed, holding open the door to admin for her. "Let's just get this over with, shall we?"

Mrs. Barden was still the head of administration which made me inwardly cringe. On my last day here six years ago me and the boys had spray painted obscenities on the floor to her office and then filled it with plastic balls we had nicked from a ball pit.

That reminded me; there was one person I had to see.

"Mr. Beck," the nasally voice greeted, acid dripping off her tone. Mrs. Barden's eyes had narrowed into slits.

"Happy to see me, ma'am?" I smirked, leaning against the counter. "I'm sure you'll be glad to know I'm back for the year. Could we please fill out our paperwork?"

"Are you going to fill my office with plastic balls again Mr. Beck?" She asked, as if whether we could do our paperwork would be affected by my answer.

"No ma'am," I said with the most serious expression I could muster up. "I grew out of going to the playhouse."

Ada stifled a laugh.

"Hmph," Mrs. Barden grumbled, but handed me the paperwork never the less. I handed it to Ada, who had much neater handwriting than I did. She also wouldn't be tempted to fake it for a laugh.

She handed it to me once she was done, for me to have a look over. Everything seemed in order, but I had to check our emergency contact numbers. I hid my grin and handed the papers back. Mrs. Barden gave us our class schedules and subtly gestured for us to bugger off.

"Remind me to tell Luca and Milena that they are our emergency contacts," Ada said, referring to our older brother and sister. Two of the five of us kids.

"How did you know?" I had to ask, snatching her schedule so I could see where she was going. English, in the language block. I started leading her towards the room which used to be my English classroom.

"With the trouble you've gotten into the past few years, you think I'd be stupid enough to put Mutti as our contact? And I'm not going to put Vati, for obvious reasons."

"You're much smarter than I was at your age," I complimented.

"You filled an office with plastic balls when you were my age."

"I was younger, actually."

"Not by much."


We stopped outside her classroom which brought back so many fond memories. She took her schedule from my hands and tried to smile at me, but she was nervous.

"You'll do great, Ada. Just remember everything you've learnt over the last few years and you'll be fine. Good luck."

"Danke, Jacob. I think you need more luck than me."

"I'll be fine. I've got this." I just had to act confident and even a little bit arrogant and I would be fine.

My little sister rolled her eyes at me and opened the door to her class. As soon as she went I turned and walked back the way I had come. The hallway was deserted, lockers lining the walls and sun shining in through the windows. Classes were full of students but here, it was dead quiet. I started to get nervous but shook the feeling away. What's the worst that could happen?

I stroll into the science wing and quickly find my room. I could see through the window in the door that the teacher had begun her lesson. It had been drilled into me that it was rude to interrupt but I had no choice. I took a deep breath and grasped the handle, twisting it and pushing the door open.

I stepped into the room which had fallen silent, every set of eyes staring at me. My eyes roamed across the room, scanning up and down each row of my peers. Most of them I recognized and one of them I knew. I swear I stopped breathing. Gray blue eyes were staring up at me, as wide as if she'd seen a ghost. Maybe that's what I had become to her. Her dark hair was dead straight down her back and she was in shorts and a t-shirt. She hadn't changed a bit.

"You must be Jacob," the teacher said, catching my attention. I reluctantly turned my gaze to her, who had a welcoming smile on her lips. "I'm Ms. Patterson. Welcome back."


I was sitting in psychology minding my own business when a ghost walked in. A metaphorical ghost of course, but a ghost none the less. He strutted into class with a smirk on his face, looking over everyone as if he had was reminiscing. It wasn't until he locked eyes with me that his smirk faltered.

"You must be Jacob," Ms. Patterson said to him, a breezy smile on her face. "I'm Ms. Patterson. Welcome back."

"Thank you, ma'am," Jacob grinned back, his most famous grin. He had changed a lot in six years, but that grin hadn't.

"I presume you know a few people in this room," Ms. Patterson chuckled. "And I'm certain you don't need an introduction. How about you sit down in the empty seat across from William and we can keep on with the lesson."

"Of course," he nodded, heading down the aisle and sliding into the seat behind me. I didn't know what to think. The rumour of his return spread like wildfire on Friday afternoon, but it was only confirmed last night when someone saw him and his family out for dinner. That circulated the gossip chain I had been assumed part of, and it was the first time I was grateful for it.

"As I was saying. You've chosen this class as one of your six subjects for year twelve, meaning you all have at least a slight interest for it. I hope for your sake that's true, because you will find it difficult if you don't. But considering it's Monday morning on the first day of school and no one wants to be here, I'm going to put on a video that will see us through to the end of the lesson."

The class erupted into cheers and Ms. Patterson turned off the lights. A minute later, the projector flickered to life and One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest started to play. I outwardly cringed. At the end of primary school Hayden Porter had a movie night with about fifteen of us graduates there. It was the last movie we watched and I was forever scarred from it.

So instead, I got my book from inside my folder and read it under the table. At least I tried to read it. I got to the stage where I had read one sentence about ten times and still could not understand it. Another question was overbearing the sentence in my head, focusing on the very grown up boy behind me.

Where had he been?

He didn't leave quietly, but he didn't tell anyone where he was going. From the slight accent he'd acquired, I could guess it was somewhere in Europe. But what was he doing there and why was he back?

The bell rang to signal the end of first period so everyone began to pack up their books, teacher included.

"We'll watch the rest of that tomorrow and write up our first analysis." We were dismissed. Parker was standing outside the door, waiting for me with a bored expression. She was my polar opposite, my sister and my best friend. She glanced up when I came out, but her gaze moved past me to the person behind. From the widening of her eyes I knew it was Jacob.

I couldn't deny myself a look and when I did, his eyes were on me. I thought he was going to talk to me, but he just let out a low chuckle as if saying like hell I would talk to you and walked right past me. Of course, he would be too cool to talk to me. Why should I have thought otherwise? Six years is a lot of time to change, and from what I'd heard he hadn't been a good boy.

"So the rumours were true," Parker sighed, pushing off the wall. We fell into step and headed to our next class, English.

"Do you really doubt the rumour mill? When has it ever lied?" I drawled, causing Parker to laugh, flicking one of her shoulder length braids over her shoulder.

"When it said you and Marcus broke up because he slept with me?" She phrased as a question.

"How could I forget?" About a month ago it was rumoured that Marcus was cheating on me with my sister. I didn't believe it and both Marcus and Parker were quick to assure me it didn't happen.

"You're going out with him tonight, aren't you?" She clarified, stopping by the door of our English class where little year eights were filing out. They looked so ready for school with their freshly pressed clothes and neatly styled hair. I gave it a week for all of that to be gone. Maybe a month. Everyone put more effort into their appearance in younger years, especially at the start of term.

I nodded, my eyes catching sight of a brunette with striking familiarity. I knew her, but I didn't know where from.

"Speak of the devil," Parker mumbled, walking into the now empty classroom. An arm was slung around my shoulders as my boyfriend kissed my forehead.

"Talking about me again, are we?" He asked, walking with me into our English classroom.

"Less and less every day," I told him, relieved when he laughed, taking it as a joke rather than a fact. We'd been dating for six months now but I didn't really feel anything for him anymore. The more time I spent with him the more I realized how much of an ass he was. Tonight was the night I was going to break up with him. Not that he had any idea. He was a bit of an airhead.

"So what are we doing tonight, babe?" He fell into the seat across from me while my sister was on the other side. She didn't try to cover her laugh as I rolled my eyes. I hated pet names.

"I was just thinking I could come over after school for a bit. I've got dinner with my family so I can't stay long."

"Family dinner? Who cares, it's just family. They'll always be there."

I struggled to keep my lid on, squeezing my eyes shut. I knew too well that family wouldn't always be there. Natural disasters happen. Accidents happen. There's always a chance you'll get home one day and your family will be gone.

"I can't get out of it. Sorry." I did my best to be polite despite wanting to curse him into the depths of hell. How had I lasted this long in this relationship?

The class was almost full now as Parker handed me a note.

I hate to say I told you so. What a jerk.

I sighed, nodding in acceptance. He was a jerk. At least after tonight, he wouldn't be my jerk.

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