The Alphas' Little Luna

By JaneEdwinstowe

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He pushed me up against the locker, holding me close so i could not get away. He pressed his face into the c... More

The Alphas' Little Luna
Chapter 1 Mate
chapter 2 My Mate Doesn't Know?!?!
chapter 3 Yep, I'm Clueless (PART 1)
Chapter 4 And the Clock Struck Twelve
Chapter 5 Fate Just Hates Me
Chapter 6 Escaping School Guards and Meeting a Genius.
Chapter 7 Interrogations and Stupidity
Chapter 8 It's a Bond Thing
Chapter 9 Red Eyes and the Barrier Affects
Chapter 10 Accepting The Bond
Chapter 11 Family
Chapter 12 Attractions
Chapter 13 A Twist in School Life
Chapter 14 Die Subway {Part I}
Chapter 15 Die Subway {Part II}
Chapter 16 No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk
Hello All

Chapter 3 Yep, I'm Clueless (PART 2)

33.9K 797 80
By JaneEdwinstowe

YAY new part to write, right.... WRONG. UGh more work for me . BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Sigh. I guess my little people deserve to have a new part so here it is. Sigh work work and so much more work. I wish I had an automatic turn-thoughts-into-wattpad-chapter-inator. Therefore I would no longer have to write the chapters. I would only have to think them. HEHE ~ drools at the thought~ I should definitely talk to the president about this.


{Riley POV}

"Miss Coleston. Miss Coleston. MISS COLESTON!!!", Mrs. Lily yelled. I shot out of my daydream and answered with an embarrassed yes. "Class has been dismissed for 15 minutes now. I am waiting on your reason for being late.", Mrs. Lily gritted out her mouth. Holy shit I was daydreaming about what my sexy ass mate- Wait shut up riley. You did not just say that. You meant that stupid possible threat of a man who has the worlds greatest scent. Just thinking about what he looks like sends shivers up my spine.

I sighed "Sorry Mrs. Lily. The reason was because I slept in late and I forgot to set my alarm clock. I should not have been more attentive and I promise it won't happen again.", if that damned sexy- I mean damned man with his great smell would leave. I mentally added.

She frowned at me one more time before giving a short nod and allowing me to leave, just as the class bell rang and I was already late for my next class. I sighed as I rushed down the steps and passed my locker making a right and rushing to my class. I made it just in time to for the second bell. I ran into the class only to be tripped by none other than, yep you guessed it the wicked witch of the west, Miss Chelsea underworld Briggs. She snickered then gave me a death glare as she squatted down on her knees right next to me. "don't even think about the new boys, especially Cole, because HE. IS . MINE.", she hissed in my ear. Then she kicked me and I rolled over.

Ok OUCH, luckily it only hurt for five minutes before it was already healed. Misty sighed out one word. 'Cole. Our mate is Cole. WHAT a Sexy name with a CAPITAL S.", she said. "Yeah ok so the plan is just ignore queen bitch bee over there who has something stuck up her butt, and go converse with the sexy hot........ I mean this Cole dude.' 'Yep', Misty responded. I burst out laughing, which ended in me getting all sorts of looks, questioning if I was mentally ok. Well gee, I thought they would have guessed by now that I am not.

The bell run and I practically sprinted out the classroom, only to trip on Mrs. Bitch shoes. Oh crap. Just my luck. Apparently karma is an ass who has it out for me cause the next thing I know, I am punched twice in the face by one of her guard dogs, RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE TEACHER. And so like any other reasonable and disciplining teacher whose boss daughter was beating up a student,, He let it continue. I was kicked in the stomach and I flew into the locker. Well OUCH. I got up, but unfortunately Mr. guard dog was not finished with his torment.

He shot a punch at me, but I quickly ducked rolled to his other side and tripped him. With that I flew straight into my next class a full 10 minutes early. I covered my bruises with a hood from the hoody I had left in my locker yesterday. by the time class ended it would probably be healed so I wasn't worried about Emily seeing it. Not that she was coming home for another week or so. 

Oh my gawd. that was nothing. I guess Little Miss underworld slut is so busy fantasying about how to get into the new guys pants that she doesn't have time for me.  For some reason seeing her together with Cole made me queasy and sick. I hated it. I felt so disturbed by the image of it. I almost puked, quite literally, on my desk. It also made me really sad for some reason. the thought that eventually Cole will fall for that bitch. Thinking like that seemed to make my mood heavy so I tried to push the thoughts aside.

"Miss Coleston. Miss Coleston. Miss COLESTON", My teacher finally yelled getting my attention. Man, I had been thinking about it so much I didn't notice the people that had filled the classroom and that Mrs. Jones was taking attendance. I blushed when I realized all eyes were on me. Most, that I notice hanging with Underworld bitch, were glaring triumphantly. like it was some big feat to catch me off guard. I blushed and crept further in my seat just wishing I could disappear. "Here", I mumbled barely audible, but Mrs. Jones heard and moved on. I could pick up the snickers from the students as they slowly turned their heads back.

I opened my math and started doing the problems assigned in my math fairly easy. Math was always easy for me. So was English and history. The only subject in school I just couldn't grasp was Chemistry. I truly believe that who ever invented that stupid idiotic subject was a wizard who was trying to curse the world with its illogical formulas and whatever crap that comes along with it. Well guess what wizard: you succeeded. I am completely and utterly confused by that subject, and no one has the frick'in guts to tutor me in fear from Queen life ruiner and her pack of dumbo mutts and bitches.

I sighed and worked on another problem. I was in the middle of working it out when something extremely hot slapped my leg. I yelp earning a glare from Mrs. Jones. I looked down and pulled up my pant leg to see a huge purple whelp covering half of my leg. Well shit. That would not go away till probably the end of the day. I mean think of your whole calf and up to your knee covered in purple-ish burnt flesh.  I turned to look at a smirking Chelsea Briggs holding a lighter in one hand and a iron ruler in the other. Crap why the hell did I choose to sit here when I could have sat in the back.  I sighed this was going to be a long class period.

45 minutes later. I practically jumped out the classroom headed toward the nearest bathroom. Once securely inside I let hot tears spill down my face. Ok that has got to be one of the most painful classes I have been to and that is the last time I ever sit anywhere near that miserable wife of the devil. Al through-out class she re-applied the hot ruler to the same spot. burning it with a lighter each and every time. If that is not enough she stabbed it with a pencil causing it to bleed.

I cried in the stall for a few minutes slowly letting the pain out. I understand that in peoples eyes I will always be a freak. unnatural. Hideous.  understand is why I have to be tortured because of it. What in the world did I do to deserve this? If someone can at least answer this with a logical reason, than-than I will gladly accept this punishment. But so far no one can give me a reason besides it is my eyes and hair. They are just a color. It isn't like I am someone without morals and discipline who goes around like a prostitute (Chelsea), or is a killer. So why? Why does everyone in this school judge me because I have silver hair and purple eyes? I just can't understand. It isn't like I have a deathly disease that is contagious. And it isn't like I am evil or something. I mean sure I am a werewolf, but they don't know that. And they never will.

I finish crying and walk out the stall. It is already 10 minutes till lunch so I run cold water over my eyes for 5 minutes and headed to lunch. I peeked out  the door to make sure  Evil Miss Priss or her goons weren't around. After securing the area with my eyes I made a mad (limping) dash to the lunchroom. As soon as I entered the room, I was ignored.

thank goodness for that, cause as much as I wanted a friend, right now I wanted to savor my solitude. I quickly walked into the lunch line and got my food. Two turkey cheese sandwiches, an apple, a simply orange juice, a bag of chips, and lastly five super packs of skittles.  DON"T You dare look at me like that you critizing reader. A woman needs comfort skittles and I was hungry. It does not help that I am a werewolf so chill. I guess it does kinda since I wont be getting fat anytime soon.

I walked to the corner of the lunchroom and sat at my table. YEP my table. I guess it has been this way for awhile and since I have sat here no one dares to come near. No one will even sit at the three tables next to my table. So I guess I was designated to this table of complete and utter solitude. And right now, I was ok with that. I pulled out my iphone 5 and started playing fun run. (BEST GAME EVER TRY IT)

5 minutes later

I smelt him before I saw him. Cole. Misty instantly became excited and demanded I open my eyes and meet him. I refused of course and remained in my seat. He would probably be freaked out if me and my silver hair and purple eyes started to approach him. Even though my mind thought that something else inside me strongly suggested otherwise. I looked down at my iphone and started to play fun run ( BEST GAME EVER)

Then I smelt his scent getting closer and I became a nervous wreck. He couldn't be coming over here could he. O-of course he isn't. He is p-probably going t-to sit with some one e-else. Someone like-. Just then his whole scent was blocked by the odor of toooooo much perfume. I gagged. it was none other than Chelsea. I looked down at my iphone again. Suddenly I felt the intensness of his scent. My head snapped up to look at Cole and his small posy. The three boys seemed shocked obviously because of my eyes ( no surprise there), but Cole smiled seemingly happy. he then looked nervous. "Hey, can we sit with you.", he asked looking even more nervous by the second. I cant believe he ASKED some one like ME to sit here. "Yes", I said and had to hold back the urgency to smile like an idiot. I looked back down and continued playing fun run. Unsure of what to, they starred intensely at me. I became very self conscious under their critiquing gaze. I cautiously looked up. "C-can you p-please stop starring at me?", I asked trying to be polite and not sound rude about the whole thing. I mean, I finally know what a chicken on a grill feels like. I was the dear in their headlights, and I really did not like it.

I was suddenly enveloped into  a bone crushing hug and I held back a shriek of surprise and pain (Because of my leg).  "AWWW. You are just too cute. I LOVE YOU!", one of the boys with blu-ish green eyes cooed over me. I blushed and looked down. Hearing a whack I look up. The boy who had hugged me had two hand prints on his face and Cole smashed his face in the boys sandwich. His reaction was even funnier though.   He huffed like a two year old. "WHAT> I was just saying what everyone was thinking.", he mumbled the last part. I laughed out loud. Well. That did not earn the attention of most of the cafeteria including, Yep folks you guessed it, evil miss Chelsea.  If looks could kill I am pretty sure I would be six feet under right about now. But for once in my life I did not really care. For some odd reason being here with these boys made me feel safe, protected and most of all cared for. he seemed to be beaming as though he had won the lottery or something. What got him iin that kind of mood I wonder?

 "So what is you name and how old are you?", he asked still in a la-la-land mood. I blushed and looked down while answering. " R-riley and I-I am s-seventeen", I said and dared to sneak a peak at Cole. he looked shocked and then ecstatic. "AWWW. You ARE  just to-". WHACK. Cole smacked the back of the boys head quite hard. "OWW!! GEEZ meany. I was just being nice." the boy huffed. I smiled holding in the laugh that was threating to erupt. They seemed to be in their own little world before two boys started to laugh.

Cole then turned to me blasting, once again, a 100000 watt smile and I am so surprised I have not gone blind from it. I mean if you have seen it then good mercy on your poor, poor eyes. They probably can't withstand the intensity of its perfection. They then introduced themselves. I found out the overhyped one who apparently thought I was cute was Lewis. the other two were Jason and Michael or Jase and Mike and of course COLE.

"Umm. I don't mean to be rude but, Why are you sitting by yourself?", he asked as if it wasn't the most obvious thing in the world. Oh lord I like an idiot. WAIT did I just say I like him? Oh to hell with it I won't deny I feel very attracted to him, more than anyone matter-of-factly. I fiddled with my thumbs. Apparently he was really expecting an answer and wasn't playing. "Because I am a f-freak.", I said looking down and frowning.

Suddenly Cole growled like an animal. I looked up shocked. No I could not have heard that right? Did I? " You are NOT a freak. Your eyes are just what makes you stand out with a prettier glow. You are beautiful the way your are and if people can't accept that then they can go f*ck off.", Cole growled and I am sure he had a wolf about to pop out there. Ok now I really need to make sure I am not crazy.

"A-are you a w--w-werewolf", I asked probably sounding like an idiot. They looked at me like I had grown 7 different heads and they were sticking out trying to reach Jupiter. Yep they definitely thought I had a loose screw or an over imaginative on crack brain. they were probably right.

But Coles answer surprised me much more. "Yes, and you are too". he said like it was normal talk. SO that is why they smelled like wolves. Oh My bob. Now that I think about it, that sounds like a much more logical explanation than they hunt wolves for a living. "Yes but didn't you already smell that we were wolves when you came by our pack house.", Lewis asked. Ok time to act surprised and sound like the idiot I am. "So that is why you smelled different. I thought you smelled like that because you hunted a lot wolves or some crap like that.", I said and already knew what their response would be. They burst out laughing. How unexpected right? NOTE MY SARCASM ONCE AGAIN.

 I chewed on the bottom of my lip, a nervous habit I have. My mom says I look so adorable when I do that, but I beg to disagree. I then noticed Cole had a pained expression on his face. Worried I asked him what was wrong. "What's wrong, you look like your in pain." I said as I cocked my head to the side.

Jase then spoke up. "Oh well see Riley, you, as his mate, do actions that affect him in.. different ways.". WHAT the heck. Even they know what a mate is. I don't understand.

"There goes that word again. Mate. First my wolf and now you. What does it even mean?" I mumbled not even aware I said it out loud.

 They all gawked at me like I had just become a mummified pretzel. of course, being me I made sure I hadn't. "What. You don't know what a MATE is", They all yelled creepily together. Oh lord help me.


 Finally complete yes. Sorry I know I said a day or to, but while almost done, my dumb computer turned off and I lost half of the chapter. I have now learned to save my work as I go.


Riley: Finally freedom.  > skips happily away<

Cole: what the hell are you talking about.

Riley: UMMMMMM, I am finished with the new chapter?????????

Cole> inserts evil smirk

COLE: Now your not, now we have to study the history of mates > said in a sickly sarcastic way.

Riley: Why> looks at author desperately< WHy did you make me so stupid

Author: > shrugs< Cause... its fun > happily skip away to eat red velvet cake

Riley> dragged away by Cole to the library< T~T 







and all that shiz 

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