sent back (a naruto fanfic)#w...

By naruto_saves_me

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By naruto_saves_me



Naruto awoke with a yawn the next morning. He looked over at the time and sighed it was a little bit past 6:00. "I vow to one day be able to sleep in!" he half shouted to the ceiling. He stood up and stretched before going about his repetitive morning tasks. By the time he was done it was only 6:30. Sighing he looked at the cape Tsunade had given him. He was already wearing the necklace but decided to wait before wearing the cape. He turned to leave his apartment and was quite surprised to see Haku standing right in front of him hand raised about to knock on his door.

"Erm... Hi?" Naruto blinked in surprise of being only 3 inches from the other boy's face. "Oh good you are up... um Kakashi told me if I liked I could join team 7 and I took his offer, he told me that I had too meet him on the bridge but... Well he didn't exactly tell me how to get there."

Naruto sighed. "Yea he does have a tendency to leave out the important stuff."


"Ok, so we're supposed to raid this sound ninja camp everyone got that? Alright move!" Kakashi said to Naruto, Lee and Sakura. The three nodded and moved out to the perimeter. They entered through an air duct that was located to the side that Lee had found. They moved quickly but silently.

"This is so gross" Sakura complained. Her teammates nodded in agreement. Naruto was in front of the line when he saw the target room. He motioned to his teammates then quickly pushed open the grate.

"So nice of you to drop in... what took you so long?" Kakashi smiled over the heap of chunin.

"How did? Where did?" Sakura started.


"The door was unlocked, it was in the briefing I got." He waved a few pieces of paper in front of their faces. "I guess I forgot to tell you that. Oh and before I forget this place has also been abandoned for some time so you really didn't need to sneak around too much."

Kakashi was then beaten and bruised quite badly.


"I see that perhaps I should have asked a more detailed question." Haku said in understanding. Naruto nodded in agreement. "Well if you want... I can hold him down while you beat him, would that help?" Haku smiled slightly.

The two exited the apartment building and looked to their left to see if Kakashi was in a heap on the concrete below the window. Tuns out him wasn't. "He probably just stuck to the side of the building and walked down but it would still be funny to see." Naruto mused aloud. Haku nodded in agreement.

"The bridge that Kakashi was talking about isn't that far from here." Naruto said smirking. "All you really have to do is follow that river over there" Naruto pointed off to the right were the river was seen between the trees.

"Oh I see..." Haku said slightly embarrassed about not knowing.

About 15 minutes later they were at the bridge. "So why it is no one else is here yet?" Haku asked after looking around.

"What time did Kakashi tell you to be at the bridge?" Naruto asked

"Um 6:30, why?" Haku raised a brow at the face Naruto made.

"Well then that means you had until 9:00 to get here..." Naruto said through clenched jaw.

"He's always 3 hours late so we just sleep in until about 2 and a half hours after the time he said to arrive." Naruto said. "However, I always wake up around 6ish out of habit so I usually train for a few hours or go shopping... whatever needs to be done first..."

"So shall we train then?" Haku asked

"If you want to but believe me I won't go easy on you! And now I know your weakness!" Naruto said jokingly.

"Your not going to kiss me are you?!" Haku backed away slightly.

"No" Naruto managed to laugh out.

For about an hour the two worked on hand to hand training then from then until Sakura showed up they were working on their Jutsus and weapon precision. Naruto made quite a few of his shadow clones while Haku used them for target practice. Haku almost always hit the clone with his senbon needles and Naruto purposely missed with his shuriken and kunai.

When Sakura showed up, she was more then happy to take out a few clones for her target practice. When Sasuke arrived, he sulked in the corner until Naruto sent all the clones out to taunt him. Who knew that 100 Naruto clones singing "You can't hit us Nagh Na Na Na Na Na!" while sticking their tongues out blowing raspberries could make Sasuke so motivated.

He then took out every clone that came his way in any way he could before turning on the original. Before he could pound on the tired blonde however, Kakashi appeared in his usual smoky way. Everyone turned towards the "popping" noise to see Kakashi. Naruto sat down and awaited his daily lie.

"Umm sorry I'm late but I had to fill out all this really complicated paper work to get you all into the Chunin exams..." Kakashi said rubbing the back of his head with one hand and holding a few papers in a folder in the other.

"LIAR... Oh wait that sounds plausible" Sakura said blinking in surprise.

Naruto twitched slightly at the mention but kept up his happy demeanor. "Wow really were going to take the chunin exams?!" Naruto jumped up latching onto Kakashi's neck. "Now I'll get to be even closer to my dream!" Kakashi tried to pull the idiot off him but to no avail. Kakashi made a raspy gasping noise that sounded vaguely like "air"

Naruto released him from his grip and Kakashi rubbed his neck. "Here." He rasped. Naruto took the folder that he handed him and opened it up. He quickly read through it quickly before passing it on "They start in a few days so I think it would be best to rest up and recuperate your energy." Kakashi said, his only visible eye crinkling, which meant he was smiling

Kakashi then spent about an hour explaining the process of the Chunin exams and why they are held. Then he left the team to go rest, but of course no one moved. Instead they sat there until Naruto got up enough energy to make more clones for every one to have more target practice.

It was a little past midday when they decided to go their separate ways... well sort of. Sasuke tried to leave alone, but Sakura followed after and Haku followed Naruto having nothing better to do.

Naruto and Haku decided to get some ramen. On their way there however they were interrupted by a masked ninja. Naruto stared at him blankly for a minuet before making a fist and smacking it into his other hand "Ohhh right..." he said aloud finally remembering "who" he was.

"Well well... what have we here? Two little lost boys?" said the random ninja

"Um, no, we were just going over there to get something to eat..." Haku said raising a brow.

"Oh well I thought you two pipsqueaks were coming over to me... and here I thought you wanted to play." The random guy said.

"Nope were just hungry!" Haku said happily.

"You do realize I'm trying to start a fight... right." The guy sweat dropped.

Naruto was snickering inwardly, it was too amusing to watch this. "Very well then" Haku turned needles drawn.

The guy made a clone and went for both Haku and Naruto at once. Haku quickly dodged and retaliated with a pin point shot that would have killed him. The clone poofed away. Naruto quickly punched the guy in the face but ended up with a log. "Humph. I guess you were stronger then I had anticipated..." a voice came from seemingly all around them. There was a small rustle then silence.

"Sooo... how about that ramen then?"

"Yea let's go!"

"So how did they do?" Kakashi asked as a figure appeared behind him.

"Sakura's as bright as ever and Sasuke still rushes in..." the figure came closer to Kakashi and the moonlight illuminated his face. "But that Haku is extremely powerful and has pin point accuracy... but Naruto... " Iruka trailed off.

Kakashi nodded. "He does seem like he fits a different description then what was in the academy reports."

Iruka nodded as well "I mainly wanted to test his temper, normally Naruto has such a short fuse and is a bit of a hot head but when I was trying to get him to attack he waited... I have never known Naruto to be one to analyze his opponent before going into battle... and he had a different look in his eyes when he fought from before..." Iruka was now standing right besides Kakashi.

"Maybe he has matured more then I give him credit for..." Iruka said before jumping away.

"Perhaps... or maybe it's something more?" Kakashi said aloud before he too jumped away.

The next few days went by quickly for everyone. Sasuke trained his eyes to use the sharingon, Sakura continued her chakra control, and Haku and Naruto spared often taking out at least half of Konoha's population of trees. When Naruto was alone though he trained with Kyuubi with just one thought pouring through him 'I won't let it happen'

Soon the day approached and everyone was in a hurry. Team 7 with there new member had agreed to meet up at the bridge before going to the place where the first half of the exams were being held. The four of them were walking up to the building when they were stopped by a man wearing black and had a mummy on his back.

"Hey watch it!" he yelled the girl beside him turned to glare at him. "Don't start Kankorou! Garra will be back any second now and remember what he said?" she said

"But one of these little punks brushed into me!" Narutos eye twitched. 'It wasn't even us it was that guy with the glasses... KABUTO!" Naruto bit his lip to stop from screaming at the memories that he had just brought back.

A low growl like noise was heard from behind Kankorou. Everyone turned to see a boy with a gigantic gourd on his back. "Come on don't bother picking fights... or else... I will have no choice but to let the vultures pick at your dead carcass." He said.

"We didn't mean it right?" kankorou said elbowing Sasuke. "Who are you?" Sasuke said sharply. "I am Garra of the desert!" replied Garra focusing on Naruto who was still biting his lip.

Garra's mouth twitched in a way that could be described as a smile. "You... your name?!" Garra demanded. Naruto blinked and replied in monotone "Naruto Uzumaki."

"Well then Naruto Uzumaki... I'll be looking forward to seeing you in the fights later on." and with that they left.

"Naruto calm yourself! Just remember that those things are the things that we want to change! But did you honestly not notice the demon chakra leaking off you?"

'Sorry and no.'

"Just remember I have put more of my chakra into your system recently so it may go off with your emotions... although only a little leaked out and most would mistake that for your human chakra Garra's shukaku would sense it as demonic..." Kyuubi said simply

"It's been so long since Garra has been like that I guess I forgot about him being a sadistic bastard"Naruto sighed but kept walking

"Oh don't be so glum!" the Kyuubi snickered. "I'm sure you will be able to branch out to him so your friendship can blossom in no time at all"

'I swear if you don't stop I will inflict excruciating pain upon you...'

"Remember don't let your anger get into full bloom!"the fox smiled knowing full out that he was annoying the hell out of Naruto.

'I give up..."

Naruto shook his head as they kept on walking. They carried on there way until they came to a door which there were a number of people outside. Naruto stood but didn't really pay much attention to what was going on. He was lost to his painful memories. 'I have to stop that from happening... if I don't... I... I don't know what I'll do...' Naruto thought to himself.

"You are coming?" Sasuke asked raising an eyebrow.

"Hugh?" Naruto looked around and noticed all the people that were at the door were dispersing. "Oh ugh yea..." he replied in a low tone and kept moving. Sakura stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"What's with you I'm surprised that you aren't screaming at the top of your lungs by now?"

"No nothings wrong. I'm fine." Naruto said still in his thought.

"Ever since we entered the building you've been acting really weird." Sakura said.

"He seems stressed" Haku said with a bit of concern

"Don't worry I'm sure he's just worried that I'm going to beat him to being a chunin." Sasuke said with a smirk.

"Hmm..." Naruto hummed as he kept walking.

"Yep something's bothering him." Sasuke said shrugging. They soon walked into a large room with a few pillars. They didn't think much of it until...

"YOSH!" that got Narutos attention. He looked up and was quickly discouraged. Lee had his spandex back on. Although you couldn't really blame him... better to ruin the clothes that everyone cringes at rather then the clothes that look somewhat normal.


"I would rather not" Sasuke said simply.

"BUT... but I challenged you..." Lee furrowed his brow.

"Yes and we can fight later but if you'd notice the time we really should be going." Sasuke said motioning to a clock on the wall.

"Our time will soon perspire if we do not hurry. We won't be able to take the test at all... on second thought fight away!" Naruto said finishing in a happy tone.

That got him some strange looks from every one in the room. "I thought you said becoming a chunin would only put you one step closer to becoming the Hokage..." Sakura said suddenly worried.

"And I don't think I've ever seen you that happy about missing out on something like that..." Sasuke finished Sakuras thoughts. Haku nodded in agreement.

'Damn now they know for sure something's up... I was hoping that if we couldn't take the exam at all I wouldn't have to worry about all the stuff that started there.' Naruto thought "Um well I was... um ... Trying to use reverse psychology?" Naruto said smiling nervously. Then walked away

"AH! He is right! WE SHALL PROVE WHO IS THE BETTER FIGHTER ANOTHER DAY!" And with that last burst of enthusiasm Lee ran after Naruto.

"What scares me most is Naruto used all his words in a proper way..." Sakura said beginning to follow Naruto and Lee. "Hell, I didn't even know he had that big of a vocabulary!" Sasuke said.

They made it to the exam room with a few minutes to spare. Once inside they met up with the other genin who were taking the exam. The 9 genin were all chatting until a man brought their attention. He was thrown across the room by a sound ninja and landed right in front of the group... "You ok buddy?" Kiba asked.

"Yea I'm fine." The man said. He had large round glasses and silvery white hair. Naruto once again bit his lip. Hinata looked up over to him but quickly looked away as he turned to her. Naruto managed to tune in just as Kabuto was talking about his cards. "Indeed anyone you want I can get their info on." he smiled.

"Alright I'll try, Garra of the Desert, Rock Lee and." He whispered the last name. "Well its no fun if you know their names! Alright here." He held up three cards. Sasuke read them over silently.

'Well this is interesting Naruto has question marks as well as that Garra. But lee looks like he has almost no chakra. The only thing on Narutos and Garra's card is the birth date, what missions they've been on. It also says that Naruto has a lot of stamina... lot of help that is...'

No sooner had Sasuke handed back the cards, the examiner came in and every one took their place. Naruto ignored the speech given and flipped his paper when he was told to. He looked down at the questions picked up his pencil and... Began doodling... about a half hour later Hinata, who was beside him, looked over and was shocked to see what he was doing. She was about to say something when a kunai whizzed by her head and hit the desk behind her.

"Number 48 out!" one of the examiners yelled. "Who ever his teammates are please leave also!" the three left. As the test dragged on more and more people began failing. A loud slam of the desk got everyone's attention.

"Alright times up! Now, for the tenth question." Ibiki hollered into the crowed. "If you pass you will move on but if you fail... you will only not proceed to the next round but you will be forbidden to take the test again!" numerous gasps were heard around the room.

"I'm not all that mean though... if you wish to quit now you may raise your hand and wait. You will not move on but you will also be able to take the test next time around..." the interrogator smiled. A number of people put up their hand and left Naruto looked around and saw Sakura was about to put up her hand. Naruto smiled.

'If she gets us out of this then maybe Sasuke wont... I wouldn't have come myself because we would need 3 man teams but I'm not about to explain to every one that I knew what was going to happen...'

"You could have always said you were a psychic."

'No they'd just think I was a "psycho" path...' Naruto outwardly smirked at the faced he saw in his minds eye if he said he could see the future.

Unfortunately she caught site of Sasuke who was shaking his head so she put her head down and waited. Ibiki then announced that they all pass and explained the meaning behind the test. 'I would raise my hand to get us out of here but I can see where that would lead me... "who are you and what have you done with Naruto!?" then I'll probably be tortured until I admit the truth... then I'll be tortured even more because no one would believe me...' Naruto thought shaking his head.

"Well on the positive side you can always think up ways to get back at that snake freak"

"Is that all of you who are going to quit?" Ibiki smiled as he looked around the room. "Last chance..." one person raised their hand and the team was escorted out. "Ok then here's the 10th question..." he let that hang there incase anyone else decided to quit. No one raised their hand so he continued. "You all pass!" there was quite a bit of murmur around the room.


'Maybe we can allow him to bleed from every where in his body then crush him under a huge heavy rock...'Naruto suggested

"No we cut him to the brink of death, rip him open pull out his eternal organs, stuff them down his thought with an exploding note then burn him to death!" the Kyuubi suggested

'I don't really think that we need to be that sadistic about it...' Naruto looked up from his conference with the demon just in time to see Anko jump in through a window.

"Alright listen here! The second part of this exam will begin in half an hour! Please go to this spot and get there as soon as possible!" she pointed to something on the billboard that looked like a map. "This is where were going so get moving!" she walked to the back door and was about to leave when she turned around to face the classroom. "That means follow me... now!" she screamed. In an instant everyone was gone.


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