(DISCONTINUED). Full Moon Br...

By nathasha18

7K 230 154

Brothers By Birth....Enemies By Choice.... Harry Styles-Tomlinson and Louis Tomlinson are half-brothers, bein... More

Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

3.2K 50 25
By nathasha18

A/N : New Story guys!, i had this in my mind for a long time but didn't have time to finish it up, this is very looooooooooooooosely based on One Tree Hill and Teen Wolf, more like a collaboration or something :) hope you like it, Happy Reading guys...

"Hey Princess,"

A loud noise of laughter filled his ears as Louis was completely taken aback by the two hands which were tight on his tiny waist causing him to almost let out a scream when he realized it was none other than the famous Harry Styles and his jerk-ish friends. Louis already knew the drill, quickly batting away the rough hands on his waist Louis sent them all a glare..

"What are you doing here?"

Louis questioned Harry, looking directly at his hazel green eyes, blue eyes filled with annoyance while the green were filled with anger. While Louis was too busy glaring at Harry he once again felt two hands creeping up his waist causing him to flinch...

"Josh let him be...this is not the correct place or the time."

A rough voice filled the air and Josh dropped his hands and stepped infront of the bar, standing next to Harry, the curly haired boy looked deep in to Louis' face as if trying to figure out what he was thinking, Louis had his eyes closed and Harry knew that look, Louis was trying to calm himself. Smirking at a very confused Louis, Harry sat down on a bar stool along  with his friends.

"What do you wa-....what can I get you?"

"Get me a G&T and six beers......loser"

Louis was used to this kind of things, but never the one to fight back.

Louis Tomlinson was 18, a calm, innocent son of Johanna Tomlinson and sitting in front of him was the famous Harry Tomlinson, son of Des Tomlinson and Anne Styles. The most fascinating fact about these two is that there are only two things they have in common, namely Des Tomlinson and basket-ball. Speaking of which, Louis and Harry are half-brothers. When Anne was pregnant with their child Des left her and married Johanna who then got pregnant with Louis, but after one unfortunate fight Des left her and found his way back to Anne. Louis was born one year after Harry was born.  Right after Harry got to know that Louis was his half-brother, hatred planted itself in the older boy deciding to hate his younger -brother for the rest of his life. Louis however did not take things out of hand like Harry did, he was always calm and always did bear up with Harry's nasty pranks. Harry on the other hand loved to pull pranks on Louis, Harry being the captain of the School Basket-ball Team didn't exactly help the whole "hatred" thing either, but on the brighter side, only Harry and his three other friends were allowed to mess with Louis. If he saw or find out that some other person had mess with Louis that particular person would come to school with a broken nose or a black eye next day. Because even though Harry hated Louis, there was this teeny tiny small voice inside of him which compelled him to do stuff he didn't even want to do, be protective over Louis, be possessive over him.....just a little bit though...

That's the exact voice that forced the older boy to look up from his drink and let his eyes fall on Jackson, Captain of the footie team, who had his hand wrapped tightly around Louis' thin wrists, trying to pull him closer, Harry made to stand up when Liam, Louis' best friend made his way over to Louis and pushed Jackson away from him, when Louis made his way back to his place behind the bar Harry instantly knew that something happened while he was lost in his thoughts.

"What happened?"

Harry put a question mark in front of Louis' face just when the younger boy thought that Harry haven't seen anything but he did notice because of the way Louis' hands were shaking violently while mixing a drink, spilling its contents all over his white shirt. Louis groaned and excused himself so he could change  into something else. Harry didn't missed the way how Jackson stood up after Louis and walked behind him. He just shrugged it off because nothing would happen to Louis yeah?

Louis was gone for too long..... something was wrong, something didn't feel right, Harry stood up claiming that he was taking the bathroom and soon found Liam, who usually was dead pissed with him, but now got extremely alarmed after knowing that Louis was followed by the worst person he can ever think of....

Liam rushed from the bar, running  off to the staff room with Harry behind him. Liam stopped dead in his tracks when they heard a loud "thud" from the staff room and a barely managed scream. The other boy leapt forward and threw the door open to reveal a almost naked Louis down to his black boxers, whose lip was bleeding, with tears streaming down his face, and his wrists were being held about his head by a very terrified Jackson, well he should be scared because if looks could kill, he'd already be dead. Harry ran towards the couple and threw Jackson away from the bruised boy giving Liam enough time to get to Louis who was crumpled to the floor curled up in a tiny tight protective ball. After about ten or twenty minutes Liam was able to calm the younger boy but he did not move from his place on the floor. No one knew what happened to Jackson but they had a  better idea when they saw Harry's bloodied and bruised knuckles. He knelt  before the shaking boy and frowned when he whimpered and tried to get away from him.., ignoring his weak, fearful attempts Harry draped his jacket around Louis' visible shoulders.

"c'mon, get up. You're going home."

Shaking his head Louis Stood up almost falling back to the ground if not for Harry's strong arms.

"you can't even stand Louis, so for the love of the freakin' god, Get. Up and let me take you home"

Louis knew there was no point in arguing with Harry because he always got what he wants....


The ride to Louis' house was quiet... Harry was gripping the steering wheel while Zayn was trying his best to calm him down. Liam and Louis were in the back seat, with the younger boy resting his head on the window with Liam holding his hand tightly...

"Lou...we're here..."

A nervous Liam thanked Zayn and before he could thank the other boy, he was out of the car and getting Louis out of the car, knowing that Harry wouldn't go anywhere without handing Louis to Jay Liam and Zayn both stepped out of the car and ran behind Harry who now was knocking on the door holding a limp younger step-brother in his hands...

Johanna was in the kitchen sitting with Mark, Des' older brother. She was not worried about her son because she always knew that he would be coming home late after his shift back at the bar. What she wasn't expecting was to someone to come and knock on their door. Being Louis' father figure for years, Mark went ahead and opened the door to reveal a bruised Louis being tightly held by Harry and their two best friends behind them.


Mark screamed making her appear in the hall way in seconds. Shocked to see her son in such a state she ran towards the older boy and took her son out of his hold...

"Oh god! What happened hun?"


It was Liam who spoke this time coming in front of her and putting his hands on his bruised best friend's shoulder,..

"I'll....I'll take him to his room, he has gone through enough for the day"

Nodding at him Johanna stepped aside letting the two boys go upstairs and then they turned to Harry.....

"What happened?"

"it's...uh... it was a jock, no I mean the...the captain of the football team, he was just messing with Louis..."

"MESSING with him? Harry! What part of a bloodied lip and a bruised body has to do with messing?'

"Just be grateful that I bought him home without leaving him there and no, I don't need to answer any of your questions.. "

And with that Harry dragged Zayn away with him, within five more minutes there was no trail of Harry or his car...

Jay was in tears after Liam explained what had happened at the bar.. they were sitting on Louis' bed with Mark running his hand soothingly across Louis' soft hair, who has fallen into a deep sleep... Mark decided not to let Louis go back into that place ever again, he could feed Louis and Johanna and protect them until Louis was going to graduate and get a real job...

The following morning Louis found himself  in an awkward position, because now he was getting ready to go to school and was sitting in the kitchen ready for a talk with his mum, uncle and his best friend....


Mark began.....


"You won't be going back to work in that bar..."

Louis' head shot up along with his body from the table, wide eyed....

"but....but, Mark, I need that job i-"

"No, Louis...I said you are not going back to that job and that's it...do you have any idea how scared we got after seeing you that way yesterday night?"

"your mother and me decided that you will not go for a job, until you graduate I will take up a job somewhere,"

"But Mark, you've done enough for our family don't you think? Me and mum can't keep troubling you..."

"Louis, you are 18, you still have your studies to finish, first finish that and then we will see about you and your mum being trouble.."

Louis knew he was no where close to winning this argument found himself nodding at his uncle bringing a smile to his mother's face...

"now, can't have you being late for school now can we?... shoo shoo off you go!"

Johanna placed a loving kiss on her son's cheek getting one in return...


A loud, cheerful noise filled the house and a blue eyed blond came running supporting a huge grin....

But his smile instantly fell when he saw Louis' bruised face...

"Lou, what happened?"

Louis sighed and gave Niall a small peck on the lips before answering him,

"I'll tell you on the way to school Ni, c'mon I don't want to be late..."

"Bye mum, Mark"

"see you in the evening Jay, bye Mark"

Louis had explained everything to Niall who was almost throwing a tantrum or going to punch someone...Louis wouldn't have calmed him down if it wasn't for Liam who kept giving him disapproving looks...

Niall Horan was Louis' and Liam's childhood bestfriend who later became Louis' boyfriend, ever since they came out, people were happy for them, their friends, teachers and family even, but the only person who did not like their sweet relationship was none other than Harry Styles himself... even though he didn't exactly know why....

When they were in the school Louis found himself being wrapped protectively in Niall's strong arms....the younger one of the two could feel the pair of eyes that were burning holes behind him but he did not dare to turn around and look who it was,  because he knew who it would be,


He was broken away from his thoughts when they came to a stop in front of his class, Niall kissed him on the lips and bid him good bye and went to his own class, to Louis' disadvantage neither Harry, Zayn, Liam nor Niall was in his classes because he was younger than them....

Before he could open the door to the class room he felt a pair of hands grab him from behind making him yelp in fear  but stopped struggling once he knew who it was...


Louis was thrown into an empty classroom and turned around to face an angry Harry...

The younger boy took a step back while Harry matched each step by stepping in front, older boy of the two cornered Louis into the wall...

"thought I told you to quit dating Horan."

Now that took Louis' off-guard, he was going to get angry if Harry continued this talk but he never would show his anger...especially to Harry, he was scared of the older boy...

"w-why should I st-stop dating h-him?"

Louis mentally slapped himself for doing that....

He felt Harry gripping his chin forcing him to look up,

"wanna know why? Because you are mine, you belong to me, "

This was the first time Louis heard Harry saying something like that, god! This was his older brother! In a way..

"if I ever see you kissing that faggot in front of me, I swear to god I will kill that piece of shit right in front of your eyes, and lock you up somewhere only I can have you, if I ever see you talking to that guy or looking at that guy, let me tell you,..you won't be a virgin too long, now, who do you belong to?"


Louis answered few tears slipping him..

"Good, now keep it that way, no kissing him, no touching him, no seeing him, oh and if you tell this to anybody, you won't see sunlight for a long time..."

With that Harry patted Louis' cheek and walked away leaving a confused, teary eyed younger boy in an empty class room....

What has he gotten himself into!!!

A/N : good? leave me your thoughts, :)

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