Falling (Niall Horan)

By exhiliratedhappiness

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One party... was all it has to take for Dianne to fall. ...they eventually discover feelings for each other... More

Author's note
Chapter 1: Awkward
Chapter 2: Confusing
Chapter 3: The Test
Chapter 4: Too Early For Wallowing
Chapter 5: Definitely Not Wallowing
Chapter 6: Just Friends
Chapter 7: Great Morning
Chapter 8: Six Flags
Chapter 9: Interrogation
Chapter 10: Of Course
Chapter 11: Company
Chapter 13: Good Ol' Fire
Chapter 14: Not Good
Chapter 15: Gossip Train
Chapter 16: Life is a Beach
Chapter 17: Beautiful Goodbye
Chapter 18: Settle in Seattle
Chapter 19: Dianne
Chapter 20: Catching Up
Chapter 21: Los Angeles
Chapter 22: Changes
Chapter 23: Misunderstood
Chapter 24: Shattered then Glued
Chapter 25: Game Time
Chapter 26: New Beginning...?
Chapter 27: Wow
Chapter 28: Indecisive
Chapter 29: No Words
Chapter 30: Home
Chapter 31: What???
Chapter 32: More
Chapter 33: Aussies
Chapter 34: Ireland
Chapter 35: The Playground
Chapter 36: Goodbye

Chapter 12: Getting Crafty

126 1 0
By exhiliratedhappiness

“She’s been asleep for quite a while now” I heard someone mention. “Yeah, she’s a heavy sleeper” a thick Irish accent rang throughout the room. With curiosity getting the best of me, I cracked an eye open and squealed at what I saw. The boys, along with Cary are all too closely looking down at me. Their faces are like a foot away from mine. They all laughed and Cary said “Good morning, sleepy head. I couldn’t bring myself to wake you up since you were having such a heavy sleep. Then the boys entered and suggested we look and take photos… of you”

I was only wearing one of Niall’s overly large shirts and my knickers.

“What the hell, guys? Don’t you have better things to do than stare at me while I’m sleeping?” I said, making a vexed face. Ugh, these people sometimes irritate the wits out of me.

Zayn came up to me and hugged me “Aww, we didn’t just stare at you. We took photos too!” I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. Turning to the guys, he waved his hands in front of me like I’m some sort of a spectacle.  “Dianne Robmyer, everybody! Yes, she’s not a morning person at all.”

Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis and Cary all broke into fits of laughter again.

I groaned and went back to sleep, covering my head with a pillow. It’s not too long when I felt a weight above me. “Babe, let’s eat”. Niall.

“Haven’t you just eaten breakfast?” I said under my pillow.

“Yes,” he laughed, then continued “but we haven’t eaten breakfast together yet. So get your sleepy ass out of that bed and let’s eat”

“Ugh, Niall. I don’t wanna eat” I rolled over the other side, away from him.

“No, you’re eating with me whether you like it or not” Niall dragged the duvet off me and pulled me up to him, bringing me closer to his face. I pushed him away without saying anything and went to the bathroom, yelling “TOOTHBRUSH, BABE!”

He laughed and waved me off.

I got out from the loo a few minutes later and went to find Niall, but my iPhone pinged, signifying I have a new mention.

“Isn’t she cute when she’s asleep? Hahahah! x hey @ilovethenialler! Hope yer not mad at me.” Niall attached photo of a sleeping me again, but this time it’s worse. I was lying on my stomach but my face is angled towards Niall’s camera and my mouth was freaking open!

I replied

I am mad at you. Don’t talk to me. @NiallOfficial” I already have half a hundred thousand followers in just a week. Whoa.

My tweet received a lot of “Ooohs” from his fans. I was about to reply to some of my fans when Louis replied “@NiallOfficial, uh-oh! Somebody’s in trouble. Hahah! You’re dead, mate!”

These boys are so weird sometimes. They live under one roof, but then they still tweet each other. Power of technology.

I went off in search for my Niall “always hungry” Horan. I found him on his phone, still tweeting, maybe. I pretended I didn’t see him. Passing by him, I grabbed a pancake mix and he stopped whatever he was doing on his phone and came to me, snaking his arms around my waist.

“I already made pancakes for you, love” he whispered, a little too close to my ear.

I didn’t respond to what he said, and his grip loosened a bit. My I’m-angry-at-you-for-posting-yet-again-another-sleeping-photo-of-me scheme is working.

He turned me around to face him, locking his perfect blue eyes to mine. “Are you really mad at me?”

His face was full of worry, so I simply laughed and said “Oh my God. You should’ve seen the look on your face!”

He gave me a huge grin as well, all the worry gone; and planted a kiss on my lips. “You are so stubborn! Eat with me?”

I smiled and nodded, then we proceeded on eating the pancakes he made.

“So, uhm…” I’ll go to Seattle with Cary once you leave. Christian lives a few blocks from Cary’s house… so simple, but why can’t I say it!? “You’ll, ehm, leave in two days.” I said uneasily. I hate bringing up this kind of conversation.

Niall stopped eating, and then looked at me. “Don’t worry, love. I’ll call you every time I’m free. It’s like nothing changed. You might even get tired of hearing my voice”

“I would never get tired of hearing your voice.” I cooed.

Niall looked at his food and then grinned.

We finished our meal and Niall said he’d take a bath. I dismissed him and brought our dishes to the washer with the help of Cary.

“Dianne, the boys will be leaving in two days. We’ll go to Seattle after. Have you told Niall about it?”

“I was supposed to, but I can’t. I’m not ready. I don’t know how he’ll react to this. I can’t omit the fact that Christian lives near Martin’s house, but if I tell Niall, he’ll freak out. I just need to find a good timing.” I told Cary.

“Oh, okay then. No rushing. C’mere!” Cary put her other arm around me and pulled me into an awkward side hug. “Oh and by the way, Harry asked if we want to go to Fire tonight, you know, with the lads.”

“Yeah, I’d love to! I haven’t been out partying for quite a while now!” Fire is the most popular club in Oregon. It’s been visited by celebrities so much that the management decided to allot a separate lounge for them since they’ve always been swarmed by fans and paps.

“Oh, and I might go home in my apartment after we go clubbing” Cary added

“What? Why? I thought you’d stay until they leave?”

“Dad gave me a massive list of stuffs to buy. I need to buy all of them by tomorrow so that we’ll be all set when the boys get back to their tour”

“Oh, okay then” I smiled at Cary and she smiled back before turning away, reviewing the list on her phone.

I was sanitizing my hands when a smiling Louis appeared by the kitchen door. “Hey, Dianne!”

“Hey, Lou!” I beamed.

“Erm, this might seem embarrassing but I need advice.” Louis gave me a lopsided smile and can I just say that he’s so charming when he does that.

“Whatever for?”

“Ellie’s birthday is coming up, I need to buy her a present. I DON’T KNOW WHICH ONE TO BUY! I need girl help” Louis’ eyes were widening as he was explaining.

“Alright. When do you want to buy?”

“Ehm, now would be a great time.”

“Louis, I need to take a bath!”

“No need, love. You smell like pancakes! Great perfume, really trendy. Let’s go!”

Louis pulled me so hard that I didn’t even get the chance to change my clothes. Great.

”I have extra pants in the car! Don’t worry!” Louis shouted. Good, ‘cause I’m pretty sure Niall won’t like the idea of the world seeing my knickers.

I got on the seat next to the driver’s and quickly whipped out my iPhone and sent a quick text to Niall:

Nialler, off to buy a gift for Ellie with Louis. I don’t know where. See ya later!! xx

Niall replied in less than a minute.

“Alright. Buy me chips! Pringles and… more chips! I’m all out. Thanks, babe! :*”

Niall and his chips.

“What if I don’t wanna? :P”

“Well… you see, love, I just got out of bath… and I’m holding your box of Oreos! Oh look, they’re double stuffed. Buy me chips, or your Oreos will die. Hahahah!!”

“Okay, okay, I’ll get you your freakin’ chips!”

“Love ya! xoxo”

“:-)” I still haven’t said those three magic words to Niall. I feel as if I’m not yet ready. And he hasn’t said them either, well, not the full sentence.

I was smiling at my phone, when Louis sniffed. “You two are such a lovesick couple”

“And that’s a bad thing, why?”

“Nope, not a bad thing at all! It’s just that the lads and I are happy because we’ve never seen Niall this… this overjoyed before.  He’s like a child with ice cream when he’s with you. But we’re also worried that once we leave, Niall might, you know… get overly emotional. When we go on with the tour, it’s gonna be hectic. There’s no time for moping around. Niall might not seem unaffected now ‘cause you’re still here. But when we leave, Niall might even cancel his tour appearance just to fly back to you, I’m tellin’ ya”

“I’ll talk to him.” I assured him.

We arrived in a mall I haven’t been to before and I have to admit, they have nice stuff! Louis wanted to buy something from Louis Vuitton, but I told him it’s too mainstream. He put on his puppy face, “But, Dianne… we have the same Louis!”

I ignored him and dragged him into a different store “Here. Armani! Girls love Armani. Or try Louboutin if she likes shoes! Prada if she likes coats. Hermes if she likes bags. Or get her an Omega!”

“Hmm… Ellie loves coats. Prada it is, then!”

We bought a nice, beige, winter fur coat that falls until the knees and costs around 30,000$!

“What else?” Louis asked, looking around.

“Calm down, Louis. Is this the first time you’re buying gifts for Ellie?”

“Ehm, yeah. For her birthday. I already gave her a ring for our anniversary. And she doesn’t want me to give her gifts for her birthday. This is actually the first time I’m buying her these”

“Ahhh. Give her a scrapbook! And a heart-warming letter!”

“Crafty stuff.” He scratched his chin, “alright, but no glitters! I always get some stuck in my eye!”

I laughed “alrighty then!”

We bought a few handcraft materials and then had some photos printed. I stopped by the grocery and grabbed a lot of Pringles and all the chips my arms could carry and went to the cashier. Niall doesn’t have any particular favorites so choosing what type of chips to buy isn’t much of a problem. He likes everything edible.

We went successfully unnoticed out of the mall, but greeted by the paps near the parking lot.

“Louis? Who is this? We thought you have a girlfriend?”

“I do. Dianne’s a good friend of mine” Louis said dismissively.

“Why are you two here alone then?” the persistent paparazzi continued

Louis didn’t answer and he started walking faster. We reached the car without saying another word and we headed home to start on our “project”.

 We entered Zayn’s flat only to find Harry sprawled across the couch in front of the telly. I ignored him and sauntered over to the kitchen where I placed the grocery bags on the top on the table and went into Louis’ room.

He was freaking out when I entered. “Dianne, how do we start? Why did I even agree to do scrapbooking with you? I hate this!” he threw the ribbons away from him. I picked it up and walked towards him. “Which is why I’m here, Lou! I’ll help ya” I winked and sat down on the floor.

I was in charge of arranging the designs and photos and Louis was in charge of pasting the photos together with the designs on the scrapbook. Our theme was similar to a wonderland. Louis mentioned that Ellie loves Alice in Wonderland so I took the concept as our theme and started putting together the designs.

“This is so fun!” Louis beamed.

“Minutes ago you hated doing this” I countered.

“Not until you showed up and helped me do all of this!”

“The finishing touch isn’t done yet! Have you composed your letter?” I asked him

“Ehm… nope. I can easily compose a letter! That would be the easy part” Louis exclaimed.

We were down to three pages when Niall entered the room with a bag of chips in hand.

“I saw the chips,” Niall shoved a handful of chips into his mouth and continued, “figured it was for me so I ate it.” He said between bites.

“Yes, babe. I can see that.” I giggled, “They’re for you. Where were you? You weren’t in the living room when we arrived” I questioned

“I was in the other room composing a song. An idea randomly hit me. I want you to hear it when you’re done with whatever girly stuff you’re doing with… uhm, Louis”

“Stay with me. Help us out here” I asked Niall. He complied and sat down beside me.

 Niall helped me in designing the photos and before we know it, we were done in less than ten minutes.

“There! Now I’ll leave you to your letter, Louis!” I stood up and wrapped my arm around Niall this time.

“Oh my God! This is perfect!” Louis looked up with an exuberant grin on his face, “thank you so much, Dianne! Love ya!” Louis stood up and hugged me as well, I hugged him back and Niall rolled his eyes.

“Always glad to help! Have fun writing!” I left him with that and went to the other room, where “Niall’s room” is, for the mean time.

I arrived in Niall’s room and my iPhone beeped again.

Thank you so much for helping me, love! xx @ilovethenialler” Surprisingly, Louis didn’t attach the photo. I figured he was planning to surprise Ellie.

I replied

Oh t’was nothin’! Hahah have fun, mate! x :-)”

“So the song I wrote is just the first verse but ehm… it’s quite nice” Guitar in hand, Niall sat down on the edge of the bed and positioned the guitar between his arms.

“Let me hear it, babe” I silenced and he played, the echo of the six-stringed instrument rang through the room.

“Shut the door

Turn the light off

I wanna be with you

I wanna feel your love

I wanna lay beside you

I cannot hide this

Even though I tried”

I can’t help but notice how passionate his face was when he was singing the first verse of this song. The tune was a bit dramatic and melancholy compared to their other songs that I’ve heard.

“That’s amazing” were the only words I could mutter. I’m rendered stunned. His voice is so angelic and the way he sings this part makes me feel like I’m in seventh heaven. God bless this man. He’s practically God’s gift to women! How lucky can I get?

“Thanks. Do you wanna help me write the next one?” He suggested.

I’ve never actually written a song before. I’ve only written poems—mainly because they were required back in high school. I’ve never been fond of playing with words, but since Niall’s here, I figured I could give it a try. “I’d love to!”

Niall looked down for a full minute and then his head shot up, “Ah! What about,” he hummed the tune, sang the last line, and continued with “Heart race faster… time escapes me”

It was good, but it didn’t sound right. I did what Niall did. I hummed the verse, sang the last line, and continued with “Heart beats harder, time escapes me…” but my voice cracked and Niall giggled.

“Hahahah! You are so lovely! I could have you here with me all day,” Niall Horan can make any girl feel pretty.  “I loved that part, yes. Heart race sounds rather odd, don’t ya think?”

I smiled then nodded. He wrote down the lyrics and then put down his guitar and strolled over to me. Cupping my face between his hands, he said “Can you be anymore cute right now? Or that just comes naturally?” I can feel my cheeks heating up so I looked down, but he lifted my chin up to stare at his majestic blue eyes.

“Ehm, just me, I guess” and managed to smile.

He was about to kiss me when Liam entered the door. “Guys, we’re off to Fire in forty minutes! Get dressed!” but when he took a good look at us, he said “Oh shit… sorry! I wasn’t looking, carry on” He smiled then closed the door.

Niall and I scrambled in our places and I rushed to the loo. “Babe, I’ll be done in 15 minutes”

I haven’t taken a bath since this morning! I must’ve smelled… I took a full 15-minute shower and once I got out, Niall was already wrapped in his towel, ready to enter the shower.

“I’ll beat ya. Done in 10!” Niall challenged.

“If you exceed just one second after 10 minutes, I won’t sleep in your bed tonight” I said

“If we’re sleeping, that is!” Niall winked and closed the bathroom door.

Kinky dork. My nickname number three for my boyfriend would be Niall “kinky man” Horan. He finished a minute earlier. How does he do that?

“Babe, help me zip this up, please” I decided to wear a tight, gold dress that’s extended until a few inches above my knees. It’s sleeveless, but my collar bone is clearly visible since the dress has patterned cuts just above the chest. I haven’t put make-up yet, so my outfit isn’t entirely complete.

Niall zipped my dress and whispered “You look so hot in that dress, love.”

I smiled and shooed Niall away. I paired my dress with black platforms and my signature smoky eye make-up. I decided not to bring a purse so I just clutched my phone in my hand.

Niall went back to my room wearing light khaki pants, a white long-sleeved polo, and leather shoes. He looks so casual and simple, yet so attractive!

I eyed him from head-to-toe and when I looked up at his face, he was looking at me. Great, I was just caught red-handed by my boyfriend while I’m checking him out.

“Sometimes I wonder why you like me…” I said out of the blue.

“Because you’re you. You don’t care about what people say and you like me for…well, me. Not because I’m Niall Horan from One Direction” he smiled and extended his arm to reach for me. I could only beam at him. 

I took hold of his hand and stood up. “Oh my God! I’m going clubbing with Niall Horan from One Direction. How fun!” I said, trying to mimic a child-like voice.

Niall laughed and playfully smacked my arm. “Weirdo” he murmured.

We went down and the boys are practically at their wits’ end waiting for us. I acted like I didn’t notice and I smiled, “Ready?”

They all nodded and Cary walked alongside Niall.

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