I'm slowly falling for my bes...

By icecreamyum811

47.1K 593 147

Meet Riley just an ordinary girl. Meet Blake brother of Riley's bestfriend. The total player of river high... More

The Blake I knew
You go glen coco!
Scott the hott!
Hotdog fun!
Honey im home!
It's a date!
It's Steve not Stove!
Bacon got your back!
I'm sorry...
**Not a Chapter, VERY IMPORTANT**
Family dinners

My bestfriends brother.

12.6K 80 11
By icecreamyum811

Hey guys this is a new book called My Bestfriends Brother. Hope you enjoy and comment and vote!


CH 1

The party

'You have to come!' my friend Tessa said to me dragging me into her closet. 'I don't know I dont really  party .' I said playing with the hem of my shirt. 'You know John only throws ONE big party of the year and this time we are going' she said looking through all my clothes. Im not really a party girl but ever since my friend Tessa got her boy, Wes she has definitly broke out of her shell. Wes is well you can say he gets along with anyone and he came to our school this year and when Tessa met eyes with him she told me she had to have him and well now she does. It's not hard for her shes got the great looks that matches her amazing personality. While I just had plain brown hair and my personality that makes every conversation awkward. Sometimes I don't even know why she still hangs out with me, I guess she really is a bestfriend. 'Hello, earth to Riley!' Tessa was shaking my hand while holding on to a white strapless lacy dress that probably goes mid thigh and is not my style. 'I think this is perfect, I totaly forgot I had this in my closet I only wore it once anyways, put it on!' she threw it in my face. I picked it up and analysed it. 'NO WAY AM I WEARING THIS, I can't pull this off.' I said handing it back to her. 'You're wearing it and thats final, you know how I can get Riley' she said having her arms crossed. She does get pretty mad and crazy. I snatched the dress out of her and changed. I looked at Tessa and she wore a black spahgetti strapped plane tight dress that also went mid thigh with her. We got our make up on and got our messy hair style. We looked in the mirror and I had to admit I kinda liked the look.

'Hey are you guys-' I heard someone say at Tessa's bedroom door. It was Tessa's older brother Blake. 'Riley, you look smoking! And as for you Tessa go change I am not letting you wear that to John's party' he said checking me out, holy he was hot. He had curly brown hair with matching brown choclate eyes. He had cute frreckles going from cheek to cheek and he had hot muscles. He wore a tight grey v neck with black skinny's and damn did he look good. Basicaly every girl in River High loves him except he's sister obviously. Even I like him but doesn't mean im gonna show it off like a slut. I would rather keep it a secret between myself, plus dating your bestfriends brother doesn't sound right. Riley stop staring you look like a moron. I turned around and sat on her vanity and started combing my hair acting natural. 'Oh shut your trap Blake I will wear whatever I want, get out will be in your car in 5 minutes' Tessa said throwing a pillow at him. 'Whatever hurry your butt's' he said closing the door. 'Blake is such a dork.' Tessa mumbled while putting on blush. 'Yeah I guess but he is a hottie' I said getting up from the chair and fizing my tight dress. 'Ew no, your talking about my brother and he is such a player Rileywhy bother?' She's right I can never have him in a million years even though I fell head over heels for him 8 years ago. 'Let's go we are now fashionably late' Tessa said grabbing my hand and making our way to Blake's Range Rover.

When we got to the party you could already here loud music blaring and hear teenagers screaming. Every year John throws a big bash and everybody is invited. There was red cups everywhere and you could smell weed in the air. Thank goodness John doesn't have any neighbours he owns alot of land. 'Hey Tessa and Riley' Wes said waving to us to come join him in the kitchen. I turned around and saw that Blake was already covered with girls around him, I mean sluts. He gave me a playful wink I quickly turned around and rolled my eyes. Tessa and Wes were already making out and I am always the third wheel. Riley have some fun drink alittle. A little voice said in my head, sometimes I creep myself out. 'Hey' I said tapping a guys shoulder. 'Pass me a beer' I said. He smirked alittle and grabbed a cold on in the fridge and passed it to me. I probably drank 1 and half to finaly get me crazy. I never drank so it was quite easy for me to get drunk. 'Having fun?' someone from behind me said. I turned around and met eyes with Blake. 'Oh yeuuuus I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!' I said dancing crazy. He laughed and grabbed my hand and dragged me on the dance floor. This is when I went wild and danced like a party freak. I didn't knwo what I was doing but I could hear cheers from guys around me. I don't even know where Blake is anymore everything is to much of a blur.

Then all of a sudden I got picked up bridal style and into a soft bed and felt something heavy over me. 'Hey who's this' I said slapping a face. 'Don't worry babe, I won't hurt you' someone said zipping down my dress.The guy was kissing down my neck and it felt disgusting with the breath of beer. I finally got some sence into me and knew what was going on. 'Hey, what the hell are you doing' I said trying to push this guy off me but he was to strong. 'Shhh you don't want anyone hearing us' he said putting more weight on me. I tried squirming and screaming but he gave me a slap in the face. I was forming tears in my eyes, im scared and I just wanna go home. I never should have had a drink. 'Please st-stop' I said almost crying. 'No, now shuttup!' he said giving me kisses everyone tugging my dress off.

All of a sudden the door burst open and all the wieght that was on me was lifted. 'What the hell Tyler?! Get some sence into you' I heard someone say and I heard a few grunts coming from the floor and then Tyler was running off out of the room. That should teach that Tyler junk! I was crying of relief that I didn't get raped. 'Shhh it's ok, don't worry yoru safe now' someone said holding on to me and hugging me tightly. I opened my eyes and saw it was Blake, oh gosh this will probably be awkward later but right now im just happy nothing happend to me. I pulled myself closer to him snuggling my head closer to his neck sobbing a few times. After awhile of calming me down and rubbing my back I finally looked up at Blake. 'Thankyou so much, you don't even know how happy I am that I got saved' I said wiping my tears. I looked at my hands and they were black from my mascara. 'I probably look like a monster right now' I said trying to cover my face by looking down. 'Hey don't worry, you look beautiful' he said pulling my hair to my ears and lifting my chin up so he could see my face. God he was so gorgeous and he is so sweet right now but this is probably just a one time thing. 'How could I thankyou Blake?' I said to him smiling a bit. 'How about a new shirt?' he said smirking. I looked at his shirt and there was wet blotches and black spots because of my crying. 'Oh shuttup!' I said pushing him alittle. We both laughed and I started to fiddle with a loose string on my dress. 'Hey uhm thanks again really, I don't know what would have happend if you weren't here.' I said getting nervous. 'It's no problem really, next time don't have to many drinks.' He touched my cheek gently and wiped a few couple tears away. 'You really look beautiful tonight you know? This is a new RIley I havn't seen since lets see that tea party you had when you were 9.' I laughed at that thought. 'You still remember that? I remember when me and Tessa forced you into wearing lipstick man you looked hilarious.' I squeezed his cheeks. 'Says the one that wore my moms bra under your balarina dress' he said this time squeezing my cheeks. I flushed bright red, gosh those were really good times and i can't believe he still remembers those days before he turned into a HUGE player.

We looked into each others eyes, I was really falling hard for him. I put my hand on the sides of his neck and he put he's hands on my waist and brought us to a postion where I think he's about to kiss me. Oh god Blake is going to kiss me. BREATH BREATH BREATH! Our breaths were so close and my lips just brushed he's when the door slammed open. 'OH MY GOSH RILEY ARE YOU OK?' Tessa yelled. Blake and I broke off and got into a sitting postion just next to each other. Tessa held my face gently and hugged me close. 'She's ok now, stupid Tyler had to much to drink and scared the shit out of Riley' Blake said getting up from the bed. 'I uhm just gonna go now' Blake said rubbing his hands on the back of he's neck. 'Thanks alot Blake' I said braking the hug fro Tessa and waving at him as he left the room. I could still feel he's touch on ym skin and gave me tingles. 'Thank goodnes my brother was there! Im so sorry Riley I should have stayed with you, I just got caught up and wasn't thinking and left you alone and-' I cut her off because she was talking WAY to fast. 'It's fine Tessa im ok now, your brother really helped alot.' I said pulling her into a hug still blissfully thinking about Blake and that amazing moment we just had.

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