The Abductor Hotelier EBS 4 (...

By MsDreamerGirl84

4.3M 136K 4.2K

Warning: For mature readers only (18+). COMPLETED They started out rough. He took everything in a businesslik... More

A Note From The Author
Chapter 1: The Encounter
Chapter 2: Mr. Arrogant
Chapter 3: The Job
Chapter 4: Exclusive Waiter
Chapter 5: Undeniable Attraction
Chapter 6: The Remedy
Chapter 7: Her Family
Chapter 8: The News
Chapter 9: The Dilemna
Chapter 10: My Hot Captor
Chapter 11: His fake Girlfriend
Chapter 12: Where Temptation Begins....
Chapter 13: Slowly Falling into the Pit
Chapter 14: Hating the Ruined Moment
Chapter 15: How to treat the troublesome
Chapter 16: Cruising with Love
Chapter 17: The Relationship
Chapter 18: The Petty Quarrels
Chapter 19: The Unwelcome Company
Chapter 20: The Dinner with Unwanted Company.
Chapter 21: Senseless Love
Chapter 22: The Party with her nightmare
Chapter 23: Her Knight in Suit
Chapter 24: Their both life-changer
Chapter 25: The man he's after
Chapter 26: His Proposal and Her Reaction
Chapter 28: The Chase and The Revenge
Chapter 29: The Final Truth
Chapter 30: Receiving Justice and The Wedding
Unsure which to do Next.
Nicolas Petropoulis Story

Chapter 27: The Finding of Justice

100K 3.3K 80
By MsDreamerGirl84

"Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it." - William Penn


I woke up with the incessant ringing of a phone. I shifted to the side with my eyes shut and stretch my hand to reach Demetrio and ask him to answer him damn phone, but his spot is empty. I snapped my eyes open and lazily search for the phone, with my forehead puckered forming a crease line.

I saw the box of the latest Iphone and the phone ringing was on the other side of the box. It looks very new. I grab it and check who's calling. I saw Demetrio's name blinking on the screen.

I answered the phone with a confused look.

"Hello." I began as soon as it connected, as I stifled a yawn. I lay back on the bed after glancing on the clock. It's already nine in the morning.

"Hi moro. Did you had a good sleep?" he asked in his sweet voice. It still surprised me how sweet he is, opposite his brooding looks often. The irony.

"Yes. Where are you?" I asked missing him already. I pulled his pillow and I used it as I tried to sniff his scent left on the pillow.

"In a meeting." he replied shortly and briefly. I hear some rambling and some odd noises on the background, but I ignored it.

"Oh. What time you're going back here?" I asked, not hiding my sudden sadness.

"Soon, moro. I'll just wrapped up things here and I'll be on my way. I just called to know if how do you like your new phone? Now you can call anywhere and anytime your family. It's all set up." he explained cheerfully.

"It's too fancy. I don't need this. You've done a lot for me already Demi." I replied. I don't want to take advantages of his kindness.

"Oh yes, you need it moro. And, I want you to take that with you all the time and make it sure it's always on. It will make me feel at peace if I have to leave you, unless you want a babysitter?" he teased, then he chuckled heartily.

"No, thanks!" I snapped softly.

"I'll call you back, moro mou. We will have lunch together." he promised before he ended the line.

I sprawled on the bed for a few more minutes looking on the ceiling, contemplating on all the things that happened to my life for few months. It happened too fast.

Few months ago, I was just an ordinary girl who struggled to keep up with our bills and our food. But, now I'm engaged to one of the most influential person in the world.

I felt like I am still dreaming. Two days ago, I was miserable. I was frightened I have to raise my baby alone. But, now I'm overwhelmingly happy. I'm going to be Mrs. Pallos.

God, if this is a dream, let me sleep forever.

I was smiling like a fool, still shocked with the changes in my life. It was like a whirlwind romance.

I heaved a contented sighed and decided to have a shower and maybe go for a walk. I was inside the penthouse for the whole thirty-six hours and I'm slowly losing my sanity.

I need some fresh air.

Besides I feel better now rather exuberant.

I got off the bed and made my way to the washroom with a spring under my sole. Smiling like a idiot, I started undressing. I tossed all my dirty clothes to the chair on one corner and walk to the shower. Turning the water on, I climbed into the shower, and waited until the water is warm enough. As soon as it reach the temperature that I want, I turn the shower head on and stepped in under the nuzzle.

I took my time showering, scrubbing my body until I was satisfied and lathering my hair thoroughly. I rinse my body when I reach satisfaction and stepped out of the shower turning the water off.

I grab a towel from the lower cabinet and dried my body before wrapping the towel with my hair.

I was just done hair drying my hair when I heard the doorbell ring.

I quickly unplugged the hair dryer and stuff it in the upper drawer of the vanity and quickly paced to the door.

The doorbell stops, then again it started ringing.

I strode to the door with buoyancy thinking it was Demetrio. I unlocked the door and pulled it open.

I felt deeply disappointed when I saw Vanessa standing on the doorway, irritation written on her beautiful face.

Even with her skinny jeans and tank top, she still pulled it off pretty well, looking sexy and stunning.

The excitement I felt suddenly washed over with rising exasperation. What does she need this time. Can't she get it. Demetrio already puts her in her place.

"Is Demetrio here?" she asked sassily, as she invited herself in, brushing my shoulder as she past by like she owned the place.

My temper flared up and I'm not going to let her shun me. I'm Demetrio's fiancee and she's just his history.

I let the door open and crossed my hands on my chest. She was way taller than me, but I won't let myself get intimidated.

"What do you need with my FIANCEE?" I inquired with distaste as I purse my lips in thin line, with my eyebrow thrusted up, not hiding my displeasure.

I'm not rude, but that only depends on the person I'm dealing with.

"I didn't came here to mean harm to you, Yvonne. I came here as a cousin. I know why Demetrio proposed to you and as my cousin, even though I really hate you, you're still my cousin. We have the same blood running in our veins." she explained, with her soft eyes. Her voice sounded so genuine and she was staring straight down to my eyes.

"I was here to warn you that Demetrio always wanted a heir. He begs me before, but I declined because I need this body to pursue my career as a supermodel, and I'm not ready yet to have a baby and settled down. The reason, we broke up." she explained further. I felt my body slowly turning into water, with my eyes starting to pool.

"I don't believe you Vanessa. So don't pull all this crap to try to ruin us, because none of your words would make me change my mind to marry him and I won't allow you to ruin us." I said in my controlled tone. I was holding my temper and my emotions not to weep in front of her. I would never cry in front of her, ever!

"You're so stubborn Yvonne. Fine, but I warned you." she snapped fumingly. She spun on her heel and stormed out of the door.

Yvonne walked to the couch and dropped her weak body to the couch, thinking what to do. She knows she needs to hear it from Demetrio. She had heard and read on books that the girls always being aggressive, hastily deciding without consulting the partner, leading to a misunderstanding until both were broken.


[Vanessa POV]

Vanessa thought she could coax her to leave him, but she was damn wrong. She patiently waited for Demetrio to proposed to her one day. For the past months she was sleeping with Demetrio, she didn't show any sign of pursuing him. She made a good impression, that's why she's the longest relationship that Demetrio had.

Vanessa called it a relationship, but to Demetrio, it was nothing. It wasn't just a sex relationship, but she was too stupid to believe he will fall for her trap.

She had taken it for granted all the chances she had.

Fuck Yvonne for ruining it. She thought.

If she knew that she will meet Demetrio, she thought she shouldn't have flirted with Ferdinand.

Vanessa had been so jealous with everything that Yvonne had. When she was a a baby she always gets to praised for being beautiful, until they turned high school. She decided to do something to get all the attention. She joined the cheerleading and she became the head cheerleader, then she joined every beauty pageant and she always won, because her dad always use his connections.

Vanessa soon pursued modelling and from then on, she became the favorite of the family, except his avo.

Ramon De Rossi,  has only one favorite and that is Yvonne. Because he was Vanessa's uncle spitting image, Lucas De Rossi.

Vanessa's dad Flavio recently transferred their grandfather to the nursing home, since he became ill, and since Yvonne's family left Brazil.

Vanessa was so happy that she didn't have to bumped into her avo everyday and asking about Yvonne. She finds it annoying every time.

Vanessa trudge to the parking lot and find her Mercedenz sports car and slide in.

She dialled the only person that she thought could help her stop the wedding. She will not stop at nothing.

Vanessa thought Demetrio is hers.

Gripping the phone, Vanessa dialled Ferdinand. Not long, the phone connected. "DO SOMETHING IF YOU STILL WANT HER, OR SHE'S FOREVER BE GONE!" Vanessa ordered Ferdinand hysterically in a gruff tone.

"What are you talking about?" Ferdinand asked in a confused tone.

"Yvonne is getting married soon. You have to do something if you want her back!" Vanessa almost yelled, with her eyes close to tears.

She was feeling infuriated for she can't do anything to stop them. She was hoping she would beguile Ferdinand to take her away, maybe elope her somewhere farther.

"What, No!" Ferdinand responded quickly, with his tone sounding really disappointed and enrage.

"Do something Ferdinand. I know she still love you!" Vanessa lied, indulging him to do something.

"Are you sure? How sure are you?" Ferdinand asked in confused tone, still not convince.

"She won't come back and paraded Demetrio as her boyfriend to you if she doesn't. She wants you to feel jealous.." Vanessa added charming Ferdinand to agree with her.

"You could be right. I will see her tomorrow." Ferdinand replied in a tone full of hope. "Thank you, Vanessa." he replied.

Ferdinand thought of pursuing Yvonne again. By hook or by crook. Now that he knew her heart. Ferdinand smiled as he thought of taking her to his grandparent's house on vacation in the island of Turkey.

Vanessa felt hopeful. She knew Ferdinand could be determined..


[Demetrio's POV]

After calling Yvonne, I tried the tracker installed in my phone to track her phone. Demetrio smiled when the location of his hotel appeared.

He stuffed his phone back in his pocket and smiled.

The smile wipe out from his face once he entered the room that has no window, under the ground. A basement owned by one of his security.

Lucio was sitting on the chair, with his hand tied behind the chair.

Lucio was already beaten almost to death. His head was hanging down low, looking weak. The cut in his left lips was bleeding and swollen.

Around both of his eyes was almost as dark as the room without the dim light.

Taavi moved when he saw me getting closer.

I stood in front of Lucio. One of my securities, Grim, grab his hair and tug it back forcefully, so his face facing me.

Lucio opened his bloodshot eyes , with his bruised face.

He had been beaten since last night. My men tried to get him admit what he saw but he was damn stubborn and tough to break.

I had voice recorder set up to get whatever information he's going to spill, but until now, we have no luck.

My patience is way long gone, and I'm close to shot his head with one bullet.

Taavi gave me a chair and I sat, a few meters away from Lucio. He was staring at me defiantly.

"Do you realized that I have your family with me in my secured house. I have your wife, your two precious girls and your parents. I will not think twice to ask my men to kill them. And nobody knew what happened, because they are under my premises. I can just burned their body into ashes and nobody knew.." I said in an under controlled tone.

"You are lying!" he spit out. Hatred shadowed in his eyes as he stared at me in pure distaste.

I motioned Taavi to show him the video of his wife and daughter and his parent's entering my estate, ushered with my four securities.

Samuel walks closer to Lucio's direction and stood on his side and place the video on the phone of his family, in front of Lucio, so to see.

He growled in enrage and Samuel shut off the cellphone, and move back to his position. I had to make sure every gadgets are all off.

Lucio's shoulder slumped in defeat. He looks like he was breaking.

"I was offering you a very fair deal, Lucio. You will tell me the truth and I will help you get freed and live with your family in peace. I will give you another job so you can go back to your normal lifestyle." I indulge, eyeing him closely. I crossed my hands in my chest and stared into him coldly.

"He will kill my family." he started as he croaked. I knew he was holding it. And damn, he was really tough. He shouldn't have beaten if he had admitted it right away.

"He can't kill them because I have them kept in my territory. I promised them to keep them safe while we get justice to the death of my future-wife's dad." I explained briefly. "And, I never break any promises." I stressed out.

"Who is this guy who threatened you and paid you to leave your job and abandoned the justice." I grit my teeth as I sat upright, clenching my hands and unclenching it.

I've been holding my temper and it's been loaded up and I knew any moment I will explode and God knows what I'm going to do to him if he doesn't tell me the truth.

"I'm not sure if it was Flavio. Lucas was facing me. Flavio was on his favorite suit with his working helmet. We are at the 20th floor of the hotel that's under constructions. I was like eight meters away. I couldn't grasp what they are arguing, but I saw Flavio push him to the edge of the building and I heard Lucas screaming and asking for help." he finally said, then he hang his head down low.

"Are you sure it was him?" I asked trying to make sure that the recorder got it all clearly and Flavio has no way out of this, as I have it all taped and recorded.

"When he turned, he doesn't look like Flavio. Flavio used to have stubbles but he doesn't have. But the suit was Flavio's favorite suit. And, he's a bit shorter than Flavio." he continued on. He looks like he was shuddering and I asked the men to untied his hand and give him a water.

Taavi's eyes lingered to me.

I nod to him in reassurance. I have like six broad and tall men, bigger and taller than Lucio around the room, plus two outside the door watching.

Taavi nods to Rocco and Rye. The two walk to Lucio's behind and untied the rope. Then, they stood behind Lucio incase he's going to fly in rage.

Finch walks closer to Lucio with a glass full of water. Finch handed it to Lucio and he took it with a shaky hands and downed all the contents of the glass. He gave back the glass to Finch and thank him.

He seems like Lucio had warmed up.

"So how sure are you that it was Flavio who killed him?" I asked again once he was settled and a little comfortable.

"He came to my house one day and offered me five hundred thousand Brazilian real, to make me renounced myself from being the witness. When I declined it, since Lucas had been very nice to me and to my family, Flavio came to my house again and threatened me to kill my family. I was scared. So I left and Flavio promised to help my family with their needs, that I shouldn't worry." he added on. His eyes slowly getting angry and I knew I had pulled out that fear out of his chest.

He looks like he's ready to face him.

I motioned Taavi to turned off the recorder and make a bunch of copies of it. I ordered them to watch Flavio's every move discreetly and I will encourage Yvonne to open the case again.

"I will send you to your family in my estate, Lucio. Stay there, until Flavio is behind bars. My estate is surrounded with surveillance cameras and securities watching 24 hours in seven days. You will be safe there." I stated calmly as I stood up.

"Who are you?" he suddenly asked and I forget to introduce myself since I was too occupied and infuriated at him.

"Demetrio Pallos." I replied flatly and left the room.

Lucio thought, he did the right thing. He had heard a lot about the two hotelier, Demetrio Pallos and Nicolas Petropoulis. Most influential people in the whole world, as he always hear.

Demetrio discreetly slide into the small old car with Taavi driving. He was wearing his polaroid rayban. The car was tinted and he was glad.

They left the place and Taavi kept on driving, until we reach the city.

Taavi parked the car from a discreet place and I climbed out of the car, with my three securites following me and walked to the hidden place where my limo park and we all slide in, abandoning the unlicensed car.

"Burn that car, and send Carmela to treat Lucio's bruised before transferring him to Al-guardia estate." I ordered Taavi and he nods and he hooked up his blutooth and turned his phone on. Not later, he was talking on the phone in a controlled-low tone but clear enough for the second party, any securities used to avoid being heard.

I turned my phone on and thought of calling Yvonne to let her know I'm coming back. I started dialling her new phone but it kept disconnecting just leaving a dial tone.


"Where is she? I just told her to keep the phone on. I know she likes to defy me.

Oh God, not this time!

I tried to track her phone but it showed nothing. It always gives me this 'offline' message.


"Drive fast!" I ordered to my driver sternly, gripping my phone like a vice.

My heart was thumping so loud inside my chest. I'm hoping she's ok. I hope the phone was just dead and she's sleeping or in the hotel.


[Yvonne's POV]

After recollecting my scattered emotions, I decided to take a walk and calm myself and rethink of the whole situation while waiting for Demetrio to show up and she'll interrogate the bastard.

She took the phone with her but decided to turned it off since she wanted peace, to think of the whole situation she was in.

Soon enough, she was walking on the busy street. The people has no care around the world as they passed by. Some, were on their phones talking while walking with smiles in their faces. Some was walking in hurry like they were being chased. Others were walking looking relax and has nothing to worry in life.

And here I am. Walking with no destination. Just like my life. No goal.

I walked into some stores and just browse, not really buying anything. I just wanted to divert my attention and keep my head active with other things.

I wanted to blur my head from all this talks I had previously with my cousin.

She could be right, but I can't just believe her. I need to know Demetrio's side. But, as I think of it, it could be true.

Demetrio doesn't love me, but he proposed. It could be because of the baby.

But my whole being can't accept it. I needed him and my baby needed him. Can I just ignore what my cousin told me and that Demetrio only married me because of the baby?

Can I just brush the thought off and just enjoy the moment with him, the thought that he chose us over other girls?

Can I bear living with him though without the bond of love?

God, I'm getting crazy.

"Senhorita , você encontrou o que você está procurando?" (Miss, did you found what you are looking for?) A young girl approached me, with her big smile, dragging me back to reality. She was looking at my hand then to my face as she smiled brightly.

I realized I was holding the glass cup that has a print on it, that says, Brazil with love.

"Oh , eu estou apenas navegando . Obrigado." (Oh, I'm just browsing. Thank you.) I replied forcing a smile.

She just smiled then told me to call her if I need some help. I just nods and I watch her back as she walks around the aisles.

I decided to leave the place and maybe have some coffee somewhere.

I walked out the door and walked down the side walks.

I turned into an alleyway as I saw the sign of a cafe behind the building, thinking it was a shortcut.

Just as I turned around the building to hit the sidewalk as the sign of the cafe is getting closer, I felt a strong hand grabbing me on my waist from behind dragging me to the back of the building. I yelped and about to screamed when his other hand covered my mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

I struggled and squirmed to get away from him, but I felt like my body is slowly shutting off.

My head squirmed in horror as I realized I was being taken by someone whom I don't even know.

I suddenly prayed to God and seek repentance, just hoping I will be accepted in heaven.

Oh God, I'm dead.

I felt so frightened as the thought of my unborn child will die in horrible death, not even seeing his or her dad.

I felt my eyes growing heavy like a rocks was place over it. I battled with my eyes and my body, but It was too powerful.

Demetrio! I screamed but I knew I have no voice.

Shortly, I fell into a deep abyss.


[Demetrio's POV]

The grand Pallos-Petropoulis hotel's staff scrambled on their feets scattering around the hotel trying not to meet the enrage Demetrio Pallos.

The whole hotel was in chaos, after realizing that Yvonne was missing. Trixie was fired and Demetrio was brooding and he looks like a predator ready to kill anyone who's on his way. The place was in chaos and the whole staff of the PP was wearing a worried or fear looks.

Demetrio was exceedingly enrage as the thought of Yvonne being kidnapped. He thought his heart was about to explode with the anxiety that's rocking him as of now. He had been brooding and done a lot of calls.

Demetrio was standing in the middle of the lobby with his hand on his hips while the other hand holding the phone. He was pacing back and forth, looking weary and dangerous.

"Search the whole Brazil and bring her back to me unscathed! I will kill whoever dared to kidnapped her!" he roared as he trudge back and forth inside the humongous lobby.

Demetrio hung up the phone and made another call. He was perplexed and seeing red with his heart racing rapidly. He was looking at everyone menacingly, scaring the hell out of all his employees.

He looks so dangerous and his aura was dripping with menace, frightening all the people who sees him.


A/N: OK.. Another cliffhanger! lol..

Sorry... I can't help it!

Let's find the mystery on the next chapter... one mystery unraveled....

Does anyone knew who is the kidnapper? Let's test how good am I in keeping mystery?

Please don't forget to FOLLOW, VOTE AND COMMENT!!

It's weekend. Yay.. I might completed this by the end of this week.. Cross finger!!

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