"Let Me Kiss You" (A Harry St...

By kbradley_

5.9K 130 56

Spending 18 long years in the small town of Greenwood, Indiana Drew Harper came to the realization she didn't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Not An Update!

Chapter 15

105 6 5
By kbradley_


Even though I was still pissed at Harley I couldn't believe I said what I had said to her. Well what I didn't say... I didn't try to ask her to stay or to find a way to resolve the current problem at hand. All I said to her was "Good."

This one word I said to her meant more than a thousand. I wanted my best friend back but there was something in my mind telling me no. All the shit she has put me through was one of the many reasons why I just didn't want me to reach out to her, and with those thoughts left in my head I texted Harry and decided to just go to sleep. Maybe sleep would take my mind off things and clear the debating questions in my mind.

"Goodnight Harry :)" I texted to him before plugging my phone into the charger.

"Goodnight, Drew. Sleep well. x'' He soon texted back making a small smile spread across my face.


Waking up I felt 20 times worse. The idea that if I slept off my problems was long gone and was now replaced with the agonizing guilt of being a bitch to Harley.

I stayed in bed staring up myself in the mirror above my bed for what had must have been 20 minutes debating on what I should say to Harley and how I would even approach her. I didn't want things to end like this; me mad her and end a friendship that has lasted longer than any other I have ever had. I came the conclusion that I would be the bigger person and apologize for what I said and try to leave the water under the bridge.

Throwing the blanket off my body and grabbing the sweat pants next to my bed I made my way down the hall to find Harley. I couldn't seem to find her but through the silence I could hear the muffled sounds of crying coming from her room. I made my way to the closed door as quietly as I could and opened it to find a crumbled up Harley sitting on her bed with her head in her hands. With every tear her back shook with such progression and looking around the bedroom all of her stuff was stuffed into the suitcases she had brought with her. 

I made my way over to the bed and quietly asked "Harley...are you okay?" 

Her head shot up and she quickly wiped the tears away from her eyes. "Oh, yeah! I'm fine."  

I could see in her eyes the remaining pain that lingered along with the tears. 

She gave a half smile and asked "Yeah, so whats up?" 

I could tell by her actions and words that she wasn't okay, and she was being her usual self and was trying it off. 

"Well. That's why I came in here. Harley I'm sorry." I said in the most gentle voice I could muster as I sat down next to her on the bed. 

Her face changed immediately and her body shifted to face me. "What? Why are you apologizing? I'm the bitch here." 

"I know your kind of a bitch and have been, but I wanna apologize for treating you the way I did." I stated. 

She sat still for a second taking in my words. 

"Harley. I don't want you to leave feeling guilty and I don't wanna hate you when you leave. I love you like the sister I never had and sisters fight but makeup. I know you've fucked up plenty, but so have I...So with that said lets forgive and forget." I said. 

She smiled the traditional Harley smile and pulled me in for one of her famous hugs. "I've been waiting forever to hear you say that!" 

As we sat on the bed in each others embrace tears had formed in my eyes out of pure joy. I had my best friend back in one seance, but now I was loosing her. She was leaving. 

"Okay. We only have 4 hours til' I need to be at the airport so lets not spend it crying!" She said peeling away from the hug. 

I thought for a second. "Oh yeah shit! Come on lets get ready and we can go shopping or something." 

We both jumped off the bed running in separate directions to take our morning shower and get ready for the day. 


After eating a late breakfast we decided to take a walk the streets and talk about things we hadn't in a while. 

"Hey, do you remember the time in 8th grade when I fell down the stairs and broke my arm?" I asked giving a little giggle. 

"Yeah! ." She exclaimed laughing along with me. 

I remember that day so well. I remember walking to my next class with Harley by my side when I missed a stair  and fell all the way down. In my junior high and even high school days I was always referred to as the klutz and was always reminded of it. After that day I had to wear a clunky blue plastered cast on my right arm as a symbol of my stupidity for 6 long grueling weeks. 

For the remaining walk we reminisced about good times in our friendship and didn't want to linger on the bad times we did share. After a long discussion about her love life she decided to bring up my "love life.'' 

"So hows things with Harry?" She asked with such enthusiasm. 

I thought about the answer. "Good, I guess. He's really sweet and hes a really good person once you get to know him, why?" 

"Oh I don't know. Just, ever since y'all started "seeing" each other..you seem happier." She explained. 

"Yeah I guess so. He makes me feel like I'm actually worth something more. I don't know...special." I stuttered trying to find the right words. 

"Yeah....does he do anything else? If you know what I mean?" She said with a wink. 

"Harley, no! I've been dating him less than a month, and he probably doesn't even like me enough." I said watching the ground as  I walked. 

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "Are you mental? He's a guy. They always wanna have sex no matter what.. And plus I think it's about time you got some action." 

I thought about what she said. Harley may be a dumb ass sometimes but in all honesty she did know what she was talking about. Harry was a guy and from what I knew about the him he defiantly wasn't a virgin, and to be honest I wish I wasn't one either. I liked Harry a lot, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that big of a step yet. In my mind I didn't want our "relationship'' moving to quick and regretting it later. 

"Yeah I guess your right. I just think I wanna wait..wait for the right moment." I clarified. 

We walked in silence until I felt a tiny tug on the bottom of my black cardigan sweater. I turned to find no one standing behind me but soon I felt another pull on the hem of the cottoned material. Looking down I met eyes with a little girl probably the age of 6 staring up at me. Her vibrant green eyes glistened in the light of the afternoon sun and her light freckles danced across her cheeks and trailed up her nose. She had her light brown hair pulled back into a tiny pony tail and was wearing a baby blue sun dress. At that moment she reminded me of my brothers daughter back home. 

"Hi there sweetie. Do you need any help?" I asked in a sweet voice bending down to be at her level. 

She answered me in a  cute British accent. "No, but are you and Harry dating?" 

"Oh what a question, and to answer it then yes." I said giving her a smile. 

She gave a smile that revealed she was missing 2 teeth right in the middle of her mouth. 

"Ohh. Well I think your beautiful, like a princess. I hope you marry him and live in a big castle!" She said bouncing up and down with so much excitement. 

I thought about what she has said. "Well thank you your very beautiful yourself, what is your name dear?" 

"Margret Anne." She said with such poise. 

"Well Margret it has been wonderful to meet you, but I think your mother is over there looking for you." I said with a smile. 

She turned around in the direction of her mom, "Bye princess Styles." 

She gave one final toothless smile but took me by surprise when she engulfed me in a warm hug. It was an embrace that made my heart feel warmth and love. I soon hugged her back and released her watching her skip back to her awaiting mother. 


"I don't want you to leave me, Harley." I whispered, holding onto my best friend for the first time in what seemed like was forever.

"You'll do great here, okay? And good luck with Harry." She joked, wiping away a few stray tears. I laughed a little, before wiping away my own tears.

"I'm still sorry about everything that happened, too." Harley said, turning back to me as she walked away. I smiled, letting her know I agreed. 

Once I left the airport, I wiped away the remains of my tears off my face, before getting into my car so I could drive home. I almost pulled over a few times, stopping myself from thinking about my best friend leaving. I couldn't help but fear what it would be like living completely alone, even though I felt like I already had for a while. Then, I did something rather unexpected.


I flipped through a few more channels, trying to avoid complete boredom. I was about to give up and go to bed, when I heard a small knock on the door. Normally I wouldn't have opened it, but the thought of it being Drew had crossed my mind.

I opened the door, to see Drew waiting at the step. She was looking up at me, a few tears stained on her cheeks. "Hey Harry. Can I come in?" She asked quietly, something I didn't expect.

"Yeah, of course." I said, stepping back to let her through. 

"Harley left." Drew finally said, turning back to me with sadness across her face.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, leaning down to pull her into a hug. I felt her shake a little, before shr started stopping the tears I knew were coming.

"I didn't want to be alone. Can I, um, stay with you?" Drew asked, her voice barely loud enough for me to hear. I nodded, pulling her into my chest again.

"You can have my bed, I'll take the couch. We can talk- if you want to." I stuttered 

"Thanks for letting me stay here, Harry." Drew whispered, taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"You don't have to whisper; I live alone, too." I told her, making her laugh quietly.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you all making a new album?" Drew asked.

"Yeah, working on it now."

"So you'll be...going on tour, too?"

"Probably. Will you miss me?" I joked, making her cheeks flush with red.


"I really like you, Drew." This time I was the one whispering, but I knew she could hear me.

"I like you too, Harry."

I leaned over, pressing a kiss to her lips. She returned the kiss quickly, deepening it. My hands tugged on the hem of her shirt as we kissed, making her pull away. "Not tonight. It'll happen though." She whispered, leaning back into the cushioning of the couch. I could see that her eyelids had gotten heavy, so I tugged my blanket over her. "Do you want to sleep in the bed?" Drew offered. I shook my head, going to lift her up and take her to it instead. "No, no. It's fine." Drew's voice was now a cracked whisper, so I left her there as she fell asleep. God, she was gorgeous.


I woke up, facing Harry, who was still asleep. His hair was in a pile of messy curls, and his green eyes were hidden from me. I realized we were both on the couch, even though he insisted I take the bed. But I wanted to talk a little, and I just assumed that I fell asleep while doing so. I didn't want to wake Harry, so I got up quietly and collected my things. I felt like I was intruding, so I hurried out of his flat.

When I got home, I decided to clear my mind by taking the time to finish packing. l had a break in a few days, and I was planning on visiting home. I didn't know how I was going to tell Harry, but I assumed he wouldn't really mind if I left. And that's what I planned to do.

-One week later-


"Recording went well." Liam said, handing me a bottle of water. I nodded, taking a seat on his couch. I decided to visit Liam in his flat after we recorded; the rest of the boys taking a break to see a movie. I kind of wanted to visit Drew, but we hadn't really talked since she slept over at my house. She snuck out, something I would've asked about if we both weren't so busy. 

"What are you thinking about?" Liam questioned.

"I think I might visit Drew later."

"Oh, uh. Okay. Well, um. Okay." Liam stuttered, turning away from me quickly.

"Liam, what's wrong?"

"Drewwentbackhome." He muttered, his words slurring.

"Drew went what?"

"Drew went back home. Shoot. I didn't tell you that, okay?"

I sat there for a second, surprised at what Liam had told me. It was obvious he wasn't supposed to tell me. But, how could Drew not have told me.

"When did she tell you?" I pressed.

"A while back. I think she didn't know how to tell you." Liam explained

I nodded, pulling myself off of the couch to head over to the door. 

"Please don't tell her I told you!" Liam called as I walked out of his flat. 


Thanks for reading! Sorry it took forever to upload Ive been busy with school, graduation, award banquets and other things. On Monday I'm leaving for Florida for 5 days so I wont be able to really write much, and  pretty soon I'll be busy with softball training and school registration so I PROMISE I will try to work in the new chapter as soon as possible. Again thank you so much for reading and voting. 

LOVE, Kristen 

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