A Remus Lupin Fanfiction~My W...

By thatsuperherofangirl

458K 13K 3K

Aurora Black is the younger sister of Sirius and a Metamorphmagus. She is rather like him, as in she does not... More

Chapter One~Shopping With My Favourite Brother.
Chapter Two~The Sorting.
Chapter Three~The Irresistible Smile.
Chapter Five~Butterflies.
Chapter Six~The Blue Parcel.
Chapter Seven~Quidditch Tryouts.
Chapter Eight~The Horrific Storm.
Chapter Nine~Mysterious Secrets.
Chapter Ten~Christmas At The Lupin's.
Chapter Eleven~ The Dilemma.
Chapter Twelve~Chaotic Confessions.
Chapter Thirteen~The Animagi Idea.
Chapter Fourteen~Another Genius Idea.
Chapter Fifteen~Leaving The Nest.
Chapter Sixteen~Living With The Lupins.
Chapter Seventeen~Befriending "The Enemy".
Chapter Eighteen~The Accident.
Chapter Nineteen~A Heated Argument In A Hospital Wing.
Chapter Twenty~Birthday Surprises.
Chapter Twenty-One~Results Day.
Chapter Twenty-Two~James Finally Succeeds.
Chapter Twenty-Three~A New Girl Best Friend.
Chapter Twenty-Four~The Promise.
Chapter Twenty-Five~Regulus' Choice.
Chapter Twenty-Six~Worries And Doubt.
Chapter Twenty-Seven~Drastic Decisions.
Chapter Twenty-Eight~A Life-Changing Discovery.
Chapter Twenty-Nine~Home Sweet Home.
Chapter Thirty~The Next Step.
Chapter Thirty-One~Our Family Addition.
Chapter Thirty-Two~Commitment.
Chapter Thirty-Three~Scary Times To Live In.
Chapter Thirty-Four~Heartbreaking Loss.
Chapter Thirty-Five~All Dressed In Black.
Chapter Thirty-Six~War Begins.
Chapter Thirty-Seven~The Broken Promise.
Chapter Thirty-Eight~Last View Of The World.
Chapter Thirty-Nine~Broken Beyond Repair.
Chapter Fourty~The Star Studded Sky.
Chapter Fourty One~Stories That Will Last A Lifetime.
Chapter Fourty-Two~No Longer A Dream.
Epilogue And A Huge Thank You!
Just a few words over a year later!

Chapter Four~Gratitude.

20.2K 509 151
By thatsuperherofangirl

-Aurora's POV-

I had been in Hogwarts for a month now and I was loving every second of it. I had been enjoying being in my brother's and his friends' company. They filled me with laughter with their pranks and their jokes in break times. Remus always helped me finish my work too which I was always grateful for, we were becoming really good friends. "You coming to watch my first match against Hufflepuff today?" James asked me as I was reading yet another book. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." I told him. James grinned and gave me a high five before going on about his abilities as a Chaser for his Quidditch team. I couldn't wait until I was old enough to play Quidditch. I was already quite a good flyer. "Oh look, here comes Snivellus!" James shouted before he and my brother and Peter walked over to start and taunt him while a pretty girl with ginger hair begged them to stop. "Why does James hate Severus Snape so much Remus? What happened between them to provoke all this?" I questioned Remus as we sat under the tree and watched. "Well, the first reason is that Severus spoke lowly of Gryffindors, but in my opinion, that's not the main reason. You see that girl with the ginger hair? She's Lily Evans, a fellow Gryffindor in our year. James likes her, but she does not feel the same way as she thinks he's arrogant and a complete idiot. Anyway, Severus is her best friend, and it's clear to James that Severus loves her too, and seeing as he's closer to her, James is simply envious of that." Remus explained to me. "Wow. I suppose my brother and Peter is just going along with it just for the fun?" I wondered. "Precisely. I refuse to take part. I don't want to bully anyone." He said guiltly. I smiled, I admired him for that. Once it came time for my lesson, I said my farewells and told them that I would see them at the match before walking back to the castle for potions. 

"You're a very talented potioneer Miss. Black, very impressive. Well done." Professor Slughorn informed me as my lesson came to an end. "Thank you, Professor." I grinned before leaving the classroom. In the corridor was Evan Rosier and Avery, boys that Sirius told me to stay away from. They snarled at me so I walked the opposite direction to go to the Quidditch pitch. That's when I felt something hard hit the back of my head. I heard laughter as I turned around. They had threw a rock at me. "Excuse us, we're just seeing how many blood-traitors we can hit within a day." Evan teased. "That's lovely but I need to be going somewhere, so farewell." I said back before turning away again. Next thing I knew, I was knocked to the ground. My nose smacked against the hard floor, the metallic taste of blood was in my mouth as it dripped down my lips. I cried with pain as one of the boys lifted me up by the hair. "We're not finished with you yet, Black." Avery grunted. Tears rolled down my cheeks. "Please, I beg you, leave me be, I have done nothing wrong." I pleaded. They laughed harshly and Avery slapped me across the face, his ring left a long scratch there that stung. They carried on teasing me before I kicked them both and ran away, ignoring everyone that told me to slow down. My shirt collar was now covered in blood but all I was focused on was getting to the Quidditch pitch to tell my brother. 

I hid my face as I reached where the Gryffindors were sitting. I heard Sirius cheer James on and I followed the sound. Sirius, Peter and Remus all turned around when they heard me sobbing. "What happened?! Who did this to you sis?" Sirius insisted, looking at me with great concern. I wiped away my tears as new ones replaced them. "Rosier and Avery... they hit me..." I cried. Sirius looked furious, he looked through his binoculars to see if they were in the audience with the Slytherins, he found them. "Nasty gits. I'll make them pay, hitting my little sister! Bastards! Wait here Aurora!" Sirius demanded. Remus stopped him. "Sirius, it's understandable that you would want to get revenge, but you can't just go over there and beat them up, you need to perform revenge subtly. I'll do it. Just wait here and try and calm her down. I know just what to do, you'll see." Remus insisted before smiling at me reassuringly. We watched Remus sneak away. A few minutes later we heard a loud yell of fear. Sirius laughed and passed me the binoculars. I looked through them to see Avery and Rosier dancing around with fire going up their legs and donkey ears growing out their heads. I giggled. They now looked like asses on the outside too. When Remus returned we applauded him until he noticed that I was still bleeding and I still had a broken nose. He got out his wand and pointed it at me. "Episkey." He stated. He had healed my nose. He then got out a napkin and wet it with a new spell before gently removing the blood from my face. He wiped my last tear away from my cheek before looking me into the eyes seriously. I smiled at him in a grateful way. He blushed.  We shared intimate gazes for a while, I felt butterflies take flight in my stomach, my hair had changed to hot pink. Sirius cheered from behind me causing us to divert our glances to the pitch and my hair to go back to blue. I was confused about my feelings, was I in love with one of my brother's best friends? Was that a bad thing?

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