Rangers Apprentice Book 12-Do...

By BryanTrueg

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Will had married Alyss and settled down, Halt had moved out of the cabin and moved in with Pauline, Horace ma... More

Rangers Apprentice Book 12-Downfall of legends
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
I'll be back. eventually. I promise
Personal Update

Chapter 14

542 23 24
By BryanTrueg

First chapter in months. I hope you enjoy reading it. I enjoyed writing it. Especially the end. I still haven't read the actual book 12 that came out after I started this facfic. So please no spoilers (: I seen some of you talkimbg about it. Anyway. Enjoy

Will stood in the shadows, wrapped in his cloak. Erak sat in the Jarls seat, his top advisers in seats around the table. There had been a break in the previous night and 2 guards were killed. Now Erak was being guarded around the clock, and Will was making an extra effort not to be seen anywhere. He even stopped sleeping in his room. He couldn't take the chance that words gotten out he was here and that people were hunting him down. Wills eyes scanned the room, Erak talked with his advisers.

"They're getting bold." Spoke an advisor.

"Or reckless."

"Possibly impatient."

Erak nodeed "Could be." He leans in and touches the map of Hallasholm, "Take 3-5 men from these posts and move them to the residential area. I don't want our people getting hurt because someone wants me dead."

Will admired Erak for a moment. He was a good, if not great, leader. He put his people before himself instead of using the entirety of his forces for his protection.

After a while, everyone dispersed but Erak and the 2 guards positioned in the room. Will stepped out of the shadows and stood next to Erak. Erak was going through the mail sent by bird. After a moment, Erak spoke.

"You don't need to stay here and watch over me like my mother, I'll prolly be here late with all... This" he said motioning to all the letters and paperwork.

Will nodded, "I'll go check on Tug I suppose. See you tomorrow Erak." Will left the room without a sound.

Erak smiled to himself and whispered "Okay mother"

Will walked to the stables. There were only a few horses in hallasholm. Most people came and went by boat. Will walked up to Tug who was quietly waiting for him. His eyes seemed to say
"Bring me any apples?"

"No apples. Sorry bud." Will smiled and leaned against the stable. "Maybe tomorrow." Tug lowered his head, like he was trying to look sad.

"Don't guilt trip me," Will pet Tugs mane, "Or no apples tomorrow." Tugs head came back up and he made a warning noise. Will's eyes darted across the yard, someone was leaning against the wall, looking around the yard. They were wrapped in a cloak. Will wasn't sure if the character knew he was there or not so he prepared his bow and knocked an arrow, just in case. The person suddenly started walking away, then out of the yard. Where the person was standing, there was now a small box, half covered by snow.

Will watched intently all night. Nobody came. The sun finally broke over the horizon and Will made a decision.

Check the box before someone stumbles across it and possibly puts themselves in danger.

Will stalked forward the box, approaching silently. He crouched down and slowly opened the box. All that lie inside was a single piece of parchment. Will quickly read the paper. Then again to be sure he read it right. Then again to memorize it.

You dont know me.
You need not know.
He knows.
For war.
For loss.
To fight.
To run.
To die.

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