Immortal Night.

By Hallie123

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Amy is a Rouge she one of the only Female wolves around and has never meet another Wolf. Unwanted by her fami... More

Immortal Night.
Chapter One; England.
Chapter Two: Change.
Chapter Three: Prisoner
Chapter Four: Wolves
Chapter Five: Watched

Chapter Four: School

963 12 8
By Hallie123

Chapter Four: School





Opps! I looked up from the comfort of my pillow to look at the alarm clock. It was smashed to piece, i've gotta remember my strength is getting stronger everyday. I yawn and pulled myself out of bed. I guess the time was five past seven as thats what time I set my alarm for.

Why was I up at this ungodly hour? oh yes I had school. It was was about fifteen minutes away walk and a tenish minute drive, Luckily my gran had left me her old truck to drive in. Twilight much huh? Well no because my was more of landrover thing, it was black and awesome.

I walked down the hallway to the bathroom, well me re-phrase that I hopped down the hallway as the icy flooring nipped at my feet. Once i got in the bathroom, the tiles were even worse. I sprinted to the shower , stripped and stepped in the hot water, it pounded it on to my back. I moan of relief. I love my morning shower.

After I was finished in the shower, dressed myself in some dark blue skinnies, a white tee,a grey sweater hoodie and did my make up, I made my way downstairs. The house was still dark, it was really creepy if i must admit it. Ha! A werewolf scared of the dark. Who'd ever thought of it? I made my way slowly to the kitchen.

 I open the old fashioned cream fridge to find!         Nothing.... Oh well that looks like im hungry for the day. I have no money as I have to find a job. Great. Please note the sarcasism. My stomach growled and my wolf pined at lack of food. I sighed and slammed the fridge door closed.

I lent my head against the cool fridge, I stayed there taking in the morning and tried to push away the butterflies in my stomach. I was nervous about starting school.

In America you have to go to school till your eighteen, Here in England it's only sixteen so it only ment I had a year which wasn't too bad I guess. I pulled myself out of my thoughts and looked up towards the ticking clock.

SHIT! IT'S 9.00 AM!

How long was I stood there for, I was ment to be at school fifteen minutes ago, good one Amy , your first day of school and your late. I grabbed my bag and flung it over my shoulder. I raced outside. it was raining, typical english weather I heard.

 I didn't bother with the landrover as I had no money, no money means no petrol. I pulled my hoodir up around me, I darted through the rain, towards the school. It wasn't hard to find my way as there were road signs everywhere telling me where to go.


I looked down at leg to find that myself alone had found the muddiest puddle around, the brown water had splashed  up my leg. Nice. "Fucksake!" I decided to just ignore it and keep going. I put all my leg power into my pace , I saw the school up ahead, I slowed into a jog as I neared the black Iron gates.

Once outside them I looked up at it. The huge gates would make you think it was a prison. Highly intimidating. In the centre of the gates was a gray marble sign with the words "Blackward Hall Elementry" carved into it. I looked towards the building, a perfect name for it if you ask me.

The building was three stories high, It was victorian redbrick. At the front entrance stood a grand black door surounded by greek influnced pillars. The building was surrounded by concreate playgrounds with red picnic benches on them. Behind the school was a small forest filled with pine trees. Perfect. I can spend my lunches in there.

I placed my cold numb hands on the cast iron and pushed the gates foward,the squeaked loudly echoing across the playground. I slopped my way across the playground and made my way indoors, I was greeted by cream and sky blue reception area. Fancy. I saw an old dear behind the maple oak desk writing down something onto paper. I walked up to her, she notcied my presance, she looked up to me, she smiled warmly and welcomed me.

After I had a convosation with Mrs Turner, she gave me my timetable and a map to find my way around the school. I didn't bother going into the first lesson as it was about to end in five minutes. As i made my way to my assigned locker, the bell rang making the empty halls fill with the sounds of laughter, chatter and moans.

 I looked down to my timetable, history. Good, i liked history. I made my way through the mazes of corridoor to room 12, as I walked to the room I decided to make an effort with myself, first appearances right, I took of my soaking wet hoodie and ringed my hair a little, that would have to do for now.

I entered the room, heads snapped up at me, I got a few glares from girls that were so plastic looking, I reckon they had "made in china" stamped on there butts. The boys stared at me opened  mouthed in shock, why? I looked down at myself, oh thats why, My t.shirt had become see-through from all the rain revealing my red lacey bra. Exellent, Ugh!

"Can I help you miss?"

I grabbed my hoodie and placed in my arms, covering my chest with it. I snapped my head to look at a stout man. He had gray wirey hair which was greatly bolding. His beady eyes were framed by thick framed glasses. It took alot not to just burst out laughing at him, I turned my laughter in a huge smile insted, I held out my hand.

"Hi i'm Amy Dallas, I'm new here"

He looked at my hand rasing an eyebrow in discust, I dropped my hand and groaned. Ugh! Great now I look stupid. He didn't bother speaking to me, he just pionted his bone like finger at an empty table which was at the back of the room by the window.

 I walked up the aisle and took my seat. I sighed and looked out the window, The rain had picked up even more, a deep, thick fog hugged the forest in its arms. I turned my attention to the blackboard to see what we were learning. "American West". I smiled at this slightly. I should be good at this right. I mean I am american right?

"Miss Dallas, Can you tell me please, Which animal was most significant in the spirtual world to the Native Indians? 

I looked at him in total confusion. "Uuuuhhhhhh?" I pulled a stupid face in confusion. I had no Idea."I don't know Sir, sorry" I looked around the room to relise that I was getting looks of discust from people.

"I don't know, sorry Sir" I did a cheesy, save my butt smile at him but he turned he's nose up at it. Pftt.

"No, Miss Dallas the answer isn't, "Sorry sir , I don't know" " I heard smug giggles from around the room

Ha.ha.ha. Why do teacher think there so cool, with there not so funny jokes. I propt up my elbows onto my desk and placed my head into them. This was going to be a long day.

"Miss Gray, can you answer this simple question?" I looked towards a plactic girl. Ew. She was orange faced, she had fake eyelashed on and ratty hair exstensions clipped into her bleach blonde hair. Avoid. She had her top three bottons undone revealing a very raunchy hot pink bra. You could tell by the way Sir looked at her, that she blatly seen as one of the school beauties or "popular" kids.

She giggled. "Hehe! Yes Sir course I can answer that for you, anything for you sir, the animal that was most significant in the spirtual world to the Native Indians was the wolf."

My head sprung up, how did I not know that one?!

"Correct Rebecca" He praised her.

She giggled cakily and looked round the room, once she saw I was staring at her, she stopped laughing at gave me the look of discust. I turned on my scences and took in her aroma. Not wolf. I replied to her look but flipping her the bird. She looked shocked then angry, she smiled at me eviling and then faced foward. "Sir, I do belive that the new girl, just swore at me, She's clearly jelious of my intelligence"

"Miss Dallas please stand outside" He didn't even looked at me, he was to busy writing on his stupid blackboard. Well he was going to be there all day because as he wrote the words and moved along the board his fat gut rubbed them off agian. I sat there, froozen on the spot. He didn't even ask me if I had."NOW MISS DALLAS" He roared still not looking at me.

I got up out my seat and stomped out the room I looked at Rebecca,she smiled at me slyly and waved, I decided to give a grand exit by slamming the door as hard as I could.Rebecca Gray. My new found enemy. I looked around the corridor and decided that I wasn't going to stay here and be lectured. Luckily I had grabbed my bag on the way out.

I started to walk where I came from in hope to find my locker. I kept wandering down the desserted halls, Eventually I came to a sign that I reconised from that I found my locker. Pheww. I open it up and dumped my bag inside. I groaned loudly with my head in my locker. I hated school and it hated me.I heard someone walk up behind me. Stupid teachers. I turned around to face my doom.

"Well, well, look what the dog dragged in!"  Brent laughed. Ugh! I think I would have prefered a teacher. He stood there in a tight black vest top and come downs. His arm muscular arms folded proudly over his toned chest.

I looked up at him and frowned. "Can I help you?" I was not in the mood. I shut my locker door and lent my back against it sulking. I looked down the empty halls showing him I wasn't interesting.

"What are doing out of class?" He asked. Who did he think he was?!

"I got kicked out cause of some blonde bimbo. Problem? and I might ask you the same question?" I arched an eyebrow.

"You. got. kicked out of class and it's only what?" He looked at his phone. "It's only quatre to eleven and me missy, I'm sixthform so i'm hallway patrol and why arn't you in uniform."

"Ohh wow! Hall monitor, you must be so proud!" I smiled, I dropped it quckily to show my sarcasim quickly, he glared at me in annoyance. "And I havn't been given my uniform yet and don't call me missy" I went to walk away but was slammed agianst the lockers again. Ouch! "Go away Brent!" I turned my head away from him.

Brent down to my level with on hand on my shoulder and smirked at me "Logans going to be so happy to find you go here"

WHAT?! My eyes widened, I looked at him in shock and disgust. "He goes here?!"

His smile widened. "Yup, the whole pack does, so your in for a real treat"

I bent down onto my knees and pretending to pray on my knees "Oh god save me now, Smight me where I stand and take me!"  Yes! okay so I was being a little over dramatic but I was not expecting this and there all Sixformers. My lifes over!

I looked up to Brent staring at me like I was some freak. He shook his slightly with amused look on his face. "You know Logan still pretty pissed than you ruined his office"

I held my breath as any minute now I was going to laugh. I contained myself after five minute and let out my breath. I steady my voice when I spoke. "Well then you shouldn't have put me in there now should you?"

"Well you should have turned back quicker"

I came back at his comment, I always have the last say in everything. "Well you have, have... not been so bossy and commanding, you don't own me!"

He chuckled "I beg to differ but if I remember right, I think Logan bit you which InFACT make him "own" you"

I scoffed at him. "Well what you did counts as kidnapping and forced imprisionment, I could get you locked up for that!"

"And say what, that you got kidnapped by a pack of wolves, Yes right? there really going to belive that"

I frowned up at him boaring my eyes at him, his face showed no emotion, he just stood there like her own the place. "OH! leave me alone or I'll scream and EVEN if he did bite me, I still won't follow his rule or be part of your pack, i'm a rouge" I smiled at him, I'd won that one.

He grabbed my elbow suddenly and started pulling me down the white corridors. I looked up at his back. "Umm let go?"

Brent looked back at me, smiled and then looked foward again. "Nahh, I just remember We've all got free period, so they'll all be in the back hut" I started pulling at his arm trying to pry him off me. No way in hell was I going with me. He was way to strong against me. He had a year on me in both age and being a wolf.

"MR DOVAIN" We both spun round to find a tall, skinny lady in her mid fourties staring at us. She was wearing a dark green suade blazer and matching skirk. She had gray and black hair which had been tightly scrapped back into a hightop bun. Her deep purple flat shoes matched her lipstick. She wore glasses which were perched on the end of her pionty nose. She was leaning agianst a solid pine frame which lead into her office.

"Yes, Miss Blackward?" Replied Brent. Blackward? The head teacher!

She looked at me with her dark brown eyes and then at Brent. "What may I ask, are you going with this girl?"

"She new Miss, I saw her lost so i'm taking her to her lesson" Smartass!

"Is this true girl?" She reminded me of a crow, I'm sorry but it had to be said.

I went to answer No but Brent squeezed my arm slighty. "Yes Miss. Sorry it won't happen again"

She looked at me and smiled a toothy smile. "Very Well, Carry on" and withthat she walked back into her office.

Brent continued to pull me along the corridor, his grip loosened a little but not alot. He turned a left, then two rights until we suddenly came to a door, he pushed it open and pushed me in. I stumble foward and tried to keep on my feet. It took me a few seconds but I did it.

Brent spoke from behind me. "Look what I found" You could hear pleased joy in his voice. I looked up to find the pack, lounging on sofas and watching T.V. I looked towards Logan who smiled evily at me.

"Hello Amy and how are you today?"

I crossed my arms angrily. "I'm fine" I mumbled looking to the ground. I didn't want to be here right now. In the corner of my eye I could see Logan getting up from his seat and walking over to me. I sighed and looked up to face him. Once he reached me, he flexed his muscle to make him look grand. I refused to look at him. I heard the school bell roing out in the corridoors. Woah had an hour past already?! I looked up to Logan and the rest of the boys smiling. "Well that my que to be leaving, nice seeing you" I turned to run out the door, only to find it was bloacked by Brenr. "Umm move" I said to him like it was ovious.Which it was I thought.

"Nope" He popped the p and smiled. I snarled at him grabbed his arm tried to push him out the way. He wouldn't budge. ARGG! I let out a punch on the wall, which my fist went through, creating a huge hole in the concreate. I looked at it shock. Wow my strengths got good! I looked around the room to find them all looking at me. Mouths open ajar slighty. "WHAT?!" I yelled.

"You need to learn how to control your anger, don't want you going wolf in school now do we?"


Logan took two threatning steps towards me. I looked at him, daring him to move any closer. "I'm warning you Logan!" He nodded towards to Brent to let me out, as soon as he stepped to the side I made my escape.out the door and down the crowded corridoor.

"See you around, it won't be long till you get into more trouble!" Logan yelled behind me.

"Whatever!" I shouted back not even bothering to look at him. I walked towards some double doors, I forced them open and made my way outside. It had stopped raining by now, the sun shone brightly throug the remainding rain clouds. The picnic benches were full of people eating away on there snacks. I saw an empty table in the far corner and headed towards it. I through my bag on the floor and plonked myself on the bench. I zoned out for a brief second only to be interupted.

I opened my eyes to find I was surrounded by a group of girls and Rebecca. "Yes?" I asked.

She patted down her slut skirt and looked at her nails. "Emily, can you tell this rat that she's sat in our spot, please." she pulled out a nail file.

"Hi um Rebecca, Becky,Bex's Whatever is it, go away!"

She huffed patheticly and placed her hand on her tiny waist. "It's Rebecca to you and MOVE WHORE!"

"Excuse me?" I said in disabelief.

"You heard me, move or else i'll make you!"

Was that a challange I heard? I grinned at her. "No." I turned away from her. I suddenly felt a sharp sensation on my face, she punched me! I stood up instantly and stared her down. "MOVE" She screamed and slapped me again. Right that was it! I jumped on her bringing her down easily. I started to wack her in the face.

 She grabbed my hair and pulled it ripping some out in process. She managed to get on top of me, crafty! she headbutted me, I felt warm blood run down my face into my mouth. I spat it at her face. Nows she angered me. I Grabbed her by throat and threw her of me. I got up myself and made my way through the now chanting crown towards her. She kicked my leg from out under me and I fell back down. I crawled over to her and slammed her in the face.


I knew who exactly who that was, I decided to ignore it and carry on, I raised my fist to smack her again, when I was suddenly pulled by strong muscular arms and throw over shoulder. I watched Rebecca get up and dust herself off, she patted her hair, and wiped the blood of her face. She looked at me and smiled. "Now your in for it!"

"GET THE HELL OF ME, PUT ME DOWN!" I started hitting who evers back it was. I think it was Tylers. I saw Logan and the others walked up to Rebecca. He told her to stay away from me in the future. I can fight my own battles thank you very much and I WILL be back for her.

I gave into Tyler and let him take me whereever I was going. The dirrection he headed was towards the forests. Fantastic, I can go wolf and then run off. The others followed behind. As we entered the forest, Brent, Jake and Coby changed into wolf form. Nobody could see us from the playground it was well hidden. Logan stayed in human.

I was plonked down infront of a large oak tree. I lent agianst the tree and waited for the Alpha to come and boy did he looked angry. I decided to top it off by smiling at him. He flared his nostrils at me. "YOU STUPID GIRL! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HER, NO WONDER THERES HARDLY ANY FEMALE WOLVES, THERE ALL DUMB!"

"Hey! That's not fair she started it, so I finished it" My bite mark started to throb, I put my hand up to it quickly and pressed down trying to relieave some pain. Okay tip for the future don't answer back. I'm guessing it triggers something off. hmmpt. I pressed my back agianst the tree and slide down it sill I felt the earth beneath me.

"Amy you can't go round starting fights, your so much stronger than most people and learn to control your temper, walk away from it in future or people will start asking questions"

"Pftt where's the fun in that?"

"It's NOT meant to be FUN! Don't do it again or there will be concequences, understand?"

I looked up at him and grinned like a chesher cat, time to go wolf and out run them. I started to think about her, I felt my body start move, but it only gave me a bad headache! "Ahhhh" I screamed hold my head pain, I looked up at Logan in fustration who was smirking at me. "What did you do to me, why can't I change!" I stood and stared him down, I want my anger to burn a nice hole in head, so that he looked stupid. He saw my action and stood even taller and spoke.

"Your young still and I bit you"

"So?" I asked him in a duhh tone, like i'm surppose to know what that means.

"So doofus, that means I can take control over your change because you havn't been a were wolves long enough plus your to weak to match my mind. Once you get stronger I won't be able to do it, but in the mean time...."

"YOU ASSHOLE!" I went to throw a punch at him but he caught my fist mid-air and crushed my had slightly. I snatched my hand back a shook of the pain.

"See, you can't even through a punch, your underskilled, you need to train with the pack"

"I'm not part of yours or any pack" I snarled.

"Think again!" With that him and Tyler both changed into wolf and started cornering me into the tree base snarling at me. I kicked my foot foward , hitting Tyler in the nose.

"Stay back you stupid mutt! Can I change now!" I hate the fact that he could have that power over me like that. He nodded. I thought of my wolf. I slowly felt my bones snap and my clothes rip. Once in my beautiful form I looked to them.

"Come!" Logan commanded.

"No thanks, i'm off" I turned around to walk off , when he growled behind me and turned and barked at him. "what now?"

"Your going to get yourself killed, our place is in these woods, If you go that way your going to be shot by a hunter"

I totally had forgotten that I was on there land. "I'll turn back and walk home thanks anyway we still have school"

"And how are you going to change back, you ripped your clothes and forget school, this is more important"

"Whats important?" I asked completly confused, what could be more important than school?

"Trying to tame you, your a nussance" I could hear the humour in his voice.

"Am not!" I defended myself. How dare he?

"Are too! Come on we havn't go all day"

I gave up and decided to follow them. Coby and Tyler were uphead running around like lunatics, while Jake and Brent, were jogging along side each other. Logan nudged me in the butt to tell me to hurry, I took this as a challange. I picked up my pace to its fastest, darting past Coby and Tyler.

They barked after meand tried to catch up! I heard Logan and the rest starting to run, no way am I going to outrun an Alpha. I put my legs to there full muscles and really pushed foward. I felt Logan approach me, but he couldn't keep up. I dashed through the woods the trees going past so fast they became a brown blur. I saw the mansion in the distance open. I gave one last push and darted way faster than the rest of them leaving them behind. I wasn't all useless as Logan liked to say. I had one thing they didn't have.


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