Loki's Daughter

By can_i_just_not

89.7K 2.4K 846

Read and find out more! Loki's punishment is that his daughter is to be banished to live on earth. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 7

5.5K 143 57
By can_i_just_not


Thor and I land on a helipad, which was connected to a building that look familiar.... Stark's Tower! I might get a chance to see Luna after all. I still had some reserves of magic from earlier so I gather them up and search for my daughters mind, there's a surprise for you on the helipad, hurry if you want to see it. With that I leave her mind and come back to my own. Thor leads me into the building, we barely make it in before Luna rockets into the room wide eyed. The avengers following not close behind.

"DADDY!" Luna screams running into my arms, I had to lift them up so I could put them around her with the cuffs, and I was still quite a bit taller than her so I had to stoop down as well.

I desperately wanted to tell her it was okay, that I was here for her, but I couldn't for multiple reasons. One because of this muzzle and two because it might not be the truth, and I always make a point not to lie to her. But I wanted to tell her she was safe and sound. I wasn't going to leave her ever again.


We see a bright light though the windows in the dining room. "Hey it looks like point break is back," Tony says, nobody bothers to get up though, knowing that Uncle Thor would come and find us himself.

There's a surprise for you on the helipad, hurry if you want to see it. I hear dad's voice in my head. I jump up and take off for the elevator. Hoping against hope that that surprise would be him.

"Hey where are you going?" Tony asks, everyone getting up to follow me.

I don't answer but I do wait for them in the elevator. As soon as everyone was in I press the button for the top floor. The doors open up and I rush out my eyes wide when they take in my dad, in chains and that dreaded muzzle.

"DADDY!" I scream running to his arms, which he lifts up so I could get past the cuffs. Tears of happiness fall from my eyes and make his shirt damp.

He hugs me closer and I do the same to him, I could feel his bones, which stuck out prominently, and I felt him wince from my hold on him so he must be injured.

"Um what the hell is he doing back in my tower? I thought he was in the dungeon in Asgard." Tony says, not in a bad way just sounding confused. I wasn't the only one to catch up on this too.

"You are not upset I brought Loki back to Midgard?" Thor asks him.

"No from what we've heard about him when Luna first came here we've all decided that he can't be that bad, also to the fact we checked into it and all of the video surveillance of Loki shows him with the same blue eyes as Clint, which goes to show there is a strong possibility he could have been brainwashed as well." Tony replies nonchalant like it was his comment on the weather for today. 

"That is wonderful news! Loki did you hear that?" Thor says grinning from ear to ear at the news.

Dad just gave him a look and rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to me, and continuing his inspection of me, making sure I was perfectly healthy.

"Um how about we take off the muzzle?" Bruce suggests walking over to us. He stands beside Dad, "May I?" He asks before trying to take it off.

Dad nods his consent and Bruce found the indent where he could press to release the muzzle. When it was off the first thing he did was turn to me, "Are you okay?"

"Yes Dad I'm fine," I said rolling my eyes at him.

"You sure?"


"Good I would hate to have to kill someone the first day I saw you in eight years."

"Actually there are a few..."

"Luna really?" I'm interrupted by Steve, the bloody saint.

"Dad put it out there." At that Dad laughed and hugged me close again.

"So um Loki... hi I guess...." Tony says awkwardly.

"Hello Mr. Stark, I must thank you and your fellow avengers for keeping my daughter safe and out of SHEILD's custody." Dad says with a nod in their direction before resuming staring at my face like he was trying to memorize it, like he would never see me again. It made my stomach start to sink.

"Speaking of Loki, we must be making our way there." Thor says.

"What! You can't leave dad you just got here!" I say looking up at him.

"I'm sorry Luna, but it's Odin's orders that I go to SHEILD to face their justice in however they see fit."

"Hey we can make it where he has to stay here," Tony says.

"Yah and we can find a way where he can make up for the attack while he's here," Clint says, he might have forgiven him somewhat but the deep rooted pain involved with him being brainwashed was still there.

Tony comes up and motions for Thor to toss him the keys to Dad's cuffs and he unlocks his cuffs, not asking like Bruce did with the muzzle.

"Thank you," My dad said in a low voice. He rubbed his wrists and look down at me with a smile.

"Okay well I'll get a meeting set up with Mad Eye Moody so we can get everything official," Tony says walking out of the room and towards the elevator, everyone else followed him out leaving Dad and I alone to talk.

"I missed you daddy."

"I missed you to, I thought of you every day, you're my world Luna, that's never going to change."

*Avengers meeting Room*

"Guys do you think it's okay to be watching this?" Bruce asks for the hundredth time.

"Don't worry my friends Loki won't be to mad, Heimdall is watching as well, as he will be doing for the entire time Loki is on Midgard and most likely until Loki manages to prove himself to be trust worthy again. He is still a prisoner after all."

"See we aren't the only ones who wants to see what he's saying," Tony exclaims gleefully.

"Which so far is nothing interesting," Clint buts in.

"Shut up I want to hear this," Natasha shushes everyone.

They watch the screen in front of them, seeing Loki and Luna sitting down across from each other.

"Dad what happened when you left?"

"What do you mean when I left?"

"Don't act like an idiot you know what I mean, when you gave up, when you let go and fell into the void!"


"And don't give some bull story that your hand slipped, I know that would be a lie, YOU LET GO. You left me without both my parents."

"I'm sorry for that Luna, there's not a day that goes by that I don't regret my decision. But I won't, no I can't tell you about the void."

"Why not? Don't I deserve to know why I couldn't see my Dad for close to ten years? Why I had to be raised by Midgardians instead of you?"

"Luna there's a reason I couldn't just tell Thor the real reason I was on earth, the thing that the Chitari worked for, made it where I can't say anything. Not about its plan or about what it did to me. I will never be able to tell anyone about it unless he lets me."

"But you're not under his control anymore!"

"I wasn't fully under his control the first time Luna, if I was then Midgard wouldn't be here anymore, it would be gone. I managed to mess up his plans as much as possible, while making sure it didn't look like it was on purpose."

"Why bother?"

"To save as many lives as possible. Than- the thing that pulled me from the void was going to destroy this world, all just for the tesseract."

"Which is now on Asgard."

"Exactly. But Asgard will be better equipped for the challenge when he decides to go after it there."

"You said when, not if."

"I know."

"So there's no doubt in your mind whoever 'he' is will be going for the tesseract.'

"I said he? I don't remember saying he, just forget that."

"So you're not supposed to give out any information at all?"

"Yes none at all so don't question me any more Luna."

"But Dad learning even about things that don't exactly have to do with 'him' but in a way does could be helpful."

"You're to have nothing to do with this Luna so just leave it alone."

"But DAD!"

"No 'buts'"

"Not fair, I've been without you for almost my whole childhood I deserve to know something!"

"No Luna, that's final, leave it be."

They sat in silence for a few minutes before Loki spoke again, "I hope you can forgive me Luna, for not being there, for giving up and not even thinking of the affect it would have on you."

"It's okay Dad, don't worry about it you can't change the past besides I've haven't had to hard of a time here."

"To hard of a time?"

"Well yah with my magic coming in and being 'adopted' by the avengers, at any school I go to I get messed with for it, you know they say I get bumped ahead because of it. I don't really I just have your brains. But its okay Clint got me kicked out of the last one a couple days ago and we decided I will just not go at all anymore, do all my learning here now."

"Well then I guess that's good, if I get to stay here then we will defiantly start on working with your magic."

"Yah that would be a good Idea, I've tried a little, but have yet to manage anything except blowing up stuff, one time I actually blew Tony out of the sky, he wasn't too happy with me for that."

"Well I'm sure it was quite humorous, he just couldn't tell since he was falling from the sky."

"No one else saw the humor either, well except for Natasha and Clint, they thought it was amazing."

"I'm sure they did, they struck me as the type to find those types of things funny."


Leapheon made this one! love it for this chapter! 

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