Loki's Daughter

By can_i_just_not

89.7K 2.4K 846

Read and find out more! Loki's punishment is that his daughter is to be banished to live on earth. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 6

5.2K 129 14
By can_i_just_not

I hear a knock on my door, "Hey Luna you want any dinner?" It was Steve

"Go away," I yell throwing the empty ice cream container at the door.

"Luna please come out and eat you've been in there for two days!" Tony buts in.

"I'm not hungry!" I scream back, this time throwing my shoes, one after the other.

"Luna get your ass out of there and go eat," I jump. That wasn't from outside my door. I look  over my room no one was there, somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that voice. "Luna if you don't go eat..."

"You'll what? I can't see who you are much less be threatened by you to go eat." I interject before the person could finish their threat.

"Luna please go eat you wouldn't want to get sick now would you?" The tone of voice that  used to say those words that were full of love and a hint of humor made it click in my mind.

"Daddy," I whisper looking around.

"Yes it's me my little Luna, I'm so sorry I can't be there, I barely have enough energy to communicate to you like this and I won't be able to for much longer."


"Odin underestimates how powerful I am, Luna I'm so proud of you, I've watched you growing up, and I wish I could be there for you. You are my world Luna, just always remember that." With those words his voice and presence in my mind slipped away.

"I love you Daddy, please come and get me a soon as you can," I whisper before I get up and make my way to my door.

I rip open my door and see Tony along with Steve standing looking like they are having an argument over what they should do. They stop and look at me in my two day old clothes and unkempt hair, along with the tear streaks that have marked them for the last two days, ever since the mention of my father.

"Lu..." Steve starts but I cut him off.

"Stop I don't want to talk let's just go eat." I grumble. Just because dad wants me to eat doesn't mean I have to be pleasant about it.


I watch Luna make her way with the man of iron and man out of time to eat, she was obviously not happy about leaving her room, but at least she listened to me, I feared she would hate me for allowing her to be banished to earth. I have only got the chance to look in on her life once a year for only a few days before I exhausted myself. I hear someone coming my way and quickly refocus on my surroundings just in time as Thor turns the corridor.

"Loki I have news," the oaf announces as if I didn't already know, he wouldn't be done here otherwise.

"Yes Thor because the only other times you have visited me were social visits," I reply with as much sarcasm I could muster.

"Loki watch how you speak to me, remember it is you in that cell, and you won't be released  until you show you are worthy to," Thor reprimands me.

"Oh yes but we can't forget the times when I leave it for the guards to torture me, now can we?" I say, arching my eyebrow and glancing in his direction before going back to watching the wall opposite of me.

"Loki you know I would never wish that upon you, but the All father says it will help you to realize your mistakes and learn from them."

"Yes Because I am totally thinking of the past while I am being tortured to the brink of death."

"Surely the guards would not go that far, you are making your position seem worst then it is for the sake of my sympathy, which you will receive none from me."

"Get over with what you wish to say and leave Thor I'm sure you have things that are much more important than talking to the fallen prince," I say bitterly.

"I have permission to leave for Midgard tomorrow, and I shall be bringing you along with me!"

I sit in silence for a moment taking in what Thor just said, going over it in my head and making sure I heard him right.

"Will I get....why are you bringing me?" I say changing my question before I could finish asking it.

"Because Midgard has not yet had the chance to trail you, it was been eight years since your trail and you have yet to show yourself capable of change, Odin thought SHEILD might want their chance to have their justice against you."

My tiny bit of hope for seeing my daughter was crushed by those words, if SHEILD had anything to do with it I would probably never be allowed to see her. "Well when do we leave?"

"Now, Guards," Thor tells me and calls for the guards to unlock my cell and bring my cuffs and muffle, oh joy!

The guards unlock the cell and surround me, putting on the cuffs to take away my power, as if I didn't already have bracelets for that, and put on my muffle. I keep my eyes straight forward the whole time, and follow Thor when they were done, two of the guard's right behind me, their swords to my back.

At the Bifrost Thor gives Heimdall an official letter from the All Father, then we are gone Thor and I shipped off the Midgard for who knows how long. My only hope was to see my daughters face at least once before I was shipped off to whatever hell awaited me with shield.


marri1994 made the fan video

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