Loki's Daughter

By can_i_just_not

89.7K 2.4K 846

Read and find out more! Loki's punishment is that his daughter is to be banished to live on earth. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 4

5.9K 138 74
By can_i_just_not

I have been at the Tower for a while now, Tony and Bruce have taught me a lot about the technology around the house, while I've been training with Clint on how to use a bow, Natasha has taught me basic defense moves, Steve has been trying to get me away from Clint and Natasha, he says I'm too young to need to learn those types of things, if I need to learn them at all. I don't agree with him though, Daddy was teaching me how to fight and take care of myself since I could walk. Daddy always told me I would need it against all the bad people in nine realms. Besides on Asgard we learn to fight really young so this wasn't out of the ordinary for me, things on midgard are really different for kids here I guess.

I was currently eating a snack at the counter while Steve took his turn to make dinner tonight. He was making Italian, which consisted of spaghetti, lasagna, and salad with breadsticks. I couldn't wait! We had this the first week I was here and it was delicious!

"How much longer!" I complain to Steve.

"Luna you're eating now, don't tell me you're too hungry to wait."

"But that tastes better then gummies."

"Where did you get gummy worms from anyways you shouldn't be eating them before dinner you'll spoil your appetite?"

"Tony!" I exclaim happily eating another of the worms that were gummy.

Steve takes the bag out of my hands, "You can have them back after dinner no need to spoil your appetite."

"NOOOO, give them back there're mine!"

"No Luna you'll ruin your appetite."

I hop off the chair and run out of the room screaming, "STEVE TOOK MY GUMMY WORMS!" I make it to the living room with tears leaving streaks down my face. I see Natasha and Clint sitting on the couch watching TV, "Natasha! Steve took my Gummy Worms and he won't give them back!" I cry running over and sitting beside her, knowing she would take my side for sure.

"Ill go see what happened," Clint says, getting up and leaving the room.

"Why did Steve take your gummy worms?" Natasha asks.

"Because he is a big fat meanie! I got them fair and square from Tony but he took them!"

"Did he say why he took them?"

"Something about my appetite."

"Is Steve making dinner?"


"Then you should wait and eat them after words so you will eat dinner."

"But I don't want to eat them after dinner I want them now!"

"Well you'll have to wait until after."

"NO FAIR I HATE YOU ALL!" I scream running to the elevator and pressing the button to my room. I couldn't believe Natasha didn't take my side!

I run down the hall and into my room, slamming the door behind me. My room had changed a lot since that first night here. The walls were a forest green and the windows had black drapes covering them. My bed sat pushed back into a far corner out of the way. It was green and gold. The center of my room was takin up by tables put together to make a U shape, covered to the brim with computers and other technology. Tony had made the set up for me on my sixth birthday two days ago. I had a roll chair that I used to move around to the different computers. My wall opposite my bed was covered in newspaper clippings and pictures all of the avengers. I had grown quiet fond of them, though I knew I shouldn't daddy would be coming to get me any day now I just knew it. He wouldn't leave me here forever, he would get me back.

I hear pounding at my door and someone, Bruce maybe, asking if they could come in. I don't answer, wanting to be left alone, it wasn't just the gummy worms, today marked one year of me being here.... one year that my daddy still hasn't come to take me home.

*sorry about the wait and the short chapter, thanks to you guys that have waited! Anyways I'm about to do a time skip to when she's in middle school, which should be up later today as well*


Rights for video to MARVELous Fanvids!!!

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