Fishleg's Sister (reader x Tu...

By vibranium_assss

193K 4.5K 2.4K

Y/n. Fishlegs' little sister, is the complete opposite to him. he's nerdy, she's not so smart. he's a coward... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28

Chapter 2

12K 285 168
By vibranium_assss

Y/N's P.O.V

*the next day*

"Welcome to dragon training!" Gobber shouted, sliding the metal door of the dragon Arena open.

"No turning back" Astrid muttered to herself.

"I hope I get some serious burns!" Tuffnut claimed enthusiastically

"I'm hoping for some on my shoulder or lower back" Ruffnut replied, competing with her brother.

"Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it" Astrid agreed with a shrug.

"yeah, no kidding. it" I heard a fragile voice say. I turned around, recognizing the frail voice and my gaze fell onto the Chief's scrawny son, Hiccup. Oh gods, you cannot be serious.

"Oh great, who let him in?" I groaned, throwing my head back in annoyance. I just know that I am going to be paired up with him at one point which means that sometime my hand is going to end up in the digestive system of a dragon because of his cowardly as-

"Let's get started!" Gobber exclaimed, deciding to break the heavy tension that floated across the arena. "The recruit who does best will win the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village" Gobber said

"Hiccup already killed a night fury, so does that disqualify him or...." Snotlout mused, trailing off. I snickered at his comment, earning a harsh glare from my brother. I gave him a hard stare before rolling my eyes.

"Can I transfer class to the cool vikings" Tuffnut asked. The corners of my mouth lifted into an amused smirk.

"If he's transferring to the cool class, can I join too?" I asked, lifting my hand up in mockery. Fishlegs walked over to me and slapped my hand down, making me gasp slightly at the force of his slap. I kept a smug smirk on my face as I looked forward as Tuff who held back a laugh.

Gobber put his arm around Hiccup and muttered something to him then ushered him along. "Behind these closed doors are just a few of the many species you'll learn to fight" Gobber started, Fishlegs bounced and giggled at excited. I just rolled my eyes at his enthusiasm.

"The Deadly Nadder" Gobber said. My eyes lit up at the mention of the dragon name. Personally my favourite. It can be deadly without opening its mouth. 

"Speed eight. Armor sixteen" . Fishlegs muttered. I nudged him with my elbow, in attempt to make him to shut up.

"The Hideous Zibbleback" Gobber continued.

"Plus eleven stealth. Times two".  

"The monstrous Nightmare".

"firepower fifteen" 

"The Terrible Terror" 

"Attack eight. Venom twelve" 

"Can you stop that?" Gobber shouted

".....and the Gronkle" he continued.

"jaw strength eight" Fishlegs whispered. Gobber pulled a lever down outside one of the cage.

"whoa, wait. Aren't you gonna teach us first?" Snotlout asked. I nodded along with him, agreeing. As much as I'd like to leave a mark, I prefer to not die on my first day of school.

"I believe in learning on the job" Gobber answered, amusement clear in his voice. My eyes widened as I clutched my bow in my hand. 

Suddenly a Gronkle burst out the doors flying around. Everyone split up and ran around, avoiding the creature's blasts.

"Today is all about survival. If you're blasted you're dead. Quick what the first thing you need?" Gobber quizzed.

"A doctor?" Hiccup asked

"Plus five speed?" Fishlegs asked

"A shield" Astrid said. Gobber's face lit up at her answer.

"Shields, go!" Gobber shouted.

We all ran towards the pile of shields that lay piled on the floor. We all grabbed one, before rushing into defensive positions; except the twins who were fighting over one.

"Your most important piece of equipment is a shield. If you get a choice between a sword and a shield, choose the shield" Gobber instructed, helping Hiccup grasp and pick up his shield.

"Get your hands off my shield!" Tuffnut shouted in the distance. I lifted my shield higher, covering the lower half of my face.

"There are like a million shields" Ruffnut called back.

"Take that one. It has a flower on it, girls like flowers" Tuffnut said. Ruffnut grabbed it and hit Tuffnut's head with it, he still didn't let go. 

"Oops. Now this one has blood on it" Ruffnut said smugly. I smirked at their interaction before turning my attention back to the dragon that was currently trying to kill us. The Gronkle turned its attention onto the twins who were fighting over a shield. The dragon shot the shield out of their hands, making them fall over.

"What?!?" Tuffnut asked, dazed as he looked around lazily. The Gronkle scooped up a pile of rocks and swallowed them.

"Those shields are good for another reason. Noise. Make lots of it to throw the dragon's aim" Gobber suggested. I hit my bow onto the metal part of the shield. The Gronkle got confused and kept shaking its head.

"All dragons have a limited number of shots. How much does a Gronkle have?" Gobber quized.

"Five!" Snotlout guessed.

"No. Six!" Fishlegs corrected. Of course he knows.

"Correct, six. That's one for almost all of you" he said. My face paled upon realization. 

"I really don't think my parents-" Fishlegs started but his shield got knocked out his hands.

"Fishlegs. Out!" Gobber said. I looked over and spotted Hiccup hiding. How is this guy, no - boy the heir?

"Hiccup! Get in there" Gobber shouted

"Coward" I muttered under my breath. My shield got blasted out my hands. I scrunched my face up in defeat.

"Y/N. You're out" Gobber said. I ran to where the other teens were.

"So anyway I'm moving into my parents' basement. You should come by to work out. You look like you work out" Snotlout said to Astrid, who cartwheeled out of the way as Snotlout's shield got blasted.

"Snotlout. You're done" Gobber said

"So... I guess its just you and me" Hiccup awkwardly said trying to look cool. Is he really trying it on?

"No. Just you" She said and rolled out the way. His shield was knocked out his hands.

"One shot left!" Gobber announced.

Hiccup's shield started to roll around as he started to chase after it. The sudden movement caused the Gronkle to go after him.

"Hiccup!" Gobber shouted worriedly.

The dragon pins hiccup to the wall and opened its mouth to open fire. Gobber hooks its mouth at the last moment and the Gronkle shot next to him.

"And that's......six" Gobber said breathlessly.

"Go back to bed, ya overgrown sausage. You'll get another chance, don't you worry" Gobber said pulling the Gronkle back into its cage. He slams the door and turns back to us.

"...and remember. A dragon will always" he started looking sternly at hiccup. "Always, go for the kill" he said. 

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