Holmes away from Home

By sparkyintheforest

2.2K 209 49

On a plane from New York to London, two girls meet. They talk and find how weirdly similar they are, in every... More

A chance meeting
Kings Cross
To Hogwarts!
Dorm 221b
William Sherlock Scott Holmes
Meanders with the dark side
Acceptance... and a Moose
Family on the Unknown Side
Surprise, surprise
The problem with adoption
Mysterious Disappearances
Blood Dates
Unexpected Guests
This ain't a Drama Llama, its a goddamn Alpacalypse
Another one bites the dust
Please god, let me be dreaming

The weird creepy talking hat thing

130 10 0
By sparkyintheforest

---------------Izzy's PoV------------------

The oversized man who had introduced himself as Hagrid led me, Cecilia and the first years down the aisle in the middle of the tables, and up to a stool with an old hat on. An old lady stepped up, introduced herself as Professor McGonagall and started to speak.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts, and to those gathered just before me, welcome to your first."

She wasn't using any microphone, but her voice could probably be heard outside the castle.

"As you can see, two of the students before me do not look much like first years. At a teacher's convention in Moscow, two of my American friends were highly praising the mental capabilities of two of their students. After being examined. They gained entrance to Hogwarts, and shall be joining the third years this year."

Some clapping came from the tables.

"Anyway, on with the sorting ceremony!"

---------------Cecilia's PoV--------------

Professor McGonagall called the first name:

"Bryan, Jemima!"

A nervous looking girl walked up to the stool, and Hagrid placed the hat on Jemima's head. It wiggled around a bit and then shouted:


One table in the middle cheered and Jemima went to sit on that table.

Next, Professor McGonagall called:

"Corke, Sam!"

A dark haired boy walked up to the stool and the same thing happened, except he was put in Gryffindor.

I fell into a kind of trance, deducing everyone who walked up onto the dais. Basically, my train of thoughts were:


Sneaking a cat into school


Lol, he needs to cut down on the cake front

Damn it, that's my name being called.

----------------Izzy's PoV-----------------

"Dryden-Sitter, Cecilia!"

I could hear a few sniggers coming from next to me, and I silenced them with a quick death stare. I focused on Cecilia, sitting on the stool.
The hat was wiggling somewhat frantically on her head, and her expression was becoming more and more confused by the second. Eventually the hat called out:


Soon, it was my turn.
I walked up to the dais and sat on the stool. The hat was lowered onto my head.


I had to stop myself from jumping.

"It's been a while since there was a member of the Holmes family in Hogwarts, let alone Holmes twins. Oops! Spoiler alert!"

The voice, which I guessed was coming from the hat, giggled.

"Anyhow, your sister and you should probably be in the same house, so...


---------------Cecilia's PoV--------------

My table applauded politely as Izzy came and sat next to me. We watched the rest of the sorting ceremony, then Professor McGonagall clapped her hands and mountains of food appeared on the tables. Everybody started eating and talking at once, so I helped myself to some roast chicken, potatoes and gravy. All of a sudden, a blonde girl sat in front of us.

"Hello there! I'm Astra Longbottom!"

she said in a distant sort of voice. Izzy snorted beside me when Astra said her name. Astra ignored her and continued,

"Would you like to buy a copy of the Quibbler? Only two sickles a copy. My parents are the editors."

Before I could turn her down, the girl from the train, Hannah, appeared in between Izzy and I.

"They've only just got here Astra, I'm sure your little magazine can wait.",

Hannah spoke with a quiet drawl, but commandingly enough to make Astra huff and go back to her friends. She really was fascinating. I was so busy trying, trying desperately to deduce something, anything about her that for the first time, I missed her slipping a note to Izzy.

My mistake.

Hello all!
I may not publish for a while, busy busy busy! Sorry for that. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my little fanfic (I will try and keep the authors notes to a minimum), and if it's bad, or you have an idea, please do tell me, I'd appreciate it! Anyhoo, I shall leave now!
Tiger xx
P.S. There will be no smut in this fic you little lot of perverts, you!

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