Tutoring Mr Popular

Por chloesheardxx

97.3K 4K 1.4K

Isabella Prescott (Bella) moved to a boarding school in California 'West High College' with her older brother... Más

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Cast List
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 1

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Por chloesheardxx

"Nathan aren't you just so excited!" I said to my older brother as we were about 10 minutes from the campus in California.

He ignored me, probably because he had his music pounding through his earphones. I pulled one out of his ear and repeated my question. "Yeah Yeah." He answered before plugging back in his earphone.

He's hopeless.

I looked out of the car window reading the sign 'West High College.'

Immediately as my mom pulled into the car park, i noticed how everyone was either saying their final goodbyes to their families, looking at the campus activities or introducing themselves to each other.

I got out of the car feeling relieved that i could finally stretch my legs, i hated long car journeys. Nathan handed me my suitcase, i thanked him, pulled up the handle and took a good look around.

There were 3 new-style buildings surrounding a large beautiful water fountain. The one building was the girl's dorm, the second was the boy's dorm and the third was the school.

Last semester my brother had moved here, my mother had offered for me to go although I wasn't that interested. After Nathan had told me more about the school and how great it was, it made me change my mind and i finally convinced my mom to let me come here this year.

A smile instantly appeared on my face. "Fresh start." I whispered to myself.

"Isabella come here!" my mom called from the car.

"I'm leaving now, make sure you phone me at least twice a week and-"

"Yeah mom I know, text twice a week, don't get in to trouble, I got it." I said interrupting her.

"Okay." She chuckled "I love you."

I gave her a hug and then waited for Nathan to finish getting his own suitcase. I started walking ahead, looking around at the school. My school.

Once he caught up with me I could tell he was popular from all the people that he knew, whilst we was walking down.

"I'm trying for the Football team again this year." He said.

"Let me guess, to impress the cheerleaders?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Something like that." He replied with a smirk on his face, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, I'm gonna go find Jake, are you going to be alright?" He asked, I nodded before giving him a hug.

He met up with his friend, Jake I'm guessing. "Yo Nate!" I overheard Jake saying.

Nate? His never mentioned that nickname before, but I liked it.

* * *

"Name?" the women at the desk asked.

"Isabella Prescott." I replied showing her my acceptance letter to the school along with my ID. She gave me my room key, room '140.'

When I got to my dorm room I heard arguing. I wasn't sure whether to walk in or not, I stood outside for a few minutes. Should i interrupt? I decided to open up the door, since it was my room anyway.

As I was about to place my hand on the handle the door was pulled open and a tall brunette girl stormed out, she pushed through me as if I wasn't even there.

I carried on walking into my room, I saw another girl with blonde curly hair who was sitting on the top bunk bed, looking down at her phone. I don't think she knew I was there.

"Hey." I said, my voice a little shaky.

"Hey, are you in this room?" she answered with a slight smile. I nodded whilst looking round at the empty room. It had a large TV hanging from the centre of the room with a light brown coloured sofa. The room looked pretty basic.

"What's her deal?" I asked pointing out the door. Mia climbed down from the bunk bed and made her way over to me.

"Who Kayla? We never really got along last semester and she wanted the top bunk, but I got here first. Therefore I'm the one who has the top bunk right? Well that's what I think about..."

I sort of cut off after, she seems really chatty but I think we would get on.

"Sorry if I'm rambling on, I'm Mia Holt." She said offering me a hug.

"Isabella Prescott, or Bella for short." I replied.

Mia began telling me about the campus and what facilities are here but then we heard clapping and cheering outside. We peeked out the window where there was a beautiful view of the sea, I'm pretty convinced we have the best room going.

There was a crowd of people around by the football field surrounding a boy, I will admit he was good-looking, and his brown hair fell perfectly off to one side.

"That's Austin James, head of the football team and as you can guess, he's a player that all the girls fall for." As Mia carried on rambling, my eyes still dazed at him. She clicked her fingers in front of my face "I wouldn't get to into him, he is such a jerk who hasn't kept a relationship for longer than 3 days a week at most." she said, as both of us started laughing.

"You gotta admit he's pretty good looking though." I said raising my eyebrows up and down giggling.

She just nodded and smiled. "So you coming to the big party tonight?" Mia asked. I remember Nathan telling me something about an annual party on the first night back.

"The one at the beach, of course I'm going." I answered. She told me that it got a little out of hand last year and the school had to stop it early. Before she could finish off her story, Kayla threw open the door.

"Aw why so sad Kay, couldn't get a new roommate." Mia said smiling.

Kayla stuck out her tongue, rolled her eyes and lay down on the bottom bunk bed. I already claimed the single bed as my own, and I'm glad I did because I hate bunk beds.

I wanted to introduce myself to Kayla but she stuck in her earphones and she didn't look interested in who I was, so I just left it and carried on talking to Mia.

* * *
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