Mind Games

By Acetylized

177 6 3

"I'M ON A HIGHWAY TO HELL!" Ok, so the only reason I am playing this song is because I am on the way to schoo... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

50 4 2
By Acetylized

"I'M ON A HIGHWAY TO HELL!" Ok, so the only reason I am playing this song is because I am on the way to school like I am literarily on the way to hell. Plus, who doesn't love ACDC?! 70's through 90's music is my life. Ya know me, I like to keep it old school.

Well, I guess I will tell you a little about myself. You can call me B, everyone does. I am 5'9" and skinny. I have long brown hair with blond highlights and hazel eyes. Since summer just ended, I have a pretty good tan too. I'm only nice to the people I deem worthy, so you don't want to get on my bad side because I will make your life hell. I like superheroes and reading. So I guess I am the nerd of my group. Oh and I guess a pretty big thing is that I'm a telepath. Yea you read that correctly. I'm kinda like Jean Grey in a way. So now that you know a little about me, let me get back to the story.

I pulled into the parking lot in my black BMW M6 (She's my baby and I would kill if anything ever happened to her). She was a gift from my parents for senior year. Gosh, I love them. I look around and spot my friends Jessie and Sara. Only they know about my power. They were leaning on Jessie's new Mercedes-Benz. I turned off my car and got out to walk over to them. We still had about 15 minutes before the bell rang for 1st period.

"Hey B! How was your summer?" Jessie asked me from across the parking lot. Jessie was tall like me, which I loved. She is quite pale with freckles, long light brown hair, and brown eyes. She is probably the smartest of the group considering she is a straight A student, but I'm not that far behind if I do say so myself. She's also a brat who loves to get her way.

"It was good, but I saw you like a week ago. So nothing has really changed." I said agitated. "People need to get out of the damn road so I can cross."

"Calm down. You get so worked up over every little thing that happens." Jessie said, also agitated with my attitude.

"Well, it's not my fault people are so dumb." Jessie just rolled her eyes. Ugh, I hated when she did that to me. I almost made her bite her tongue, but I calmed myself because I would never use my powers badly towards my friends. Although if I needed to I would.

Finally reaching Jessie's car, I set my bag down and Sara actually looked up from her phone to notice I was there. She's a brat too. I guess we all are. The three of us always smart off and say rude things to one another. Not because we don't like each other, but to keep us in line. We have a great friendship though. It's quite annoying when it happens to me, but I love my friends and would do almost anything for them.

"Oh hey B. I didn't notice you were here," Sara said.

"Yea. I noticed that." I answered back. Sara and I are better friends than Jessie and I. She is less of a brat and that's what I like about her. Sara is the short one of the group, only being 5'2". She is the tannest though. She has medium length, dirty blonde hair and grey-blue eyes. Sara is the athlete. She is on the softball team, the number one player. She is getting offered so many scholarships from all of these different colleges. Jessie and I couldn't be more proud of her.

"Damn. Who is that boy?" Sara asked. She was looking behind me towards the other side of the senior parking lot.

I turned around and found where she was looking. I think I felt my non-existent heartbeat (actually I have a heart. I am human, but I think it shriveled up from lack of emotions). Anyways, back to the new kid. I made eye contact with him and I smirked. He was leaning against a black mustang. From what I could tell, he was about 6'2" and had messy black hair, with a nice build. He was wearing dark skinny jeans, and a white t-shirt. Dayumn.....

"Oh my Jesus. Can someone break me off a piece of him." Jessie said.

"What about your boyfriend Hunter? Did you just forget about him?" Sara said laughing.

I turned back around so he wouldn't think I was interested in him. I totally was though. The only problem is that when I tried to read the new kids mind to figure out who he was, I got nothing. It was like there was something blocking me.

"B, what's wrong? You look confused" Sara said. I was confused. I have always been able to read every person that I have come across. I raised my head to look at my friends.

"I couldn't read his mind," I said. I looked towards the school and locked my sights on another guy to see if my powers still worked. I wish I hadn't because the only thing he has on his mind was how he was gonna bang some slut in the grade below. Well, at least my powers still worked.

"What? What do you mean you couldn't read him? Are your powers still working?" Jessie asked worriedly.

"Yea I just checked. I read that kid mind over there. Remind me to tease him later. He's in one of our classes I think." I said with a chuckle. "It's like he has a barrier surrounding his thoughts. I can't tap into it."

I turned around to look back at him, and he noticed because he was staring right at me. Hmm, that's weird, but I obviously wasn't going to loose at this staring contest so I kept my eyes on him. The bell rang and his gaze broke away. Ha I win.

"Come on B. We have to go to class now," Sara called, breaking my train of thought. I grabbed my bag off the back of the Benz and started walking to the entrance of the school. Jessie was on my right and Sara was on my left. Hopefully, today would fly by.

We walked into our first-period class, Chemistry. I loved chemistry, but not in the morning. Plus our teacher didn't make it any better for me. She was always so happy and cheerful. We took our seats in the middle of the classroom and the teacher was already talking about chemical reactions and labs we would do for the year. I looked to see who all was in my class. I knew almost everyone from the fact being we have spent all of highschool together.

"I don't think I can take another year of this lady," I told Jessie and Sara via mind. It was so fun being able to have telepathy. It was like talking to someone, but in private and you don't get in trouble with the teachers. Sara and Jessie both sat to the left of me. I liked sitting on the end, but not the very end. So there was an empty desk next to mine. Class had barely gotten started when all of a sudden there was a knock on the door.

"Ahem." The whole class turned around towards the door to see our head principle. He was standing beside the new kid. "This is Jackson. He just transferred here. So make him feel welcome." And with that said our principal walked away. Leaving the new kid to fend for himself.

"Ok. Well, Jackson was it?" our teacher asked in her ridiculously annoying voice "You can take a seat next to her." I looked up and she was pointing at me. The class had lost interest earlier and everyone has started to talk amongst themselves. What a nice bunch we were. Jackson looked at me and started walking towards his seat right next to mine. I didn't look at him, but I did try to read him again. Nothing.

"Is something bothering you?" he asked. I turned to him. His voice was low and smooth. It was like heaven. He had an evil smirk on his face. I wonder if he knew about me. I glared at him. I didn't like his attitude.

"Nope." I popped the p sound, "Is there something bothering you?" I asked with a smirk.

I knew this kid had to know something. He wouldn't be so cocky if he hadn't. His smile faded and we just stared at each other. I noticed he had really hazel eyes. They were almost an orange color. It was strange, just like the white strip in his hair. There was definitely something up with this kid.

The class was brought back to attention when we heard our teacher yelling at us to keep the noise down and listened to our lab partners. I hated this. We never go to pick our lab partners so I always got stuck with a loser. This year I got stuck with yep, you guessed it, Jackson. We both looked at each other when she called out our names. I'm sure the look on my face was annoyance but he just evilly smiled. He leaned in towards my ear as if he was going to tell me a secret.

"You know cupcake, I know what you can do," he said. I leaned back to look at his face and he was smirking. CUPCAKE? Did he just call me cupcake?! I'm sure he was expecting to see surprise or shock on my face, but there was none. I wiped my face blank. He dropped his smirk when I started to lean towards him just like he did me. I put my hand on his mid thigh to not only keep my balance but to mess with him. It worked.

"You know jackass, just because I can't read your mind doesn't make me scared of you." I squeezed his thigh making him jerk his leg a little "If anything I want to know how you can block me. So why don't you be a good little boy and tell me your secrets." I was sure I had intimated him at least a little, but he just grabbed my wrist and took it off of his thigh. His skin was hot, like way above average body temp hot. I looked at my wrist and looked at him. He let go and turned to face the teacher. He had that dumb smirk on his face again.

I was boiling with anger and questions. All of it was directed at him. I picked up my pencil to start writing the notes. Getting lost in my thoughts of what just happened I broke my pencil in half.

"B are you ok?" Jessie had leaned over and asked me.

"Yes, I'm fine. There is just a jackass sitting next to me." I whisper-shouted loud enough so Jackson could hear. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye and he just laughed to himself. Oh do I hate him.

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