The Ultimate Spider-Man: Far...

By lilacia

4.6K 100 11

One day Doc. Strange shows up at the tri-carrier with shocking news. A rip had formed in the dimensional barr... More

Other Dimensions?
Hide and Seek
The Chase
Cutting the Connection
Bridging the Gap
Explanations and other info

New York?

542 10 0
By lilacia

Nightmare POV
Everyone even our team was confused by Seer's sudden outburst of laughter. Then she whispered in my ear "The space boy is afraid of rabbits" Just to have some fun I made it so that he saw one right in front of him.

Immediately he started shooting blue bolts of energy at the ground. The other people all looked surprised except for the sorcerer.

"Playing on one's fear does not win the battle"

"But that is what I do" replied Seer "Flare" she yelled back at him. He zoomed forwards and grabbed the amulet from the girl in the cat suit and was back in the blink of an eye. He quickly places it in my hands and I created a containment bubble around it that floated just to my left.

"Hey!" The girl said "give that back"

"No" Twister said "and I repeat, why are you hunting us?" Of course at that exact moment guess who decides to show up,

"DEADPOOL!" Everyone said

"Aloha Heroes" he scooted up to Shadow "want to help me kill someone? I would have done it already but mister Spider-Man over there wouldn't let me"

"Sure" he replied and started to go before Twister's hand shot out catching him by the ear

"No one is killing anyone"

"Twister sometimes you are just no fun" he scooted over to flare "So having fun using your magic running around this city"

"Yeah!" Then he scooted over to Seer

"Seer, having seeing all new fears in another dimension"

"Wait another dimension" I said

"Oops spoilers" he said flipping over to me. "Yeah so you guys might be in another dimension where there is limited magic"

"Stupid Portal Master he ripped a hole into another dimension" Twister growled

"Time out" said 'Spider-Man' as Deadpool called him "Let me get this straight, you guys know Deadpool somehow and you're magic"

"I hop through dimensions all the time Bugs"

"Yes we are wielders but you have a sorcerer of your own" I interrupted and pointed at the one who was still tracking us, he released the spell just now remembering it was still on.

"What are wielders?" Spider-Man asked

"We are people who are able to tap into the magic layer and draw out power"

"In English?"

"They get their magic from another plane of existence" the sorcerer answered for me

"You know he sounds a lot like you Iron Fist" Spider-Man replied. Hmm maybe I could find out what they want us for. I reached out with my mind


"Who are you"

"Oh yeah, my name is Nightmare"

"Like the demon?"

"No I was just nicknamed that"


"I have illusionary magic, why are you here"

"Our boss, Nick Fury, wanted us to bring you in"

"Can I see the memory?"

"Sure" an image of a guys with an eyepatch suddenly appeared but as I looked over his shoulder I could see portal master in his blue robes affecting the man. This was obviously new to Iron First but I cut the connection immediately leaving me feeling sick and dizzy.
End of chapter



Why do you think Portal Master went here?

I don't know

You are going to find out

Why do I have a bad feeling about this

Because you should, Muahaha

*slowly edges away from crazy writer* this is bad isn't it

Yes and you won't remember any of it

What do you mean I won't remember... Where am I?

Anyway now that's sorted go check out my friend OwlProtecter because she is an awesome writer.


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