Wolven Wars: Colliding Worlds

By TheNyanCatHero

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Two years have passed since Holly, Savanna, and Felix have returned to their own homes from the terrifying ga... More

Chapter one: Moving Along...
Chapter two: Fake Answers to Real Questions
Chapter three: Old & New Friends
Chapter four: A Cryaotic Morning
Chapter five: Meeting New Characters
Chapter six: With New Enemies, Comes a New Future...
Chapter seven: Nyan... Nyan...
Chapter nine: Deception Begins...
Chapter ten: New Found Abilities...
Chapter eleven: Crumbling...
Chapter twelve: Foe
Chapter thirteen: Worlds Collide
Chapter fourteen: This Ends Now!
Songs for characters, conflict, and scenes

Chapter eight: A Change in Emotions...

118 7 0
By TheNyanCatHero

Holly's POV:

I opened my eyes slowly, soon glancing around my empty apartment. Empty... Where is everyone? I thought with a sigh, plopping back down on my pillow.

"Alright... Time to eat, and then go train..." I rolled out of bed lazily, hoping that everyone was at the training ground.

Two days had passed since Nyan's death; everyone was devastated when I arrived at the training ground alone that night. It's my fault... It's my fault you're gone... I'm sorry... I breathed in shakily, taking a seat at my small round table. I was still very pained by the big cat's death. On second thought... I'm not hungry... I sniffled with a sorrow filled heart, feeling my stomach grow sick.

"They will suffer..." I balled up my fist, feeling a twinge of hatred make its way into the pit of my heart, "Every single one of them..."

Standing up from my chair, I walked back into my room, grabbed a fresh pair of cloths and my brush; getting ready for the day. Once finished getting ready, I stared at my reflection in the bathroom while brushing my wavy raven-black hair. My eyes widened as my own refection smirked deviously at me, green eyes fading to a dark red color. The reflection of me grew sharp fangs, her red eyes glowing with a killing need.

"W-What?" I rubbed my eyes, looking back at the mirror afterwards; the terrifying monster was gone.

I stumbled back a couple of steps, my back colliding with the door. I still stared at the mirror, my jaw tightly clenched shut. Was that me...? I fled from the bathroom, throwing my brush on the bed, quickly grabbing the crystal, and rushing outside; closing and locking the door behind me.

"Ma'am, is that your car?" I whipped towards an unknown male voice.

"Yes, it is..." I forced out a soft chuckle, glancing towards the red beaten car that the man was pointing at.

"It was making a weird sound earlier..." The man in a white shirt with blue jeans shrugged; entering his own apartment.

"Thanks..." I trotted pass my car, not giving it a second glance, continuing to walk towards the training ground, "I think I'll walk... I don't want to take the chance of being blown up in my own car... Damn you Daniel..."

I allowed my hands to hide in the pockets to my red hoodie; seeing that it was a bit chilly at the moment. So much for warm forecast... I huffed at the thought as the wind blew harder, carrying a familiar scent. Turning around slowly, I narrowed my eyes not seeing anyone. I could've sworn I smelled them, I growled silently, turning back and continuing on towards the training ground. Halfway there, I got an unbearable feeling of being watched; a horrible knot dropped in my stomach as I got a whiff of that same scent.

"You-" I screeched in hatred, soon interrupted by a hand covering my mouth.

"Oh, tu m'as manque aussi... I've missed you too..." A thick French accented voice sneered in my ear; Gonzales.

I growled, allowing my eyes to dart around the empty street, landing on a certain brunet wearing sun-glasses. Seriously? I have to kick both their asses? Eh, I'm cool with that...

"Oh, my second least favorite person..." Barrel laughed mockingly, lowering his black sun-glasses slightly; revealing his glowing red eyes that matched his personality.

I growled, elbowing Gonzales's stomach with a pretty good amount of force, earning a pained snarl from the silver man. Gonzales slung an arm around my throat, crushing my wind pipe. I coughed and gasped, getting a good grip on his arm, I threw him over my shoulder; like karate character would do in a movie. I whipped around to run away, only to face a smirking Barrel; he held three large, red claws at my throat.

"How do you like my new power?" Barrel smirked, pressing his claws harder against my throat.

"I've seen better..." I laughed in his face, taking a step back.

Barrel's power was the same as Daniel's, except for the color; Barrel's claws were red and Daniel's were blue.

"I'm not too sure of what that means..." Barrel raised a brow, soon smirking as I was tackled to the floor by Gonzales, "Anyways, that isn't the only power I have..."

I squirmed, screeched, kicked, clawed, but couldn't get my hand free to grab my necklace. Suddenly, my lungs completely stopped taking in oxygen; I couldn't breathe.

"Stephano is a very, very lucky man... I don't understand why we can't just take her with us..." Gonzales chuckled darkly, getting off my struggling form.

I coughed, grabbing my throat desperately, and glared at Barrel. He smirked down at me, one of his gloved hand were outstretched towards me; his palm balling up into a tight fist.

"You see darling... I have the ability to move objects, break organs, and even take down the strongest of the strong..." Barrel sneered, glancing at Gonzales with a wide smirk, "Because my dear friend... We were only told to make her aware of our appearance..."

Feeling light-headed, I coughed again, this time a lot weaker.

"Oh, very well..." Gonzales sighed, French accent slurring words.

I watched as Barrel unclenched his fist; I gasped, taking in large amounts of the tasteless oxygen that my body desperately needed. Not taking the chance of being tackled again by just lying on the sidewalk, I grabbed my crystal quickly; allowing the green flash to absorb my human form, trading it out for a large, sandy-pelted Wolf.

"Morphers... It's always Morphers..." Gonzales snarled as I rose to my paws.

 I flattened my ears and growled loudly, lashing my tail in irritation. Snapping my emerald gaze on Barrel, he just smirked hugely. Something on the far end of the street caught my eye; a large retirement bus filled with the elderly. My ears perked to the sound of the train that passed through the town daily.

"Oh, I just enjoy a good show..." Barrel laughed darkly, snapping his fingers.

A good show...? What's that supposed to mean...? I immediately locked my gaze back onto the, now speeding, retirement bus. The driver's face held a horror filled expression as he kept flickering his eyes down; trying to put the brakes on, I suppose. Barrel is going to kill them! My brained screamed as I realized what was happening; the retirement bus was going to collide with the train if I didn't stop it.

"Ha, I just enjoy-" I bolted off, ignoring Barrel's comments.

Running alongside the bus now, I barked at the sliding doors. It opened up with a hissing sound, screaming could be heard from inside the bus that continued to gain speed. Heart dropping to my stomach, I realized we were going downhill now; towards the train that continued slowly on its tracks.

"Put the brakes, you're going to hit the train!" I yelled, struggling to keep up with the speeding vehicle.

"I can't! They're broken, even the emergency brakes!" The man yelled, jerking a lever; the broken brakes.

"Alright, hold on tightly-" I yelped; being brutally tackled by a muscular form.

My attacker and I rolled down hill, growling and barking, biting and clawing; stopping after short distance. I struggled to get up, yelping as a paw slammed down onto my head, forcing me to the ground again.

"Watch!" A familiar voice barked, "Watch the innocent die! Watch as people lose their loved ones... They'll all blame you... You couldn't save them!"

"No!" I yowled, struggling weakly, "I won't lose any more people!"

My exhausted gaze followed the speeding bus as it neared the train.

"You're pathetic... To think I called you a friend..." The voice growled in my ear; Robby's voice.

Suddenly, in a quick flash of blue-

"No!" Robby barked angrily.

I watched with widened eyes as a blue form collided with the front of the bus, stopping it; Daniel had stopped the bus. He was covered in the aura that formed his claws, allowing him to stop the bus as the train passed.

"Who is that?!" Barrel growled, stepping beside Robby.

"How should I-" Robby started, soon howling in pain as I snapped my jaw around his front paw.

Jaw still clamped around his paw, I quickly rolled around, dragging him down. I leapt to my paws, growling and swiping at his muzzle with my claws unsheathed. Robby dodged my quick swipes with ease, soon circling me with flattened ears and a lowered head.

"You!" Barrel's voice was heard a couple of feet away.

"I-I ki-killed y-you!" Gonzales exclaimed.

"Oh, I've missed you guys so much!" Daniel's mocking tone was heard also.

Dodging a swipe from Robby's large paw, I body slammed into him; sending the both of us barreling down hill in a heap of fur, fangs, and claws. I landed on my paw painfully, yelping as a snapping sound was heard. My mind flew back to the image of Nyan's broken body. His blue pleading eyes glowing with pain...

"Help..." Nyan's voice rang through my ears.

"You killed him! Murderer!" I screeched, snapping back to reality.

Despite my hanging front paw, I lunged at Robby, viciously attacking with claws and fangs. He yelped and howled in pain, trying to squirm away from my merciless claws. For a split second, my vision went red...

"Please... No more..." Robby trembled under my tense form.

I growled, looking down at him. He had bloody claw marks that covered his body, clumps of fur missing from his shoulder, and his red eyes held horror in them as he stared up at me. Robby was trembling hard. He is scared of you... A voice in my head growled, He deserves it for killing the cat... Nyan Cat... He'll suffer... They'll all suffer... A demonic voice in my head snarled, Finish him...

Daniel's POV:

I allowed my claws to form on my knuckles, staring at Stephano with a wide smirk. He only growled and gripped his sword tighter; surprisingly, sweat formed on his face.

"Are you ready for round-" He stopped, blinking a couple of times, before continuing, "Seven?"

"I think its round eight..." I stood up straighter; trying to stall him.

We had left Holly's apartment before the sun had risen, leaving her to get some rest; ever since Nyan's death, Holly would have nightmares of that night. She would usually wake up screaming or crying, later leaving to go train; in reality, she would come to the training ground and grieve for the big cat that she had grown very attached too.

"We are not finished..." Stephano huffed, lowering his golden sword to his side and wiping his forehead off with his arm.

"You wouldn't be so hot if you didn't have that dress of yours on," I teased with a laugh, allowing my claws to vanish into thin air.

"It's a tunic, cretin!" Stephano barked out angrily.

Typical French-man... I snickered to myself, only half listening to him yell at me. A thought popped into my head, making my facial expression grow blank, what if Holly lost Stephano during the war?

"Therefore it is not a dress!" Stephano crossed his arms, sword sheathed already.

I opened my mouth to make a smart-ass comment, only to turn towards the sound of a wolf-whistle; Piggeh was leaning against a tree, smirking. His dark pink eyes held a mischievous glint to them as he placed his hands on his hips; pink shaggy hair shinning slightly in the sun, while both his pig ears were perked and alert.

"Daniel's right Stephano... You should take your dress off..." Piggeh smirked wider, "I'll teach you how to do the Piggeh-slide..."

 I turned just in time to see Stephano's horror filled expression; his golden eyes glowing in pure disgust.

"I'm not gay! Jesus Christ, for fuck-sake! I have a petite amie!" Stephano shouted, throwing his hands up.

I fell to the ground, clutching my stomach as I burst into a fit of laughter; tears flowing from my eyes as I laughed even harder hearing Felix jump in the conversation.

"If petite amie, means having a small penis... Then, your right!" Felix also burst into a fit of laughter, falling by my side as we both pointed and laughed at Stephano.

"I do not have a small... Em... Penis..." Stephano said awkwardly, taking his hoodie-like hat off and smoothing his golden, shaggy hair down.

"Prove it..." Piggeh snickered, stalking Stephano's way.

"I have a petite – girlfriend!" Stephano snarled, throwing his hands up again, "I am a straight man!"

I was laughing so hard, that my sides started to ache with a dull pain. My brown gaze snapped to Felix as he sat on his knees, a huge smirk on his lips; while staring at Stephano.

"Dude! Did you even ask her out?" Felix questioned, causing me to sit up also, looking at Stephano.

"Em... Of course I did! What do you think I am...? Erm... a jerk?!" Stephano raised his voice, sounding a little too defensive.

"You didn't ask her... Did you...?" I questioned with a raised brow.

Suddenly, my hands shot to my throat; I couldn't breathe. My gaze darted towards Savanna, she leaned against a tree; talking to Taz and Boomer. If it's not Savanna... Holly! I coughed, falling on my back and clawing at my throat desperately.

"Daniel? Bro! What's wrong?!" Felix towered over my struggling form; his blue eyes clouding over in concern.

I shoved him aside, getting to my feet, and crashing through the exit of the training ground.

"What... Have you gotten into...? Now?" I choked out, finally able to breath; asking my sister, who wasn't there, out-loud.


After searching the apartment, I ran through the town; looking for my sister; finally finding her and black wolf pinning her down. My eyes widened in horror, as a white retirement zoomed pass me. The sound of the town's train echoed in my ear.

"No!" My sister's voice screeched, "I won't lose any more people!"

Neither will I! I started running down the steepening street as fast as I could; following the speeding bus. Concentrating very hard, I allowed my blue aura to flow down to my feet, causing me to gain a great amount of speed; I ran along-side the bus now.

"Brakes broken?!" I shouted, running along-side the driver's open window.

"Yes! What do I do?!" The man questioned, his voice holding terror.

That's what I supposed... I forced more of the blue aura down to my feet, causing me to pick up even more speed; running ahead of the bus. I narrowed my eyes at the train that was passing along the tracks, if I don't stop this bus... a lot of innocent people are going to die... I whipped around, time slowing down.

"Today is a good day to die... again..." I chuckled softly to myself; starting to close my eyes, allowing my blue aura to flow through my whole body.

Snapping my blue eyes open, I smirked as my body was covered in the aura. If I didn't put enough protection around my body... I could die...

"For Narnia!" I shouted randomly, charging at the bus that was coming my way with a terrifying amount of speed.

My body collided with the retirement bus. I grunted, digging the tips of my shoes into the street, causing the bus to slow; it finally came to a very slow stop, my back feeling the rushed air as the train passed. I was inches away from the passing train, as it too, finally stopped; going onto the next town.

"No!" A male's voice shouted out angrily; followed by a pained howl.

Thinking it was Holly, I rushed over, only to see-

"You!" A brunet with sunglasses on pointed at me.

"I-I ki-killed y-you!" A man that looked similar to Stephano shouted; his body was covered in silver.

"Oh, I've missed you guys so much!" I exclaimed sarcastically, charging at the two; Barrel and Gonzales.

Gonzales snarled something in French, also charging at me with his silver sword. I swiftly dodged his swing, forming my claws again, and raking it down his silver face. He yelled in pain, falling to the ground while clutching the side of his, now scarred, face.

"Fool..." I whipped around to face Barrel, only to have him swipe at my stomach with his own set of claws; red claws.

We stared at each other, for what seemed like hours. Then my mind screamed at me, how the hell did he learn how to do that?! I dodged another painful blow, recoiling my arm to strike at him...

"Now, now... Let's play a little harder..." Barrel sneered, quickly outstretching his hand and clenching his fist.

My arm froze in mid-strike, inches away from Barrel's smug face. I yelled in pain, my shoulder tensing up with an unbearable amount of pressure.

"I could kill you... But, that'd be too simple... It's too soon... You need to feel more pain than just dying... Again.." Barrel smirked, snapping his fingers.

I was thrown back by an invisible force; as I leapt back to my feet, Barrel and Gonzales disappeared in a quick flash of red. Damn it... He's stronger than me... a lot stronger...

"Please... No more..." A pained, male's voice begged.

I snapped my gaze and widened my eyes at the scene; Holly towered over a black Wolf, his body covered in bloody claw marks. I gasped as I noticed my sister's eyes. They were red.

"Holly, no!" I shouted as she reared up on her hind quarters, fangs flashing as she bared them.

Immediately I pulsed the blue aura into my feet, bolting towards my sister, and tackling her down; her Wolf form was a lot bigger than me, but I managed to take her down before she could crush, and possibly kill, the black Wolf.

"Let go of me!" Holly screeched, kicking me off and jumping back to her paws with a snarl, "He deserves to die!"

"Stop, it!" I yelled, forming long whips on my knuckles.

Holly only barked angrily before lunging at the half unconscious male, causing me to throw both arms her way. Oh, no you don't!

"No!" Holly screeched and squirmed; being held back by my blue whips that were wrapped around her torso and another around her neck.

"It was just an order, from Akita!" The black Wolf howled, falling to his side as he attempted to get up, "We were ordered... to bring... you out of hiding..."

I growled, feeling my feet being dragged against the street as Holly pulled with much force; barking and swiping at the air, trying to reach her unconscious opponent.

"Holly! Stop, he's unconscious! Just leave him! We're better than this, we can't let our emotions get in the way of our mission, they want that to happen!" I shouted at her, allowing aura to flow down to my feet; gluing me to the spot.

"I'll kill him!" Holly snarled lowly, still trying to push her way to him.

Forgive me... I thought with a wince, feeling pure hatred run coldly through my veins, I need to tell them... once I've gotten Holly to the training ground...

"Sleep..." I breathed out, concentrating on my blue aura that was wrapped around Holly's raging form.

I watched in a stiff-standing position as my sister's actions slowed, her Wolf form swayed from one side to another; she turned to me with a groggy look in her red eyes, finally falling over to her side.

"Robby... You... Traitor..." Holly whimpered as her eyes closed; red, evil eyes faded back to an emerald color.

I slowly looked over to the black Wolf; Robby. His breathing was heavy as he slept, being unconscious and all. I can't just leave him here... He'll die if we don't patch him up... I narrowed my eyes on his bloody, beaten form.

I'll take him with me and Holly... I need to tell them... This aura isn't the only power I have... I need to learn more... Train more... If I'm going to be stronger than Barrel... This is just the beginning of a brutal and bloody war... Not everyone will survive through this...

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