Wearing the Red Hood

By angl_ernshw

100K 3.7K 1.7K

What do superheroes do on vacation? Jason Todd wouldn't know. Because, one, he isn't a superhero. He's an out... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4: BONUS
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25:
Damian's Story
Spin-off Books!

Chapter 10:

3K 136 75
By angl_ernshw

This chapter is dedicated to @The_Black_Cat Thank you for your vote on the first book <3 I appreciate even the little things, and I hope you know it. This is for you! :) 


I was staring at the huge pile of files on top of the desk in front of me.

Even after all the research, I couldn't find anything on that damn asshole- Jared! Sighing, I threw down the folder I'd been clutching just as the door opened. I looked up to see Asteria with an unsure expression on her face and a tray of cookies and milk in her hands. "I thought you could use a break," she stated sheepishly, still standing by the door.

The morning's events came rushing back to me, and I felt guilty. Tim had informed me of Asteria's reaction as soon as I left the dining hall. And let's just say Dick wasn't so happy about it either. Offering her a smile, I got up from the desk to help her carry the tray. "Thanks," I said as I took the tray from her hands. "Come on in. I could also use someone to talk to."

"Okay," Asteria said, her confident smile returning. She took a seat on one of the armchairs surrounding a small coffee table, and I took the seat across from her. Asteria had changed so much since her first time with us. For one, she was a lot calmer around us. She wasn't so defensive anymore. Admittedly, I had gotten closer to her and told her about my past, somehow feeling like she would understand. And she did. Which was probably why she was also always so concerned for me.

"Did Alfred make these?" I asked, turning to the cookies and grabbing one. Chocolate chip. My favorite. Yum.

Asteria grinned and also grabbed one. "Actually, I made it. He just told me the recipe."

Now I looked at the cookie dubiously, wondering if Asteria's baking skills were on par with Alfred's. Then again, Alfred's waffles were questionable, so maybe that wasn't such a good comparison to make. Still, I decided to give it a shot, since Asteria was munching on her cookie without a problem. I took a bite. "Wow, this is really good!" I blurted, my eyes widening. They were really good.

"Thanks," Asteria said with a beaming smile. "I burnt a few ones before I got them right."

I laughed at her admission. "You didn't have to go to all that trouble."

"But I wanted to," she argued, a pained expression seeming to cross her features. She placed her cookie back down on the plate and turned to me with sad grey eyes. "Jason... about this morning-"

"Tim told me about it, Asteria," I interrupted her. If she was going to apologize, I wasn't going to let her. She didn't do anything. Asteria was one of the few people I could actually admit I cared about. I didn't like knowing she was hurt. "I'm sorry if I made you feel bad."

She snorted, making me raise my eyebrow. Yup, this was more like the Asteria I knew. I couldn't wait for her to give birth so she wasn't so emotional. "I came here to apologize and now you're the one doing it. Jason Peter Todd, you're unbelievable."

I smirked at her words. "That's what all the ladies say."

"Oh my god! You sound like Dick!" she complained, before laughing. She seemed relieved now.

"Except I'm sexier," I added.

She shook her head, but she was still smiling. Her hand shot out to grab her cookie, while I took another one from the plate. We were quiet for a while, just lost in our thoughts. "We can think of another name if you don't like the one we came up with," she finally said, breaking the silence.

I looked at her to see she was staring at her lap while she fidgeted with her hands. She knew this was a touchy subject for me, and that's probably why she was uneasy. Swallowing, I hoped my voice came out steady. "Its fine, Asteria. It's your baby. You get to name her- or him- what you want."

"I know you don't like talking about your past, Jason," she murmured, still not meeting my eyes. "I just- I want you to know that it's okay. I get it." When she finally looked up, the emotion flashing behind her grey eyes floored me. "But I also want you to know that if it wasn't for your past, you wouldn't be the amazing person sitting in front of me now."

"Asteria-" I tried to say something, anything. I wanted to argue, but there was a lump in my throat, and no matter how hard I tried to swallow past it, I couldn't. She seemed to understand, though. She always did. Standing from her seat, she came over to give me a hug.

I also stood to embrace her and clutched on to her, like she was the life raft and I was a drowning man. Though she seemed small in my arms, I knew this girl with the fiery red hair and wise grey eyes was a lot stronger than me. I felt some of my tears escape while she just held me, and I couldn't help but think how fucking lucky my older brother was to have her. "Thank you," I whispered, finally finding the words I wanted to say.

She didn't respond and continued to hold me, emanating comfort and love. I knew now why she was such a great fighter. She only fought so well, because she fought for those she loved so much. I knew she would make a great mom. "Hey Jason," she murmured against my chest.

"Hmm?" I asked, my tears finally slowing as I calmed down.

"Your cookies are going to get cold," she replied.

I laughed and pulled away from her, probably looking crazy as I wiped the few tears that escaped. Jesus, how can she turn me into such a sap? It must've been her powers. "You can always help me finish them before that happens," I retorted as we once again took our seats.

She smiled fondly at me, though her grey eyes still seemed a bit sad. I knew it was because she didn't like seeing me this way. Hell, I didn't like seeing me this way. "I'm sure the little Robin will be happy about it," she mused as she grabbed another cookie while rubbing her growing belly.

"Blaming the baby for your big appetite?" I teased. "That's low mama bear."

"Hey!" Asteria said in indignation before throwing her cookie at me.

I ducked and avoided it. When I saw the look on her face, I couldn't help but laugh again. I was laughing so hard I clutched my stomach. It wasn't long before she was smiling, too. The tense air completely lifted. It was good that Asteria and I were back to normal. "I'm just saying," I finally said when I stopped laughing.

Asteria simply glared at me as she grabbed another cookie. "You made me waste a perfectly good cookie," she grumbled petulantly like a child. So much for being a mom.

"I'm not the one who told you to throw it at me," I argued innocently, also grabbing a cookie. Damn, this is good. I'm going to have to work this off later in the gym.

"You're lucky that was all I threw at you," she said menacingly before taking an angry bite of her cookie.

I grinned and was about to reply, but the sound of the doorbell ringing cut me off. I raised a curious eyebrow at her. If that was the guys, they wouldn't have bothered ringing the doorbell. "That must be your guest," Asteria said, her angry expression morphing into a knowing smirk.

I didn't like that look on her face. "What guest?"

"Razel," she simply replied as she stood. "Really, Jason. If you make a date with a beautiful girl, don't forget about it."

"Crap," I panicked, also standing up to clear the desk of the files I'd been reading. "And this isn't a date!"

My soon to be sister- in- law simply gave me a Cheshire cat smile. She'd been spending too much time with Jade, seriously. "Whatever you say," she sang annoyingly.

I sighed and didn't bother replying as I straightened out the files before locking them away in one of the drawers. The great thing about having a big, private library? We each had our own desks. Hey, being a billionaire had its perks. "Can you just-"

"Miss Anders is here, Master Jason," Alfred announced, swinging the door open. And true enough, there she stood. Her brown hair falling to her shoulders in a straight waterfall, and her big, doe eyes immediately locking with mine. She was dressed in a simple white dress, looking like an angel.

"Razel!" Asteria greeted enthusiastically, giving me a wink before rushing to hug the doctor.

Razel seemed surprised at Asteria's show of affection, while I rolled my eyes in exasperation. Sometimes, I loved Asteria. But sometimes, she was becoming as infuriating as Dick. "It's good to see you too, Asteria." Razel was finally able to say as she pulled away from the hug with a chuckle. "How are you?"

Asteria smiled brightly back at the doctor. "I'm great. A bit worried about what happened yesterday at Wayne Enterprises. Are you okay?"

"I'm recovering," Razel admitted before turning to me. "But if it weren't for Jason, I don't know if I would've gotten out of there alive."

"Oh really?" Asteria asked, also turning to me with another smirk.

Ignoring her teasing, I gave my usual smug smile at Razel. "That's funny," I replied. "I don't remember hearing a thank you from you, sunshine."

Once again, I could see fire blazing behind her brown eyes after I spoke. "I should help Alfred prepare lunch," Asteria bid before walking to the door. "I'll see you two later." She wiggled her eyebrows at me before shutting the door behind her, and I sighed in exasperation.

Just a normal day with my not- so- normal family.

"Thank you," Razel spoke, dragging my attention away from the door. Her eyes still seemed to be burning, and she looked like saying thank you was difficult for her. "You're right. You saved my life, and I didn't say thank you. So thank you."

"You're welcome," I replied as I took a seat behind my desk. I gestured for her to take the seat in front of it, and she did. "So, did you sleep well?"

She gritted her teeth, obviously fighting to stay calm and collected. I was secretly amused that I could get under her skin so much. "I came here for answers Jason."

I shrugged before leaning back comfortably in my chair, hoping to avoid the subject as long as I could. "I was just asking. Did you happen to dream about me?" I asked with a devilish grin.

"No," she answered with a huff, but the furious blush on her cheeks made me think she wasn't completely saying the truth.

"You're a terrible liar," I couldn't help but say before chuckling. Really, this girl was so- I couldn't even find the words.

She looked really angry now as she glared at me with those fiery brown eyes. "Jason," she growled.

I smirked. Yup, definitely under her skin. "Razel," I mocked.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Jason Todd," I replied honestly.

She crossed her arms, clearly not satisfied with my answer. "How come you fight so well?"

I shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant. "I trained in self- defense when I was younger." Again, it was the truth. Just not the whole truth.

"Whose office were we in last night? And why did it have... those weapons?" Her question was a more difficult one. I couldn't answer with the truth here, but I couldn't figure out what to say either.

"Er..." I began, wishing I'd come up with something. The sound of loud voices reached our ears before I could blurt something out, followed by a loud crash and then boom. There were more noises, and I immediately rushed from my seat, fearing the worst. After all, if Shadows could get into Wayne Enterprises, they could sure as hell find a way into the Manor. "Stay here," I ordered Razel.

She ran after me as I swung the doors open. "Like hell I will!"

I was about to argue with her when I heard Asteria's worried voice. "Damian!" she shouted.

"Damn it," I cursed, turning away from Razel and running towards the foyer where the noise was coming from. When we got there, I wanted to bang my head against to wall or maybe shoot something. Razel gasped behind me, but all I could do was glare at the four idiots in the middle of the floor.

"Get off me you ape!" Damian growled, while Gar sat on top of him in the form of a gorilla. Ape indeed.

Gar ignored him and crossed his gigantic hairy arms. Beside them, Bart was zooming at superspeed and trying to avoid Jaime's blue canon. Telltale signs that he had already fired at the speedster marked the lobby floors, black scorch marks all over the place. I think he really was going to kill Bart this time, and all because of... "I told you to stay away from my Chicken Whizies!" Jaime shouted at his best friend.

Bart paused long enough to grin sheepishly at the angry, armored boy. "I was hungry from grocery shopping! You know my metabolism is fast!"

As if to prove his point, he went back to moving at superspeed. "Five bucks says Jaime will never hit him," Wally said by the door, making me drag my eyes to them.

He and Dick stood beside each other while the others walked in and saw the chaos. "I don't know," Dick mused, carrying two paper bags filled with food. "Jaime seems pretty pissed."

"Garfield Logan get off of Damian right now!" Megan shouted at her adopted brother, dragging Gar's attention away from the bat brat. It was all the opening Damian needed as he threw off the distracted boy sitting atop his back. Gar yelped and morphed into a falcon mid- flight, while Damian grabbed a batarang hidden behind the jacket he wore.

"Oh no, you don't, Damian Wayne," Asteria growled and approached the boy.

Damian immediately lowered the batarang with a pout. "But he started it!" he whined.

Just then Artemis also came through the door, chatting animatedly with Jade. When they saw the destruction Jaime's canon caused, they gaped at the lobby. Marching over to her fiancée, she slapped him behind his red head. "Do something!" she shouted, making Wally grumble as he grabbed Bart, also using his superspeed. Dick was laughing at his best friend.

"Let me go!" Bart cried, struggling in his great uncle's arms.

"Dick Grayson you better stop laughing and start explaining yourself!" Asteria threatened, still holding Damian's arm as she dragged the boy towards her now scared looking fiancée.

Roy and Connor came in next, with Tim and Cassie close behind them. "Uhm.." Connor was at a loss for words as he watched our crazy family with wide blue eyes.

If Roy wasn't holding too many bags, I'm pretty sure he would've scratched his head in confusion. Tim simply shook his head in disappointment. "I had to be stuck with the crazy family," he mumbled, making Cassie smile as she flew into the melee and placed a firm hand on Jaime's shoulder.

"Enough," she said to the young man.

"But-" Jaime began.

"What is going on here?" Babs finally also made her way in, Kaldur and Lagaan behind her, carrying the last of the grocery bags. All of them had wide eyes as they stared at the chaos.

Jaime still had his canon out while Wally struggled to hold a squirming Bart in place. Damian was arguing with Dick and Asteria, while Megan scolded Gar. Roy, Connor and Tim looked like they wanted the floor to swallow them up, while Artemis and Jade were glaring at Wally and Bart. Oh yeah, did I mention the scorching floors?

"Oh dear," came Alfred's voice from my left, as he came out of the kitchen and saw the destruction.

Annoyed that they seemed to be stressing Alfred out, I completely forgot about Razel standing behind me. "What the fuck is going on?" I shouted, making everyone stop.

"Language!" Jade snapped.

"Don't start with me, woman," I snapped back at her.

Roy placed his grocery bags down and tried to stop me and his wife. "Let's all calm down alright?" Jade advanced on me, but a different voice cut in.

"Enough." It was said softly and quietly, but it seemed to echo around the lobby. The voice was cold, commanding... and deadly. We all looked up at the staircase to see Bruce staring down at us like a dark vengeful god with glacial blue eyes. If I hadn't grown up around him, I probably would've shit bricks. Though he didn't look it, I knew he was mad. And I knew we were looking at his other persona. This wasn't Bruce. This was Batman without the cowl.

As it was, I could tell Gar, Bart and Jaime were quaking in their shoes. Nobody liked Bruce mad. I was surprised they didn't pee themselves. As it was, Damian couldn't meet his father's eyes and was trying to hide behind Asteria. Bruce took in the scorch marks on the tiled floor, then his gaze fleeted to a few broken vases and ruined paintings, probably all costing a few hundred thousands. Then his gaze snapped to me or, more specifically, to the person behind me.

"We have a guest," Bruce added. I turned to see Razel had unconsciously moved to stand closer to me as Bruce watched her. She also seemed terrified of this cold, hard Bruce. Everyone followed Bruce's line of sight and finally took in Razel's presence. Too late now. She'd seen everything.

Though she didn't seem too concerned with finding answers now as she tried to hide behind me and avoid Bruce's penetrating gaze. I couldn't exactly blame her. I'd been on the receiving end of that glare a thousand times before getting used to it.

"Bruce, we didn't-" Dick began, stepping forward. I had to hand it to my older brother, he had some balls. No pun intended.

"Conference room," Bruce interrupted whatever he was about to say. "Now. And Razel comes along." With that being said, he turned on his heel and headed for the direction of the conference room. There was no room to argue. It's not like we wanted to, anyway.

Razel made a whimpering sound behind me, and she actually clutched onto my shirt like she was a lost, little girl. That's how scary Bruce could get. "It's okay," I reassured her.

She looked up at me, her big brown eyes searching my green ones. She seemed to find what she was looking for and nodded, but she didn't let go of my shirt. Sighing, I threw my arms around her. "Relax," I added, and she seemed to breathe again.

"Will he- you know.. hurt me?" she whispered as I guided her towards the conference room.

"Bruce may be scary when he wants to be," I replied. "But he's a good guy. He won't hurt you."

She simply nodded as we entered the conference room, and all eyes turned to watch us. I shut the door quietly behind me, while Razel tried to hide her face in my chest. I could feel her shaking in my arms, and I felt bad for some reason. Well, I was the one who told her to come here. I should've known my crazy family would ruin the aster. I carefully helped her into the seat next to mine, not letting go as Bruce began the meeting.

"Now," he began, still sounding like he was ready to forsake his principles and commit murder. "Someone explain what the hell is going on to me."


I kept my eyes tightly shut, hiding behind my hair and within Jason's arms.

I was aware that I was acting silly, but my brain couldn't take anymore. Neither could my heart. I think I was going to get a stroke from all the surprises I'd had in the past few days. My life had been quiet and peaceful before any of this. Before I ran into the Red Hood. Before I got involved in the world of superheroes and ninja assassins.

And Bruce? He was scary. He looked like he could rip someone's head off without blinking. This man, who I'd known since I was fifteen. Or, at least I thought I'd known. I felt like I knew who Bruce Wayne was, and even though he didn't have any superpowers, he frightened the living daylights out of me.

But that was probably the point, especially if he really was The Dark Knight. But that was crazy, right?! Right?!

"Since none of you are talking," Bruce continued. "I'm assuming I don't want to know the stupid reason you decided to destroy the lobby- again." Again? Just how insane were these people? "Damian, Bart, Garfield and Jaime... you're cleaning up that lobby. And you better make sure it's spotless when Alfred checks on it."

"But-" someone tried to argue. I could almost feel the glare Bruce sent his way to cut him off.

"Now," Bruce added. "Go." I heard some chairs being moved back and the sound of multiple footsteps walking towards the direction of the door, before it opened and shut quietly.

I heard someone sigh, and then Bruce was speaking in a much softer voice. "Razel, you can look up now." I flinched at the sound of my name, peeking up at Jason to see he was giving me a worried look. When he saw me looking, he gave me a reassuring smile. His green eyes made me feel calmer. Taking a deep breath, I turned to Bruce. He didn't seem so angry now, but there was still the emotionless mask on his face. It was just as unnerving as his glare.

The others left on the table all looked rather uncomfortable, and I knew why. I wasn't supposed to be here. I wasn't a part of this. "I'm sorry you had to see all that," Bruce began, though there wasn't a hint of sincerity behind his tone. "But now that you have, you can't leave." I gaped at him, then turned to Jason. I thought you said he wouldn't hurt me! I wanted to shout, but all I could do was gape, and I saw Jason was also giving Bruce a puzzled expression.

"You, Jason, Asteria, Artemis and Jade are staying in Star City," he continued, making the whole team look at him in surprise now. "I've spoken with Talia, and she refuses to give me any information. While we try to figure things out, you'll be staying at the Queen Mansion. Oliver and Dinah have... other accommodations at the moment." He hesitated before saying accommodations, and I supposed it was because of me.

I wanted to ask who the hell Talia, Oliver or Dinah were, but Dick had his own questions. "You're sending the girls away?"

Jason also looked appalled at the news. "And me? I thought I got to decide if I wanted to stay?"

"It's too dangerous!" Bruce shouted in frustration, pushing his chair back to stand. He glared down at his two adopted sons. "Don't you understand I'm trying to keep everyone safe?! Especially the babies. Damian and Lian are also going, and so is Alfred. It's too dangerous here. We don't know if the Shadows know about my identity, and I'm not risking it. Am. I. Understood?"

Technically, his voice clearly said he wouldn't listen to any arguments made. Everyone sat quietly, trying to process the news. I finally found my voice as Bruce fought to calm down. Gee, who knew it could get this intense? One minute kids are arguing in the lobby, the next Bruce is blowing a fuse. "What about me?" I asked quietly.

Jason turned to me, still looking worried, but I was waiting for a reply from Bruce. "Now that you know about us, we need to make sure to keep you safe," he explained. "Someone is after us, and knowing what you know makes you a very valuable target. Until we can fix this, it's best if the girls and Jason keep an eye on you."

"Okay," I agreed. A part of me wanted to scream and cry in frustration. It was like I was plucked out of my normal and perfect life and thrown into this chaotic, fast- paced world. But, on the other hand, I would be with Jason. I could get answers. Is that the only reason you're happy that you'll be with Jason? Came the annoying voice in my head.

"Good," Bruce replied, taking his seat again. "Jason can go with you while you pack your things. You should get them now, because you're leaving for Star city this afternoon."

I bit my lip to keep from shouting at him. I didn't want to end up with a batarang in me. Even though Jason said Bruce wouldn't harm me, and Bruce seemed to be bent on protecting me; I was scared of him. Instead of replying, I got up from my seat and headed for the door of the conference room. Jason also stood and followed me.

We were quiet as we walked towards the front door. I was struggling with everything. Perhaps I was still dreaming? What if I tried to run from Jason? What would he do? "Hold on," Jason called and headed for the stairs. "I need to get something from my room."

I simply followed him as he climbed the giant staircase. My fear was momentarily replaced by curiosity at the thought of seeing Jason's room. If I was being completely honest, a tinge of thrill also shot through me. After all, his room would surely tell me more about him. When we got there, I was surprised at how normal everything seemed.

The bed was messy and undone, there was a guitar in one corner and an organized desk in another. A huge T.V. sat in front of the bed, while some clothes lay scattered on the floor. I blushed when I caught sight of a pair of black boxers and immediately looked away. The sound of Jason rummaging in his closet drew my attention, and my eyes widened when I saw him walking out with a gun in hand.

He grinned at my expression as he slid it behind his jeans and threw on a familiar looking brown biker jacket. Oh Lord. I know who owns that jacket. "You're the Red Hood," I whispered in shock before fainting.


I actually enjoyed writing this chapter <3 

Especially that scene in the lobby lol. Chicken Whizies... I can't hahaha. Also, I feel bad for Razel. She's a normal girl thrown in an extraordinary world. While I work on the next chapter, you guys may want to check out these other books. I absolutely love them! :

Black Cat (Young Justice/  Nightwing) by joanie_romea23

What Do I Do Now by Akira_Wolven

Saved by Red Hood? by Grayson-That-Jason

Unforgivable by OtakuGoku

In Full Bloom (YJ) by @clarereads

They are all awesome and  amazing, and I absolutely enjoy reading them!!! They could definitely use your love just like I do, because I know they're great stories that deserve mor. If you guys also happen to know other great fics that I'd enjoy, don't be shy to suggest them. 'Til the next chapter babes!

Up Next: Razel and Jason under one roof. That isn't so bad... is it? 

Love always, 


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