K Project: The Purple Queen

By So_Kawaii_Tya

69.9K 2.7K 411

Izumi Kasamura tries to keep herself under the radar at all times and is a ghost at her school. During one da... More

Ch.1 A Normal Day Gone Wrong
Ch. 2 Time To Prove His Innocence
Ch. 3 Purple Vs. Blue
Ch. 4 Interrogation
Ch. 6 The Festival and Illness
Ch. 7 Healing
Ch. 8 Hide and Seek
Ch. 9 All Around Me
Ch. 10 All Around Me pt. 2
Ch. 11 Closer to Closure
Ch.12 The Chase
Ch.13 Confessions
Ch. 14 Farewell

Ch. 5 Saved!

5K 198 14
By So_Kawaii_Tya

My heart wanted to drop once he asked me if I would be his lady.

"Y..You can't be serious? I'm not old enough, I..I mean I'm not ready!" I was panicking for my life.

"Calm down, I was only getting in your head." He laid down with his cuffed hands in the air.

I sighed, "Good, you scared me half to death." I had my hand clinching my shirt.

I really want to reconsider his help.

"Are we starting?" I looked at my sweaty, shaky hands. Once I looked up, Mikoto's cell was across the way from mines. He was looking directly at me with his devilish eyes. My face filled with different shades of red.

"D..d..did you see me when I was changing my wardrobe?" My teeth shivered.

"I'm not a pervert. I didn't see anything." He put his imprisoned hands down to his crotch and his posture was a slouch.

"Why do I have a feeling you're lying?" I held my chest.

"My side isn't that dark, you can actually see everything. Now shut up and take deep breaths."

I took deep breaths.

"Now, feel the power building, rising, overflowing. Feel it in your veins and blood. It should feel like fire is rising and burning your skin."

"Ummmm!!" I interrupted him when he was being scary a bit.

"Sorry, maybe that's just me. Just relax and feel your aura become a shield around your body."

I sat in a lotus position relaxed and focused. I was becoming frustrated because I couldn't feel anything happening. My eyebrows were sinking into a frown.

"It's not working!"

"Maybe your powers work when your emotions are tested." Munakata stepped in the middle of us.

"Am I interrupting." He darted his eyes Mikoto.

"Yea, but whatever." Mikoto laid on his hard bench and turned his face to the wall.

"Is there a reason why you're learning how to use your powers at Scepter 4 headquarters?" Munakata scolded, "I thought you said you weren't a queen, am I inaccurate?"

"I'm not!! My powers don't even work." I waved my hands in denial.

"Anyways, I don't have any evidence against your presence on the night of the shootings. You're free to go. But I'm going to still keep an on you." He opened the cell and released me.

Munakata walked me towards the exit and as I left I saw Mikoto laying upright. His cuffed hands were behind his head as he watched my every step. It was sort of creepy, deep deep down I felt that he wasn't joking about his comment earlier.

I took a deep breath and sighed. "I've never seen the sun shine so bright. Do you smell that fresh air?" I was talking to myself until I saw Kuroh with his hand on his sheath and sword. I blinked rapidly.

"I thought you were in trouble. I believe you came out alright. Am I incorrect?" He walked closer to me.

"N..no I'm great, you're a little late but everything is fine now."

"Good." He relaxed and then grabbed my hand dragging me down the street.

"Where are we going?"

"We are late for a meeting with Kukuri." We marched down the streets looking for a store I believe.

We took a left turn and then a right turn, people were looking at us like we were an angry couple. I waved with an embarrassed laugh as he was dragging me. When we finally reached our destination, the place was a restaurant.

"Umm, Kuroh? What are we doing here?"

"We are here for Kukuri. She needs supplies for the upcoming event."

"Kuroh you're such a gentleman,I think you have a thing for my dear Kukuri." I was slightly bent with my hands on my hips and one eyebrow raised.

He turned his head and crossed his arms. "I do not feel that way about her." He played his master's quotes on his recorder. He was talking about love and girls.

"Hmpf. So what do we need to have for this upcoming event?" I was looking at the ingredients in the jar of candy.

"We need: scissors, paper machete, paint, strings...starter objectives." He read from his PDA.

"Well I'll go get the scissors, paper machete, and strings." I slapped his chest before walking away yelling, "BREAK!!"

A/N: What's up it's So_Kawaii_ here and in baaaaaack!! *giggles* Yes I am back with an up to date story of the purple queen. *putting hand on forehead in stress* I would've updated way earlier than this but I've been dealing with school. And eleventh grade is not a joke, I honestly thought people were lying when they said eleventh grade was hard, but BOY!! It. Is. kicking. My. Ass. And it's only the third week of school. But I'll get over it. I'll get over work too but you know how that ish go. But I didn't forget at this book, I'm planning to finish it. I kinda of got bored with it but I got over it like how I did with my Animals book. Well here's a new update hope you guys enjoy. I kinda thought I did horrible with this but I had to give you guys something. So So_Kawaii_ out.

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