Lessons on Love

By Paulala07

86.3K 1.7K 558

I thought I was an expert on what a soulmate is and how I could know if I've found 'The One'. I've read every... More

Fishes and Frogs
Forehead to Forehead
See You Tomorrow
Magnetic Lips
Sex in the Shower
Burning Match, Raging Inferno
As Inevitable As Fate
Tiger Lilies
Wake Up
Don't Look At Me
Black & White
Disappearing Act
Until The Sun Comes Up
Bathroom Confessions

Good Juju; Bad Juju

6.7K 115 26
By Paulala07

Jade had never had that life-changing moment that she would always see in the movies. That moment where everything seemed to come together in a moment of clarity, like an explosion in slow motion that she couldn't believe she didn't see coming until it was right in her face.

That life-altering moment where the world seems to tilt then shift around her; making her head swim in what seems like a disjointed version of reality. Time stopped and all Jade could register was Althea; her lips, her eyes and her voice. That voice that seemed to wrap around her very heart before flowing through each and every vein in her body.

It pulled Jade from where she stood and threw her into an abyss where nothing existed but Althea and this sensation; of descending, falling, crashing. The sensation of losing herself to love.

Jade could feel it and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't fight it.

She was falling for Althea.

Her thoughts are interrupted when she feels a hand on her shoulder, "Shhh..." Althea hushes softly before pulling Jade away from the bed. "Sorry about that, he..." the woman pauses to scratch the back of her head shyly, "he's pretty filterless when it comes to... uh... Nevermind. Do you-- do you want to get some air?
Jade nods then smiles to hide the feelings behind her eyes. "Sure."

Althea leads Jade towards the fire escape then up towards the rooftop where Althea sits on the concrete half wall wrapped around the rooftop while Jade simply leans against it.
"I feel like I should apologize." Jade muttered silently, her hands picking at the invisible dirt on her skirt
The woman sitting on the edge hums curiously, "why?
"Because I don't think you wanted to sing while I was there. I feel like I was intruding on a very personal moment between you and your dad."
Althea's lips part when I answer and then she shakes her head lightly, "Don't worry about it, I wouldn't have done it if I didn't want to." She shrugs casually.

Neither of them talk for several moments. They simply marinate in each other's presences; breathing in the air around them without even looking at each other. They didn't have to; simply knowing the other was nearby was enough.

Jade took that silence as a chance to calm her racing heart. This can't be happening. I can't be falling for a... for a... a-- a woman! Jade thought frantically as her hands clench against the fabric of her skirt, trying to make sure Althea doesn't see the way her hands were closed into tight fists.

"So? How are you and David?" The question catches Jade off guard and her eyes dart up to look at Althea. The woman was looking up at the sky with a pensive look in her eyes. Jade could see conflict in them, like Althea didn't really want to know the answer to her own question.
"David and I are okay." Jade answers plainly.
"Okay doesn't sound very happy."

"What? No, I am! I'm-- I'm happy..." She answers unconvincingly, pausing as she realizes that she didn't even believe the words coming out of her mouth. "I mean-- I'm fine with him. He's been my boyfriend since high school, you know? He's all I know and I'm fine with that."

Althea stops to think for a moment, "okay, but you do know that 'fine' is different from 'happy', right?"
"To me, there's no difference. David and I were paired ever since we were teenagers and I'm fine with that. They said our union would be 'prosperous' to both our families and, really, that's all that matters."
Jade watches as a crease forms on the other woman's forehead, "that's it? What about love? Are you in love with him?"

Again, Althea's question causes Jade to pause; having never been asked before about this particular topic before. "I... Yes! Of course! He's like my male best friend. He's a nice guy and he respects me so yeah, I love him."
Her answer doesn't seem to have satisfied Althea because the woman shakes her head softly, "Alright but what about that kind of love that changes you? Like a soulmate?"
"Mm, I don't believe in those."
"Yeah. I don't believe they exist. Love can be learned, it doesn't just happen overnight or at first sight." Jade takes a step to the side as Althea slips from her perch and lands gracefully beside her.

"So you've never that moment?"
"What moment?" Jade asks, her eyes drifting down to the ground in front of them.
Althea raises her shoulders and smiles in thought before dropping them back down, "that moment where you see this person, and it doesn't have to be at first sight, then it's like you're the only two people left in the world. Like you're being pulled off this giant cliff and there's nothing you can do to fight it, you don't even want to fight it because it feels safe." She explains passionately, "love, real love, is supposed to be unexpected. It's unforgettable and unstoppable, it shatters any preconceived notions you have because as much as we think we know what kind of person we'll fall in love with; we don't. We get caught off-guard and fall in love with people we never thought we'd even look twice at."

The accuracy of Althea's words make a shiver run down her spine, and Jade cleared her throat. Her eyes watched as the woman then look at her with this intense, fiery look that makes Jade's throat dry up and her stomach to twist, "Althea, I..."
"You can't learn that kind of love." She adds before taking Jade's hands in her own, rubbing her thumbs over the smooth skin.

Both women fall silent but Jade's mind was a pandemonium of conflicting voices; telling her what was right and what felt right. Being here with Althea felt right, but at the same time these feelings Jade has for her were wrong. It was so wrong. It went against everything she knew.

The way Althea's skin felt against hers, it causes a need to scream in Jade's head, jumbling the thoughts inside and rendering her unable to think. Only to feel.

She wanted this love that Althea spoke of, she wanted to know what it felt like to truly be with someone that made her happy. Jade wanted so much and it was so close, it was so so close that she had her arms wrapped around it. Her body moves and pulls Althea in front of her, keeping their bodies pressed together without even a breath of air between them.

Jade's forehead makes contact with Althea's and she tilts her head; causing their noses to brush against each other. She could feel the heat radiating from the lips that was mere inches from her own, the air Althea exhaled caressing her lips like a sensual embrace.

"Jade, I... We can't..." Althea whispers without pulling back and before Jade could answer, the phone in her pocket begins to vibrate.
She jumps back, tripping over her words as she fishes out the phone and checks the screen, "S-sorry. It's-- It's my mom. G-give me a sec."

throwing Althea an apologetic look before shakily swiping her thumb across the screen to answer the call.
"Hello, Mama?"
Amanda asks the normal spiel of mothers; Where are you? Who are you with? What time are you coming home? Jade tried to answer each and every question but found it difficult to think with Althea's fingers brushing through her hair, her soft fingertips tickling the back of Jade's neck.
"Jade, David called earlier and said you weren't picking up. Are you two okay? Are you having problems?" Mama asks but the woman could only groan in reply, "M-Mama. I'll-- I can't..."
"Are you okay, sweetheart? You sound tired."
"Y-yes. I'm fine!" Jade answers then she hears Althea chuckle beside her playfully and she nudges the woman with her elbow. "stop it!" The woman hisses under her breath and Althea simply laughs but thankfully pulls hers hands away.
"Okay well, it's getting late. Your Dada is looking for you so you should get home soon. You know how he gets."

Dada had always been overprotective of Jade and would sometimes fume if Jade stayed out alone too late; so she knew she had to go. "Yes, Mama. I know. I'll be home soon."
"Okay, sweetheart."
At that, Jade disconnects the call and turns to Althea with an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry, I--" She's cut off when the short-haired woman shakes her head. "There's no need to apologize. You have to go right?"
Jade bit her tongue to stop herself from correcting Althea, leaving wasn't what she was sorry about but she somehow knew that the woman knew exactly what she meant. "Um... Yeah."
"I'll walk you to your car."
"Oh, no. You don't have to."
"I know." She answers with a soft smile before taking Jade's hand and leading her off the edge, both literally and figuratively.

Hours after her visit to the hospital, Jade lay wide awake in her bed with her hand held out in front of her, turning it over and over, inspecting it. She could still feel the static and heat Althea's hand had caused within her skin, and it just wouldn't go away. It felt like poison, flowing slowly from her hands and through her veins until it reached her chest; causing her heart to beat irregularly.

Never had she had this sort of reaction from a simple touch; not from David, not from anybody. It was like Althea had come into her life and touched her soul, changing it, morphing it until Jade couldn't recognize herself anymore. Physically she was still Jade, but inside she had changed; she didn't know who she was anymore, she didn't know why she had allowed these feelings to fester deep in her heart.

She had tried to fight it. Tried to deny the fact that she was developing intense feelings for someone she had only just met. Jade rejected the idea of falling for this woman with all her might but how long could she last when a simple touch of a hand rendered her unable to sleep?

Groaning, Jade slipped out of bed with her pillow and blanket. Treading through the hallway of the large mansion, she finally makes it to her parents room and quietly slips inside.
"Jade? Come! I've missed you." Dada smiles happily.
Mama huffs as she continues brushing her hair, "Jade, you can't keep sleeping here. You're an adult."
"I know but I missed you two."
"Amanda, let our princess sleep here." Dada says firmly and Jade quickly settles into his arms.
Normally she would be busy talking about her day or whatever it was that bothered her but in this case, she was silent as she lay between her parents and that worried them.
"Jade, are you okay?" Mama asks curiously.
She nods, "I'm jealous of you and Dada."
"Why's that?" Dada chimes in.
"Because you two fell in love before getting married unlike David and I."

As expected, Dada sits up and throws a worried but displeased glance at Jade. "Don't you love David?" He asks and it reminds her of Althea's question.
"I do. He's like family but... I don't know... Nevermind." She mutters before pulling her blanket over her head, huffing as she settles on the bed,.
"Jade." Mama says and Jade could tell she was worried.
Sighing, the young woman pulls the blanket under her chin. "I'm just not sure about David anymore."
Mama and Dada looked at each other in disbelief and Jade scurries back under her blanket, pretending to be deaf until she finally falls asleep.

The longing came like wolves to devour you.
So stay up with me don't fall asleep.

The voice pulls Jade out of her slumber and she finds herself in a church. A church she had just seen a few days ago. The long aisle from the door and the intricately designed altar was one of a kind and she knew this was the church that she had chosen for Pearl's wedding.

She stood at the very back of the aisle and in the middle stood a large lone wolf, grey and white with startling yellow eyes that seemed just a little different than a regular animal's. It looked at her intently but did not move or even poise for an attack. It simply sat there and watched her.

"Who are you?" Jade called out as she approaches the wolf. "Why do I feel like I know you?" She asks out loud just as the wolf stands; it gives a huff then heads farther along the aisle, Jade running after it.

As she ran, the room begins to be smell of sweet delicate flowers and she stops to look around, finding the room had been filled with Tiger Lilies; music could also be heard drifting in from somewhere unseen, a wedding march. Jade shrugged it off before making her way down the aisle, needing to get to where the wolf was. The wolf stops at the very end of the aisle, right in front of the altar then it's body begins to hunch over; shifting and turning. By the time Jade had gotten to the aisle, she was standing behind a crouching naked woman.

With the woman's back turned to her, Jade had no way of seeing her face but somehow she felt familiar. She felt warm and safe, and Jade could feel that there was something about the woman that she knew. The naked woman stands and Jade could immediately see the faint mark on the back of her neck, like a large dark tattoo.

"So, Jade? Have you and Althea talked already?"
Pearl's question yanks Jade from her musings and she hums in confusion, "What?" she asks and Pearl look at her with irritation.

Jade must have dozed off when her Dada began his speech about family tradition, prosperity and learning to love someone. Obviously as a dig to what Jade had told them earlier that week.
"You went to see her at the hospital last week right? I thought you had set a meeting or something?"
"Oh. Uh--" "I mean, I guess it won't be anytime soon since she had her father discharged without consent." Pearl cuts her off and the new information catches Jade's attention.
"Without consent? Can they do that?" She asks and Pear answers with a nod.
"It's stupid and irresponsible but yes, they can do that."
Jade swallows the lump of worry in her throat, "oh, well... I'll have to set an appointment soon. Don't worry, we've got everything covered. I'll have to come into the office for my new job but I'll take care of everything, Pearl."
Her future-sister-in-law raises an eyebrows then nods. "I still don't see why you suddenly want to be part of the working force but whatever. Just don't mess up my wedding."
"Of course." Jade nods then wipes her lips, her appetite long gone. "excuse me."
A hand on her arm stops her and she turns to David, "Jade, are you okay?"
She answers with a stiff nod, "I just need air. Alone." With that, she leaves the table and heads straight for her the garden in front of the house.

She sits on the bench and zones out while trying to wrap her head around the cocktail of emotions in her heart as well as the fact that she and Althea had not spoken since her visit to the hospital. Jade worried that she might have pushed Althea too far and the woman was now avoiding her. The thought of Althea pulling away pained her more than anything that she had ever experienced and that scared Jade to no end. How had this woman entrenched herself into Jade's life? How was it that a few months ago, this woman was but a mere teacher to her and now... now the thought of Althea upset with her ate away at her insides until it was all Jade could think about?

"Jade? What's wrong?" David asks as he makes his way towards where Jade sat, a cup of coffee in his hands. Jade remains quiet as he he finally settles on the wooden bench with his arm wrapped around Jade's slender shoulders.
She feels her skin crawl at the contact and Jade couldn't help but pull away from his hold, "I'm fine, David. I just need to be alone right now."
David sighs and his shoulders slump, "You've been acting... off, lately and I'm not sure why. You know you can talk to me, right?"

And tell you what? That I like someone else? No, no I don't think so. She thought internally but nodded just to reassure David.
"I'll give you some space, okay? I'll be inside." He mutters before leaning in for a kiss.
Jade turns at the last moment and allows his lips to meet her cheek. She knew David would be bothered by the gesture but thankfully, before he could bring it up, someone knocks on the door.

"I'll--I'll get it!" She calls to the maid that was already rushing to the gate. Jade opens the brown gate and meets a man in a pastel pink collared shirt and a pink trucker cap that had the logo for Sally's Flowers on the front.

"Good morning, I'm looking for a Ms. Jade Tanchingco?" The man asks Jade before glancing behind her at the intimidating sight of her boyfriend stalking behind the woman.
"That's me."
"Great! Please just uh... Sign here and on the second page." He says before handing Jade a delivery form and a pen. Jade does as she was told and after a quick tilt of his pink cap, the delivery boy makes his way back to the truck; leaving a small white box in Jade's hands.

David's brows furrow together and Jade could feel the tension radiating off of him, "What's that?"
"Probably a sample from the florists."
"Well open it."
Like the obedient girl that Jade was raised to be, her fingers play along the edge of the plain white box until she finds the tape holding it together and with a quick flick, it was off. Inside the box was a simple arrangement tiger lilies bunched into a loose circle with Gardenias in the middle. Their favorite flowers. Along with the flowers,there was also a small note tucked neatly between the blooms.


Thank you for visiting us at the hospital. Everything's been pretty crazy but I hope this makes you smile the way I did when I was arranging it for you. I heard about your new job, congratulations! A photocopier is one step closer to being the CEO! I'm proud of you.


Jade's heart skips a beat and despite her best efforts, a bright smile and a blush graces her features. The flowers were contrasting but absolutely beautiful together. The sweet scent was thick in the air and it was followed by the tropically refreshing smell of the gardenias. The smell wafted from the box and as Jade breathed, so did she breathe in the scent and the warmth in her heart grew; as well as the longing to see Althea.

"I don't like it." David muses from behind her and Jade had to bite her tongue to keep from saying something unpleasant towards him. "The two flowers clash too much. A clean, crisp white flower and this bright orange one? Why not keep the loud colors away, white gardenias with white roses or something."
Jade rolls her eyes before turning to David, taking the flowers and what David had said as some sort of metaphor to what was going on in her life.

She was the Gardenia, wrapped around the bright and beautiful Tiger Lilies that is Althea. She was reserved, proper, untainted by life outside of the world her father had created. Althea, from the stories she had been told, was this dive-in head-first-into-everything-you-do kind of woman; from love to career she gave it her all. She wasn't afraid to be this person with bold colors and dark markings and scars because in the end it only adds to her appeal.

"I think they compliment each other." Jade says with a soft smile, "If things were all the same, it would be boring. Don't you think?" she adds before walking past David and into the house to find a vase for the flowers.

Jade paces the length of the waiting room, walking from left to write with her eyes downcast and her hands fidgeting together nervously. The children had all left after the final bell of the day and she was not just waiting for the teachers to leave, of course she could have told the guard to get Althea from the faculty but Jade wanted to make sure it was a surprise. Besides, at least face to face, she'll know if Althea was avoiding her or not.

After two days of sniffing and staring at the flowers that Althea had sent her, Jade finally decided on ending this tense not-seeing-each-other battle and for the first time in her life, admitted defeat by admitting to herself that she could not go another day without seeing Althea.

It's because we're sort of best friends.

She's just a really, really cool person to be with.

We have varying interests so it's normal to want to learn from each other.

These were things that Jade chanted over and over again in her head as she drove here and even as she paced the room. Althea is a friend that held dearly; very very dearly.



"What are you doing here? Are you here to pick Sam up?" Althea asks curiously as she approached, slinging the strap of her bag over her shoulder.

"Uh, no. I'm not here for Sam." She answers as her eyes take in Althea. She was wearing a black blouse and brown skirt that hugged her hips and waist in the best way possible. "I'm here for you, actually."

Her eyebrows furrow softly and her lips press together in a thoughtful half-pout, "Is this about the flowers? Because if it made you feel awkward... Uh... I'm sorry."
"Yes... No... I mean..." Jade sighs, "Okay, it's like this." she starts, her voice shaky with nerves. "I was raised believing that if someone gives me a gift, I have to give one in return. That way the good juju flows."
A playful smile graces Althea's lips, "Good juju?"
"Yeah, luck. There's good Juju and then there's bad Juju."
That causes a gentle chuckle to bubble up Althea's throat, "Ah, Juju. Of course."
"Anyway..." Jade drawls out, a quick giggle pouring from her lips, "I wanted to take you out to dinner for the beautiful flowers you sent me. Are you free right now?"

Time seemed to slow as Jade watched Althea's reaction, her face shifting from amusement to surprise and then to something else; happiness.
"Sure. I'll have to make a few phone calls on our way to... wherever we're going though. Is that okay?"
Jade nods then turns towards the gate, letting Althea lead her out of the school and towards the parking lot.

On the way to the where the car was parked, Althea turns casually towards Jade, "Did the flowers make it to you alright? They're pretty delicate."
"The flowers were perfect. Thank you, that was very sweet and so was that note." Jade answers with a nod.
"You're more than welcome, Jade." She smiles as they reach the car. Her smile brightens ever more as she watches Jade scramble forward to open the passenger side door for Althea. "You're going all out on this date, huh?" she teases but the reaction on Jade's face makes her pause.

It was like Jade had the discovered that her winning lottery ticket was eaten by the dog, pooped out and then thrown into the trash. Her eyes were wide in panic or fear or surprise or even all three at the same time, her cheeks and lips were pale and Althea was pretty sure she had stopped breathing.

"D-date?" Jade manages to stutter out.
Although, she did feel bad about pulling the word out while Jade wasn't ready, she wanted to see how much she could get from the woman so she kept going, "Isn't it?"
Jade could feel her heart hammering in her chest, like a hummingbird's wings. "I-- uh-- didn't think..."
"I'm kidding!" Althea laughs, "A dinner between friends, right? I'm cool with that."
Even with the modification it still bothered Jade but she nods quietly before closing the door and making her way to the driver side. As soon as Jade she was inside, she notices Althea watching her intently.
"Do I have something on my face or something?" Jade asks self-consciously.
Althea nods.
The woman quickly turns to the mirror and inspects her nose, forehead and eyes. "What? Are you serious? Where?"
"Right here." She answers as she raises a hand to wipe just under Jade's bottom lip where a minute amount of lipstick was smudged at the corner. The contact makes both women's heart pause and their eyes to meet for a brief moment.

A brief moment that caused an intense feeling to erupt in Jade's chest, like she was face to face with that wolf from her dream, waiting for it to attack; wanting it to attack.

"Um... Right..." Althea whispers as she pulls back, much to Jade's dismay and relief.
"Let's-- Let's go."

Although the beginning of the night was tension-filled and awkward, the remainder of their date slash dinner with friends was spent in random conversation while driving, parking, eating and drinking. With all of the restaurant's that Jade was familiar with fully booked, they had to go to somewhere random and ended up in the small restaurant they had both visited in the past; Runner's Kitchen. After a short comedic episode of Jade trying to push open a sliding door, they were finally able to get in and settle in the table nearest the cashier. The two women talked about Althea's father and his condition, David, relationships, pets being replacement babies, pets in general and everything in between. It was always such a nice surprise for Jade, who always had problems maintaining a conversation, that she never ran out of topics to talk about when she was talking with Althea.

One particular topic they were able to maintain for the good part of the evening was the two types of people; a settler and a reacher. The topic was talked about over amazing food like the house favorite, Spicy Tuna Quinoa Roll, which Jade absolutely loved. They also ordered Whole Wheat Nachos with a smorgasbord of toppings and a smoothie each.

The restaurant was quiet enough that they could have a quiet conversation without needing to be overly whispering. In their small bubble, Althea called Jade a settler for not believing in even the possibility of a soulmate while the other called her a reacher for believing in such fantasies. Back and forth they went until Jade asked a question that changed the whole aura of their non-date.

"You can't make me believe that some perfect person exists, it just doesn't happen." Jade laughed.
"A soulmate isn't perfect because perfection doesn't exist."
"Okay, well then what's a soulmate?"
Althea narrows her eyes then takes a sip of her smoothie before answering, "It's like a best friend... but more."
Those words make Jade pause but she tries her best to keep her features schooled, "more?"
"Yeah. It's that one person in the world that know you better than you know yourself. That someone who makes you a better person. Well-- No..."
"They don't make you a better person, you do that by yourself because they inspire you."

As she says this a series of quick memory flash through Jade's mind. Memories of her and Althea talking, laughing, driving over the past month like her mind was serving the answer to her on a silver platter; rendering Jade unable to talk or speak as that intense emotion blooms in her chest again.

"A soulmate is someone you carry with you forever. It's that one person that knew you, accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would."

This time the flowers appear in Jade's mind, more specifically, the note. The sudden urge to be independent and how her family were all skeptical but Althea was nothing but supportive.

"And no matter what happens, you'll always love that person and nothing in this world can ever change that. That's a soulmate. At least, in my opinion."

Jade's breathing becomes shallow as the feelings inside her grew and she could feel the words threatening to spill from her lips so instead of allowing it to happen, she stood from her seat and muttered a quick, "We need to go." before handing money to the waitress and darting outside without another word. She makes her way to the car and stands beside it with her arms wrapped around herself, trying to control the feelings that were burning fiercely inside her.

A wildfire of feelings, a combustion of fear and realization that burned every fiber of what Jade had always known about herself, charring every corner of her being and leaving only the embers of what she knew. Jade tried to stop it, to quench the fire or stomp it dead but it was no use. There was no way she could deny the way her heart screamed.

I'm in love with Althea.

I'm in love with a woman.

It rang in her head until it was all she could hear, she doesn't even notice Althea whose face was contorted with worry as she jogged up to her.
"Jade, what's wrong?" Althea asks but the heiress simply shakes her head.
"I'm fine. Come on, I'll take you home."

With that, Jade silently slips into the car with Althea following soon after. They drive to Althea's apartment without speaking another word and this palpable tension in the air, suffocating them both. Jade was perfectly happy stewing in the airless space but Althea couldn't handle it.
"Jade, did I do something? Did I say something to upset you?" She asks again, placing her hand on Jade's arm. The contact and the following electricity between them cracks what was left of Jade's control.

"Don't touch me!" she hissed and Althea quickly yanks her hand away.
"I-- I'm sorry. I didn't... I don't--" She stutters but Jade was not to be interrupted. She stops in front of Althea's apartment building then continues talking without looking at Althea.

"You have no idea what you're doing to me, Althea." She starts, her voice quivering in an effort to keep calm. "Every time you look at me. Every time you touch me. It's like poison. A fast acting poison that you've dug deep into me and I don't know how to get it out!" Jade yelped, "I can't get you out of my head. I can't get you out of my heart. It doesn't matter where I am or what time it is or what I'm doing, you're always there."
"Jade, I--"

Tears spring from Jade's eyes at both the relief and fear of finally vocalizing what she had been feeling so intensely, "It's like I've lost control of myself. I've never felt so much before and it scares me so much, but it's not like I can just stop it. I've tried. I can't do it and every time I look at David, everytime he tries to kiss me I find myself wishing it was you."
Two hands firmly cradle her face and then her eyes meet the most beautiful pair of eyes she had ever seen, "then love me and let me love you. Leave him, Jade. Leave him for me and I'm yours."
Althea's words causes a knot of panic to form in her chest but before she could say anything, Althea moves and tilts her head to press their lips together.

There were no more of the shy, searching kisses that they shared in the barn. This was that hungry, passionate and all-consuming kiss that left your mind unable to think. They're lips and tongues danced together like they had done this a million times before; Jade's core clenching and a moan ripping from her throat when she feels Althea's lips close around her tongue.

The two women pull apart breathlessly and their foreheads pressed together, the taste of the other on theirs tongues. "Stay with me tonight."
Jade swallows thickly and after a few moments, she nods. "Okay."

There is no thought in Jade's mind other than Althea's lips on hers and she's only vaguely aware of Althea holding her hand as she leads the heiress through the lobby and into the elevators. Inside, there was only the two of them and the tension that floated around in the space between them. It was like the air itself was supercharged, drawing them closer and closer until their bodies were pressed together as they stood at the very back of the elevator. Even as Althea dug around in her bag for her keys, it did not do anything to lessen it.

No words were exchanged. It was not needed. The silence and the tension spoke loudly for itself and as much as Jade tried to drown the silence out, she couldn't.

As soon as the doors open, Althea grabs her hand and pulls her out of the elevator. At the end of the short hallway they turn right along another corridor. Jade follows silently but a sudden pull and push, as Althea presses her against the door, causes her breath to escape in a huff.

"Al--" Her words are swallowed when Althea crashes their lips together once again, the soft pliant flesh of their lips melding and moving together in perfect synchrony. Jade inhales sharply as the exquisite taste of Althea invades her senses and she feels soft but firm hands on her hips, squeezing lightly and hungrily at the exposed skin. It causes her body to sag and then to mold with Althea's, her arm wrapping around the woman's shoulder to pull her in and deepen the kiss.

It felt like the fire that Jade had tried so hard to control was now wreaking havoc inside her. There was no thought, only feelings. All that mattered was Althea's hands and lips on her; all causing the throb in her chest and core to worsen.

Never had Jade felt such passion or heat for someone in her whole life and it was like she was trying to hold on for dear life for so long, not knowing how wonderfully delicious it was to finally let go.

One of Althea's hands drift away from her waist and Jade quickly uses her free arm to keep the arm around her.
"Mmm..." The short-haired woman hums and Jade could feel the woman's thin lips stretch into a smile against hers. "The... Door... We need to... Open... the door." Althea explains with a soft chuckle between kisses.

Instead of removing her lips, a different thought crosses Jade's mind. She pulls back just enough to move her lips along Althea's jaw before drifting down to the smooth neck and latching her lips on the skin. She sucks harshly then bites down on the flesh, soothing the darkening flesh with her tongue.
"Jade.... Fuck..." Althea breathed.

The firm door behind Jade moves as it's opened but her attention was solely on Althea and the hungered sounds she could pull from the woman. She doesn't notice where she's been lead until the back of her knees makes contact with something hard and she drops to the soft mattress of Althea's bed.

When her vision steadies, she looks up and sees Althea, looking her with such a hungered look in her eyes that it instantly makes Jade's throat dry up.

Althea wanted her.

The realization both scared and excited Jade. Several men had looked at her with lust and bad intentions but never had she seen such a fiery look the way Althea was looking at her now. It wasn't lust that she could see, it was something else. Love, complete adoration, desire, or all three mixed together in those dark pools that made Jade's insides squirm and burn.

"Come here." Jade whispers then holds a hand out. Althea takes it and lets Jade pull her forward until she had to plant her knees on either side of the heiress' body, straddling her.

"Jade..." Althea's voice was rough and heavy with effort and it was obvious she was trying to control the feelings that they could both feel. It was both a plea and a cry, a contradicting sound that was new to Jade.
"I want you... God, I do..." she whispers breathlessly into the small space between their faces.
"I want to do this right... I want to love you right..."

That gives Jade pause and she's suddenly reminded of David and the rest of the world outside the four walls of Althea's room. If they had sex now, then Althea would be her mistress and that term just didn't roll of off Jade's tongue with ease. It didn't fit Althea.

"O-okay." She breathes, settling her arms and head on the bed before taking a breath. Althea leans down and places a soft kiss on her cheek before pulling back and standing from the bed.
"I'll get you some clothes to sleep in."

Despite the event of the day, the two still manage to have a short conversation about whether it was better to sleep wearing a onesie, pyjamas or simple shorts and a tanktop before exhaustion overcomes Jade and she falls asleep to Althea's slender fingers running through her hair.

For the first time in months, Jade's sleep was dreamless and peaceful. No suffocating flowers, no wolves, no monsters and she only wakes when she feels something wet and warm against her face.
"Miggy! No!" She hears Althea hiss quietly, "Get off the bed! What are you doing?"
This causes Jade's eyes to flutter open curiously and the first thing she sees is the thick brown fur of a dog.
"Sorry, I don't know what came over him. He's usually pretty chill." Althea apologize before picking up the dog, giving it a soft kiss and setting him down on the ground.
Jade uses the back of her hand to wipe at the moist spots on her face and hums, "it's okay." she smiles.
"Come on. I made you breakfast."
With sleep still in her system, Jade holds a hand out and she yelps in surprise as Althea yanks her up then wraps those strong arms around her waist as they stood by the bed. "Good morning." Althea smiles then hums.
A bright crimson blush colors Jade's cheek and neck and she smiles, "Good morning."

The two have a simple breakfast without awkwardness and even laughed about the moment last night when Althea was trying to open the door. This was the stark difference between Althea and David, with her it was easy, it was natural; like breathing.

Althea however apologized for attacking Jade in the hallway but the heiress wouldn't have it.
"You said last night that you wanted to do this right. I do too." Jade says quietly, her eyes never leaving Althea's.
"You do?"
Jade nods, "I can't stay with David. I don't want to. I want you. I want this."
That causes a smile to stretch Althea's lips, "then I'll wait for you. No matter what happens."

Unfortunately, even with her mind made up, Jade and David do not see each other since the latter was busy working on a project that had pulled him to Singapore for three weeks. In that time, breakfast with Althea becomes a regular thing whether it was in Althea's home or outside in a restaurant far away from where Jade lived or worked. They only ever had a sleepover again once, not because they didn't want to but because at night when it's just them, their self-control always seemed to be shorter than when it was daytime.

On the second time they slept over, it was because Althea was sick again and Jade refused to leave her side. That morning their breakfast is interrupted when Jade receives a call from her mother. She lies of course and tells the older woman that she had spent the night at Sally's after a few drinks, nibbling the tip of her finger the whole time. Her mother believes in her lie and tells her to get changed and to meet them at a restaurant for lunch and she agrees. Althea and Jade part ways and the heiress quickly runs home to change before heading for the fancy restaurant.

There she sees David and his family sitting with hers, all of them in white while she went with a simple pink off-shoulder dress.
"What's the occasion?" She asks as soon as she takes the only available seat between David and her mother.
Instead of answering, David nods at a waitress and the the woman hands Jade a small blue folder. Jade takes it curiously then turns to her companions who were all silently watching her, even Paul had a smug look on his face.
"Open it." David urged and she does.

The words seem like hieroglyphics at first because Jade could not and did not want to believe what was written. But just like with Althea, the writing on the paper slowly registered in her head;


"David... I--" She husks then closes the folder to the sight of the large stoned ring laid in front of her. Her heart hammered in her chest as she looked around at her family and David's, not knowing what to do.
"Jade, will you be my wife?" he asks.
"I'm sorry. I can't--" "She'd love to!" Dada chimed in, just as her mom grabs her wrist left hand and hands it to the man beside Jade.
"That's such a beautiful ring, David! Good choice!"
"Thank you, Ma."
Jade swallows thickly as the ring is set on her finger, and her heart stills for a few moment when David leans in to kiss her. Her stomach flipped unpleasantly and the ring felt like it weighed like a ton, straining her heart and her soul.

Instead of breaking up with David, she was now engaged to him. What the hell was she going to do now?

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