
By Ms_patterson

4.7K 147 21

Mindless Behavior Boyxboy Royce and Pray Cast- Chresanto August Jacob Perez Craig Crippen Rayan Lopez Myles B... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

494 21 3
By Ms_patterson

Craigs POV-

Chresanto and I sat in the principles office. My mom is gonna kill me when she find out what I did.


" Coach! I left my phone in the locker room. Can I go get it?" I asked. Coach nodded and threw me the keys before looking back down at his phone. I grabbed Chresanto's hand and ran to the locker room." Hurry up and unlock it before Coach notice I'm gone." Chresanto whispered." He isn't going to notice shit. He's to busy phone sexing Mr. Brown." I said. Chres giggled and I quickly unlocked the door." Supply closet." I said. Chres ran to the supply closet while I grabbed Kaelyn's clothes and laid them on the floor. Chresanto gave me bleach, dirty mop water, and a trash bag filled with food. I opened up the trash bag and plugged my nose. Chresanto tipped it over and we poured it on her clothes." What if we get in trouble?" Chresanto asked." With me, you always get I'm trouble." I said while pouring bleach and the dirty mop water on her clothes. Chess giggled and put the supplies away. We ran out just as the other kids were coming in. A loud scream came from the locker room along with a whole bunch of laughs." Score." I whispered.

Flashback over-

And that, ladies and gentle men, is how Chresanto and I are in the principles office with Coach August, Chresanto's mom, Kaelyn and her parents, the primciple, and my mom is on the way." So, tell me Craig and Chresanto, why would you do this?" The principle asked." Because they are hood rats who have no common sense and ruined my daughters perfectly good clothes." Kaelyn's mom said." Are you calling my child stupid?" Chresanto's mom said." Ms. August and Mrs. Cas, no need to get rowdy. Just a few more minutes and- ah! Here comes the beautiful Mrs. Crippen." The principle said. That's right. The principle is my step-dad so I get a few perks here and there. My mom walked in and glared at me." Craig I oughta kick your-" my step-dad quickly cut her off." Its fine. I already told them their punishments. Detention for 2 weeks. Also they have to be followed by a teacher everywhere they go so this doesn't happen again." My step-dad said. My mom breathed a sigh of relief before punching me in my arm." Don't do that or I'm gonna have to beat your butt Craig." My mom said." Okay Ms. Mean person." I said. She laughed and flicked me on my cheek. I flicked her on her nose and laughed." You are dismissed." The principle said. We all got up except for Kaelyn's mom." Oh lord. The bitch is unleashed." I mumbled to my mom whole walking out. She giggled and I wrapped my arm around Chresanto's shoulder." See, its all good." I said." We could have went to jail! This is probably on my criminal records! I'm not gonna be able to get a good job, go to college, no house, my life is ruined!" Chresanto ranted. I smacked him in the back of his head and he whined." Shut up. I'll make sure nothing happens to our records okay? My step-dad is the principle." I said." Okay boys. We are gonna be leaving. No more trouble my little mijo's." Chresanto's mom said. Chresanto's mom is mixed with everything making Chresanto mixed with everything. But he's mostly Indian and mexican." Okay momma. I'll keep him out of trouble." I said." I trust you Craig. You are older so bigger responsibility. We love you. Bye." My mom said. They left and Kaelyn walked up to us." That little stunt you pulled is not okay. I will hurt you if you ever mess with me again. Understood." Kaelyn said.

Chresanto nodded quickly and she looked at me." Do you understand?" She growled. I stared at her like she was stupid and she rolled her eyes." Answer me dammit!" She yelled. I bit my nails while looking at her and a brilliant idea came to my head." Chess lets go. Bye bitch." I Sid before taking Chresanto's hand and walking to the bathroom. I pulled him in and locked the door before smirking at him." Oh no. That's the face you make when you have a brilliant plan." Chresanto said." But this one won't get us in trouble. Its self defense." I said. Chresanto's sighed and nodded." So, I have a plan that will make us not get bullied." I said." I'm listening." Chresanto said." We use rubber and place it in the back of our mouths. Then we mix soap and Windex then mix out together. After that we pour it in our mouthed and it should come out foamy so we look crazy. Last, we put a shoe in our mouth then walk into school and people won't mess with us because they think we crazy or something." I said." I like it. Lets do it tonight at my house. You sleep over." Chresanto said. I nodded asks we walked out of the bathroom. The bell rang and students filled the hallways." Can't wait to get started." I said while rubbing my hands together evily. Chresanto laughed and Rayan walled up to us with our bookbags." Thanks." I said." Can I get a kiss as a thank you?" Rayan asked. I kissed Chresanto's cheek and Chresanto wiped it of before putting it on Rayan's lips." That's not right." Rayan said. I laughed and put my bookbag on before standing on my tipi toes and kissing Rayan long and hard. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I waited my arms around his neck. I felt his long tongue glide across my bottom lip making me open. He shoved his tongue in my mouth and squeezed my ass making me moan lowly." Y'all nasty." Chresanto said." Shut up." I said. He laughed and we walled out of school." What happened to Jacob?" I asked." Uh, he went to Kaelyn's house to get her more clothes. You know the usual. Being her bitch." Ray said. I laughed and Chresanto stated at Ray like he was stupid." Wha- owe!" Rayan yelled as Chresanto's hand came down on his face." Jacob is never a bitch. Only I can call him that and he it's only one got me. Got it?" Chresanto said. Ray nodded and a tear came out of his eye." Lets go Craig." Chresanto said. I followed him to his porch and Rattan followed us." What are you doing?" Chresanto asked." Walking into your very large house." Rayan said. Chresanto groaned and we walled into his house/mansion." You ready?" Chresanto asked." To do what?" Ray asked." To get what we finally earned." Chresanto growled.

I just wanted to update. I have more books coming out called Hidden secrets of Royce and Am I... Hope you guys like them!

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