You're a Fallen Angel ~ Andy...

By moongem98

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You're a Fallen Angel ~ Andy Biersack "Six"
Chapter 1- I'm not sure how they thought this was a good idea tour!!
He might be trouble Chapter 2
You're a Fallen Angel ~ Andy Biersack "Six" ((Chapter 3))
You're a Fallen Angel ~ Andy Biersack "Six" Chapter 5~ Spirit Day Part 2

Chapter 4~ Spirit Day Part 1

418 2 1
By moongem98

July 4th, 2011

I woke up to the smell of pancakes cooking

I put on my glasses and got out of my bunk

Andi was standing at the small oven top cooking

“Hey sis” Joe said

He was sitting on the couch watching TV

“Morning Joe” I said

“What I’m making breakfast and I don’t get anything” Andi complained as she took a pancake out of the pan

“Morning Andi” I said and hugged her

She hugged me back

“Morning” she said

We let go

“Give me a hug Joseph” I said

He laughed a little and stood

“Good morning” he said picking me up

“Hey” I said as he put me down

“I heard about Caleb and Cameron” he said sitting back down

“What” I asked

“Adam told me about Caleb and did you seriously think I was asleep when you came in last night” he said

“Yeah” I said

“Well I saw Cameron try to kiss you” he said

“Shut up” I said sitting at the booth

“Happy 4th of July” Andi said handing me a pancake, which had red M&M’s in it, and some eggs

“Thanks” I said standing and going to the fridge

Joe sat across from where I was sitting in the booth as I grabbed a Propel

Andi handed him a huge plate

“Where are we” I asked sitting down realizing we were still moving

“Oh well last night Adam had to get gas then he came back here and slept and started driving about an hour ago” Andi said “He woke me up”

She sat next to me

Joe took a sip of his orange juice

“We have about another 3 hours of driving” he said

I groaned

“So what do you guys know” I asked

“Everything from Sophie and David to you and Jordan” Andi said taking a bite of her eggs

“Really” I said confused

“Yeah Cameron told us last night when he was drunk” she said

Joe took a huge bite

“Could you be any piggier” I asked taking a bite or my eggs

“Maybe” he said with his mouth full

“So that’s why Cameron was here last night” I said

“Yup” Andi said

Jason walked in looking like he’d been in a wind storm

Andi almost choked on her eggs

“Nice hair” I laughed

“I don’t care right now I’m too tired” he said grabbing some food

He sat next to Joe

We ate talking about what was going on this tour

I finished and made Andi get up

I put my plate in the dishwasher

“I’m taking a shower” I said

“I get it after” Joe said

“Ok” I said going back to the bunks and grabbing clothes

I went to the bathroom and jumped in the shower

When I got out I put on a little makeup and easy remove nail polish

I always loved getting dressed up on holidays where there were certain colors to match it

The mirror defogged and I got dressed 

I walked out of the bathroom and put my dirty clothes away

“America and Red Sox pride” Joe said going into the bathroom “That was my idea”

I laughed a little as he went in

Andi was sitting across from Jason on the couch painting her nails

They were both fully dressed in red, white, and blue

Adam walked out of the bunk area

“What’d ya think” he asked

Blue skinny jeans, a red tee shirt, a striped white and red jacket and blue sparkles in his hair

His makeup was the same

“Perfect” I said

“Sophie’s still getting dressed” he said grabbing a pancake and biting it

I sat next to Andi and watched Spongebob with Jason

After a while Joe came out wearing almost the same outfit except in guy version, and no make up

“Twins” Adam said “Jeez every time I see you two together you convince me more and more that you were seperated at birth”

We laughed a little

“They probably were” Andi said putting away her nail polish in her purse

Sophie came out

“Oh my god” I said

Her skirt was so short at first I wasn't even sure if it was a skirt 

Her nails were blue and white with red stars

“You like” she asked smiling

The shirt was rolled up so her whole stomach showed

“Go change” Adam said

“Fine I’ll unroll the shirt” she said and rolled it down

“Now go put on some pants” he said

“What” she said

“Or leggings your pick” he said

She stormed back in the bunks

“That hurt my eyes” Joe said rubbing his eyes

I laughed and he sat down next to me

Adam sat next to Jason

She came out a few minutes later with red capri leggings on

“Happy” she asked sitting next to Jason

“Very” Adam smirked

We all just watched Spongebob for a while

“Ok so I have to ask” Joe said turning the TV down

Everyone looked at him

“Did David take your virginity” he said

“That’s what I was wondering” I said and whacked his shoulder

“Twins” Adam said leaning back and checking his nails

I rolled my eyes

“Uh, no” Sophie whispered

“What” I asked standing

“He wasn’t my first” she said

“Then who was” I asked as Joe pulled me back down by my wrist

“Um Kyle” she said

“Burns” Andi asked leaning forward

“Yeah” Sophie said

“When” Andi asked

“Like before my 16th birthday” she said “Around Halloween”

“Oh thank god” Andi said leaning back

“Why” Sophie asked

“Andi and Kyle have been dating since December Sophie” Adam said

“Even I knew that” Jason said

“And he doesn’t know much” Joe said

“Joseph” I laughed hitting his arm

“Oh you were thinking it” he said

“But I didn’t say it” I said

“But you thought it” he said

“Shut up no I didn't” I said

The rest of the time we watched Nickelodeon

The bus stopped after a few episodes

“That was so akwardly quiet” I said turning off the TV

“Akward” Joe said laughing

I rolled my eyes and stepped off the bus

Forever the Sickest Kids’ bus wasn’t here yet

“We aren’t last” I called

“Good” Sophie said stepping off almost tripping in her heels

Joe laughed at her

Adam got off with Jason and Andi right behind him

“You guys should start moving your stuff” Adam said

“We’re gonna miss you Adam” I said

“I know. I’ll miss you guys too but its only for 2 weeks” he said

“I’ll die” Sophie said

“No you won’t” I said “Come on we have to go tell them we need to move our crap in”

This venue was inside and all the buses were in a circle in the back

Sophie and Joe followed me to the Black Veil Brides bus

I knocked on the door

Jason answered wearing a Red Sox shirt with jean shorts

“Hey Red Sox nice” he said pointing to Joe and I’s shirts

“Yeah you too dude,can we start bring stuff in” Joe asked

“Yeah but you’re not staying here are you” Jason asked pointing at me

“Between you and Andy I’d have to sleep in a bunk with Joe and that’d be uncomfortable” I said

“Wait so it’s me and Joe on this bus” Sophie said

“Yep” I said

“So we can” Joe said

“Yeah sure anytime” Jason said

“Cool we’ll be back in a few” Joe said

We all started walking away

We got to the bus

I grabbed my two suitcase and rolled them off

I went and knocked on the Downtown Fiction’s bus

David answered and smiled at me

“Hey let me take that” he said takingone of mysuitcases

“Thanks” I smiled as we walked back on the bus

“Are you still mad at me” he asked

“No I was only mad cause I thought you took her virginity” I said

“No Kyle Burns did that” he said setting my bag in a bunk

I put my other one in too

“Everyone knows that” Eric said walking in from the back longue

“Everyone except me and everyone on my bus this morning” I said “Which reminds me I have to go check on them”

I walked off the bus and back to where Sophie and Joe were staying, Black Veil Brides' bus

The door was open so I stepped on and shut it behind me

Sophie was sitting on the couch holding her purse against her chest

“What the f*ck” I asked

“She’s been like that since I brought her stuff on” Joe said walking in

“I think she’s gonna pass out” Jason said from the booth

“Anyway” I said feeling akward “Joseph you have to entertain me today”

“Woah so he can entertain you and I can’t” Jason said

“Dude back off from my lil sis” Joe said to him

“Oh so you’re twins” he said

“Basically” I said “Now come on” I pulled him off the bus

“Ok, ok” he laughed once we were off “What do you wanna do”

“I wanna go get my baby and take it for a spin” I said

“Isn’t Charles like keeping it in his garage” Joe said

“Yup” I said

“So how are we gonna get there” he asked

“Someone had to have brought their car along” I said looking around

I couldn’t believe I had noticed Cameron’s black BMW attached to the back of their bus before

“Was that there yesterday” Joe asked pointing at it

“I have no idea” I said as we walked to the bus

I knocked on the door

Cameron answered, still in his pajamas

“Hey can we borrow your car” I asked

“Uh why” he asked

“Because I wanna go drive my car for the first time in months” I said

“Fine hold on” he said walking back in the bus

“So I have to drive his car back here” Joe said

“Can you drive stick” I asked

“Yeah” he said

“Then yeah” I said

Cameron came back and tossed me the keys

“Thanks. We’ll bring it back as soon as we can” I said

“You crash it you’re buying me a new one. I’ll tell Charles to go with you and unlock the hitch” Cameron said

“Thanks” I said and walked away

“Wow” Joe said “He trusts you”

“He’s barely awake, but he does trust me” I said

I unlocked the car

“Can I drive” Joe asked

“Sure” I said tossing him the keys

Charles came around the corner running

He was wearing flip flops, a white tee shirt with an American Flag on it, and red shorts

“Hey guys” he said holding his camera up

“You’re vlogging again” I said

“Yeah I haven’t the past couple days really, but Alli has” he said clicking the camera off

He put it in his pocket and unlocked the hitch

“Thanks” I said

“But I’m coming since you don’t have keys to the garage” he said

“Crap I forgot” I said as Joe got in “Sure come on”

I got in next to Joe and Charles got in the back

He vlogged the whole way as we went through Cameron’s CD collection

We pulled in his driveway

“Why is Hunter’s car here” Charles asked

“Not sure” I said “I can go find out if you get my car out of the garage”

“Sure” he said as I stepped out

I walked up to the front door and knocked

It was open

I walked in

“Alli” I called

No answer

I walked towards the back of the house where the bedrooms were

“Alli” I asked

There was noise coming from the bedroom

“Alli” said a man’s voice “You said your sink was broken. Well it’s not so I’m leaving”

“Oh come on Hunter” said Alli “Charles doesn’t have to find out”

“Alli I’m not going to sleep with you, even if you and Charles were weren't together. I don’t like you like that” Hunter said

“That’s not what you said the other night” Alli said

“Oh when I was so drunk I passed out 5 minutes in” he said

“So it was still good” she said

“No I’m leaving” he said

“Crap” I thought

I backed away from the door

It opened and Hunter Thomsen stepped out

“Hunter” Alli called after him

He saw me

“Are you Alli’s friend” he whispered

“Charles’s friend actually. I’ve hardly ever met Alli” I whispered

“Pretend to be my girlfriend” he whispered to me

He didn’t even ask why I was here

“What why” I said

“Please she won’t leave me alone” he begged

“Fine” I whispered

“What are you doing here” he said

“I could ask you the same” I said

Alli stepped out of the room

“____” she asked

“Really Alli” I asked Hunter

She was in a pink robe

“Look she wants to sleep with me and I said no. You know how drunk she got me the other night and how sorry I am” he said

“Really well why are you here now” I asked

“She said her sink was broken so I came to fix it figuring she was drunk the other night too” he said

“You are a f*cken b*tch” I said to Alli “A wh*re and a sl*t”

“What does Charles see in you” Hunter said

“Hunter” I said “We’re leaving”

I grabbed his hand

He interlaced our fingers and we walked out

“WHAT THE F*CK” Alli called after us

We got outside and started laughing

“Woah there” Charles said

We calmed down as we stepped off the porch

Joe whistled

“Cute couple” he said

I looked down and saw our hands were still interlaced

I pulled my hand away sure I was blushing

“Thank you so much ____” he said

“No problem” I said

“Sorry for the weird first meeting” he said

“It’s ok but we should get going Alli’s gonna be freaking out here soon” I said taking my keys from my pocket

“Hey Charles can you drive my car” Hunter asked

“Sure” Charles said

Hunter tossed him the keys and he caught them

“But why are you here” Charles asked

“I’ll have to tell you later” Hunter said

Alli stormed out of the house

“Charles” she asked

“Alli” he asked seeing her in the robe

Joe started Cameron’s car

I laughed

“Go” I said

Hunter and I ran to my car

The roof was down so we just jumped in

I heard Charles start Hunter’s Jeep

Quickly I started my car

“Go, go, go” Hunter urged

I didn’t even buckle my seat belt

Alli was yelling and coming off the porch

I heard tires squeal and looked back

Joe was leaving and Charles was right behind him

I backed out as fast as I could without hitting them

Soon we were racing down the street laughing

We got to the end of the street and turned back towards the venue

After about half a mile Joe pulled into a KFC

We pulled in behind him, along with Charles, and all parked side by side

I turned off my car

Joe put the window closest to us down and started laughing

Charles had the top of the Jeep down and was laughing too

“Wait so what happened” Charles asked after he calmed down

Hunter told them

“Wow that b*tch” Charles said “We are definitely over”

“Exactly” I said

Hunter turned to me

“Hello____ I’m Hunter Thomsen. I play guitar in We the Kings, but you already knew that” he smiled and stuck out his hand

“Nice to meet you Hunter” I smiled and shook his hand

“Hey the guys and I are having a 4th of July party tonight at Trav and Danny’s house. You guys wanna join us” Hunter asked

“Can we bring people” Joe asked

“Yeah not too many though like 5” he said “Cause they might kill me if there’s any more” he laughed

“Well I know where it is so I’ll lead the way later” Charles said

“What time” I asked

“7ish” Hunter said “No alcohol though because we have to get up early tomorrow”

“Ok” I said as he opened the door and got out

Charles got out of Hunter’s car and jumped in mine

“Hey” I said “Careful of the seats”

He laughed

“Let’s rock and roll” Joe said revving the car

I turned mine on

Hunter did the same

I revved mine

“Oh you just got poned” Charles said

“Shut up” Joe laughed

“Whatever bye” I said backing out of the spot I was parked in

I drove off and Charles turned myradio on

Staitrway to Heavenby Led Zepplin came on

“Jeez this is old” Charles said turning it up

“Yeah I know” I laughed

“Don’t you have a date at 6” Charles said

“Does everyone know about that” I asked

He laughed

“I’ll just bring him to the party” I said

“And ditch him” Charles asked

“Possibly” I said getting on the highway

Joe pulled up next to us

“Oh he’s challenging you” Charles said

The highway was mostly clear and the speed limit was 80

“He’s on” I said speeding up

We beat him back to the tour buses

I slammed on my brakes and turned in the middle of the buses

Joe did the same

We ended up sideways facing each other and our front ends of our cars were less than a foot apart

We had taken racing back when we first learned how to drive

I turned off my car and got out laughing

Charles was laughing so hard he almost fell over

I locked my car

Joe was laughing too as he got out ofCameron's car

“Good race sis” he said coming over to me

We high fived

“But I won” I said

“Whatever” he said

Every bus door opened

Kyle, Caleb, and John stood in the doorway of their bus, and Cameron, Eric, and David were in their doorway

I turned around and saw Adam smirking in his door way and Sophie running towards us

It was then I remembered Charles, Joe, Adam, Caleb, and I were the only people to ever see my car in person

Cameron came running over too

They both got there about the same time

“Here” Joe said tossing Cameron his keys

He caught them

“It looks good” Cameron said

He was wearing a white tee shirt with blue suspenders and red shorts

“Damn” Jason, the merch guy, said coming up to my car

“You guys left without me” Sophie said breathing hard

“Yup” I said

Black Veil Brides came out of their bus, and so did Kyle, John, and Caleb

“Dude” Jason, BVB manager said looking at my car

“This is my baby” I said

“Cool” Andy said

“SICK is more like it” Ashley said

“Guys” Adam said walking over “The show starts in like 10 minutes”

Everyone went a different direction

“Andy” I called after him

He turned around and smiled at me

“So much spirit it hurts my eyes” I joked

“Hey” he laughed “I have a blue bandana” he said like duh

“Oh yes I see it now” I laughed “So there’s this party thing I got invited to tonight and I know it’s not dinner but would you still like to go with me and like reschedule the dinner”

He smiled

“Hell yeah” he said “While you were gone I was talking to Adam about like what happened the other night” he trailed off

“Ok I figured this might come up” I said

“No it’s ok” he said

I looked at him weird

“Yeah he told me and uh” he said and rubbed the back of his neck and smiled

I still looked at him weird

“Really” he laughed “He told me like what you thought about me and what happened the whole night”

I laughed a little

“Adam always talks too much” I said

He laughed a little

“Well I think he's cool” he said

“He is so well I’ll see you tonight” I said and started walking back towards Adam’s bus

“Wait” he called

I turned around

“I never got your number” he said holding up his iPhone

I took it from him and added my number

“You do now” I smiled and walked away

When I was almost at the bus my phone beeped

I looked at it

Can’t wait for tonight ~Andy

I smiled and turned around

He was still standing there

He smiled at me

I smiled and went back to the bus

I added his number in my phone and sat on the couch

Adam came in the room

“Shouldn’t you be on Cameron’s bus” he asked

“Jeez trying to get rid of me already” I said standing

He laughed

“No but the show’s about to start” he said “And you have to join us on stage”

“I have to present again” I complained

“No you have to sing remember” he said

Crap the star spangled banner

“I hardly know the words” I said, trying to get my way out

“Bull” he said pulling me off the bus

We walked inside the arena

Black Veil Brides and The Downtown Fiction were standing around playing with their instruments

“Ok guys” I said loudly

They all turned their attention to me

I was a tour manager, I could do as I pleased

“We’re gonna sing the star spangled banner first so the sing off is gonna have to be pushed off a day” I said

“Since when” Jason the manager said

“Since we decided on it” Charles said

“Ok but Black Veil Brides can’t play one of their songs today because the certain guitar broke” Jason said

“And” Charles said

“Well we kinda said that song was gonna be played” Jason said

“Guys we have to start” Jason, the sound guy, said

“Ok” I said as he handed me a mic

I walked on stage

“How are we doing tonight Sarasota?” I asked

The crowd cheered

“Ok so before everyone gets on stage to sing the Star Spangled Banner I’m gonna tell you, a song that Black Veil Brides promised isn’t going to be able to be played tonight because the certain guitar on that song apparently broke.” air quotes “So you can boo them when they get on stage” I said they laughed “No I’m just kidding. Guys get up here so we can sing”

Everyone got on stage

Cameron stood on one side of me and Andy on the other

We made a line across the stage

“You guys ready” Cameron asked

The crowd cheered and he started singing

We all joined along

Andy wrapped his arm around my waist

I’m sure I was blushing and I was thankful when the song ended quickly after

“Ok” I said going up to the mic “That was great let’s give everyone in the room a round of applause”

Everyone clapped and cheered

“Ok so I believe we are on the Downtown Fiction’s stage right now so Cameron” I said and stepped aside

“Thank you_____ now everyone off my stage, except David and Eric unfortunately” he joked

I laughed and walked off stage

“Hey you did great up there” Adam said

“Thanks” I smiled

I looked at my phone

4:21 pm

“Crap” I said and ran back to the Downtown Fiction’s bus

When I opened up my computer I saw I had just missed the call

I'd have to wait another week to talk to my family

They were consitantly calling me when I couldn't answer

I sighed and sat on the couch

My phone rang

Andy was on the screen

“Hey” I answered

“Are you ok” he asked “I’m about to go on stage but I saw you run off so I wanted to make sure”

“Yeah” I smiled “I’m fine just forgot something important, now go rock their socks off”

“Kay, see you later” he said

“Bye” I hung up

I played my iPod for a while until David, Cameron, and Eric got on the bus

“Hey you ran off fast” Cameron said sitting next to me

“Ew you’re all sweaty” I said

“I was just on stage for half an hour” he said laughing

“So go put on some cologne or something” I said

“Fine” he said standing

“Thank you Cammy I love you” I called after him

“Yeah love you too” he said walking away

I laughed

After a few minutes him and the guys came out

“So you wanna go watch Adam perform” Cameron asked

I looked at my phone

5:13 pm

“Yeah we have to leave after he’s done anyway” I said standing

“Wait who” David asked

“Uh I know Cameron’s coming, Andy, Sophie, Charles, Joe” I said

“Wait where am I going” Cameron asked

“A party my new friend invited me too but I can’t bring too many people so” I said

“Can we go now” Eric said “I’ve got a date”

“With who” I asked as we got off the bus

“Yeah who’d wanna go out with you” Cameron said

I hit him

“Hey” he said

“The merch girl for Forever the Sickest kids” he said

“Wow” David said as we walked inside

“_____” Sophie said calling me over

“So” she said when I got there “Let me get this straight you, Cameron, Joe, Andy, Charles and I are going to a party”

“Yup” I said

“It’s gonna be epic” Charles said coming over

“We need to take two cars because um I can only fit two in mine” I said

“Exactly” Charles said “Joe, Cameron, Sophie, and I will go in Cameron’s car”

“What” Sophie asked

“Yeah Sophie can ride with me. I don’t think Andy would mind” I said

“Whatever” Charles said and walked away

Sophie and I started talking about the party

Then Charles walked over

“Hey guys we need to get going” he said

Adam was on his second to last song

“Ok” I said pulling my keys off my ring on my belt loop

We walked to the circle and I saw Cameron in his car already started car

Sophie and I got in mine

She turned on the radio after I started the car

Cameron started driving

I followed him

About 15 minutes through I spoke

“I don’t really wanna go” I said

“Me neither” she said

I laughed a little

“Well I’m on a date with Andy but I used to like Travis so" I said

“Same with Hunter and I think there's gonna be like some kind of impact, I mean there has to be” she said and laughed

We talked about how much we used to love them the rest of the way there, which was only about 10 minutes

Cameron pulled into the driveway next to Hunter’s Jeep

There was another Ferrari, which had to be Travis’s, and a mustang, which I’m assuming was Danny’s

I put the solid hood up and got out

As I walked to Cameron’s car, where everyone was getting out, I reached my keys over my shoulder and double locked my car

“Show off” Joe said

“Shut up Joseph” I said

“I can feel the twin love” Andy said

“Oh god not you too” I said as we approached the porch

He laughed

“Well I was in a car with 3 guys who know a lot about you” he said

I shook my head laughing a little

Charles knocked on the door

Hunter answered

“HEY ___, Charles, Joe, Cameron, Andy Sixx, and um” he said

“The only person you don’t know” Sophie said “Sophie LaPierre, Joe and ____’s cousin” she said sticking out her hand

“Hunter Thomsen” he said shaking it “Come in” he stepped inside

We all walked inside

Cameron shut the door behind him

“You must be ____” Danny said coming up to me “I’m Danny” he stuck his hand out smiling

“Yeah nice to meet you” I smiled shaking his hand

“Nice to meet you too” he said as we let go

Cameron was the only person that came here with me still in sight, and he was talking to Travis Clark

He was still kind of good looking, but I couldn't quite say he was hotter then Andy (IMPOSSIBLE ;)

I walked up to Cameron and tapped him on the shoulder

“Oh hey ____” he said

“Did you see where Sophie went I’m supposed to be making sure she doesn’t” I said and trailed off

“Crap you lost her that quick” Cameron said

“Hey shut up I met Danny Duncan and kinda lost her somewhere” I said

“Oh well meet Travis Clark” he said and gestured towards him

He smiled at me

I smiled back

“Travis Clark” he said sticking out his hand

“______” I said shaking it

“I like that” he said as we let go 

“Thanks” I laughed a little

“Oh” Cameron said “I see it now”

I looked at him weird

He leaned in and whispered in my ear

“Honey I know why you didn’t really seem too excited about coming here, especially with Andy, who could tell you weren’t too excited. You have a crush Travis over there so I suggest you make a move on one of them or neither of ‘em” he whispered

He pulled away

"Not anymore honey" I said

“Are you guys like” Travis asked pointing to us

“Oh god no he’s like my brother” I said “That’s gross”

“Oh thank you” Cameron said

“Love ya but I’m going to find my real brother” I said and started walking away

“You mean twin separated at birth” he called after me

“Shut up” I called back

Joe was outside sitting and Sophie was sitting with Hunter across from them

Danny and Andy were in the shed looking at a dirt bike

“Hey” I said sitting next to Joe

“Wait so you guys were born on the same day but a year apart, yet you’re so much like twins it’s scary” Hunter said

“Everybody says it but it gets annoying after a while I mean growing up people asked us if we were twins, or before we adopted Joe if we were related or dating and I’ve heard it so much” I said

“Me too” Joe said

Andy and Danny came and sat with us

Danny sat next to Hunter and Andy sat next to me

The back porch lights were starting to come on even though the sun wasn’t really set yet

“Let’s play a game” Sophie said

I looked at her weird

“How are we related” I asked

“We hardly are” she said “Truth or dare”

“Sure” Hunter said

“Why no” Danny said

“Whatever” Joe said

“Sounds like fun” Andy said

“Are we 12” I asked

“Almost” Sophie said “Someone go get Charles”

“I will” Danny said

He stood up and opened the door


I laughed as he sat back down

A minute later they walked out and sat down with us

Cameron Sophie HunterDanny Charles

Travis Andy Me Joe Drew

“Why am I in the middle of 4 guys” I asked

“____ that's what she said” Cameron said

I thought about it

“CAMERON” I said

Everyone started laughing

“Remember when you’d sit with(guyname)and(diff guy name)in 7th grade and they’d squish you” Joe said and started laughing harder

“Oh yeah at 6:30 in the morning just what I needed” I said

“Ok” Sophie said calming down

Everyone calmed down

“We are playing truth or dare and I think the oldest should go first” she said

“Aw what no” Charles said

“Oh wait I’m used to playing with just____ ok so um youngest would be me. Who’s birthday come first” Sophie asked “Like month wise. Wait that’s me. Ok so how about ABC order by last name”

“That means I’m first” I said

“Well that depends do I have do use my real last name” Andy asked

“Yup you can’t use Six” Sophie said

“Dang it so I’m first” he said

“So it goes Andy, ____, Joe, Travis I think, Danny, Cameron, me, Drew, Hunter and then Charles’s last” Sophie said

“Wait why am I after Drew” Hunter asked

“Because you and Drew have the same last name and D comes before H in the alphabet” Sophie said

“Oh ok” he said

“Wait I’m an _” Joe said (whatever ur last initail(s) are)

“I’m making you and ____B's now Andy” Sophie said

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